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Old 31st May 2017, 00:14   #601
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Bengaluru cops are getting more chilled out by the day The duo on the two wheeler did not even realise someone was taking their picture. Poor souls.
What was their fault? The rider has his helmet on. Anything else that I'm missing?

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Old 31st May 2017, 03:41   #602
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Octane_Power View Post
What was their fault? The rider has his helmet on. Anything else that I'm missing?
The rider has the helmet on, alright. But the pillion doesn't and it's a traffic offence in Bangalore. Not sure if they crossed the stop line as well, then the Activa owner would get two challans - IF the traffic cop decides to raise the violations.
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Old 31st May 2017, 09:06   #603
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

One funny thing happened with me while I was in Calcutta for a year. I used to go to salt lake daily from Lans Downe area and as the route was the same for the airport, the normal practice was that travel agency cabs used pass by a lot looking for passengers to Salt lake to make some side money, and that's how I always travelled, 20 bucks for a 12 km ride with the AC on.

Those days I used to work out religiously at home, and had my body in pretty good shape with a clearly visible shapely chest and well formed biceps and triceps. One day I had left early to avoid traffic and the cab driver was a young guy and I was alone as I had left at 7 on the morning. I was sitting in the back and all this while this guy was repeatedly looking at me from the centre rear view mirror, and I was thinking if he's upto something fishy. Finally after entering salt lake sector five, we reach a red light outside Nicco Park, this guy immediately jumps out of the cab, starts turning around to show his body and says, "sir mujhe bhi apke jaisa body chahiye." (he was quite thin and bony) "mereko aapke jaisa body ke liye kya karna hoga."

His teeth were all red with gutkha and pan, so I told him the first thing you need to do is stop chewing tobacco as it will ruin your health. Forget about a good body, if you don't stop, few years down the line you'll have difficulty in even opening your mouth to put food inside.

After that he thanked me, got in the cab and off we went.
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Old 1st June 2017, 23:15   #604
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Nice to see people giving way to emergency vehicles .

See first 3 minutes of this video.

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Old 2nd June 2017, 11:42   #605
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ecenandu View Post
Nice to see people giving way to emergency vehicles .

See first 3 minutes of this video
That looks like Koyilandy Town - one of the greatest bottleneck on the Kozhikkode-Vadakara-Kannur stretch. Really a feat that the ambulance crossed it within 3 minutes. I was stuck for twenty minutes last month (happens to be my home town too)
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Old 5th June 2017, 09:33   #606
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Location: Electronics City Phase 2 Toll Plaza (Bangalore)

For me, this was certainly heartwarming, especially when we rant so much about Bangalore's traffic. Check out after 25s.

Either all these drivers have reformed overnight or they are all regulars and know that the right lane is for FASTag. Nevertheless, this certainly deserves appreciation.

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Old 5th June 2017, 10:12   #607
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Location: Electronics City Phase 2 Toll Plaza (Bangalore)

For me, this was certainly heartwarming, especially when we rant so much about Bangalore's traffic. Check out after 25s.

Either all these drivers have reformed overnight or they are all regulars and know that the right lane is for FASTag. Nevertheless, this certainly deserves appreciation.
Maybe the regulars are used to the whole system and they dont want to cut the line and then have an altercation trying to merge back into the queue. All it takes is one moron who thinks he is smart and tries jumping the queue, and he will immediately have followers hailing him. That will ruin the beautiful scene and spoil everything. This happens to me when I enter the Fastag lane at Hoskote. I will see two other vehicles tailing me, just to get stopped at the gate and sent back to the other lanes. Now if this happens ahead of me, I will have to end up waiting for the guy(non Fastag) ahead to get convinced that the lane is not meant for him. I give a violent honk and things get sorted.
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Old 5th June 2017, 10:19   #608
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Maybe the regulars are used to the whole system and they dont want to cut the line and then have an altercation trying to merge back into the queue.
At this time of the day, certainly regulars but spotting regulars regularly sneaking into the FASTag lane is a regular affair .

What I was also surprised is the there were quite a few cabs too, which followed discipline and waited patiently.

All it takes is one moron who thinks he is smart and tries jumping the queue, and he will immediately have followers hailing him. That will ruin the beautiful scene and spoil everything. This happens to me when I enter the Fastag lane at Hoskote. I will see two other vehicles tailing me, just to get stopped at the gate and sent back to the other lanes. Now if this happens ahead of me, I will have to end up waiting for the guy(non Fastag) ahead to get convinced that the lane is not meant for him. I give a violent honk and things get sorted.
I was discussing this the other day with few friends. At one of the toll booths in MH, a month back when I was driving back to Bangalore, there was a Truck that was ahead of me in the FASTag lane while I was next and the Guard asked me to wait till the truck's tag is validated and the barrier operates and closes after it passed.

Now it was my turn, I start moving, I can see the light turn green and the barricade open and as I gain momentum, I see a KA22 Jetta on the adjacent cash lane spotting this "opportunity" and jumping into my lane only to be stopped ahead by the booth staff. He could do so because they had a small gap here to put back non FASTag folks into cash lane if they entered by mistake.

While he passed ahead of me, I just told my father that wait for the barrier to close now right on our car and it did hit on my windscreen. Luckily, since these barriers are of flexible plastic material, there was no damage but what I was furious is the fact that we all have known - Money can't buy common sense. That Jetta Driver certainly did not have.

After reaching home I realised that this incident wasn't captured in my Dashcam as it was more than 8 hours limit of my Dashcam.
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Old 5th June 2017, 11:06   #609
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Haha and the police duo didn't know they were being filmed.
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Old 5th June 2017, 13:47   #610
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ecenandu View Post
Nice to see people giving way to emergency vehicles .

See first 3 minutes of this video.
Nice to see the way he was able to get away. Education is the only way we can initiate the change.

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Location: Electronics City Phase 2 Toll Plaza (Bangalore)

For me, this was certainly heartwarming, especially when we rant so much about Bangalore's traffic. Check out after 25s.

Either all these drivers have reformed overnight or they are all regulars and know that the right lane is for FASTag. Nevertheless, this certainly deserves appreciation.
It is encouraging to see a positive change. Hope this continues and we see a better country and city
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Old 9th June 2017, 16:48   #611
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Roughly 18 months back, when I had recently bought my car and was still learning how to drive (properly), I embarked on a trip to Chikmagalur and Mullyanagiri peak. I mean I knew driving but I wasn't all that confident in heavy traffic and in tight hairpin corners. And I was way behind in gauging the space I would need for my car to pass through.
So this happened while climbing Mullyanagiri peak. I was understandably occupying more space than I needed and there was an old man (dressed in simple but crisp ironed clothes) on the downhill path on the same uneven road. He said that I could still shift at least 3 feet towards the corner and both cars would easily pass each other.
I just said I am new to driving and I don't know if I'll overshoot the 3 feet gap. There was literally no other option because cars were piling up on both ends.

Seeing my fear of the drop (Mullyanagiri has no boundaries near the top, where I was stuck) he decided to help. It makes me feel very guilty thinking about it now, but he decided to pick a heavy looking stone (despite his age) and placed it at the corner near the drop and asked me to turn towards it slowly till I touch the stone. Once I touched (rather hit it slowly), he asked me to straighten the steering and proceed further.
He even guided me by walk (by walking right behind me) for another 50 or so meters till I cleared his side of queued up cars and waved me good luck. I couldn't even say thank you loud enough for him to hear. I feel sad even today that I should have gotten down for 5 seconds and touched his feet or given him a hug at least.

But I think I passed my gratitude for the old man to someone else today. I believe these things cannot be repaid, but only passed on to others by helping them. I was riding to office with a severe back ache. I guess it's got to do with the nippy cold monsoon morning weather. I got up with severe back ache today. Anyways, about 2 km before reaching office, I saw this man with his kid (5-6 years old types) riding in the same direction, both wearing formals, probably him dropping his young lad to school and he on his way to office. His scooter had a flat tire and he was just stuck in the middle of the road with people honking and still passing him from both sides without letting him reach either side. I somehow managed to help him to the left side without either of us getting hit. I tried to recall if I've seen a mechanic nearby but all I could remember were concrete IT parks, so I offered to help him change the tire with the (bald) spare tire he was carrying. I parked my bike on the main stand and his boy happily perched on it and immediately started crouching and making exhaust noises.

The man had just one spanner and a wrench but I luckily had a few tools of my own. Despite the back hurting really bad I bent in awkward angles on the side of the road while he held his scoot at an angle on the main stand. I didn't want to dirty my cream trousers and hence I couldn't even balance my knees on the muddy Bangalore roads. After around 10 mins of struggle, we got the wheel out. Fitting the spare was easy. It was a bit under inflated though (maybe it was bolted on at the back for years). It was fit in very less time. I advised him to refill the tire ASAP and preferably switch it with the good one after repair soon because bald tires in rain can be deadly.

He just smiled and said thank you. Those words brought me back my Chikmagalur memories. Thank you sir (the old man)!
I hope I repaid you for your kind help that day, I could bring relief to a boy and his dad, both of whom might have gotten late for their duties otherwise.

<long post, >
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Old 12th June 2017, 13:01   #612
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Yesterday, while driving back home, I entered the service lane adjacent to OMR from Indira Nagar, driving towards Tidel Park. As soon as I turn into the service, I spot a physically challenged man on a three-wheeler cycle [with a hand-operated pedal] bending over to the side, trying to pick up something fallen on the road. As I drive past looking at him, he looks at me and signals if I can help him pick up whatever's fallen down. I slow down to a stop, park the car on the side and walk back towards him. I realise that I had mistaken his hand gesture and nothing had fallen down. He was signalling to ask if I can pull out a stuck mud-guard on one of the rear wheels.

Here goes the conversation that followed [in Tamil though]
Him : Sir, can you please help me with this mud-guard? Its broken.
Me : Sure, let me straighten it.
Him : Sir, my tyre burst and I fell down. Somehow managed to get up and sit back on the cycle.
Me : Right. How do you plan to go any further, your tyre is burst.
Him : Yes sir. Could you please lend me some money, will try and get the tyre repaired?!
Me : Alright, here you go - take this 100 and get it repaired.

As I start walking back, a motorcycle rider slows down as he approaches me. He lifts up his visor and tells me "I gave him 200 last week at the same spot" and smiles. After a fraction of a second, I burst out laughing and tell him "it has to go when it has to go" [I meant money] and walk towards my car. He rides off!

Last edited by Aditya : 20th June 2017 at 07:53. Reason: Typo
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Old 12th June 2017, 15:43   #613
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Kaumad View Post

As I start walking back, a motorcycle rider slows down as he approaches me. He lifts up his visor and tells me "I gave him 200 last week at the same spot" and smiles. After a fraction of a second, I burst out laughing and tell him "it has to go when it has to go" [I meant money] and walk towards my car. He rides off!
I think you did a wonderful thing. I love your attitude.

I believe one should not stop helping others if possible, even if you come across some bad apples along the way. Out of 10 time, there would definitely be atleast 3-4 times that your help would make a difference to the situation.
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Old 12th June 2017, 17:13   #614
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Kaumad View Post
Yesterday, while driving back home, I entered the service lane adjacent to OMR from Indira Nagar, driving towards Tidel Park. As soon as I turn into the service, I spot a physically challenged man on a three-wheeler cycle [with a hand-operated pedal] bending over to the side, trying to pick up something fallen on the road. As I drive past looking at him, he looks at me and signals if I can help him pick up whatever's fallen down. I slow down to a stop, park the car on the side and walk back towards him. I realise that I had mistaken his hand gesture and nothing had fallen down. He was signalling to ask if I can pull out a stuck mud-guard on one of the rear wheels.

As I start walking back, a motorcycle rider slows down as he approaches me. He lifts up his visor and tells me "I gave him 200 last week at the same spot" and smiles. After a fraction of a second, I burst out laughing and tell him "it has to go when it has to go" [I meant money] and walk towards my car. He rides off!
The exact thing happened with me a couple of years back, just that it happened near Theosophical society curve in Besant Nagar. He waved his hand and I thought he wanted to cross the road so I stopped in front and came back to help him when he said that his tyre has burst. I had only a 500 rupee note with me so I gave that to him. Let's hope that it was used for genuine purposes. Even if not, there is always Karma

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Old 12th June 2017, 18:19   #615
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Hmm, don't you think it already is?

Originally Posted by arvind71181 View Post
Even if not, there is always Karma
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...... physically challenged man on a three-wheeler cycle [with a hand-operated pedal] ......
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