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Old 17th October 2016, 14:41   #526
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
Saw a motorcyclist stop the traffic on a highway, just to help a small puppy which was on the highway and would be crushed soon. He picked it up and then left it on the side of the road. Wonder how many people do such stuff. At the end of the day, a life is a life even if its an animal. Hats off and kudos to the guy. Bless you for your kindness
Ok don't want to portray self as good guy here some time back once while waiting on SAPlabs light in whitefield, saw in my ORVM a little kitten limping it's way under a car, thought for 2 mins - got out asked the car owner to reverse but still the kitten did not come out , quickly bent down dragged it by tail and put it on safe side of road - thankfully all this happened while the light was red
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Old 17th October 2016, 14:44   #527
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Last year on a road trip to Jog Falls from Agumbe side, a stretch of road was apparently infested with snakes on both sides.

So as I went down this road, at least 5 snakes crossed over sides - it was a scary sight to someone with Ophidiophobia. I managed to avoid most of them, but fear I might have clipped a couple.

Quite a few had been run over too, one was crawling along with a broken spine - gruesome.
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Old 17th October 2016, 14:59   #528
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by hungrygamer View Post
quickly bent down dragged it by tail and put it on safe side of road - thankfully all this happened while the light was red
Had read somewhere that adopting a stray dog, doesn't change much for you, but it changes the whole life for that dog. Replace it with a cat and you know what you did was something life changing

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Old 23rd October 2016, 11:11   #529
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Yesterday night at around 8.30pm I dropped my cousin at Madiwala and was returning back towards Indiranagar. Before the Oasis mall signal a two wheeler rider and the vehicle had fallen onto the footpath. Sitting in my car I could see this man struggling to get up. Interestingly the only help came from the a traffic inspector would jogged all the way from the signal to get this man back to his feet.
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Old 10th November 2016, 11:23   #530
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Had to accompany a friend yesterday on an unplanned trip to Sathyamangalam as it was an emergency. It was less than 12 hours since the Rs.500 & Rs.1000 denomination currency notes were demonetised. As luck would have it, between us we had Rs.5000 in 500 & 1000 denominations (withdrawn from the ATM hours before the government announcement!), one Rs.100 note and Rs.80 in denominations of Rs.10 and Rs.20).

BETL and Attibele toll personnel stuck to their excuse of not having change (without saying they aren't accepting 500 and 1000 notes) so ended up using Rs.70 at these tolls.

We stopped at an IOC petrol bunk near Shoolagiri and asked the guy to fill petrol for Rs.1600 so that we could get change for Rs.400 by giving him 2 Rs.1000 notes. Oops, he was smarter and said they only accept 500 and 1000 if we tank up for those amounts, no change!
We tanked up for Rs.2000 since we did not have a choice.

Looked like a tough day ahead without cash in smaller denominations, ATM's and Banks also wouldn't be working, so we decided to take the Hosur-Bagalur route on the return to avoid having to pay tolls as well as escape the long lines in the evening.

At the Krishnagiri toll, we used the Rs.100 to pay for the 2 way return toll of Rs.90. Now, we had just Rs.20 in small denominations. We stopped at a roadside stall en route for tea and the 20 rupees were gone too.

At the Thoppur toll, the attendant kept saying he does not have change. We showed the wallet that had only 500 and 1000 denomination notes so finally he called someone and gave us Rs.370 in change as the 2 way toll was Rs.130

This was our lifeline for breakfast en route. After we completed our work, returned in the afternoon and stopped at Sharvesh Inn, Thoppur for lunch. They had a put up signs that Rs.500 and 1000 were not accepted but Cards were accepted

On the return, the tolls had long lines due to the problem with cash and even the digital signboards mentioned that 500 and 1000 notes are not accepted.

What a day!

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Old 24th November 2016, 06:56   #531
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Recent incident:
Picked my daughter from school, was on the scooter and as usual we never compromise when it comes to safety so both of us were wearing our scooter helmets (most parents don't use helmets, so obviously their children also don't use them and the standard excuse is that they stay very close to the school )
While heading back home, suddenly my daughter taps my arm and in a hoarse voice says "Appa.....(Dad)". I was startled, slowed down and moved to the left edge of the road and stopped the scooter to see what happened. So I ask her what and she says "I wanted to alert you not to honk", so my obvious next question is "why" and she says "that's my favorite teacher in the blue car that just overtook us and she drives very slowly in the middle of the road so I didn't want you to honk and make her feel bad!"
By now, another couple of minutes has passed and then she says, "good you stopped here, she has already turned towards the other road, we can now go home".

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Old 24th November 2016, 09:02   #532
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Originally Posted by NPV View Post
...."that's my favorite teacher in the blue car that just overtook us and she drives very slowly in the middle of the road so I didn't want you to honk and make her feel bad!"......
Good parenting impact. Kudos for making your child learn to care about others AND getting her to wear helmet always.
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Old 25th November 2016, 16:22   #533
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Long long ago I used to live in Bombay and was busy (like most 22 year olds) trying to make an impression on a pretty young lady. Who by the way was quite an independent minded women's libber kind. My modus operandi was to occasionally give her a lift back home. The lift back home crept up to the lift to office too after a while. After all what better use of a third hand Lambretta. My only insistence was that she should wear a helmet like me (coming from Delhi helmet was the norm for me). Now in 1982 in Bombay there was no helmet rule and the only ones wearing helmets were military fellows as their military rules required them to do so. Wearing a helmet was pansy ninny stuff for most. But to make your pillion wear one was the final limit. Anyways the young lady complied willingly and it took her a while to figure out that no other pillion let alone a lady wore one. Two helmets on a scooter was a rare sight.

One Monday morning, lady perched behind, I sailed past a newly commissioned signal at the Marine Drive Aquarium. Didn't realize the new signal had been put into operation over the weekend. Till then from the Mafatlal Pool to past the flyover there was an all through. So I get caught, pull over onto the side. Constable reprimands, pulls out his book. Bad situation with a woman you want to impress. Another cop strolls over. Looks at the first one and says (in Marathi) "helmet wallah ko pakda hai?"!?! I retorted we must be the only helmet couple in Bombay. All had a good laugh. One cop asks in Marathi if 'she' is my gharwalli. I answer in the affirmative much to the chagrin of the young lady. Cops let me off. On reaching office the young lady now red with embarrassment gives me a sound hearing for being fresh and passing her off as my missus. With time running out I proposed the next day. Even today my almost 90 year old father in law (who lives with us) cannot believe that for a whole year his daughter was hopping a lift each day, right under his nose, with a vagabond young man earning Rs. 1520/- a month. I owe a big thanks to that humble cop. Next lifetime I'll pay him back.

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Old 25th November 2016, 20:40   #534
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Sir, extremely well narrated, kudos.
You must have felt really nostalgic while writing this, I believe.

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
... Anyways the young lady complied willingly and it took her a while to figure out that no other pillion let alone a lady wore one. Two helmets on a scooter was a rare sight.
Sir, making her comply to your request! Achievement of a kind Did that encourage you eventually to propose her after that fateful day?

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
One cop asks in Marathi if 'she' is my gharwalli. I answer in the affirmative much to the chagrin of the young lady. Cops let me off.
Thank god she did not rebuke you then and there, else you were goner!

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
On reaching office the young lady now red with embarrassment gives me a sound hearing for being fresh and passing her off as my missus. With time running out I proposed the next day.
Quite courageous I would say, one would want to cool thingd off after such a mishap?
However, in retrospect it proved just in time!

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
Even today my almost 90 year old father in law (who lives with us) cannot believe that for a whole year his daughter was hopping a lift each day, right under his nose, with a vagabond young man earning Rs. 1520/- a month.
I believe he knew, but did not protest on two counts:
1 - this chap is very caring for my daughter, cares for her safety and makes her wear helmet
2 - he could convince my daughter - 'an independent minded women's libber kind' - to wear helmet - a big positive

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
I owe a big thanks to that humble cop. Next lifetime I'll pay him back.
You did not invite him to your wedding sir?

Anyways - enjoyed reading your post. Even such a personal matter written in a warm, simple and flowing narrative


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Old 3rd December 2016, 16:08   #535
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
Long long ago I used to live in Bombay and was busy (like most 22 year olds) trying to make an impression on a pretty young lady
What a story V.Narayan!

After all what better use of a third hand Lambretta
From a 3rd-hand Lambretta to a Volvo XC60. You, sir, have come a long way .

One cop asks in Marathi if 'she' is my gharwalli. I answer in the affirmative much to the chagrin of the young lady. Cops let me off. On reaching office the young lady now red with embarrassment gives me a sound hearing for being fresh and passing her off as my missus. With time running out I proposed the next day.

Did she say yes right away?
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Old 3rd December 2016, 17:10   #536
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
What a story V.Narayan!

From a 3rd-hand Lambretta to a Volvo XC60. You, sir, have come a long way .

Did she say yes right away?
Thank you GTO. The lady in question took 2 years, yes you read right, 2 years to finally say yes. I told her one day on a walk down Warden road that I will need to look for a stepney (petrohead beginnings were already lurking!!). First I got scolded for calling any another girl a stepney and then madame said yes. The joys of life. God has been very kind to us.

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Old 5th December 2016, 10:14   #537
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Narayan Sir, this is nothing short of a typical filmi flashback. What a story! I had always wished I should have born a few decades ago, to have had enjoyed everything in its pristine form and with less traffic and chaos, importantly, less competition.

Stay blessed and enjoy the life!
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Old 5th December 2016, 10:21   #538
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Narayan Sir, today I will go through some audits at my work place, and i am at the receiving end. Monday morning, sitting in a huddle room with crazy excel files in front, one Alt+Tab to this page and my day suddenly has become so awesome. Such amazing narration of events that really shaped your life.

Just yesterday I met my soon to be in-laws and got a green signal from "my girls" dad, what a timing to read your post.

Thank you Sir for making this world more beautiful by sharing such happy memories.
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Old 5th December 2016, 10:34   #539
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
Long -----------SNIP--------- back.
Great plot line for the next Kuchh kuchh hota hai right there!!!
Lovely story, Sir!
Mods, do give this a thread, and maybe some other members can chime in as well as with their automotive related kick-offs?
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Old 5th December 2016, 18:24   #540
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Dieselritzer View Post
Just yesterday I met my soon to be in-laws and got a green signal from "my girls" dad, what a timing to read your post.
Congratulations on passing one of the biggest exams of your life. Your time starts Now!

Originally Posted by rangarx View Post
What a story! I had always wished I should have born a few decades ago, to have had enjoyed everything in its pristine form and with less traffic and chaos, importantly, less competition.
Dear rangarx, a little off topic but allow me to offer my two paisa worth. This is the best time to be a young Indian which I assume you are. You got born at the right time. The economy is growing, it is unshackled (at least partly), Indians can hold their head up in the comity of nations and we enjoy an ever improving standard of living. Even many of the poor today walk with pride and hope. If those older to you talk about the good old days it is nothing but their own wistfulness of a youth gone past. The 1970s and 80s were certainly less crowded where roads went but they were not pristine.

I tell my children (all in their 20s) that the good old days, which I recall with alacrity, were days of stagnation, bureaucratic throttling of every aspect of economy, education & health, censorship (1975 to 77), and lack of adequate opportunity in India. Attempts at business and engineering excellence were punished by the license raj wielded by power hungry bureaucrats. And attitudinally corruption was not any less in 1970s & 80s than today - with economic growth the ticket size has gone up!?! Yes some aspects of a simpler life have gone and some more materialism has come in. Yes competition today is tougher - hats off to the youth of today for cracking exams I would have certainly not cleared. But if it means 100 million have been lifted out of poverty then it is worth it. Some skeptics would point to our many problems. We do have problems. After all a nation with more people than North + South America put together will have problems. But in the 1960s and 70s our problems were - famines, wheat being imported from USA which was the surplus of their cattle feed (PL480 scheme) - the chappattis used to be red in colour, strikes and more strikes, from May'73 to Mar'75 inflation in India jumped around between 15% and 34% per annum month on month, the country going literally broke in 1990-1991 and pledging gold to pay its foreign debt interest payments and so on. My message to all young BHPians is - rejoice, this is the best time to be a young Indian. And we get much better cars to drive around in - Narayan

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