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Old 4th October 2015, 17:14   #316
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by vin11 View Post
As I neared the turn to exit that road, I looked back at the ORVM and saw the same figure (in a saree) removing the wig and walking to the other end of the road! I realised that it was a poor man (beggar, etc.) who had planned to scare me and probably take my wallet or mobile.
Are you sure it wasn't the work of one of those numerous, boring, phony, irritating 'Prank' YouTube channels of Delhi?

Anyway, now that you've narrated this incident, I'm thankful to you. We do early morning bike rides every other weekend and hit the road when most of the junta is probably deep in slumber. This is almost around the time when these clowns strike.
If it ever happens to me, I'll make sure I'll shift into a gear higher and charge on them until they scoot for dear life. Perhaps a nice little 'massage' to the 'ghost' shall follow.
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Old 4th October 2015, 20:03   #317
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

During my college days I used to drive our car to college for Exams because the exam was usually held in the afternoon. I had to take a sharp left turn on a narrow street and since my car was a Tata Estate turning around that intersection was a nightmare. I kept to the left lane and then due the car's length flicked it to the right then back to left. A biker tried to squeeze through my left but when I came to the main road a KSRTC bus greeted me and I flicked to the left trying to avoid a head on crash. I knocked the bike and he was down. As usual people gathered and started blaming me but the unhurt biker accepted his mistake for overtaking through the left lane in such a tight corner. Yes there are drivers willing to accept their faults
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Old 16th October 2015, 19:08   #318
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Never a dull moment in a Mumbai cab. In these days of Ola, Uber and Santro/ Wagon R taxis, it is sometimes a nostalgic surprise to be reminded of the thrilling, death-defying, mostly frustrating and occasionally funny experience that traveling in Mumbai cabs used to invoke in the past.

This happened to me yesterday. I hailed a "traditional" black-and-yellow cab to head from office to home, a distance of 3 km. This one was a Premier Padmini which checked all the boxes - troublesome door handle, jammed window winder, no side mirrors, top speed 40kph (can be achieved only if given a free runway of 1 km assisted by a gentle downslope), all kinds of strange rattling noises and at least one incongruous item on the dashboard (in this case it was a receipt printer!).

OK I didn't pay attention to all of this, and as we started rolling I pottered around on my Iphone. We are driving for a couple of minutes when suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, the door next to me swings wide open! Before I knew it, the door had opened the best part of 90 degrees and I let out a startled yelp. Fortunately, it did not hit any other vehicle and I managed to grab the door and close it back. The driver looks back in concern and then calmly tells me: "Lagta hai door mein kuch problem hai, pehle bhi ek baar aisa hua hai." (Seems there is a problem with the door, the same thing has happened once before.)

While I am speaking to him, I notice that the window which is wound up two-thirds of the way, is not fixed in place but is tilted at an angle as if it has slipped out of place. I suggest to the driver that it's probably the window which is interfering with the door latch and causing it to open. He tried to wind it, but the winder is jammed. So he reaches over and gives an almighty whack at the top edge of the window with a vertical hand movement. The window promptly obeys his order and falls into place in the open position. I am speechless by now.

Problem sorted, we continue on our merry journey and reach the destination safely. Afterwards, I was relating the episode to my daughters and they could not stop laughing. Day's entertainment for a price of less than Rs.50.
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Old 3rd November 2015, 23:25   #319
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

On our return trip from Goa (between Sawantwadi & Amboli), saw a live accident right in front of me. A Manza tried to overtake a bike on a right hand bend, banged straight into a Santro.

The front passenger in Santro had two visible cuts - one on his nose & one on upper lip. His wife & draughter were screaming (they were heavily shaking & about to faint) but this guy was so composed during this time. When the Santro driver started shouting at the Manza driver, this guy asked him to cool down. We were there for around 10 mins, not once did the victim seem to lose his cool.

The bad part was his mom had passed away & they were on the way to see her body. His daughter said he had undergone bye pass surgery & they were seriously worried about the impact.

The impact was due to him not wearing the seatbelt & smashing on the windshield during the collision. Thought I'll share it because he probably is the best guy I would come across, in terms of his composure during such a bad instance. If he had gone bonkers, it would have only helped to put more pressure on his family members.
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Old 9th November 2015, 11:17   #320
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Spotted this couple on the bangalore -salem highway.
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Old 9th November 2015, 12:12   #321
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
Spotted this couple on the bangalore -salem highway.
The first word which came to my mind was 'Immoral trafficking'

What suprises me is not the way they are traveling, but atleast from the baggage and vehicle it looks to a well to do couple and not the village folks who we usually do these kind of circus on highways.
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Old 9th November 2015, 13:59   #322
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
Spotted this couple on the bangalore -salem highway.
Reminds me of Vikram- Betal , albeit , a modern day one!
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Old 9th November 2015, 14:27   #323
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Reminds me of Vikram- Betal , albeit , a modern day one!
Seriously ! Not able to see her hands .. so looks more like legs pointing backwards, and she looking forward !
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Old 9th November 2015, 15:02   #324
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by condor View Post
Seriously ! Not able to see her hands .. so looks more like legs pointing backwards, and she looking forward !
Looks like she has put her hands inside the guys jacket and resting her head on his shoulders. Thats why the hand cannot be seen!
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Old 9th November 2015, 17:02   #325
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post

What suprises me is not the way they are traveling, but atleast from the baggage and vehicle it looks to a well to do couple and not the village folks who we usually do these kind of circus on highways.
Right. Seem to be well off riders looking at the bike and reasonable amount of gear.

Could it also be a case of the lady feeling sick/sleepy/dizzy and they felt it could be risky sitting behind?
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Old 9th November 2015, 21:50   #326
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Could it also be a case of the lady feeling sick/sleepy/dizzy and they felt it could be risky sitting behind?
We thought the same as well. But it was a KL registered bike and we were wondering how long he will be able to do this stunt. Also, isn't it dangerous?!.

When we spotted them for first time, it was around 30Kms before Salem. And then we spotted them again while exiting Salem.

Last edited by Rehaan : 10th November 2015 at 12:14. Reason: Quoted post removed. Removing off-topic discussion since that's clearly not the case.
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Old 10th November 2015, 22:38   #327
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

We were driving towards Silk Board from Koramangala at around 9 o'clock in the night. Traffic on Madiwala market road was thick, with the drizzle not helping things at all. To make things worse, one of the metal barricades that the BTP had kept near the median, had fallen to the side, right after a gap in the median, opposite to the Total Mall parking entrance. I was in the lane close to the median. Stopped the car with hazards on. Two of us got out from the car to lift the barricade. No sooner than I opened the driver side door that we heard some choicest abuses from the private bus and a Tempo Traveller behind. Loud honking almost made us deaf. Yet, we lifted the metal contraption and pushed it onto the median. All this took place in less than 20 seconds. What surprised me the most was, the bus driver stopped honking when he saw us lifting the barricade, and also switched off the main headlights while we were walking back to the car. But there were some smart alecs on bikes and cars who were even ready to run us over the moment we cleared the lane.
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Old 11th November 2015, 11:30   #328
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Look at this guy, both legs one sided and only one hand on the handle. He must be doing around 80Kmph. This was on the Karur - Dindigul highway(Tamil Nadu).

Note: Captured from by dash camera.
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Old 11th November 2015, 12:08   #329
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This one doesn't count as funny or heartwarming, and is becoming increasingly usual recently so I'm not sure if this post belongs in this thread.

This was the second instance when I came across a Nazi supporter in Gurgaon.

Wonder whats going on.

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Old 11th November 2015, 13:13   #330
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Tanmay K View Post
This one doesn't count as funny or heartwarming, and is becoming increasingly usual recently so I'm not sure if this post belongs in this thread.

This was the second instance when I came across a Nazi supporter in Gurgaon.

Wonder whats going on.
Plus that sticker is on a Volkswagen
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