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Old 6th November 2009, 11:30   #1
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The Weight Loss Thread

I am the one who thinks that round is also a figure, and i do not want to harp on the look or "being handsome" factors of excess body weight. I just dread the medical side of it (having family history of diabetes). Extra weight is not good, neither in our cars, nor at our own body.

Let us all discuss the one dreaded thing - our own body weight. Excess of which could cause a lot of problem as we all grow old.

Let us discuss it here and help everyone shed some of it.

Like our cars lets make our bodies lighter, but not too light

Fellow T-Bhpians, let us all discuss our success and failure stories so that all of us can draw lessons from it, and use points that are helpful in our quest to be light.

Let us discuss about topics which are helpful in weight loss like-

- diet
- will power
- workouts
- etc.

I am not putting it under the body building thread, because as my own experience have told me this is a completely different ball game. It needs a lot more will power
If mods think this topic does not warrant a separate thread they can merge the two.

Mod Note: Adding the following important posts to the opening post so that no one misses them:

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
Following is my understanding after reading this book, pardon any mistakes.

Low-carb or no-carb diet works by limiting insulin secretion. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas in response to the glucose in the blood. It's job is to encourage the cells to accept glucose from the blood, there by reducing the blood sugar levels. Those destination cells could be muscle cells, liver or fat cells.

As graaja already mentioned, we eat 3 kinds of food:
  1. Carbs - These convert quickly into glucose and go directly into blood. That is why carbs satiate your hunger very fast.
  2. Proteins - These take long time to convert into glucose and need the liver to do that.
  3. Fat - Don't confuse edible fat (cheese/butter/oil) with physical fat. Edible fats are required to digest vitamins and protein. If you starve yourself of edible fat, your body can't break down the proteins and vitamins you are eating. Many foods containing these vitamins also come with the fat required to digest them. For example, the fat in egg yolks allows the body to access the vitamins A and D it’s so abundant in. So all the egg whites in the world won’t help you out if you’re not eating them with the fats in the yolk to access that protein properly. Read more here.

When you eat carbs, it quickly turns into blood sugar, and insulin is secreted to supply the glucose to the cells. If the person is doing physical labour or workout, the muscle cells will demand a big share of the glucose. The left over glucose will be supplied to the liver to store it as glycogen for future usage. However, the liver can only store up to around 5% of its mass as glycogen. So all the remaining glucose will be sent to the fat cells. If you eat further carbs, it results in more blood sugar, and further insulin will be secreted and it will all end up in fat cells. This storage in fat cells is what makes you fat. Inside the fat cells they form triglycerides.

Sugar and starch also cause insulin to secret much faster, because these too become blood sugar very fast.

When you eat proteins only, the glucose is generated at a low rate from the liver, so the rate of insulin secretion will also be low. Then even a low activity person's muscle cells and liver will accept most of the glucose and nothing much is left for the fat cells. This is why protein diet doesn't make you fat.

Coming back to carbs/sugar/starch, let us see what other harm it can cause.

1) The insulin secretion in high quantity will eventually make the cells resistant to insulin. Thus it requires more insulin to encourage those cells to accept the glucose from the blood stream. So the pancreas will produce even more insulin. And the cells will become even more resistant. This vicious circle will continue until the insulin production is no more able to meet the demand. That is when the person is diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes.

2) LDL is the protein that carries the cholesterol. LDL particles exist in different sizes. On one hand there are the large, fluffy, cotton-ball like molecules, and on the other hand the small dense molecules. Studies show that people whose LDL particles are predominantly small and dense, have a threefold greater risk of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, the large and fluffy type of LDL may be protective. There is an inverse correlation between blood levels of triglycerides and LDL particle size. Thus, the higher your triglycerides, the higher the number of small LDL particles. Conversely, the lower your triglycerides, the higher the number of large, fluffy LDL particles. Read more here. Now remember triglycerides, they are formed in fat cells because muscles and liver cells couldn't deal with the deluge of glucose. In other words, carbs/sugar increase the chance of triglycerides creation, which increases small LDL particles, and hence higher chance of heart disease.

Thus, low-carb or no-carb diet decreases the chance of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

The most dangerous drug most of us are addicted to is sugar, it is nothing but slow poison to our body. Even if you avoid using white sugar, it is also present in natural form in most fruit. I know we are conditioned to think that all fruits are good, but you need to remember that most fruits have abundant sugar. In fact, it is the result of thousands of years of selective breeding to maximize sugar. So replace fruits with vegetables, that will cut down sugar drastically.

Check this site for details on the carb/sugar content of fruits and vegetables.

We humans in the current form have been around for 2.5 million years. But agriculture was invented only 10,000 years ago, and it took another 5000 years to spread to rest of the civilized world. Most tribal communities stuck with hunting and foraging until the 20th century. So what were humans eating in the first 99.6% of the time? Meat/Fish and wild berries/plants, whose carb content was less than 10%. They got meat and fat from hunting, and berries/plants from foraging. Our carb intake increased only with the invention of agriculture, that is in the last 0.4% of human history. Finally, processed sugar and flour became widely available only after the industrial revolution, that is the last 200 years. That is not enough time for humans evolve into carb/sugar tolerating species.

It is been shown through many studies that tribal communities in 20th century who switched from hunting/foraging to modern processed food started having instances of diabetes, BP, and heart disease, which was unknown in their communities until then. We survived as species at least 99.6% of the time eating meat and fat. Yet we blame these modern diseases on meat and fat. Real culprit is sugar, followed by starch and carbs.

Fat Loss

Now let's see how low-carb diet helps fat loss. Most of the following content is contributed by moderator ampere who has been following this diet since few years.

Body's energy production cycle is called the Tri Carboxylic Acid or TCA cycle. Whenever one does any activity, the first source of TCA is always Glucose. And the easiest source of glucose is carbs, getting it from fat is more complex. Therefore body will always preserve fat, whenever it sees carb coming into the system.

People who eat carbs and exercise don't lose fat, because the body uses the glucose from the carbs and leaves the accumulated fat alone. So if you eat and workout until hunger strikes you, and then eat carbs again, your fat will be left alone. There will be no weight loss.

In other words, if you eat proteins/fat instead of carbs, the glucose supply comes in a long trickle instead of a sudden flood. So if you workout or spend energy under these conditions, the body will desperately look for alternative source and finds the fat storage in fat cells and starts using that. That results in fat loss.

If you have heard the term runner's high, its basically glucose in your muscles getting consumed first and then body turning to fat for energy. That's why during the second session of workouts or run, one does not feel panting for breadth that much. Its the fat mode of energy conversion kicking in.
Originally Posted by ampere View Post
The other part to note is the *fat loss* part:

- Body's energy production cycle is called the Tri Carboxylic Acid or TCA cycle). It was discovered by Hans Krebs in '37 (who got a Nobel in '53).

- The first step called Glycolysis, breaks down Glucose into Pyruvate (This releases only 2 molecules of ATP)
- Its this Pyruvate that enters into the TCA cycle and releases 38 molecules of ATP which is the energy part.

In case of use of fat molecules for energy; the first compound to be broken is a ketone instead of Glucose. (Hence the term Ketosis/Keto diet etc)

If you go by the original supposition of eat small quantities etc it still works if you slog it out. Its after all also a question of how much you burn.

Now whenever one does any activity, the first source of TCA is always Glucose. Hence body always looks at it for use as its a simple compound to break. Fat is a much more complex compound difficult to break and very efficient for storage. So in the event of energy requirement body always looks at Glucose first and fat later. If you have heard the term runner's high, its basically glucose in your muscles getting consumed first and then body turning to fat for energy. Thats why during the second session of workouts or run, one does not feel panting for breadth that much. (Its the fat mode of energy conversion kicking in)

Coming back to fat loss:

When you eat carbs at continuous intervals, you dont give body any chance for it to tap into the fat reserves. Thats why even when you reduce your intake, you never feel your weight going down or fat levels coming down. Its now a big function of how much you slog in the gym. Because body will always preserve fat, whenever it sees carb coming into the system.

So the idea here is to trick the body by depriving it of carbs so that body has no options but to look at fat for an alternative source of energy. So the moment body finds out low levels of starch, it switches energy mechanisms to fat mode.

So now in this mode, even if you eat fat, it will always burn because it is now the primary source of fuel for body.

That is how obese guys come down on weight. They are asked to take fat and no carbs.

To add to advantage, as Sharath mentioned, excessive consumption of Carbs also aids insulin resistance. (Thats the problem). Hence reduction in carbs helps diabetes as well. Cholestrol levels actually improve with this approach.

(As a next level; search for bullet proof coffee! An espresso shot with whipped cream and coconut oil ! )

Its ones of the best controlling agents for insulin spike.
Originally Posted by ampere View Post
Coming to diet part, getting fats into the system is OK. But its the protein part which is tricky.

For non-veg, proteins are very easy. Its for the veggies, its difficult. I use Whey and take it in moderation. (Why moderation? Because heavy usage can also have adverse effects on kidney. I am not sure about it though. But I exercise caution on that front)

Another aspect is effective use of fasting. Micro-Fasting is another way to detox the body (along with water intake) and speed up fat loss. I have been at it for a long time. Works very well. (Search for IFIK: Intermittent Fasting Intermittent Ketosis). After my previous night's dinner, my next intake is next day late noon.

We have a long history about "Eat breakfast like a king..."

This is highly counter intuitive. I have not been having breakfast for last 2-3 years now. Only espresso. I dont feel any hunger pangs during these hours. I have a protein intake (2-3 days a week) in the evening with almonds walnuts for munching; followed by regular fat based food (buttered veggies, cheese slice, salads, etc). Once in a while indulgence is fine.

You can now see the dieting regimen now fits the theory of fat loss that I mentioned in the previous post (which many have been at it too). No restriction on quantities. Its all about how to eat and what to eat.

Its also highly useful to have the blood and sugar levels checked on a yearly basis.

A Corollary : Many mention they cant stay without eating for long. They get acidity problem etc. As per me acidity is a transient phenomenon and not a steady state response of the body. Body is highly adaptable. Based on your regular cycle of food intake, it knows/anticipates when you are going to give it food. Hence in preparation it keeps the digestive juices ready. So if you *dont* have food at that time, you get acidity. Try to withstand for a week, you will see it vanishes. Because body will then realise, there is no more food coming in at that time and then it will stop the digestive juice secretion.

Results? I came down from 85 to 69. Now stable at 72-73.

If you note, I never mentioned about workouts. Because I firmly believe weight loss/control is strictly an artifact of diet and *not* workout.

Work out is mainly for increasing your stamina or strength index or conversion of fats to muscle. I am *not* into that majorly. So I just have been following a 6.5-7km of walk/hour every day for the last 15-20 years (for maintaining the basic metabolism). So you can already see that the walk is not some thing which helped me come down on weight.

Last edited by Samurai : 20th November 2018 at 13:17. Reason: Adding book link
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Old 6th November 2009, 13:55   #2
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Simple Weight Loss Ideas

Hi Guys,

I have been in the constant struggle to gain more lean muscle and lose the fat.

I have found that a simple exercise routine and a regular diet helps.

Instead of focusing on Diet, I suggest you focus on your exercise.

1) 4 Basic Exercises. 2-5 Circuits
1) Push-Ups
2) Squats
4) Back Bridge
5) Table Top

2) Going for a morning walk and doing 5-10, 50-100 mts sprints and 50-100mts walk.

3) Stair Climbing with sports footwear. Run-up and walk down do this 2-5times (becareful of false stepping and step on each stair, do not bound)

Hope this helps.


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Old 6th November 2009, 14:20   #3
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I have joined Fitness One and able to knock off couple of inches by following the routine that is designed for my specific needs. Cardio on all the 5 days. Day 1 is dedicated for my upper body and day 5 is dedicated for the lower body. The rest 3 days are for developing the core muscles, abs and build flexibility and endurance.

I am quite happy with the progress and the benefits from the routine. This program is reviewed after every 30 sessions.
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Old 6th November 2009, 14:35   #4
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I signed up for my first aerobics class in a decade.
Yesterday was the re-introduction to an old place called PAIN.

Every step hurts. Every time I sit or get up hurts.
So its working.

The sessions are in my office campus at 1000 bucks for 2 months.

I started my weight loss/tone up last year in May.
I was at 102 kgs.

But I am thick all over. Thick legs and arms. So its not like a huge pot belly on match sticks.
But as I grow older I am getting worried. At 30 I am able to carry myself without any difficulty.
But what will happen when I am 50 and start losing strength and immunity levels.

My exercise regimen was quite successful and I started losing weight.
It was a steady and slow reduction and by January this year I was at 97 kgs.

It plateaued there and remained at 98 -+ 1 kg every week.

Ramzaan this year, no exercise and an extended trip back home to Chennai.
Mom went overboard with cooking and the almost 3 month long break from exercise brought me back to 102.

Then last month restarted my exercise.
But with a twist.
So far my tread mill pattern was 30 minutes at incline greater than 8 and speed between 5-6. Without holding on to the bars. This time I decided to change it to 30 mins at speed of 8 with incline at 1 at short periods of 3.
Two weeks later I hit 103.5

On that same day was an email from my office employee club about aerobics.
Signed up.
Will stick with it for atleast 6 months.

My goal is to get into a 32" jeans sometime late next year.
2008 was a 38" jeans. From Dec, I had moved into the 36".

There is a lot of nonsense about health.
Some of it delivered on your computer from countless copy-paste jobs from websites.

Everyone is different and you are as unique as anyone can get.
Find out your comfort zone and work on it.

But before jumping on an exercise regimen its good sense to do some routine checks from your general physician.

I just wish restaurants had a healthy food section
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Old 6th November 2009, 14:41   #5
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This is indeed a touchy subject!
I guess most of us face the weight loss prob once in a lifetime. I had faced it too. I managed to reduce 16 kgs in 5 months and now back to been fit. Just followed 2 things-
1.- Proper diet
2.- Workouts

Worked for me till now atleast.

Edit- I went till 103kgs and now am back to 87 kg which is fine for a height of 6.2 but will be trying to reduce another 3-4 kgs.

@bblost- Just read your post.
I had gone down from 38 to 34 and will be great if it goes to 32 but i doubt that so all the best to you!

Last edited by harry10 : 6th November 2009 at 14:45.
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Old 6th November 2009, 15:31   #6
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@bblost: I was advised by a lot of trainers, physiotherapists not to use the treadmill when one is overweight. You wont know it immediately but it leads to a lot of knee problems. Our family doctor also told me the same. Lot of people who come in for knee replacements mention the use of a treadmill. Use the crosstrainer instead.
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Old 6th November 2009, 15:37   #7
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I used to be touching 100 kg and wore 44 trousers and 44 shirts.

One day, I returned from the US and did not feel good.

I enrolled with a dietician who demanded total commitment. Was monitired weekly and began to understand what worked and what did not. A 40 min walk or owrkkout was part of the regime.

Am now 85kg. Can come done to 82 if absolutely strict. Trouser size is 36. collar size is 42. I feel healthier than in my 30's

I am relaxed in my diet but avoid bingeing. Bad foods is out of sight, out of mind. Avoid carbo's at night and eat early. (I can't understand why in India, when you serve a guest food, it means he must leave 30 min after that and cannot drink afterwards!)

I do work out in the gym have a trainer 3 times a week + cardio.

Hotel selections when i travel are based on standard of gym
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Old 6th November 2009, 15:41   #8
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Originally Posted by cooldude1988765 View Post
@bblost: I was advised by a lot of trainers, physiotherapists not to use the treadmill when one is overweight. You wont know it immediately but it leads to a lot of knee problems. Our family doctor also told me the same. Lot of people who come in for knee replacements mention the use of a treadmill. Use the crosstrainer instead.
Thanks Dude.

That is the main reason I used the higher incline and lesser speed settings.
So that the impact action the knees is reduced.

All my exercises are in the office gym.
Quite lucky to have both the cross trainer and treadmills available.

I generally use alternate between the two.

20 mins to go for my session today. Wonder what Satan's little sister is going to make me do.
On second thought she must be an angel. Every movement I make is accompanied with an Oh God.

@Harry: I need to bring my weight down to 75-80 as I am a little shorter than you. But I would be glad if I can bring it to 85 and keep it there.

Last edited by bblost : 6th November 2009 at 15:43.
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Old 6th November 2009, 15:44   #9
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Weight reduction has been on my mind since the last six years. Target weight has been 75kg, with the current weight fluctuating between 85 and 87. A few weeks' motivated walking and dieting saw me come down to 83 last year, and I felt great already. But it didn' t last for more than a couple of months - I was back to 87 before I knew it.

Now I have started on a similar programme (at least in mind) and aim to somehow touch a new low. Anything below 83 will be a new experience for me.

This is not an easy task for someone who likes what he eats and drinks.
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Old 6th November 2009, 15:55   #10
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Loosing weight is easy, but maintaing it is the challenge. Eating habits are the major culprit and following a strict eating regime is the most demanding task.
According to me# Stop having excessive salt,sugar,oil (ghee+butter) in your diet. Those who all love drinking, avoid eating much while enjoying your drinks, beer definitely leads to bear belly (so avoid it).
Following a strict exercise regime is also very essential and after doing all your cardio and light weights, please spend some time in doing stretching exercises.
Yoga, a traditional way of keeping the internal as well as external body fit is also very beneficial. Don't worry if you don't know how to do it, but trust me even you exhale in and out for contnuous 20 minutes, you will end up loosing many calories.
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Old 6th November 2009, 16:10   #11
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Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
I used to be touching 100 kg and wore 44 trousers and 44 shirts.
So did I... Six months ago, after injections of corticosteroids for my back problem, I developed seriously high levels of blood sugar and triglycerides. These are back in control now, but I totally gave up some foods on the way, namely,
  1. Fried foods
  2. Dairy products (butter, cheese etc.)
  3. Sweets and chocolates
  4. Red meat and
  5. Ethyl alcohol in any form.
Now, 16 kg later, I wear size 40 trousers. The exercise regime is not strictly followed, but eating is unlimited as long as the stuff is not on the list above. The weight loss trend is still on.
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Old 6th November 2009, 16:29   #12
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Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
So did I... Six months ago, after injections of corticosteroids for my back problem, I developed seriously high levels of blood sugar and triglycerides. These are back in control now, but I totally gave up some foods on the way, namely,
  1. Fried foods
  2. Dairy products (butter, cheese etc.)
  3. Sweets and chocolates
  4. Red meat and
  5. Ethyl alcohol in any form.
Now, 16 kg later, I wear size 40 trousers. The exercise regime is not strictly followed, but eating is unlimited as long as the stuff is not on the list above. The weight loss trend is still on.
In addition to above, a light brew of green tea of any type or brand after lunch and dinner is very helpful . I am also trying to lighten up from 100BHP to 80 BHP , but have just started
Also there will be certain cycles of weight gain inbetween which really disappoints you but it is natural, keep going with your plan .
It is basically a life style change and lots of support is required from family also
Having a drink once a while in moderation is ok , preferably wine.
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Old 6th November 2009, 16:40   #13
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I am still struggling for losing weight. I am currently 94-95 kg without any fault of mine.

What I have tried.

1) Push-ups : Went to 76 kg with 600 pushups a day.
Later push-up numbers are down to just 100, weight to 90+kg.
Currently, I can to 120 pushup with this weight.
But in reality nothing helps.

2) Diet : Never works. The more you try to reduce it, the more it goes up.

IMO, the only thing that works well is walking. Heavy exercise like pushups, weights and even jogging will increase weight once you stop doing those exercise. Walking is a good solution

Even heriditary has something to do with overweight. I walk daily for one hour, do 100-120 pushups, but still I am not able to reduce.

Prevention is better than cure as far as overweight goes.

And overweight is not necessarily one's fault.
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Old 6th November 2009, 17:34   #14
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Well said aaagoswami, even I am facing the similar problem and we can't do anything with the genes passed on to us. I come across many underwights who eat more than what I have in my whole day and they still stay underweight.
But recently I found that Yoga really helps
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Old 6th November 2009, 17:39   #15
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Very interesting. Thanks for this thread. The bodybuilding thread was ultra painful for regular joes like us who just want to lose weight minus supplements.

@aaag: 600 pushups a day? Gawd!!
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