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Old 30th August 2017, 17:18   #1996
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

One of my colleagues received an e-challan from RTO. The challan had a photo of him on his two wheeler standing on Zebra crossing at one signal. I am shocked that Pune RTO has this feature and it actually works. Now, my colleague has to go and pay a fine of 200 Rs to RTO.
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Old 30th August 2017, 17:37   #1997
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
The car had typical signs of a localite vehicle with vernacular number plates, political symbols and dark tainted glasses. Initially I couldn't see who was in the car but later the could see clearly when took a left (my left) into a field. The kid was surely around 8-9 years old and was in a semi seated position (when your legs dont reach the A-B-C pedals) and there was another kid in the passenger seat who was maybe around 5 years old.
Are you sure about that? A kid 8-9 yrs old with 5 yr old in the passenger seat on a creta!! Creta is tall enough for a small adult, a kid that age will need to crawl into it.
You should have called the cops at their helpline number with the registration number because it is not only illegal but plain dangerous.
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Old 30th August 2017, 18:33   #1998
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
One of my colleagues received an e-challan from RTO. The challan had a photo of him on his two wheeler standing on Zebra crossing at one signal. I am shocked that Pune RTO has this feature and it actually works. Now, my colleague has to go and pay a fine of 200 Rs to RTO.
I too had received a similar challan. But in my case, they mistyped a bike's number to my car's number. And there is no way to query it from their site. I was told to come and visit the engineer at their office near GPO. I simply decided not to go since I will eventually spend more on Petrol just to visit the engineer.
Good sense prevailed when I asked him for the email id of the engineer and he messaged back saying he will try to change. He did it, I thanked him and end of story.

Good thing about this is that now most people wait behind the white line.

PS: Was able to query on some pune traffic police whatsapp contact number I managed to find from twitter.
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Old 30th August 2017, 18:57   #1999
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by vinit.merchant View Post
I too had received a similar challan. But in my case, they mistyped a bike's number to my car's number. And there is no way to query it from their site. I was told to come and visit the engineer at their office near GPO. I simply decided not to go since I will eventually spend more on Petrol just to visit the engineer.
Good sense prevailed when I asked him for the email id of the engineer and he messaged back saying he will try to change. He did it, I thanked him and end of story.

Good thing about this is that now most people wait behind the white line.

PS: Was able to query on some pune traffic police whatsapp contact number I managed to find from twitter.
Is right place to check if there is any challan exists for your vehicle? I noticed few apps on Android play store as well.

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Old 30th August 2017, 19:14   #2000
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by bmanoj View Post
Is right place to check if there is any challan exists for your vehicle?
That is the correct place to check for challans issued.
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Old 30th August 2017, 20:20   #2001
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Many of my friends have received SMS about traffic violations. A good initiative by Pune Traffic Police.

Check out this video of Pune Traffic Police. They actually come home to collect the fine! At least that is what is shown in the video.

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Old 30th August 2017, 20:50   #2002
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
The kid was surely around 8-9 years old and was in a semi seated position (when your legs dont reach the A-B-C pedals)
Maybe it was a Automatic Creta.

Even if the Kid crashed into someone, nothing much would have happened that being a localite car, and I am sure this must be somewhere around hinjewadi.

Pune traffic police cannot compared to Mumbai traffic police, reporting this would have made no difference AFAIK.
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Old 31st August 2017, 09:22   #2003
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
One of my colleagues received an e-challan from RTO. The challan had a photo of him on his two wheeler standing on Zebra crossing at one signal. I am shocked that Pune RTO has this feature and it actually works. Now, my colleague has to go and pay a fine of 200 Rs to RTO.
He doesnt need to go to the RTO. Can be done online. We had a similar challan on our innova for the same reason that you mention above. Paid it online and got a receipt generated

Originally Posted by sukhoi30 View Post
Are you sure about that? A kid 8-9 yrs old with 5 yr old in the passenger seat on a creta!! ........
Absolutely sure about it. That is the reason I said that he was barely resting his rear on the seat and was almost in a standing position actually.

Originally Posted by silverado View Post
Even if the Kid crashed into someone, nothing much would have happened that being a localite car, and I am sure this must be somewhere around hinjewadi.
Bang On with your observation!

Originally Posted by sukhoi30 View Post
You should have called the cops at their helpline number with the registration number because it is not only illegal but plain dangerous.
No point in calling the cops or even informing them because of the reason mentioned above by Silverado. Cops will not even lift a finger on your complaint because it does not work that way here. There have been instances where locals have thrashed cops/wardens in broad daylight at a busy junction, for just pointing out their mistake. Forget about being challaned for a traffic offense. There have been numerous instances where people ride on the wrong side or are triple seat on a bike in the wrong side and they without any fear cross the police patrol vans doing rounds. Cops do nothing! In such a case, if any mango man faces this situation, all that he can do is thank god for coming out of the situation without anything major irrespective of whose fault it is because no matter whose fault it is, the mango man will get squeezed into a pulp by the locals first and then the cops.

While at it, I remember another incident which happened with me around 4 years back. I was waiting at a signal behind a local oldie on a Suzuki access. A funeral procession was coming from behind and one of the person from that procession asked me to move the car ahead. The signal was red and there was this bike ahead of me. So there was no way I could move.

The procession came nearer and one more person asked me to move ahead and I told him the reason why I couldn't move. Luckily (or unluckily) the signal turned green and vehicles started moving. This access guy started towards the junction but then an errant auto driver from the road to the right at the intersection jumped his signal and zoomed past.

Looking at that auto guy jump his signal, this guy who started to move, braked suddenly and started rolling/moving backwards and precisely I just started to move and slightly touched his scooter. It was gentle nudge and nothing more and they guy just titled a little to his right. He suddenly dropped his scooter (this caused his scooter more damage than my nudge but the retard wouldn't realize that) and came running towards me to rain blows.

He rained a few and broke the indicator stalk while making an attempt to remove the key. I dogged most of the blow and thankfully those that hit me did not injure or pain me. By this time the crowd had gathered and even a cop came running. He asked the guy to stop the physical assault but the guy did not listen. So the cop himself caught the guy and pushed him off asking to stay away because the cop had seen what happened since the beginning. That guy, now started blurting expletives and said he will take care of me in the evening. Saying so he noted the registration number of the vehicle and left.

The cop then asked for me license and asked me to park the vehicle to a side. I parked and went to him. The cop was asking the other locals (who had gathered there for the show) to move and clear the intersection to which they back answered asking him why they cant stop at the junction and who is he to ask them to move. In the meanwhile, I started to tell him what happened when he stopped me and said that he had seen everything and it was not my fault. He then told me "sir I know its not your fault but these are locals. You just saw they way they spoke to me and there is nothing we can do".

This explanation of his was enough for me to shut my mouth and even resolve that in the future no matter what, I wouldn't get into an issue with the locals irrespective of who is right or wrong. Adding to it, at least in this part of the country, these locals win by sheer numbers in the sense that if one gets into trouble, you will see the entire village flocking him/her irrespective of the issue and that is something which no one else can match.

The cop then took my license number and asked me for my address and phone number. He said he would call me to the police station if the other party files a complaint. Took my license and went on my way to office.

The result of the entire fiasco - a broken indicator stalk and one of the greatest lessons of my life to not get into an issue with the locals. The reason is not that I don't have the courage but the fact that the people who you look up to, to set things right and themselves feigning helplessness. What more do you want? I can show courage and rain a few blows on him myself but it would not end there. There are many instances where such issues have gone beyond the individual and engulfed his entire family and eventually the individual has had to give in to pressure from the cops, locals and the politicos. Unlike the locals, the mango man does not have the luxury of unity from fellow people.

Its a slightly long post but just wanted to support what Silverado mentioned with a real life example.
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Old 5th September 2017, 20:03   #2004
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
and came running towards me to rain blows.

He rained a few and broke the indicator stalk while making an attempt to remove the key. I dogged most of the blow and thankfully those that hit me did not injure or pain me.
Really sorry to hear about your ordeal centaur.

"Violence is the first resort of the perennially stupid" .

It is extremely sad that Pune continues its downward spiral where birdbrains are vested with power and the politically unconnected , tax paying, middle class citizens are the ones suffer the most. There is absolutely no fear of retribution amongst the vast majority of yobos who are out on the road these days. And it is going to get much , much worse, to the extent our cities would be pretty much unlivable for above mentioned demographic.

On another note, here is an elaboration of how the proposed Chandani Chowk interchange is going to look like. Quite ambitious, I say, and would cause monumental bottlenecks while being WIP, but the end results (are expected to) look great.

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Old 1st October 2017, 17:05   #2005
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

There seems to be a huge group of cops at the Hinjewadi-Wakad bridge. They're stopping most of the bikes & cars going by, and massive harrassment/extortion going on. I got told that even if you are a tourist (I am from Chennai), you need to get a tourist-NOC if you are to visit any place outside your home state. I obviously knew the rules since I have taken an NOC earlier for my bike when I was working in Hyderabad. He, however, wouldn't listen to any reason and kept threatening to seize my vehicle with a piece of paper which he said was a court order.
The guy was a cop who was wearing dark blue pants (I trust traffic cops have a different uniform)? They extorted a huge fine from me today. This is extremely ridiculous, disgusting, and caused a lot of mental harassment. Is there any way to bring these guys to the books?
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Old 3rd October 2017, 09:38   #2006
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by FanaticOnWheels View Post
The guy was a cop who was wearing dark blue pants (I trust traffic cops have a different uniform)? They extorted a huge fine from me today. This is extremely ridiculous, disgusting, and caused a lot of mental harassment. Is there any way to bring these guys to the books?
The ones in blue pants are traffic wardens and not cops. Cops have a white shirt and khaki colour pants.

Fine for what? Did they give you a proper receipt? You can try using twitter and tweeting the CP but unless the reason for fine is known its difficult to say anything

One more thing. I think, these days it always better to video shoot the episode irrespective of it ending in a good or bad note. When on cam, these people make sure they are in their limits always.
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Old 3rd October 2017, 13:32   #2007
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

New traffic arrangement at University Circle. Today's TOI paper carried an article on the same.

Day 1 of the real test, and it has lived up to it's expectations. Heavy rush and inordinate delays. All the arms leading to the University were jammed today. This will be the state of things for this week.

When will the illogical flyovers get a makeover?
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Old 4th October 2017, 18:17   #2008
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Originally Posted by kutoos View Post
New traffic arrangement at University Circle.

Day 1 of the real test, and it has lived up to it's expectations. Heavy rush and inordinate delays. All the arms leading to the University were jammed today. This will be the state of things for this week.
This seems to be now revoked as per TOI article.
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Old 5th October 2017, 16:08   #2009
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

Any idea how the metro would run on roads which do not have enough carriage width for both Metro elevation and existing traffic ? For example , along the existing Paud Road flyover, the road is too narrow to have the liberty of having some pillars on either sides.
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Old 5th October 2017, 16:34   #2010
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re: Pune : Roads, traffic conditions, route queries and other assorted rants

I doubt the metro is going to be laid exactly along roads that we have. There could be deviations in places where the roads do not have enough width. On flyovers I doubt they would laid exactly on top of the existing flyover
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