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Old 24th November 2010, 15:43   #526
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
$60/month as delivery charges for newspaper that costs $1 per day or $30/month? Looks like some numbers got mixed up in a major way.
Not exactlt labor and services are costlier there.

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Nevertheless, the point remains that merchants are making a nice packet due to auto renewals via credit card. This applies purely to US markets.

In India, they ( Readers Digest is one example) is trying their best to sell their goods/services via. door delivery. I think there are just a fraction of urban population who avails this kind of service.

We indians are smarter and at most times do keep a good track of where our money is going
Again only fraction of population uses credit card and this thread is relevant to them , You will be surprised to know how many such services are existing in India.

Few examples
1. people purchase a domastic airline ticket cheap on travel portal and sold
travel insurance for about 500 Rs if they do not remove tick from a small box before they enter credit card details.
2 Insurance cross sold by CC companies and the premium renewls are charged on cards
3. Charges for mobile services on CC which you never use.

there may be many more but this is what I have come across.
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Old 24th November 2010, 16:25   #527
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Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Not exactlt labor and services are costlier there.
Are you saying, delivery charges will be more than the product cost? I am not sure I understand your point here.

Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Few examples
1. people purchase a domastic airline ticket cheap on travel portal and sold
travel insurance for about 500 Rs if they do not remove tick from a small box before they enter credit card details.
2 Insurance cross sold by CC companies and the premium renewls are charged on cards
3. Charges for mobile services on CC which you never use.

there may be many more but this is what I have come across.
I agree but, they are just a drop in the ocean. Educated folks will never get caught in such stupid traps. Only two kinds of people will get caught in such traps

a) Someone who is in a hurry (fraction of people from the lot who use a CC)

b) Someone who has more money than he cares ( fraction of people from the lot who use a CC)
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Old 24th November 2010, 16:31   #528
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I remember reading somewhere that RBI has mandated that there should be a second level of authentication for all online credit card transactions within in India.
Banks are supposed to provide this from their end.
For my Citibank credit card, the online banking is the second level authentication, since my NetBanking account is linked to my credit card account or vice-verse.
So if any credit card is not linked to any banking account, then verified by visa/mastercard is used.
Not sure about American Express credit cards.
I am trying to find the an article that describes this based on the RBI directive.
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Old 24th November 2010, 17:42   #529
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Are you saying, delivery charges will be more than the product cost? I am not sure I understand your point here.
Yes exactly applies for many things in most of the developed world where labor is costly.

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
I agree but, they are just a drop in the ocean. Educated folks will never get caught in such stupid traps. Only two kinds of people will get caught in such traps

a) Someone who is in a hurry (fraction of people from the lot who use a CC)

b) Someone who has more money than he cares ( fraction of people from the lot who use a CC)
Again you make lots of erroneous presumptions most people who get trapped are average middle class people who

1. Are not internet savy and do not check statements online regularly.
2. People who are not assertive and can not fight back.

Even if you are aware then also a small mistake can cost you money.
I have my own example related to is Ready credit facility of Citibank.

This was made available for my suvidha account without me asking for it.
This was always first option in the drop down list of accounts / CC after logging in the account.
Once by mistake the transection was triggered by because I did not select the second option ( savings account) from the list and ended up making some payment using ready credit.
Later I noticed 500 Rs were taken from me as "one time activation charge", I called customer care but only option I had was to continue since it is already activated else I should have asked for cancellation of service as soon as I saw this facility, so I reluctantly I accepted.,
Next year citibank "renewed" my subscription to ready credit without asking. At the time of activation they never told me that apart from "1 time activation fee" of 500 Rs there will be "yearly subscription fee" for 500 rupees.
Again calling helpline was of no help as they gave same parroted answers that it is already done for next year so I was furious and called up the regional manager and gave him mouthful forgetting the decency and ultimately got the charge reversed.

This kind of behavior is common with all the financial service providers and that is how they make money
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Old 24th November 2010, 17:46   #530
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passcode verification is not yet applicable for american express.

surprised, rather stunned to know that passcode verfication is merchant-option-selected and not issuing-bank-enforced !
beats the whole damn purpose !
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Old 25th November 2010, 07:58   #531
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One of the transactions have been billed. It is called "Gery Stores Shanghai".

God knows what store is this. The amount is 485.69 Chinese YEN which is INR 3468.82

The suspect also has tried a transaction from Tommy Hilfiger for 174.95 USD which failed as my card was already blocked.

No attempts after that.

I'm sending the Dispute form to Citbank today. Let's see how it goes.
Attached Thumbnails
The Credit Card Thread-cdf_masked.jpg  

Last edited by para_7k : 25th November 2010 at 08:01.
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Old 15th December 2010, 13:16   #532
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re: The Credit Card Thread

I have always used my icici infinity to pay my sbi card bills. There used to be a feature called transfer money to card in the infinity menu.

That service has been removed. So if you have been using Infinity to pay bills for other cards, make alternate arrangements.

Luckily Sbi cards have a new feature to pay the bill using the netbanking.
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Old 15th December 2010, 13:51   #533
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re: The Credit Card Thread

^^ +1, SBI does have the netbanking option by which i can pay my CC bill online. Its so quick, easy and so much convenient !! I use to have a stan chart card before this and they did not have this option and paying their bills was a headache. They did not have any of their branch in my vicinity due to which twice i missed out on my payments !!

Its been a smooth affair with SBI card (so far )
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Old 15th December 2010, 14:16   #534
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re: The Credit Card Thread

Originally Posted by dar3dev|l View Post
I use to have a stan chart card before this and they did not have this option and paying their bills was a headache. They did not have any of their branch in my vicinity due to which twice i missed out on my payments !!
Standard Chartered bank also offers a netpay facility now. I have used both Citibanking as well as ICICI online payment to clear my bill.

Here is the link:
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Old 15th December 2010, 14:58   #535
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re: The Credit Card Thread

Originally Posted by bblost View Post
I have always used my icici infinity to pay my sbi card bills. There used to be a feature called transfer money to card in the infinity menu.

That service has been removed. So if you have been using Infinity to pay bills for other cards, make alternate arrangements.

Luckily Sbi cards have a new feature to pay the bill using the netbanking.
SBI offers online payment facility through other bank internet banking account via BillDesk but strangely if you pay the SBI card bill through SBI online banking even then they route it through BillDesk and thereby take 3 days to reflect in the Credit Card account. This is very strange since they can do it internally without engaging billdesk.
In ICICI transfer from ICICI Bank account to ICICI Credit card used to be instant. Ditto for HDFC.
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Old 5th February 2011, 23:35   #536
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re: The Credit Card Thread

I am holding HDFC Platinum Plus Credit Card from past 3 years and is expiry is due next month. So when its expired does HDFC upgrade the card or send the same card to me ?

Do they send it automatically to the communication address or i have to contact the customer care for the new card ?
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Old 6th February 2011, 00:20   #537
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re: The Credit Card Thread

They will automatically send you the new card to the address mentioned. Upgrade or not depends on the bank policy at that period. Most probably, you'd get the same card.
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Old 6th February 2011, 00:27   #538
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re: The Credit Card Thread

Originally Posted by CRV2010 View Post
I am holding HDFC Platinum Plus Credit Card from past 3 years and is expiry is due next month. So when its expired does HDFC upgrade the card or send the same card to me ?

Do they send it automatically to the communication address or i have to contact the customer care for the new card ?
The bank will send you the card before the first one expires.
For a upgrade I think you will have to do a CV and request the bank for the same. This usually involves sending a latest salary statement or last years I-tax returns.

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Old 6th February 2011, 01:00   #539
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Originally Posted by CRV2010 View Post
I am holding HDFC Platinum Plus Credit Card from past 3 years and is expiry is due next month. So when its expired does HDFC upgrade the card or send the same card to me ?

Do they send it automatically to the communication address or i have to contact the customer care for the new card ?
The bank will send the card to your registered mailing address 3-4 weeks before your current card expires. For your convenience, the card number and all the PINs (ATM, Mobile Banking and Internet PIN) will remain same as previous.

One suggestion on basis of my personal experience. Try to contact the Standard Chartered Bank for getting a Manhattan Platinum Card by telling them the HDFC credit card type and the credit limit (don't share any other information). They'll issue the Manhattan Platinum card and match the credit limit of HDFC card.

Benefits : You get 5% cash back on all purchases of Rs. 500 or more at all departmental stores (Spencers, More, Reliance Fresh etc.) and certain Malls (like Pune Central etc.). Since getting my card in September last year I've got more than Rs. 1000 cash back.

In-direct Benefit : When I stopped using my HDFC card, I got call in December from HDFC bank requesting if I am facing any problems. When I told them that I got a Stan Char card with certain limit, they upgraded my card to World Master Card and doubled my credit limit.

Originally Posted by dar3dev|l View Post
I use to have a stan chart card before this and they did not have this option and paying their bills was a headache.
Originally Posted by benbsb29 View Post
Standard Chartered bank also offers a netpay facility now. I have used both Citibanking as well as ICICI online payment to clear my bill.

Here is the link:
I've been using this link since I got my first statement of Stan Chart Card. The banks simply won't be able to handle all the paper work if they accept only cheque payments.

Last edited by bblost : 6th February 2011 at 08:39. Reason: back to back. Thanks.
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Old 6th February 2011, 01:36   #540
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re: The Credit Card Thread

Originally Posted by para_7k View Post
One of the transactions have been billed. It is called "Gery Stores Shanghai".

God knows what store is this. The amount is 485.69 Chinese YEN which is INR 3468.82

The suspect also has tried a transaction from Tommy Hilfiger for 174.95 USD which failed as my card was already blocked.

No attempts after that.

I'm sending the Dispute form to Citbank today. Let's see how it goes.
I had an excellent experience in a similar situation with my Citibank Card. In Feb 2009, a booking was made on my card via (at that time Internet PIN was not required to transact online). I reported the matter and Citibank officials asked me to submit a Card Member Declaration Form (CDF) and issued me a new card. Once I filled the form, they immediately reverted the transaction amount as 'Charges under review' (first image below). They shared their investigation details with me (second image below) and found that there was no mistake of mine. The case was closed as they could not catch the culprit as the tickets were booked on a false name and address. The money was already reverted to my card account.

The Credit Card Thread-citibank.jpg

The Credit Card Thread-citibank2.jpg
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