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Old 4th October 2007, 20:41   #1501
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Good one..n_c..

Guess the bottom line is this..the Aussies may talk crap on the field,but they make sure their performance backs it up.

Talking about the game on Friday..i heard that the pitch being used is a batting track. A big total can be expected.
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Old 4th October 2007, 20:42   #1502
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Here we go again!
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Old 4th October 2007, 20:46   #1503
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Originally Posted by Bass&Trouble View Post

Now what I'd really like to see is Sreesanth slap someone like Andrew Symmonds, lol. What would follow would be quite a sight.
Since we are on the generally cordial topic of slapping around Australian aborginee descendants let me ask if you guys have heard of these couple of interesting facts that someone enlightened me about today in office:

1. Symonds and Hayden go out hunting for wild boars in the Australian bush armed to their teeth with a single dagger/knife (australian for boomerang maybe)
2. Symonds was in a boat in shark infested waters. The boat capsized and he swam for 45 min to reach the shore.

I cannot back those two stories with any credibility but hey! - someone gift our mallu boy from Kerela a few books on the Australian lineage eh!
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Old 4th October 2007, 20:50   #1504
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Why do you think Australia are in India? To play Cricket or call Indian, names?

If we are weak in Cricket, are they entitled to call us, names? If so thats bad society & pathetic upbringing.

Originally Posted by mclaren1885 View Post
Chalo, I think its time to play the "I am holier (aggressive) than thou" game here. I'll begin by making a personal remark against a member. And let them respond and show their aggressiveness. Then we can keep continuing the game until one of the moderators come and kick us both out (which is eventually whats going to happen on the field too). I am appalled at the way some senior members, who I expected to be mature are putting out such silly arguments. Fine they made a personal comment, but what happened to your sense of maturity? Gone with the wind?

We all know the Australian's are a bunch of spoilt brats. No ones denying it, so are we to stoop down to the same level? I am surprised all those giving out these comments here will actually advice their own children to do the same? If so, then I would really appreciate you guys. Not otherwise. And do make a note that no one is denying sledging is bad, its good for the game in a way. But there is a limit to the way you sledge. If the Australian's crossed it there is no need for us to cross the limits too.

Surprisingly, I wonder why it is only we Indian's who keep giving justifications to our actions. I don't think there was a need for Bhajji to justify what he did OR why he did it. He did it on the field, and that should have been the end to it on the field. Unless, he just wants public empathy.

Going by the other side of the story, Ponting says:

Let us match up our talking with some performances and then we will appreciate all the dancing. If not, we are just talking parrots who are fit for nothing.
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Old 4th October 2007, 20:54   #1505
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Originally Posted by diabloo View Post
If so thats bad society & pathetic upbringing.
Just showing their lineage....

and before anyone asks, I doubt if Sree comes from a line of ex-cons.

Last edited by Steeroid : 4th October 2007 at 20:55.
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Old 4th October 2007, 20:57   #1506
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Originally Posted by Steeroid View Post
Just showing their lineage....

and before anyone asks, I doubt if Sree comes from a line of ex-cons.
Exactly ... also the forests they go into with daggers hunting for boars is coz the Aussie bush ain't got any Veerapan naxals in their . And ex con lineage is again coming to the fore , goes to prove a lot about what they all about .
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:22   #1507
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Originally Posted by normally_crazy View Post
Moral of the whole story

If you sledge - you better perform to justify that sledging

If you perform - you have the right to sledge

If you sledge but fail to perform - idiot

If you perform but do not sledge - wimp

If you sledge and perform - Australian
Well put .

Khaadu, you are not getting my point. I am NOT against sledging. There should be sledging, but not the way its happening right now. Sreesant in particular, every emotion of his seems to be like an over-action & artificial.

Originally Posted by mayank
Symonds was in a boat in shark infested waters. The boat capsized and he swam for 45 min to reach the shore.
that had me in splits.

Some very nice thoughts put down :

Were it not for the fact that both teams have been led by thoroughly likeable men, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Gilchrist, things may well have deteriorated to a level where cricket became a contact sport. And with so many thousands of children scrutinising their heroes' every move, the two teams that now hold all three world titles on offer in the sport really need to take a long hard look at themselves.
India have gone into the series determined to match Australia in what Stephen Waugh might have referred to as the mental disintegration stakes. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with that. For too long teams have allowed Australia to intimidate them with more than just bat and ball, and the feistiness shown by some of the English players during the Ashes series of 2005 proved that even the biggest bully in the yard could be stared down.
But controlled aggression is one thing and some of the nonsense we've seen in this series quite another. It's worth recalling that most of the men who in the past got too enmeshed in verbal skirmishes paid the price with miserable failure, which was what the Australians intended in the first place.
Harbhajan Singh and Sourav Ganguly were two who had a measure of success in getting under Australian skin and causing an itch or two. Ganguly did it with a smile on his face, and Waugh's subsequent irritation and complaints were the reaction of a man who had been caught out at an essentially Australian game.
Harbhajan's tactics have been far less subtle, and have involved plenty of lip. "He likes to have a chat," admitted Glenn McGrath during Australia's victorious tour of India in 2004. McGrath was keen to emphasise that white-line fever didn't afflict his countrymen alone, but for his part Harbhajan could point to 21 wickets from three Tests as proof of successful aggression.
and there's always Brett Lee with those throws to the keeper that invariably accidentally hit the batsman.
Given the backdrop it says a lot that Sreesanth has managed to take the sledging spotlight away from its most skilled practitioners. In Kochi, though, he walked the line, and was most fortunate that Chris Broad had one of his more lenient days as match referee.
Sreesanth's apologists will point to how McGrath used to carry on sometimes. Fair enough. But McGrath was also the best bowler in the world, certainly the best we'll ever see, and he never let the white-line fever affect his performance. If anything, it probably enhanced it. Sreesanth, who started both games in this series superbly only to tail off at the end, needs to learn from that and learn quickly before a ban or two comes his way.
Sreesanth is an outstanding fast-bowling talent, capable of genuine pace and controlled swing, and despite his antics there's grudging respect for him in the Australian camp. But what both he and India need right now is focus. A good opening spell alone seldom wins matches, and making faces at the batsmen certainly doesn't.
It matters little what the Australians make of Sreesanth, and even less what their newspapers think. But his team-mates do matter. And right now he's letting them down. Dhoni faces a question about his behaviour at pretty much every press conference, and he certainly can't have been too thrilled on Tuesday, having to walk down the pitch to ask Sreesanth to get on with it after an appeal for a run-out that would have embarrassed someone playing gully cricket.
Read the rest of this wonderful article here.

Cricinfo - Grow up already

Sorry, mods forgot to quote the source in the previous post. Took it from cricinfo.
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:31   #1508
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What I'd like to see is Matthew Hayden one-on-one against 3D. That would make the free Ferrari SO WORTH IT!
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:31   #1509
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Originally Posted by MC Mayank View Post
1. Symonds and Hayden go out hunting for wild boars in the Australian bush armed to their teeth with a single dagger/knife (australian for boomerang maybe)
2. Symonds was in a boat in shark infested waters. The boat capsized and he swam for 45 min to reach the shore.
Both of which seem boring in front of a nice friendly weekend brawl in the toddy shops of gawd's own country (before the guns come out, that is)
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:32   #1510
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Originally Posted by diabloo View Post
Why do you think Australia are in India? To play Cricket or call Indian, names?
Like I already mentioned, they did it means we don't have to necessarily do it too. Whats the difference between us then?

Just answer a simple question. If your son (hypothetically) was called names by someone, WILL YOU teach him expletives so that he can tackle fire with fire? Simple question, simple answer. Or will you act in a mature way being the father?

If so thats bad society & pathetic upbringing.
Same should apply to Sreesant as well? Plus this is not a thumb rule. I have seen gem of parents give birth to kids whom the parents themselves feel ashamed of. There was nothing wrong in their upbringing, its just that the kid turned out to be like that on his own accord. Like the old saying goes "You can take the horse to the river, but you can't make it drink water". You matured people of all ought to know that.
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:35   #1511
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Originally Posted by mclaren1885 View Post
Just answer a simple question. If your son (hypothetically) was called names by someone, WILL YOU teach him expletives so that he can tackle fire with fire? Simple question, simple answer. Or will you act in a mature way being the father?
Beta/Beti, here are a bunch of things Mom certainly wouldn't want you to say to that other kid *hands The Big Book of Bad Words to child and exits, stage left*.

Originally Posted by mclaren1885 View Post
I have seen gem of parents give birth to kids whom the parents themselves feel ashamed of.
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:39   #1512
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Originally Posted by Steeroid View Post
Both of which seem boring in front of a nice friendly weekend brawl in the toddy shops of gawd's own country (before the guns come out, that is)
Oh ya wat was I thinking.
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:46   #1513
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Cricinfo - 'We'll leave the talking to the Indians' - Ponting

Ricky Ponting: "He [Harbhajan Singh] has plenty to say on the field and then whenever someone says something back to him, he is the first one to run away from it
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Old 4th October 2007, 21:53   #1514
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Originally Posted by v1p3r View Post
Yeah. You might have heard a couple of such cases in the local newspapers or by the word of mouth a long long time back. Some of them include grandsons of some politicians/influential industrymen committing acts of robbery, rape etc.

Another wonderful article on how Indian's reacted to sledging against the Englishmen. Once again Sreesant at his best.

Cricinfo - When jelly bean turned bitter pill

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Old 4th October 2007, 22:01   #1515
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Looks like some people here are competing for the `I proved my Point` Trophy.
Lets see who wins.
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