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View Poll Results: Do you harvest Rain water ?
Yes 67 44.37%
No 14 9.27%
I will do in future . 68 45.03%
I dont need it . 2 1.32%
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Old 22nd February 2010, 13:40   #1
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Rainwater Harvesting - have you done this? EDIT: Pictorial on Page 5

Any one here have rain water harvesting implemented in their homes or offices ? .
If yes ,let us know the methods and implementation .

Water will be more precious than gold in future , I think so ! .

PS:BWSSB has made rain water harvesting mandatory for houses( new and old) => 1200 sqfeet in 2009(need to be implemented in 9 months time . I am thinking of doing irrespective of this rule.

Last edited by black12rr : 22nd February 2010 at 13:44.
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Old 22nd February 2010, 13:55   #2
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We are also looking for information on rain water harvesting for our gated community. Any information on how as well as information about consultants would be appreciated.

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Old 22nd February 2010, 14:36   #3
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I have received the notice from bwssb.
You can get some instructions and list of approved plumbers in
the website does not give much info.

Our house does not have a borewell or a well. SO based on the instructions I have to construct something 5ft wide and 10ft deep.
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Old 22nd February 2010, 15:57   #4
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The last date for installing RWH is 27 May 2010.

Originally Posted by black12rr View Post
BWSSB has made rain water harvesting mandatory for houses( new and old) => 1200 sqfeet in 2009(need to be implemented in 9 months time.
The last date for installation of rain water harvesting for the existing properties of 2400 sq ft and above is 27 May 2010 as per this report of Deccan Herald. As my home is built on 2400 sq ft site, I will have to get it done before the last date. So, I opted for 'I will do in future'.

Rainwater Harvesting - have you done this? EDIT: Pictorial on Page 5-bwssb-rwh.jpg

Last edited by J.Ravi : 22nd February 2010 at 16:01.
Old 22nd February 2010, 16:47   #5
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Planning to dig a well, and redirect all water from the roof into the well. This is rather simple. Wells are dug in this area using concrete "rings". Each ring will be about 2 feet high; and with varying diameter. A minimum 8 rings would be required here. Need to work out / research the diameter part.

Right now, toof water simply runs off, and goes to the ground. We do not send out water anywhere - even bathroom water goes to soakpits around the house.

But, this is Cochin and not B'lore. We do not have the second "S" in BWSSB.

Other option would be build a tank; but that will mean water gets stale rather fast. When directed into a well, it recharges ground water. Also, once the tank is full, water would run off. When directed into a well, it will be absorbed into the ground in a few hours (depending on the locality and ground). So, in case of frequent rains, water would not run off.
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Old 22nd February 2010, 21:03   #6
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I did rain water harvesting while making my guest house 5 yrs back. Since I did it while the hotel was being constructed the cost was absolutely negligible.

I use recharge well technology to do the harvesting instead of the storage well since it hardly rains here in jaipur.

This is how my rain water harvesting set up.

I have 2 small tanks 5x5x5 feet where all the rain water from the roof is collected through drain pipes. These small wells are filled with sand and stones and help in removing the heavy impurities that settle down here before the water is emptied in the main well.

The main well is around 120 feet deep ( water table is at 160ft). The bottom90 feet has a diameter of around 8 inches and is filled with gravel. The top 30 feet has well rings and has a diameter of 3 feet. Each well ring is 2 feet high.

This top 30 feet well till 10 feet from bottom has alternate layers of sand, gravel and broken bricks. And the top 20 feet is where the water is collected from the initial 2 tanks.

This collected water then percolates down and recharges the ground water, whenever it rains.

Every year the top layer of all the tanks has to be cleaned of unwanted dirt.

The problem is that I am the only one who has done rain water harvesting in the society, so whatever rain water is harvested by me is used by the others too, as they use borewells too for their water needs. But that doesnt bother me. I am happy that atleast I do not let the rain water go waste.

Last edited by deky : 22nd February 2010 at 21:07.
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Old 22nd February 2010, 22:55   #7
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I have a very small plot size so I am not able to do ground water recharge. But what I have done is installing a syntex tank of 1000L & collect rain water & excess water from OHT (including that of my neighbours - who even with repeated request do not stop their motors for hours and all water comes on my terrace - I had to do special water proofing only for this purpose!). Since I installed this in late last year, all my gardening (about 100 potted plants) & car wash requirement are met by collected water. Infact now I wash my car once a week (earlier used to do it once a month!)
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Old 15th March 2010, 07:44   #8
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Can anyone who's done Rainwater Harvesting implementation in Bangalore share the cost and time involved, please ? Want to get this done ASAP.

The BWSSB website has given some details, including the list of contractors & plumbers trained by Rainwater harvesting experts. But the costs, even approximate, are not specified. I think they should do this, to prevent the consumers being taken for a ride.
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Old 15th March 2010, 08:23   #9
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Yes but it was a simple setup based on water board recommendation.It which was planned and implemented during the construction of our house in 2008-09.
If your house is not an aptmt based, then you can implement the same in simple ways.
You would need a filtering system & sump to collect and reuse the water.

Ours is a three storey individual house where the drain pipe from the top floor redirects the water to a filtering system and then to a sump below the car park.

Rainwater Harvesting - have you done this? EDIT: Pictorial on Page 5-rainphoto.jpg

The filtering system is a small pit with brick bats as the lower filling and river sand the upper layer of filling. The drain pipe should be located above the sand layer and the exit for filtered water must be at the centre of the brickbat layer. The harvested water is then resued for watering the plants & cleaning.
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Old 15th March 2010, 21:55   #10
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My cousin's house in Waynad has a rain water harvesting set up. I think it was a government supported project. Sorry I do not have any details.
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Old 15th March 2010, 22:40   #11
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Our great town planning department have ensured this feature 'built in' in cities like Mumbai. Great idea nonetheless
Attached Images
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Old 15th March 2010, 23:28   #12
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Hi All,

I was planning to implement rain water harvesting system during construction of my house. So tried to collect more information about it.

The url given below is one of the webite which I liked, hope this helps

Rainwater Club - Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Grey water, recycling


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Old 15th March 2010, 23:42   #13
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I have rain water harvesting in my house.We have a big garden in the rear of the house.the slope of the garden and the stone drive way of the house leads to the the end of this garden is a very very deep pit.this pit was filled with gravel and broken as to filter the water.this was than covered using a concrete slab.

The water from the driveway etc. goes into the garden via the slope.then the garden itself has a slope which leads near this pit.there is a supplementary smaller pit which has a perforated removable iron cover so that we can remove it and clear any leaves and mud accumulated.this then is connected to the aforementioned deep pit.

In short we are not using any of that harvested rain water but infact are supplying it directly to the natural water table of the earth.

Water is getting scarce by the day.We try our best in educating as many people about this simple technique which costs very less and saves a lot of water from getting wasted.

Using rainwater for domestic purposes becomes very costly as it has to be filtered at different levels.Hence generally people back out of it.Using that water instead to supply the natural water table is a far cheaper and more doable method and it doesn't even need any you can even build it under your driveway.
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Old 17th March 2010, 12:07   #14
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Originally Posted by mooza View Post
Can anyone who's done Rainwater Harvesting implementation in Bangalore share the cost and time involved, please ? Want to get this done ASAP.


I have done this at my house that was constructed about 2 years ago. Will be glad to share the details with you.

Please do PM me for further info.

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Old 21st March 2010, 16:42   #15
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One person from Indian Institute of Science has built his house to be a model for Rain water harvesting and other green technology. Visit the webpage for details and if possible try to visit his house situated in Vijaynagar. He says that he is wholly independent of BWSSB for water supply

KSCST : RWH - SOURABHA - a case study
and the photos,

KSCST : Rainwater Harvesting - Photos Gallery - Continued...

The site also offers a lot of info about rain water harvesting. And, if and when I construct my house, this surely gonna be my starting page

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