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Old 22nd August 2021, 10:30   #1696
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

My wife had a scary experience last night while returning home last night, on the stretch from Priyadarshini building towards Sion, near the K. J. Somaiya Hospital grounds, just before the beginning of the Sion Circle flyover. A mentally deranged pregnant woman threw a rock at her car, cracking the windshield. Apparently she has been throwing rocks at vehicles passing by, said the cops who were approached by the driver. They said that she believes the road belongs to her and she won't allow vehicles to pass through this stretch. Don't know how long she has been doing this, though I pass through here every day. Can't understand why she hasn't been picked up and restrained so far.
So I intend to stick to the right-most lane while passing through this stretch and advise any of you using this road to do the same and keep your eyes peeled for her, if she's still at it.
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Old 22nd August 2021, 12:24   #1697
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

My frustration with Mumbai’s traffic situation has probably reached its peak in the past few months. Yesterday, I travelled from Goregaon West (MTNL signal) to Kandivali East (Thakur Village) in order to meet my doctor and it took me 50 minutes one way. The entire drive was very frustrating. Luckily, I had gone with my driver so my stress levels were under check.

I am desperately hoping that once the Metro is operational and all the construction related obstructions are removed from the highway, the situation should improve. I have noticed that the Western Express Highway between Andheri and Kandivali is always packed throughout the week except on Sunday. However, the highway section from Andheri to Bandra is relatively empty. I am not sure if this is attributable to population density in these areas or the width / quality of roads. Even when the local trains are operational, the Andheri to Malad stretch is always crowded so unavailability of local trains is not the sole reason for this.

I wonder if the civic authorities spend anytime in analyzing the traffic situation in order identify the root cause of this. Currently, it is easy to blame metro construction for these issues but these areas experienced heavy traffic even before metro construction commenced.
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Old 24th August 2021, 20:21   #1698
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

The Western Express Highway has been seeing construction activity since 2000, with road widening or constructions of flyovers etc. As the roads have been widened more traffic has been added and things have just got worst over the years especially while travelling to and from from Borivali to Andheri.

The flyover entrances act as a bottle neck at most places and the metro construction as added to the problem big time. Even when the metro line is functional a lot of the usable area has been used up by the metro and will just add to the traffic woes..
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Old 2nd September 2021, 11:43   #1699
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

After a spate of bike accidents and most recently the unfortunate death of a pillion-rider, BMC has taken up work on the GMLR flyover.

Police has meanwhile banned entry for two-wheelers and heavy vehicles on the flyover for a month.

BMC is set to add speed breakers and rumbler strips on both sides.

Personally was appalled at the shoddy condition of the flyover, with so many bad stretches and potholes within a few months of being operational. Speaks volumes about the third-rate work carried out.
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Old 2nd September 2021, 12:05   #1700
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
BMC is set to add speed breakers and rumbler strips on both sides.

There already are rumblers, speed breakers, etc. at the entry and exit points + in the middle.
If they add any more, it wouldn't be helping traffic much with everyone slowing down to cross these.

May be easier to add speed cameras and generate revenue while keeping speeds in check.
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Old 3rd September 2021, 13:53   #1701
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Mumbai is named as the most stressful city to drive in the world according to recent research from road safety charity Brake. As per the survey, the majority of the drivers admitted feeling stressed or angry when behind the wheel.
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Old 19th September 2021, 20:40   #1702
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Mumbai setting new records
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Old 19th September 2021, 21:09   #1703
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Visited Bandra after a super long time and was totally surprised to see that the skywalk is gone. The person whom I met told me that the Metro Dreamline is the reason behind the skywalk being demolished.

This is such a bad case of planning and a total waste of public money. I don't even recall anyone raising this issue. Sad that a Mega city like Mumbai is planned so poorly.
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Old 21st September 2021, 13:45   #1704
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Originally Posted by Maverick1977 View Post
Visited Bandra after a super long time and was totally surprised to see that the skywalk is gone. The person whom I met told me that the Metro Dreamline is the reason behind the skywalk being demolished.

This is such a bad case of planning and a total waste of public money. I don't even recall anyone raising this issue. Sad that a Mega city like Mumbai is planned so poorly.
Seems a couple of more skywalks across the city are in line to be demolished as well; some are being pulled-down due to "lack of use!"

Used the GMLR yesterday while driving from Mumbai to Pune. The addition of speed-breakers on the flyover is plain annoying!!! They have installed these at almost every few meters, totally negating the functionality of the flyover. Also, the rumblers which are already present add to the woes. The road surface is still uneven. Shoddy and how!

Last edited by IamNikhil : 21st September 2021 at 13:49. Reason: Added text
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Old 22nd September 2021, 09:11   #1705
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Yesterday evening (around 6.15 pm) it took me about the same time to reach my home in Parel / Sewree from Lower Parel that it took my friend to reach from Lonavla to his home in Nigdi (Pune).


👆 Credit goes to all ruling parties of last several decades for turning this city into a general gutter, in close coordination and collaboration with BMC.

And of course our great Indian populace that can’t follow a rule even if it slapped them in the face. Inka alag video game chal raha hai hamaare roads pe. #vipulgoyalstandup
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Old 22nd September 2021, 17:31   #1706
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

I am quite fortunate to stay just 6 kms from my work place. People in many parts of the world would be super jealous of this, but when it takes more than an hour to cover even 6 kms and your average speed is 5 kmph it is a cruel joke that life is playing on you.

I have the daily task of crossing from Andheri East to West and unfortunately this has been the scenario on multiple occasions. Sad that we pay so much for fuel, and get terrible roads which result in crazy traffic snarls.
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Old 22nd September 2021, 18:45   #1707
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
BMC is set to add speed breakers and rumbler strips on both sides.

Personally was appalled at the shoddy condition of the flyover, with so many bad stretches and potholes within a few months of being operational. Speaks volumes about the third-rate work carried out.
About a week before they closed it down for these repairs and additions of car breakers, I was driving on the flyover towards the Ghatkopar end. To begin with there were people on the flyover with their two wheelers parked, just relaxing, enjoying the view and taking pictures of each other. And this was not one, it was always like this.

Second, many of the two wheelers of course had to use that bridge as a race track. I was at a constant speed of about 45 km/hr when out of no where one of them gearless scooters adorned with a mask-less and helmetless couple whizzed past me. The young man riding the scooter was swinging it dangerously left to right, from the first lane to the last. He did that from about halfway from the flyover till it started descending at the other end. Sure enough he just scooted over to the other side and broke the side signals and went up again on it.

A ban on them would have done the job. The car breakers were totally unnecessary.
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Old 5th October 2021, 12:31   #1708
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Seems the entry of 2-wheelers on the GMLR flyover will remain barred, just like JJ Flyover and Eastern Freeway.

P.s. Have used the GMLR multiple times in the past month and have seen multiple bikers ride on it with impunity. Seems the ban is not being enforced strictly by the cops.
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Old 5th October 2021, 12:53   #1709
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Originally Posted by Maverick1977 View Post
I am quite fortunate to stay just 6 kms from my work place. People in many parts of the world would be super jealous of this, but when it takes more than an hour to cover even 6 kms and your average speed is 5 kmph it is a cruel joke that life is playing on you.
Ha Ha! It’s a part and parcel of our life. As I mentioned in my previous post it takes me approximately 1.5 hours to reach to my office which is 10 Km from my home. It’s a punishment we get every day. Life is full of stress on Mumbai roads.
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Old 16th October 2021, 09:14   #1710
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Re: Mumbai Traffic

Sion flyover to be closed on weekends for repairs— Friday evening to Monday morning, from October 15, 2021 to January 9, 2022.

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