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Old 15th October 2012, 18:31   #91
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Re: Road rage confession

Originally Posted by apachelongbow View Post
Once the road opens up I spot a free left lane and change over to left and overtake him and several other cars.

I am not sure how I offended him, .
But getting a vulgar guesture, when I didnt break any rules, ...
This is a confession box so it's ok for you to realize and confess. Been there done that.

I'm just trying to visualize what must have happened.

You were wrong "per se traffic rules" as you overtook from the left.

What I can't tell for sure is why should it offend him:
1. if he was attempting an overtake from the left too, you probably got in his way and that may have offended him. Possibly.

2. or he was probably trying to settle in the left lane and allow traffic to pass from the right. once again, if he didn't shoulder-check, thats HIS problem. not yours.

Whatever be the case, "ALL IS WELL". Thankfully it was just two long fingers at each other. Does no harm. In a country that has started to speak the gun language,a finger is a lot less lethal.

Take care. Drive Safe.
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Old 16th October 2012, 09:21   #92
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Re: Road rage confession

Originally Posted by mempheS.D View Post
This is a confession box so it's ok for you to realize and confess. Been there done that.

I'm just trying to visualize what must have happened.

You were wrong "per se traffic rules" as you overtook from the left.

What I can't tell for sure is why should it offend him:
1. if he was attempting an overtake from the left too, you probably got in his way and that may have offended him. Possibly.

2. or he was probably trying to settle in the left lane and allow traffic to pass from the right. once again, if he didn't shoulder-check, thats HIS problem. not yours.

Whatever be the case, "ALL IS WELL". Thankfully it was just two long fingers at each other. Does no harm. In a country that has started to speak the gun language,a finger is a lot less lethal.

Take care. Drive Safe.
Originally Posted by kmadhok View Post
What if he was not able to brake in time and rammed into your huge SUV? What would have happened to his wife and kid?
Not trying to point out it was your fault, but your actions could have got you into a state your regret all your life. Next time I hope you can be calmer and let him go.
Thats why this is a road rage confession. If I felt happy for what I did, it wouldnt be a confession would it?
This is besides the point. The reason I posted is, the lesson I take from this episode. Tomorrow a bigger vehicle say a SUV or a truck may cut me across and I percieve it to be his/her fault completely. If I go ahead and abuse the driver or show him a finger etc, am I sure of what will it escalate to? What if he rams my car? What about my family? It is so easy to sit within a closed car and raise a finger, would one dare to do it, when he is naked outside the car?
If it is so easy for me to flip over a finger and cut off a small car, what would happen if a power drunk politico gets the same finger treatment from this guy?

Actually, by law if the i20 moron crashed into me, he would be still at fault for not braking in time. Is it my moral responsibility to protect mannerless morons?
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Old 16th October 2012, 11:42   #93
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Re: Road rage confession

Hi Everyone,

Spotted a rash arrogant Team bhp member at Cyber City who whisked pass my left foot at high speed without honking( An act of dangerous driving by team bhp member) When I tried to explain it to him, he just ignored what I said and went on his ego trip and speeded away to the next halt. This act is not called for by the team bhp members and needs to be corrected asap.

Mods - Is there anything which can be done in this case. Attaching the pics of the car as well.
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Old 16th October 2012, 12:05   #94
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Re: Road rage confession

Originally Posted by Alive2Drive View Post
Mods - Is there anything which can be done in this case. Attaching the pics of the car as well.
While I dont support this kind of driving by any tbhpian (or anyone else for that matter), we also need to ensure this is a bhpian.

Some of us have seen cases of stickers being passed on to non bhpians as well, so it is possible that this person is not a bhpian.
Even if he is, we already have the car number and details, so other people would be careful henceforth if they see this car.

Other than this I am not sure how anyone here or the mods could do anything about this. But of course, if there is something done I would like to hear more about it.
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Old 16th October 2012, 12:12   #95
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Re: Road rage confession

Originally Posted by selfdrive View Post
While I dont support this kind of driving by any tbhpian (or anyone else for that matter), we also need to ensure this is a bhpian.

Some of us have seen cases of stickers being passed on to non bhpians as well, so it is possible that this person is not a bhpian.
Even if he is, we already have the car number and details, so other people would be careful henceforth if they see this car.

Other than this I am not sure how anyone here or the mods could do anything about this. But of course, if there is something done I would like to hear more about it.

+1 on this Selfdrive. Its amazing how educated people act like the most uncivilized people in these situations. Hope that guy has some self conciousness and feels a bit guilty about his actions however is most unlikely.
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Old 16th October 2012, 15:44   #96
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Originally Posted by Alive2Drive

+1 on this Selfdrive. Its amazing how educated people act like the most uncivilized people in these situations. Hope that guy has some self conciousness and feels a bit guilty about his actions however is most unlikely.
Hey, I am sure it is irritating but I think you should let go now. He only needs a credit card swipe to sport a sticker but that in no way qualifies him as a BHPian. There is a big difference between a wannabe and a mature. You're the latter while he is a fool.
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Old 16th October 2012, 16:22   #97
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Re: Road rage confession

This happened to me last month:

I was on my way from Guruvayur to Thrissur in Kerala.
I was driving at 75, trying to see what kinda max mileage I can get from my OHC. There was this WagonR in front filled with guys who it seemed were partying in the car.. (or they were high). Anyway I manage to overtake them in my 75kms speed and go on.. a couple of minutes later I see the WagonR come up on my left and I take my feet of the gas (no brakes though).. and the wagonR pulls up on the right, and the guys are like shouting at me (not anger, more like making fun actually). At first I was confused at what these dudes were up to, and I got down to 50kmph.. I pull a bit more to the left to give them even more space to pass.. and the driver swerves into me, almost bumping my side mirror. And, he keeps it that way trying to run me off the road.

I had enough then, so I downshifted into second, overtook them from the left (no other way), got onto his front and slowed down till they had no option but to stop behind me. Once they stopped, the boys got out from the car and moved towards me.. at this point I accelerated about 100 mts ahead. They ran back to their car, and followed me in it. I stopped, and they got out again. Promptly, I drove another 100mts ahead. The third time they tried to stop in front of me, but before they were able to pass I quickly accelerated out of reach. I played with them for a couple more times, after which they stopped trying, and I drove off forgetting all about my mileage run.
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Old 16th October 2012, 17:02   #98
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Re: Road rage confession

Originally Posted by devsoftech View Post
I cannot tolerate honking. In a traffic signal, as the countdown hits 9,8.., drivers start honking. For each honk, I start reversing my car until they do not stop honking. Its a bad habit and violation of road rule (You are not permitted to do so). I have done this to APE/Tata/Mahindra/water tankers as these folks do not value others lives and time. There are citizens too doing the same and I make sure that I do not budge after 2-3 seconds pass.
Don't you think you're jeopardising your own safety and the safety of your car? If you did this in Chennai, truckers won't mind kissing your car's boot to drive past, not to mention the hearing of some choicest expletives.
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Old 16th October 2012, 17:26   #99
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Re: Road rage confession

Its been some 22 years since I learnt to ride a TVS50 on my own and then moved on to Kinetic Honda and then to Yamaha RX100.Now living with a Bajaj Classic,Honda Unicorn,M800,Mitsubishi CEDIA and had sold off a SWIFT LDi and a Hero Puch Automatic in the interim years. In all these years I find that the more I try to mature and become responsible on the road, the better the performance of my vehicles get and I'm tempted to the core to push them to their limits. Yes I did some crazy speeds in that old Bajaj Classic and now I'm scared and wonder how foolish I was in doing that by changing the jets in the spaco carb when I was in college. 7 years ago, I had this habit of riding the then new Unicorn between Bangalore and Trichy once in 2 weeks just to get my dirty clothes washed and pressed in my hometown.Those bum burning non-stop 5 hour rides starting in the middle of the night are scary to even think of now when I'm driving through the night in 4 lane highways.Road rage is just a term for the enthusiast in you who wants to check the limits of man and machine while putting everyone else around at risk. There were some innumerable overtaking manoevures from the left side of vehicles which I sure did know as ILLEGAL. I regret giving heart aches to fellow drivers/riders as I now understand how scary it was for other motorists when they saw some rider whizzing past them from the left. The first thing that I did after getting my CEDIA was to put up a TBHP sticker on it which claims as this- I DRIVE SAFE. I have to live upto TEAM BHP's name on it and it certainly does make me conscious of who I'm on the road and as to what is expected out of me as I drive around in a TBHP stickered car

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Last edited by moralfibre : 16th October 2012 at 18:07.
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Old 25th October 2012, 20:07   #100
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Re: Road rage confession

This is not confession, but rather a situation where I was about to become sort of a victim.

I was driving back to one of the more known areas of my city in my Baleno. As soon as I was getting to main gate of the entire industrial premises where I work, I guy behind me in i20 was not happy. There were three cars leaving and after two cars there was a gap, I entered the gap. All this at dead slow speeds. But the third car was i20. I was on his right, so it was my right of way and also there was quite a gap, so I slotted in. After that for about one km or so, all the things were fine.

But after that suddenly the i20 started driving and also hit me from left. I was not in racing mood after a very tough day at office. But this guy irritated me a lot. I thought, just press throttle and move on. The guy follows me, after that, cuts me and stops suddenly in front of me. Gets out in jiffy, as if he was to hit me. I realized the situation, reversed my car, took a U turn on the road and left. He did hit my car with his hand, but I did not care. The only fault of mine was not letting him go ahead from left, and that to unintentionally. There is no point in fighting, but had I not taken the U turn, both of us would be sitting in police station and hospitals.

I wonder where is the sense. Usually, I dont switch on music, and no A/C, so I could have heard if that guy had honked, but nothing of that sort, no headlight flashing, just undertaking me.

This world has really lost it. Just wondering what would be state of affairs for next generation.

From now on, I will have windows rolled up, doors locked and A/C on.
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Old 25th October 2012, 22:08   #101
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Originally Posted by aaggoswami
This is not confession, but rather a situation where I was about to become sort of a victim.

I was driving back to one of the more known areas of my city in my Baleno. As soon as I was getting to main gate of the entire industrial premises where I work, I guy behind me in i20 was not happy. There were three cars leaving and after two cars there was a gap, I entered the gap. All this at dead slow speeds. But the third car was i20. I was on his right, so it was my right of way and also there was quite a gap, so I slotted in. After that for about one km or so, all the things were fine.

But after that suddenly the i20 started driving and also hit me from left. I was not in racing mood after a very tough day at office. But this guy irritated me a lot. I thought, just press throttle and move on. The guy follows me, after that, cuts me and stops suddenly in front of me. Gets out in jiffy, as if he was to hit me. I realized the situation, reversed my car, took a U turn on the road and left. He did hit my car with his hand, but I did not care. The only fault of mine was not letting him go ahead from left, and that to unintentionally. There is no point in fighting, but had I not taken the U turn, both of us would be sitting in police station and hospitals.

I wonder where is the sense. Usually, I dont switch on music, and no A/C, so I could have heard if that guy had honked, but nothing of that sort, no headlight flashing, just undertaking me.

This world has really lost it. Just wondering what would be state of affairs for next generation.

From now on, I will have windows rolled up, doors locked and A/C on.
Unfortunately for some people venting at the right place where the situation demands it doesn't happen. Their bottled up anger comes down on the roads. Maybe he wanted to punch his boss but of course he can't.

You did the smart thing. Defensive driving is better. I can't say I would have avoided confrontation had he hit my car. There is no excuse for road rage. Highly immature behavior on his part.

Please keep your doors locked at all times. Windows can be open but only so much that an adult hand can't pass through.

I must say I respect the maturity shown by you. Not everyone can react the way you did. I would have given him good for hitting my car but what you did was what needs to be done.

When he reflects back he would regret what he did. Kudos to you. Drive safe.
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Old 9th November 2012, 21:51   #102
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Re: Road rage confession

Today was a day of bad judgement for me

1.I was ambling along on the Chennai bypass at a decent clip.I was in the middle lane.There was a car in front of me,and at a distance a very slow moving lorry.Behind the lorry on the right lane was a swift that was neither too fast nor too slow.I decided to overtake from the left.I generally avoid overtaking on the left but the traffic was maddening today so I went ahead.There was a decent distance between me and the vehicle in the front.He overtook the lorry and moved to the rightmost lane.It was only when he moved away that I noticed that there were two slow moving two-wheelers both on the left and middle lane.Now I had two options,brake hard or move to the extreme right.I chose the latter .In this process I had to cut across the Swift who had overtaken the lorry from the right.I did have my indicators on but it was pretty sharp.Dude,if you are reading this,I'm sorry!!I don't drive that way generally.

2.After the toll I was waiting at the Porur junction for vehicles to clear.There was an EICHER parallel to me on the right and a lorry to the left that was cutting across.I stopped to let the lorry go.The Eicher took this opportunity to cut across to my lane and his whole side ended up grazing my right ORVM.I had to move to the left to avoid him hitting my right front bumper.He stopped,I indicated to him to park to the left after the junction.I dutifully went and he just accelarated away.That really got me livid.I chased him for the next 1km or so...and asked him to park,he just kept going.I went in front of him and braked slowly hoping he would stop but he simply shifted lanes and sped away.Finally in the fourth try I parked my car at an angle to prevent him from going.I had ended up blocking the rightmost lane.The usual blame game had started.He refused to accept his mistake and I refused to move my car.It was pressure from other motorists that made him park his vehicle to the left and we followed.My friend and I had set off to find a traffic policeman only to realise the nearest was 2 kms away.We went back to the car.Then better sense prevailed.We wern't going to get any money from him.The mirror was covered under insurance.Filing was FIR was simply not the worth the trouble.So we started the car and came home.

We had blocked traffic for almost a km for a mirror.What got me livid was not his mistake,but his refusal to own up for it.In the process of chasing him,I bullied so many cars out of my way,cut across so many vehicles,not acceptable.But I must stress that never once during this chase did I put other vehicles in any sort of harm.No close misses.I just honked and flashed big time to clear the way!!But I reiterate,not acceptable.

If anybody got stuck there because of me today,I am sorry!!

PS:The lorry hit the mirror part of the ORVM.There was no external damage,I tried adjusting the right mirror but it didn't work.I figured the motor was damaged.We tried adjusting the mirror on the way back home and voila,it worked like a charm.There is no visible damage to the mirror.Kudos to Chevy build quality!!
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Old 10th November 2012, 00:30   #103
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Re: Road rage confession

Originally Posted by KINI View Post
Today was a day of bad judgement for me
I guess it was just a bad day for you. Keeping cool is sometimes a big challenge, especially when you run into qualified morons on the road. But in your best interest, it is better to stay cool. I remember my colleague entering into a verbal duel with mini truck driver who was weaving in traffic and had neither side mirrors - in the process nearly swiped my friends car's entire left side.
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Old 10th November 2012, 00:51   #104
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Re: Road rage confession

Another day another story,i am a sedate driver,and drive at 80-90,90% of the times,but there are days when i go crazy
I was crusing down at happy speed of 80-90 on Highway,and suddenly i notice this Innova with a temporary number,in the RVM,rolling towards me at a high speed,there were two trucks in front of me,and he started honking and flashing lights like crazy and moving left and right,as if he wanted to fly over me,as the trucks moved ahead,i let him pass.
As the roads opened up,i dont know what struck me

I accelerated and caught up with him,he got an indication,slowed down and moved to the left,i saw him smiling,poor guy was thinking he was driving somesports car,i went past him,and didnt let him get ahead.
After sometime i let him pass,and when i suppose he was going flat out full throttle,i blew past him,and lost him in the RVM.

Apart from fast driving on a clear highway,there was nothing else invovled.Still i need to keep reminding myself that i should not be indulging in these sort of things,i need learn to be patient while driving,which i am not at times.

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Old 10th November 2012, 01:22   #105
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Originally Posted by akshay4587
Apart from fast driving on a clear highway,there was nothing else invovled.Still i need to keep reminding myself that i should not be indulging in these sort of things,i need learn to be patient while driving,which i am not at times.
I hear you akshay. But try to exercise control over this burst as this is recipe for dire consequences. It has happened in the past and I myself have fallen prey to it at times until this one time when I saw my lady love clinging onto her seats in fright. And then I just realized that my animal behaviour is probably going to cost my near and dears a lot just becauae some fool flashed his lights at me.

I tried exercising restraint but at some times I again gave in to temptation until the day I found a solution. Not a very smart one but works for me. I turn up the volume of the music so high that I get totally engrossed in the music ignoring all the fools around me. Trust me... it works like a charm. I use my mirrors, indicators and shoulder-checks so I drive by the assumption that all risks are covered.
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