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Old 13th January 2010, 12:44   #1
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Do you believe in Astrology / Are you superstitious?


Just heard a colleague mentioning about a friend who was married just a few days and who met with an horrendous accident - leading to brain hemorrhage, blood clot and even loss of memory. She (this lady) is still in ICU at a hospital in Belapur...

Was stunned when my colleaugue mentioned that everyone (friends and family) is saying that since she was wearing a diamond ring this could have happened.

Then another colleague mentioned what an important role some gem-stones play in our lives etc.. etc; and if that stone does not suit a person - it cold lead to fatalities!

Can such things really happen to individuals...who go about getting up in the morning, saying their small prayer, going to work, spend time with kids or their respective impacted by stones?

Just out of curiosity - how many on this forum, who live a fast paced life and witnessing this modern day convergence of technology on mankind.....nearly everyday - BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY, some may call it superstition?
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Old 13th January 2010, 13:06   #2
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I always take astrology with a generous dose of salt. I am not a believer. I don't deny it can create a feel good factor though.
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Old 13th January 2010, 13:18   #3
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This is what I have heard about diamond rings...

For a diamond to give +ve effect (or not a -ve effect) its cut is very important. And this effect means the sunlight that falls on the skin through the diamond. And we all know that the refractions in the diamond or infact any glass pieces greatly depend on the lines in the stone. So, was little convincing to me at that time.

But if that could lead to a accident or some thing like this, I don't know.

One thing is sure. Its all superstition - until you find the valid reason behind it.
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Old 13th January 2010, 13:21   #4
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Moderator's Note:

Please search before creating a new thread. Topic under discussion: (Do you believe in Astrology, Tarot, Numerology?)

Last edited by Eddy : 13th January 2010 at 13:24.
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