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Old 12th April 2013, 22:51   #106
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Keeping morality aside for a moment, is that kid old enough to understand the concept of grievous bodily harm and possible death?

'Own/Private property' is not the same as 'controlled environment'. A controlled environment is one which is equipped to handle all contingencies, which I doubt this 'residential property' has, no matter how 'posh' it is.

I have no issue with people hiring out a race-track (with proper facilities, and provided they follow all safety regulations) to get their dose of speed.

Activities on the video are illegal and extremely dangerous, and I find it sad that some t-bhpians are defending/applauding them.
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Old 12th April 2013, 23:01   #107
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Originally Posted by Derezzed View Post
Side 2: That kid is one heck of a driver. Its amazing how his legs reach the accelerator and brake pedals. His poise while driving and the gentle feathering of the accelerator pedal makes me believe he should be in a Formula 1 car in 8 years time.
You are so wrong there mate, one heck of a driver, may be, but not a formula 1 driver in 8 years. Formula 1 drivers did drive when they were 10, not in Ferrari's up and down the colony roads but in karts around a race track.
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Old 13th April 2013, 00:10   #108
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Well with so much popularity in one day, I am sure NOT the RTO but the Income tax will definitely contact the parents.

To all those who are saying that this is a gated community and private property etc etc. Answer one question, IF the kid knocks someone down and there's a fatality or any fatality for that matter even a murder. Will the cops come or no. Once you have that answer, you know what is right or wrong.

Upbringing means valuing money as well.

Last edited by mmmjgm : 13th April 2013 at 00:20.
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Old 13th April 2013, 00:20   #109
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

This just goes to show that having money and class are two different things.

For a person of this clout and he could have taken his son onto a track or a dedicated place to drive, of course not the ferrari. No matter how skilled the young driver is, he will find it difficult to comprehend the terms, momentum, cornering issues and fight his emotions and fears or aggression when faced with danger and having to take split second decisions, if an event were to occur.

Is this wait we imprint our children with? Is this what we want them to learn? Do we want them to be good citizens of mother earth or a overtly aggressive, spoilt punk who knows the value of nothing but the price of everything?

In my doctoral research on dental caries in India, children of rich parents did not show any reduction in dental caries rates compared with children of parents with lower socioeconomic status. This was shocking as it is expected that with better financial status better would be the oral health status. Finally other things revealed that the parents were not making the time and effort necessary to enable the child to learn oral hygiene measures. How lazy could one we thought. (we did not know that they were busy making videos)

How can they not make the mental effort to learn, practice and then pass on the right way of living? Difficult no? Don't put in the effort. Just buy him a toy and think that their responsibilities are through.

In twenty years time, they wake up with OMG, how did this happen? we gave him everything.. (based on research..not philosophical leanings).

When will we do the right things? Why is it that the privileged break the rules consistently and regularly? Is this the culture and upbringing we want to impart to our children and the future of India. How will our country be any different to other nations? We have a tremendous culture and tradition. It was all about who you are on the inside when no one was watching you...never about what you are or have when people are watching you.

God save my beloved India? Or is CTL+ALt+ Del the only way!

Shame on you papa and mama (of the child in the video). Thanks for sharing Scorcher! May be a PIL is the way to go?
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Old 13th April 2013, 01:05   #110
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Some of you guys think he should be in a F1 car ?

Ayrton Senna/Fangio/Hill/Hunt would be slamming their heads against the coffin.

As someone who deeply loves F1 and has great respect for the men who participate in it, please do not disrespect Formula One like this. I beg you.

This is serious sacrilege and i cant believe I'm reading this stuff on TBHP out of all the places.

Last edited by D33-PAC : 13th April 2013 at 01:07.
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Old 13th April 2013, 05:00   #111
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Originally Posted by D33-PAC View Post
This is serious sacrilege and i cant believe I'm reading this stuff on TBHP out of all the places.
Exactly my thoughts! A kid on a joyride being called a genius and a potential F1 driver. This thread deserves to be locked away. If thrissur police has an fb page, would be good to show them the link.
But then, its India. A guy who can own a ferrari can also buy off any police or media attention.
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Old 13th April 2013, 05:20   #112
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Originally Posted by swami.n View Post
But in real time, if we are talking about following rules and laws, what can we term the reality shows using small children for singing and dancing to make money? Is it not child labor? But we all tend to praise the kids when an 8yr old sings a film song superbly, when small kids wear reveling outfits in the dance shows.

But suddenly we all start following rules when a kid is seen driving a supercar. Now a days I see a lot of school kids taking activas and some even motorbikes to school. We dont care about that, do we?
It is just because singing and wearing revealing clothes is not going to kill anyone anyday. But a 10 year old sitting behind the wheel of a 500ps car on a road that is used by human beings is definitely more destructive than earning money in a reality show. Isn't it?
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Old 13th April 2013, 07:59   #113
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

The video would have looked much nicer if shot on a Nokia Lumia 920 with OIS.

But jokes apart, I can't understand the people here who are saying that this kid's a driving genius, that he's skillful or that he will grow up to be a good driver or even a racing champion! I mean, you gauged all that by watching a couple minutes of footage? Wow, you guys are real geniuses! You have such talent for deep insight with limited input of information!

There must be respect for the law. Sorry to say, but some here in Team-BHP miss that point. And it doesn't matter if it's a Ferrari or a humble Tata Nano, this shouldn't be happening in any case, because, you know, it's against the law.

My brother-in-law was almost killed just yesterday because he lost concentration while talking on the phone while driving. He's okay now, but he was breaking the law, and laws exist for a reason. It took a momentary lapse in concentration and his car was totaled, he almost died and almost killed his passenger too.

Let us not belittle the LAW here, please. If you don't know the law, I'm assuming that you are at least aware of the "Team-BHP Board Rules" as evidently you are a member here.

No.11 on that list says, "11. Team-BHP maintains a strong stand against drinking & driving, underage driving, street racing and any other form of dangerous driving. Posts that don't abide by this view, or containing ANY alcohol content (in text or pictures, directly or indirectly), will not be entertained on the forum"

Request the mods to go through the thread and do some garbage cleaning.
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Old 13th April 2013, 08:01   #114
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Since the car is driven by an under-aged driver, I don't think even the insurance company will come into picture in the event of a mishap. That goes on to show the arrogance and "I don't care" attitude of that filthy rich guy.
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Old 13th April 2013, 09:24   #115
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@ schorcy. Bro this is regarding the YouTube comment that you posted. Do you really think this kid could throw around car like other "reckless" supercar owners. Ofcourse he cannot. He is not capable of doing that and hence that kid is driving so slowly. He can barely look above his steering leave alone driving in a rash manner.

Now coming back to this issue, few members have always surprised me when it came to safety. More so because they the Bhpians and we promote safety . Many of us have started driving early(not me) but it would not be fair to compare a 10 year old with 500 horses to a 10 year old with 100 horses.

That's 50 horses a year. that's a little more dangerous.

Last edited by Pancham : 13th April 2013 at 09:26.
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Old 25th April 2013, 18:09   #116
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Reaction from the Kid's Mom is shocking

Video Interview
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Old 27th April 2013, 15:29   #117
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

BHPian Ontheroad drops an update:

At last the law is catching up. In todays MalayalaManorama newspaper, it is said that police has taken a case against the boy according to Juvinale justice act 23 and another case against his father according to MVR rules.
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Old 28th April 2013, 12:35   #118
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

It's been reported in today's ToI as well.

Peramangalam police immediately swung into action and summoned Mohammed Nisham (the boy's father) on Friday to explain about allowing his minor son drive the heavy powered Italian vehicle.
Nisham was booked under section 23 of the Juvenile Justice Act for encouraging underage driving and under the Motor Vehicles act for allowing unlicensed child drive the vehicle.
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Old 30th April 2013, 15:45   #119
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

Update from Business Standard - Father Arrested
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Old 17th June 2013, 11:12   #120
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Re: Video: 10 year old kid driving a Ferrari in India

The father of the kid is in trouble again!

Businessman Mohammed Nisham, who was recently booked after uploading a video of his nine-year-old son driving a Ferrari F 430 on YouTube, has had another run in with the law. He has been arrested on charge of misbehaving with a policewoman on duty here on Thursday night.

Nisham, who runs a tobacco and real estate business, was stopped by the police for a routine check while he was driving his Rolls Royce at Sakthan Nagar. In a fit of rage, Nisham flung open the door of his car and hauled the policewoman into the car. The police said Nisham was drunk at the time.
More police officers reached the spot and rescued the woman sub-inspector. Nisham’s wife was in the car at the time of the incident.
Link to the article.
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