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Old 25th August 2014, 23:43   #181
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Originally Posted by Secretariat View Post
I overtook a Porsche Cayenne in my humble Xcent . The beast was being driven very carefully on Old Airport Road with no zig zagging across lanes (who wants to get his Porsche scratched). My lane was going faster and so I overtook it. Its priceless to see a Porsche in the rear view mirror and even more priceless to see it staying there.

Moral of the story - Xcent is faster than Porsche in Bangalore !!
Had a similar experience this evening. Was following a Jaguar XJ L in Koramangala and we were approaching the Sony World signal. Till then he was getting ahead of others in front of him, one car at a time. Suddenly, my lane started moving faster and I could get ahead of him before crossing the Sony World signal. As soon as I overtook him, he went bonkers on the horn, ebbing the car in front of him to move.

Lost him in the traffic
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Old 28th August 2014, 20:19   #182
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Re: I overtook a Porsche

Originally Posted by Secretariat View Post
I overtook a Porsche Cayenne in my humble Xcent . The beast was being driven very carefully on Old Airport Road with no zig zagging across lanes (who wants to get his Porsche scratched). My lane was going faster and so I overtook it. Its priceless to see a Porsche in the rear view mirror and even more priceless to see it staying there.

Moral of the story - Xcent is faster than Porsche in Bangalore !!
Beasts like the Cayenne doesn't need to try hard to make a statement now, does it?

From what I have noticed the bigger and more expensive the car/vehicle, the better they are driven.
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Old 28th August 2014, 23:36   #183
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I had a similar experience in Pune. I was stuck in a traffic jam near Shivajinagar. There was a long queue of cars in all 3 lanes. While my lane was slowly moving.. O buoy! I saw a green Aston Martin coupe in the adjacent lane! A middle aged man was sitting behind wheels. He looked perplexed. Initially she was in my rear view mirror and when her lane moved, she came in parallel. There was nothing she could do to save her skin from drooling eyes all around! I got to see her and drool over nearly for half an hour.
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Old 12th September 2014, 10:23   #184
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This really Heart Touching. I have seen these types of scenes only in films. Read on and put your thoughts here..

"CHENNAI: As the Gummidipoondi-Chennai Central local train touched base at 8.45pm on September 3, people jumped out. Many were going home, some others had to catch connecting buses and trains. Six commuters came out of Central station, paused for a few minutes, and were greeted by the warm earthy smell that emanates minutes after a downpour. All of them reached home that night. They probably would not have.

In those few minutes that these six men had paused, a few metres away, an Indian mongrel barked, then jumped into a puddle of water and became lifeless. Seconds later, the commuters realised that the pool of water in which they were about to step had a live wire snapped from an electrical line.

The dog had barked to warn them not to step forward. When it saw that the commuters paid no heed, it took its final leap. Death came instantly, but commuters were stunned by what they saw as an act of supreme sacrifice.

The dog that died left behind a litter of 10-day-old pups. Residents of the area adopted all of them, but, probably because of the mother's absence, two died. "On Wednesday night, a broken high voltage wire fell in a pool of collected rainwater inside the railway premises. The frantic dog kept barking but people shooed it away. It dashed ahead, jumped in the water, and gave up its life," said Dawn Williams, general manager, Blue Cross.

People informed Railway Protection Force inspector N Alagar Swamy, who cordoned off the area. "When RPF personnel reached the spot, they found a litter of puppies. We rescued them and gave them to Blue Cross," said Swamy. As the news about the dog's death spread, Blue Cross volunteers received a huge response for adopting the pups. "Long after they were adopted, we continue to receive calls," Williams said.

Two of the pups died shortly after being adopted. The rest of the pups are well. "We had two dogs earlier. Both died recently. When we went to the Blue Cross to adopt a dog, people told us about the pup's mother who had saved human lives. We immediately adopted them," said Pradeepa, who adopted two dogs."


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Old 12th September 2014, 12:40   #185
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by gabrielthomas View Post
This really Heart Touching. I have seen these types of scenes only in films. Read on and put your thoughts here..

In those few minutes that these six men had paused, a few metres away, an Indian mongrel barked, then jumped into a puddle of water and became lifeless. Seconds later, the commuters realised that the pool of water in which they were about to step had a live wire snapped from an electrical line.

The dog had barked to warn them not to step forward. When it saw that the commuters paid no heed, it took its final leap. Death came instantly, but commuters were stunned by what they saw as an act of supreme sacrifice.

The dog that died left behind a litter of 10-day-old pups.
Really a heartwrenching story, and I dont think anyone could complete the article without wet eyes. No comparison would bring the ultimate sacrifice of the dog kicking aside the motherly instinct to save humans.

Just out of curiosity, how did the dog know the 'danger'?
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Old 12th September 2014, 13:37   #186
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by raghu.t.k View Post
Really a heartwrenching story, and I dont think anyone could complete the article without wet eyes. No comparison would bring the ultimate sacrifice of the dog kicking aside the motherly instinct to save humans.

Just out of curiosity, how did the dog know the 'danger'?
My dad used to say that animals always had the instinct to sense danger. The only thing is - they could not express through words
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Old 28th September 2014, 23:53   #187
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

So this incident is from Bangalore, the day that Mr Modi was here for the Mars orbiter. The traffic around HAL airport had gone crazy - since that was the venue, plus there were no traffic cops at all. However, it was heartening to see that at all major crossings - bunch of local lads had teamed up and were managing the traffic. The chaos would have been much worse but for them. Pretty heartwarming - who says Bangalore doesnt have good samaritans any more?
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Old 29th September 2014, 09:10   #188
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by gabrielthomas View Post
"CHENNAI: As the Gummidipoondi-Chennai Central local train touched base at 8.45pm on September 3, people jumped out. Many were going home, some others had to catch connecting buses and trains. Six commuters came out of Central station, paused for a few minutes, and were greeted by the warm earthy smell that emanates minutes after a downpour. All of them reached home that night. They probably would not have.

In those few minutes that these six men had paused, a few metres away, an Indian mongrel barked, then jumped into a puddle of water and became lifeless. Seconds later, the commuters realised that the pool of water in which they were about to step had a live wire snapped from an electrical line.

The dog had barked to warn them not to step forward. When it saw that the commuters paid no heed, it took its final leap. Death came instantly, but commuters were stunned by what they saw as an act of supreme sacrifice.
Her sacrifice is much more than Hachiko (
Probably a statue for this dog would be apt at Chennai Central?
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Old 5th October 2014, 08:51   #189
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A bullock-cart trying to overtake another on the busy Bangalore - Mysore stretch. They created a queue behind within few seconds.
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Old 16th October 2014, 19:31   #190
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Last evening headed out for some work in Banaswadi, Bangalore. Needed a pen to sign and submit some documents and realized I wasn't carrying one, so stopped on the way at a small street corner shop in a residential area. Just then a gentleman parked his motorbike and came to the same shop to buy something. I noticed his motorbike was an old, blue-coloured Ind Suzuki AX 100 with CAN registration.
Could not resist asking him about the bike and suddenly there was this large smile on his face. He explained that it was a 1984 model and few years ago he'd met with an accident with his son riding pillion. Both survived the accident but he did actively consider selling it off after getting it repaired (replaced fork, front wheel and shocks).
Offers he got were all pathetic mostly under 5K and people around him were asking him to give the bike away as soon as possible since it had brought him 'bad luck'. This was the time he realized that this bike had actually saved him and his son despite a bad accident, so instead he decided to restore and retain the bike. In his own words, "This guy protected me and my son so it is my duty to take care of him"
Made my day

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Old 20th October 2014, 08:44   #191
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A moped guy pulling a pushcart by clipping it to his carrier.
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Old 20th October 2014, 10:02   #192
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Saw a weird thing on New BEL road on Saturday. There was a huge traffic jam and I was stuck on this road for more than 20 Minutes. An ambulance (OMNI) with full sirens came from the opposite direction. Even with a jam people showed some humanism and gave way to that ambulance. When the ambulance came next to me just saw that there was no patient inside. He needed a way to go and put the sirens to get way. I also thought that he was going to pick some patient but that was not the case, there no nurse inside to take care of patient.

I am still in shock that why people take advantages of facility given to them

Last edited by meetbadri : 20th October 2014 at 10:03. Reason: I am still in shock that why people take advantages of facility given to them
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Old 20th October 2014, 14:08   #193
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by meetbadri View Post
Saw a weird thing on New BEL road on Saturday. There was a huge traffic jam and I was stuck on this road for more than 20 Minutes. An ambulance (OMNI) with full sirens came from the opposite direction. Even with a jam people showed some humanism and gave way to that ambulance. When the ambulance came next to me just saw that there was no patient inside. He needed a way to go and put the sirens to get way. I also thought that he was going to pick some patient but that was not the case, there no nurse inside to take care of patient.

I am still in shock that why people take advantages of facility given to them
I do not judge the purpose of the emergency vehicles when they are on full sirens. We cannot really infer any reason (urgency/to get out of traffic/misuse,etc) and hence irrespective of what I feel, I do my duty to make way for it, and others too should give way.

Agreed some do misuse it, and then all folks are quick to justify that is the reason we don't make way for it. Its not like they do it everytime, day or night. And what happens if there certainly was an emergency yet nobody made way for it, and somebody suffered for it?

I dont want blood on my hands knowingly or unknowingly. Hence each one of us should try and make way for these vehicles.
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Old 21st October 2014, 00:09   #194
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by meetbadri View Post
When the ambulance came next to me just saw that there was no patient inside. He needed a way to go and put the sirens to get way. I also thought that he was going to pick some patient but that was not the case, there no nurse inside to take care of patient.
Three ways to think about this:

1) He was just taking advantage of the siren
2) He was on his way to pick up a patient. Honestly, I've never seen a nurse in an Indian ambulance.
3) The sooner he gets back to the hospital, the sooner he could rush out on another call (assuming call area is a certain radius around the hospital).

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Old 21st October 2014, 10:59   #195
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A bit

Speaking about illegal use of sirens, there is a paying guest accommodation near my house where most of the nurses from fortis hospital (Bannergatta road) stay. One day an ambulance comes in blazing with lights and sirens , turns into the gully off the street, everyone on the street make way for the ambulance and curiously see all the fuss.

To everyone's surprise , some 15 nurses get down and head to their PG, people are awestruck by the entire incident , no one expected this to happen. We all respect the nurse community for their thankless job , but misusing ambulance to get home quicker is simply not acceptable .

A lot of them laughed about this incident , I heard that a few days later an ex cop staying the same locality warned the driver and told him that it will be reported if he repeats again.
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