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Old 12th September 2017, 11:42   #31
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

I am bit confused about the number plates rule now.

My old 2002 santro had normal number plate written as KL 04 M XY and i had not faced any issues yet. Brought a new car and got the same two digit number, which will be KL 11 BH XY. Now the confusion starts with the new registration plate. I enquired some number plate shops and all of them are selling the fake HSRP with punched letters, IND, logo and the IND strip across the black ink. I asked them for the one as per the RTO leaflet and they denied the request upfront and replied that they are not manufacturing normal number plates. All are using the fake HSRP ones. Even the showroom guys adviced for this fake one

During my registration day, I observed the kerala MVD vehicles and the ones i saw has normal number plates as per the leaflet. Any recent updates or authoritive information on this? My major confusions are below.

1. If i make the registration plate as per the leaflet from kerala MVD , will i face any issues with TN or KA authorities, when i visit there?

2. Since mine is a two digit number, do i need to prefix 0's to it?

Meanwhile, come across the below as well.

Saw the pink police patrol by kerala police sporting a fake HSRP!
Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates-pink3.jpg
Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates-mamtha.jpg

This Kerala police interceptor has a similar number as mine. But still confused, whether i need to prefix 0 before the two digit number.
Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates-1.jpg

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Old 12th September 2017, 12:53   #32
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by sujithsidhardha View Post
I am bit confused about the number plates rule now.

1. If i make the registration plate as per the leaflet from kerala MVD , will i face any issues with TN or KA authorities, when i visit there?

2. Since mine is a two digit number, do i need to prefix 0's to it?
Dont know about Kerala but in Karnataka there is no such issue with the fake IND/HSRP plates. When I recently bought a vespa it came with the IND plates. When asked if its legal they said it is as they have not got any complaints from anyone. Even we have not been stopped by any policemen. So I believe it should be fine in KA (But do note you will still be stopped and documents verified for driving a KL registered vehicle though!).

With respect to the 2 digit numbers, below is what I heard from an SI when I went to pay a fine.

"Vehicle numbers should be 4 digits. If its anything less than 4 than 0's should be added before it to make it 4 digits". My bike has only 3 digits in the regn no but he suggested me to add 0 and make it 4.
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Old 12th September 2017, 12:56   #33
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by sujithsidhardha View Post
1. If i make the registration plate as per the leaflet from kerala MVD , will i face any issues with TN or KA authorities, when i visit there?

2. Since mine is a two digit number, do i need to prefix 0's to it?
Prefix zeroes are not needed. AFAIK it might be even illegal to do this as you are supposed to show only the number on your RC. As for the number plate, TN police used to fine KL cars carrying fake IND plates. I suppose you should be on the clear as long as the fake hologram and IND sticker are not used. Maybe someone who frequents TN and KA can clarify.
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Old 12th September 2017, 13:15   #34
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by sujithsidhardha View Post
I am bit confused about the number plates rule now.
1. If i make the registration plate as per the leaflet from kerala MVD , will i face any issues with TN or KA authorities, when i visit there?

2. Since mine is a two digit number, do i need to prefix 0's to it?
On the first issue, if you are getting a HSRP-type number plate (not the real deal), then please make sure that the plate does not have the "IND" or hologram sticker on it. Tamil Nadu had a recent crackdown on look-alike HSRP sporting the "IND" text and hologram. No issues at all in Karnataka with fake HSRP though.

As far as prefixing 0 is concerned - please take a look at your RC card. Registration number has to be printed on the number plate exactly as it is mentioned in the RC card. In our case, there is a scooter in our household with a 3-digit number (AB 999), and the RC card clearly has the prefixed zero (AB 0999). I would concur with @TorqueyTechie here.

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Old 12th September 2017, 13:33   #35
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

I think as long as the plates dont contain anything apart from the registration number of the vehicle, and in a clear font, the cops wont have a problem. I have German number plate fonts on all four vehicles at home(two cars and bikes) and they do a considerable amount of running if we take it cumulatively. I have not been stopped for the number plate any time though my commute from office to home everyday involves passing through at least six traffic police checkpoints on an average day and more than 10 if the cops are on a roll.

I think at least in Bangalore the crackdown is on fancy fonts, non white backgrounds, the four digit theory and so. My Dio has the number stickered on the paint itself and was stopped by the police once, but just told that there needs to be a distinct plate and no fine was levied.
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Old 12th September 2017, 14:34   #36
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Crackdown on fancy and artistic number plates is always a welcome step. Despite the advent of HSRPs its still quite prevalent among the motorists to go in for numbers plates which don't conform to the laid down norms.

Types of violations are:
1. Small size of number plates which makes it difficult to read the registration number of the vehicle.

2. Using regional languages on the number plate to write the registration number which can't be read by people from other states. For instance in the North Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh its quite common to see number plates with fonts in Devanagari script.

3. Use of artistic fonts on number plates also causes confusion in the minds of readers.

Therefore the authorities need to step in to check this nuisance. Moreover the HSRP fixation procedure should also been taken up at war footing at the RTO level to bring in the uniformity across the nation.
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Old 13th September 2017, 11:25   #37
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
I think as long as the plates dont contain anything apart from the registration number of the vehicle, and in a clear font, the cops wont have a problem.
I enquired this with an MVI, who is a close friend of my friend and he told that all those so called HSRP's in kerala are a way to loot the customers. He clarified that the number should be legible and avoid using any fancy fonts. He adviced to paint it or if possible, punch it.

He didn't provided any standards as per the leaflet and hence i am not convinced completely. Anyway, i am planning to punch & paint the number plates as per the leaflet. If i come across any trouble from any cops, i can refer the MVI's name. Hope he won't deny.

Meanwhile, one of my friend was threatened by POLICE for using painted number plates on his Riyal Enfield and adviced him to change it to punched ones. Funny thing is that the same enfield got the re registration done from MVD a week before. My friend politely told that he got the re regitration done
and MVD didn't raised any concerns on this. Then the Police inspector told him that he was not supposed to get the re registration with the painted number plate !

Who is right here? Police or MVD? I believe anything related to registration plates should come under the jurisdiction of MVD. Rules are from MVD and why police is unnecessary creating confusion among public? See the below photo of MVD vehicle, which seems to be painted number plate. All of the MVD vehicles i saw during my car registration last day are of painted ones and seems they adhere to the leaflet.

Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates-16464f20_interceptor_1870497f.jpg
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Old 13th September 2017, 11:45   #38
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

IMO, the so called "FAKE" High Security Registration Plates or simply called the IND number plates do a much better job than any of those independently designed/painted/stickered/according to whatever rule plates for the following reasons:
  1. Safety- the white reflective background really lights up at night.
  2. Easy to comprehend- Easier to read and spot the vehicle. Comes in standard sizes.
  3. Looks subtle and clean.

    I still can't fathom, why people keep ranting. Tamil Nadu says, having the national emblem/IND on the plates is illegal. OK, so why don't they bring in the legal plates and enforce it! I guess, this is all one of those cheap tactics for the officers to mint money.

    Exactly how does a painted plate win over a professionally made standardized embossed plate?

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Old 15th September 2017, 10:38   #39
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by jeeva View Post
IMO, the so called "FAKE" High Security Registration Plates or simply called the IND number plates do a much better job than any of those independently designed/painted/stickered/according to whatever rule plates for the following reasons:
  1. Safety- the white reflective background really lights up at night.
  2. Easy to comprehend- Easier to read and spot the vehicle. Comes in standard sizes.
  3. Looks subtle and clean.
It has to be understood by the Police as well as the MVD. As long as they find it a way to loot common man, no way out!

Originally Posted by jeeva View Post
Safety- the white reflective background really lights up at night.
Agree its safe for the vehicle. But just curious whether the number on such a reflective background display properly on a speed/ traffic cam with flashlight at night? See the photo taken with a flash.

Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates-img_20170914_181704.jpg

I provided the leaflet at shop and gave clear instruction to avoid using any reflective paint as background and it should be white itself. He simply used white reflective board. Space between the letters are also not as per the specification. More over the plate has the brand name of the manufacturing company as well. But these people insist that it's the standard and won't face any issue. . I am going to paint the background myself eith white this sunday. Meanwhile, in the search to find a shop who will get it done as per the specification and to my satisfaction.

It may/ maynot help, but if i adhere to the standard, i have atleast a leaflet to show in TN or KA, in case someone stops for the registration plate reason.

Originally Posted by jeeva View Post
I guess, this is all one of those cheap tactics for the officers to mint money. [/list]

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Old 16th September 2017, 12:23   #40
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Attention KL guys, looks like all of us may have to purchase new plates soon.

Vehicles to get high-security registration plates
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: After dilly-dallying for years, the state has taken steps to initiate the high-security registration plate (HSRP) scheme for vehicles. Motor vehicles department has begun tender works for the implementation of the project.
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Old 16th September 2017, 12:56   #41
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by darklord View Post
Attention KL guys, looks like all of us may have to purchase new plates soon.

Vehicles to get high-security registration plates
So there should be a standard and if its issued by MVD, peace of mind after fixing! Authorities need to find another reason to mint money!
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Old 16th September 2017, 13:41   #42
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

As per a local daily, HSRP plates are going to be issued for new cars in a month's time. Older cars need to get these plates installed by 2019.
I have fake HSRP plates on my car. I guess once RTO starts to issue HSRP plates, fake once like mine are going to be pulled up and fined. Time to get rid of those number plate I think.
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Old 8th December 2018, 08:06   #43
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

What is the correct format for number plates??

KL 01 AB 1234
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Old 10th December 2018, 17:55   #44
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

Originally Posted by deemash View Post
What is the correct format for number plates??

KL 01 AB 1234
As per Kerala MVD, KL 01 AB 1234 is the correct one. Please refer the below image.
Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates-image-30.jpg
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Old 28th September 2020, 16:05   #45
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Re: Kerala MVD announces crackdown on "artistic" number plates

This drive seems to have started again. The clamp down is not just on illegal registration plates but even on modifications like alloy wheels, horns, lights etc. There are few whats app audio clips doing the rounds in which someone from the press talking about him being stopped. He was asked if he's paid advertisement tax for the Asianet/Star group sticker on his windshield and he was asked to remove it. They have even asked him to remove other small stickers bearing his family members' names. I'm just wondering if the days of my LTD T BHP stickers on my car are counted, with a trip to Kerala on the anvil

I couldn't verify these news. A quick search in the malayalam online media didn't fetch any results. There are other audio messages supposedly from vehicle owners doing rounds which suggests MVD/ RTO are on an aggressive hunt. The message also says there was a strike by the staffs for a revision in their compensation and benefits for which the govt proposed a share of the fine collected on violations. They're offered 30% it says.

Please note I don't know the veracity of the news. Members in the know of this development can chime in.

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