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Old 19th May 2019, 09:39   #2281
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

A strong suggestion. Please see if you can visit this site - - and go through the process. You would find a lot of 'seniors' who can guide you. Your questions definitely require a more formal approach. At the least you would really get motivation looking at the pictures of one 'Neander Selvan'

A few things from my side. 1. There is absolutely no way to follow paleo while working with a typical trainer and taking their food suggestions. They would never sync. You should just use the trainer for fitness and follow food on your own, or get a trainer who knows paleo/keto. 2. Yes, too much protein can be harmful. You should get an opinion of how many grams you can eat in a day and stick to that. It is typically in the range of 0.75 to 1.25 g of protein per kilogram of lean body mass.
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Old 11th June 2019, 08:44   #2282
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by nirvanaguy19 View Post
Wanted to share a quick update on my weight loss journey.

Started in end of March with a weight of 108, as of today I weigh 78 kgs. I have been doing primarily lazy keto + 16/8 intermittent fasting with on and off workouts (cardio). Besides the weight loss itself, I have learnt so much about food along the way. Next stage of the fitness journey is to focus on reducing body fat % and building more lean muscle. I am also slowly incorporating complex carbs into the diet, but IF I something I will continue for life, I find it helps a lot with portion control and also makes life easier to not worry about eating the moment you get up.

I used to drink quite a bit prior to start of this journey. I have replaced that with black coffee now and enjoy it immensely (my personal favorite brand is Blue Tokai).

Attachment 1816973
Wanted to share a quick update/follow up to my post from more than 6 months back.

I have been working out reasonably regularly (4-5 times/week) , primarily weight training , for the past 6 months. The weight has stabilised around 73-74, but I can see inch loss and body redefinition happening on a consistent basis.

Intermittent fasting (16/8) has been very helpful in keeping the weight constant and/or losing very slowlly; in the past 6 months I have had multiple trips where the food I consumed was not exactly to my liking (carb re-feeds I guess)
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Old 16th June 2019, 08:03   #2283
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by nirvanaguy19 View Post
Wanted to share a quick update/follow up to my post from more than 6 months back.
Impressive .

Would you mind posting another picture of yours. Will help inspire many readers of this thread.
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Old 16th June 2019, 08:50   #2284
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by dailydriver View Post
Impressive .

Would you mind posting another picture of yours. Will help inspire many readers of this thread.
Sure, probably not the best pic to showcase gym workout effects, but sharing regardless.

The stubborn fat in certain areas is obviously still there, but i am in it for the long haul, so let's see how long it can resist
Attached Thumbnails
The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190606_125147.jpg  

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Old 17th June 2019, 12:57   #2285
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by nirvanaguy19 View Post
I have been working out reasonably regularly (4-5 times/week) , primarily weight training , for the past 6 months. The weight has stabilised around 73-74, but I can see inch loss and body redefinition happening on a consistent basis.
My congratulations to you! Wow, a 30+ kilo drop . That speaks volumes about your commitment, discipline & persistence.

The best part about becoming fit is:

1. How you feel about yourself

2. The improved stamina & health

3. All the compliments you receive
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Old 10th August 2019, 12:01   #2286
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

July 2018 - highspeed motorcycle accident. Broke 6 ribs, right arm finger, right shoulder and arm paralysed for 3 months. I was put in ICU for 24 hours, had ICT surgery done to drain blood and air around the lungs.

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190725_053308_758.jpg

Recovery was hard, bed bound, a lot of pain medication, and naturally a lot of food. I used to be a fat strong 125 kg guy. This accident and recovery made me transform into a weak fat 136 kg guy.

The Weight Loss Thread-wp_20180801_18_11_15_pro2.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20180810_174817612.jpg

But hey, rock bottom hits you hard and teaches you a lot of lessons. Once strong, I had hard time lifting an empty barbell for first 15 days at the gym after recovery. Musculature in right limb was totally gone (Use or Lose principle worked great I guess)

And here I am, 263 days later, after losing 40kg, standing at a 96kg bodyweight (lowest in last 11 years)

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190730_223050_853.jpg

Just sharing 3 of the many before after pictures. I am still in the journey and I don't really have a number as a goal.

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190810_060805_011.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-photo-collage20190810_1208142.jpg

Last edited by PrasannaDhana : 10th August 2019 at 12:30.
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Old 10th August 2019, 23:06   #2287
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

That's some grit Prasanna, amazing will to bounce back is inspiring. I know when you hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go, except bounce back stronger and mightier than before. It's like you break away a shell and rediscover the new you. What did you do to make it happen, can you please share the tips that could possibly help us in our weightloss journey.
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Old 11th August 2019, 05:29   #2288
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by PrasannaDhana View Post
July 2018...
Hats off to your grit and will power to fight back from such a serious injury. This is a fantastic transformation and will be an inspiration to many in a similar situation. Can you share some details on what was your diet/workout routine to achieve this transformation?
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Old 11th August 2019, 13:47   #2289
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Inspiring Prasanna. Kudos to your determination.
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Old 11th August 2019, 15:07   #2290
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Brilliant Prasanna. Certainly it's very inspiring. Keep sharing your transformation journey. I am sure it will be very useful to a number of people here.
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Old 11th August 2019, 16:41   #2291
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by PrasannaDhana View Post
And here I am, 263 days later, after losing 40kg, standing at a 96kg bodyweight (lowest in last 11 years)
Amazing transformation with a non wavering commitment to achieve this level of weight loss and more importantly, becoming more fit. Kudos to your dedication in becoming fit again and lean.

Will be nice if you can share what your routine was like during these 263+ days including daily habits & diet.
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Old 11th August 2019, 21:15   #2292
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Thank you everyone!

My physical transformation is but a small effect of the mental/psychological transformation I have been through. That is totally a different topic that is irrelevant to this thread.

Anyways, let me explain what I did. It may seem a bit extreme to many, but according to me, I am still being lazy and not pushing my limits. Well, that is something that keeps me going every day.

First thing I changed was my sleeping pattern. I started to sleep by 10 30, and started to wake up at 4 am.

By 4 20am every morning , I am out for morning cardio - 70 minutes of moderate pace walking

I refresh, have a small pre workout meal (either a couple of biscuits or a banana or a 20g piece of dark chocolate) that has simple carbs and sugar.

6 30 to 7 30 is the time for lifting weights.

I have my meal no 2 (breakfast) at 8am and time my meals 2.5 hours apart.

I have 6 meals a day and try to total 2500 to 3000 calories daily. My daily expenditure is 3200 - 3500 on weekdays and 4000 calories on Sundays. I try to maintain a minimum 500 calories deficit a day (even on days I have cheat meals)

Evening - I either ride my bicycle to gym (11km to and fro) or drive to gym(if I am planning for a heavy intense lifting session) . I lift weights for 45 minutes and conclude the workout with a 30 minute walk on days I drive.

I make sure I don't have a lot of carbs after 6 pm. It is either protein or good fats with minimal to 0 carbs for dinner.

My philosophy for weight loss


Consistency - Cardio - Calorific deficit

When I say consistency, I mean 100% commitment to the schedule. First 10 days (I started on November 20th 2018), I bled from my knees while walking, where the injury was right at the point where the joint bends, and hence didn't get cured till December.

I did 4 20am cardio no matter if it was too cold, or if I bled, or if it was raining. Never missed a single day, 264th day today, and not a single day went by without my cardio and lifting sessions.

I made myself accountable, by sharing my cardio sessions on WhatsApp status and Instagram stories. First week, my friends were happy I could walk. 10 days of continuous uploads , they were surprised that I am not quitting. From day 100, I came to know at least 20 of my friends have started their own morning cardio inspired by my uploads.

My schedule is a very serious matter to me, I have had days when I had to attend marriages at 5 am(Tamil marriages at temples can be super early). Those days I had done my morning cardio at 3 am, in a different city , on roads I was not familiar with.

Cardio :

I consider cardio as a self development time. I have the habit of listening to podcasts and YouTube videos every morning. It has had a profound impact on impacting my discipline, dedication and commitment to life. My favorite speakers are Jocko Willink, Jordan Peterson, Gary Veynurchuk, Dwayne Johnson, Dan Pena, David Goggins and Joe Rogan.

Well, personally, cardio helps me eat less. And the fact that I had my mobility lost for 3 full months made me appreciate the ability to walk. I progressed, and have transformed from a guy who could not walk for 20 minutes without a break, to a guy who can now run 8 km without a break. I am getting better and will be doing more distance soon.
In 264 days, I have walked 1600 km, ran 100 km and cycled 200 km.

Calorific Deficit:

The most important part of successful weight loss is this. You can work all day, you can be ultra disciplined, but if you are not in a calorific deficit, you are not going to lose weight.

There are so many diets, and you can research for hours and hours. I am not that kind of person. I know the basics, I know how to use P:C:F ratios according to the day's activity.
I count calories.

One thing about dieting is your mind should not get the feeling of being on a diet. I see people planning 3 month diets. They alter their entire eating pattern, food types etc. That may work for a short period of time. But your original lifestyle and eating habits will catch up to you eventually. It needs a total change of bad habits and development of new healthier habits.

I knew I can't follow a strict diet. I love food, specially pastries, chocolates, coffee and sweets. I decided I am not going to avoid any food that I love. And I haven't deprived myself of my favourite food.

I have been having everything I love, but there is a small tip. I have a great focus on portion control

If I want to eat biriyani, I do, but don't eat more than 75-100g . If I want to eat cake, I eat a single piece. And make sure I don't exceed my calorie allowance of that meal.

Usual meal allowance is 500 calories. If I am stuck at a family function or having a cheat meal, I go up to 1000 calories that meal and reduce the calorie intake of the next meal to 0-150 calories.
Please don't get misguided. I have sweets and comfort food but majority of my calories come from healthy sources like eggs, peanuts, fruits, nuts, chicken, sea food, vegetables, sweet potatoes, rice Andrew paneer.

I have atleast 4 strong filter coffees a day (with milk and half tbsp sugar) and also a piece of dark chocolate. Both these have health benefits. Caffeine helps me with intensity in lifting sessions , dark chocolate helps me with sweet tooth and has antioxidants.

Weight loss is a walk in the park if you get your mind straight. You can eat your regular food and still lose weight. But you will have to reduce portion sizes significantly.

For an example, what ever serving sizes we get in hotels, is just too much. But our minds are programmed to believe that that serving size is normal and we tend to eat the same portion all 3 times a day. We don't need that much food. A sedentary 70 kg adult male needs not more than 1800 calories. But we unknowingly exceed 2200 calories easily.

A few things that I would like people to remember, if you are after losing weight:

1. Don't rush it. You gained the weight over many years, and you can't lose it in a few months. Never have a deadline. It always takes longer than you would like. It is not a phase, it is a total change in lifestyle. You want to lose weight, change your habits, for ever!

2. Don't chase a number. I have stayed at 98kgs for 3 months, but lost 2 inches in my waist and my muscle definition had improved.

3. Drink a lot of water

4. Make yourselves accountable. Dont do it for your partner or friends or family. Do it for your own self. Challenge your own self, and push your limits. Our bodies are super adaptable and can take a lot of work

5. You are craving something? Have it. But have 1/4 th of what you usually would have, and eat that slowly, very slowly, relishing the taste.

6. Never miss a workout. I don't have time is a lame excuse. No one has time. You need to make time.

7. A little knowledge about protein , carbs, fats and fiber will take you a long way.

8. Read labels. Helps you with understanding how much sugar, transfat and calories each food item has. Also, avoid packaged food. Apps like Healthily helps you count calories of all types of Indian food. But remember to exaggerate the calorie count by 10%(for better deficits)

9. Never starve (unless your are into IF)

10. Lift weights. Just cardio and calorie deficit will make you look like a minimised version of your fat self. Strength training makes wonders with your metabolism , looks and ability to burn calories . More LBM, more RMR.

11. Sugar is never your friend. So are salt and carbonated beverages.

12. Whey/Protein bars are overrated, unless you are really running out of time because of a very hectic schedule. I would prefer a couple of eggs or peanuts over a scoop of whey anyday

13. Eat well , burn better.

14. Believe! Without self belief, you can't transform your body

15. Be grateful and appreciate every little stuff in life. I have been bed bound for months. I couldn't move an inch without feeling a pain of knife cutting through my back, every breath hurt as expansion and contraction of lungs made my broken ribs move and it pained very very badly. These things made me realise that it is a blessing to get out of bed and feel fresh air, to walk without assistance , to sweat and push physical limits without feeling any pain. We tend to take these blessings for granted. Enjoy life!

Weight loss is easy. You need to do just this - Eat less, Move more.

This is my personal opinion. I am not against any diet approach or training practise. Experiment and do what works for you. I document my daily nutrition and exercises in my Instagram account. If you want to see my journey, you can check Thebigtamilan. I love being a small influence in helping people get more active and become healthier.

Last edited by PrasannaDhana : 11th August 2019 at 21:33.
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Old 11th August 2019, 21:47   #2293
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Originally Posted by nirvanaguy19 View Post
Wanted to share a quick update on my weight loss journey. Started in end of March with a weight of 108, as of today I weigh 78 kgs.
I used to drink quite a bit prior to start of this journey.
Originally Posted by nirvanaguy19 View Post
Sure, probably not the best pic to showcase gym workout effects, but sharing regardless.
The stubborn fat in certain areas is obviously still there, but i am in it for the long haul, so let's see how long it can resist
@Nirvanaguy, first off, congratulations on your amazing weight loss journey. It is an inspiring read for a lazy person like me.
In your 10.11.2018 post, you had mentioned that you used to drink a lot - I am assuming you meant alcohol. How did you give it up.
Would appreciate some tips on reducing / completely stopping this habit.

Originally Posted by PrasannaDhana View Post
I used to be a fat strong 125 kg guy. This accident and recovery made me transform into a weak fat 136 kg guy.
And here I am, 263 days later, after losing 40 kg, standing at a 96 kg body weight (lowest in last 11 years)
@Prasanna, this is awesome recovery after a horrible accident.
Congratulations to you on working hard on yourself and getting back into shape.
Thank you for sharing your tips in the post above.

Weight loss is a walk in the park if you get your mind straight. You can eat your regular food and still lose weight.
But you will have to reduce portion sizes significantly.
Very good tip for me.

Moderators - I would request you to kindly add a "Thanks" button to this thread. Lot of amazing information here.

Last edited by Ithaca : 11th August 2019 at 21:56.
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Old 11th August 2019, 22:31   #2294
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

Round 3 of my Keto journey begins. I have settled into a diet that is normally moderate carb. The weight has settled around 82-83 Kgs. Used to hover around 93 when I first began cutting down carbs.

The first Keto Journey brought the weight down to 83 and then I eased a bit allowing myself to settle with a diet that was moderate carbs-as it was easy to follow.
The weight settled around 85.

Second round brought it down to 76 after which I eased again and settled into a moderate carb diet.

When I say moderate carb it means, I cut down my bread/roti/rice portions. But ate, sweets and sugar as normal. Biggest problem for me with a LCHF diet was the lack of options specially good quality meat.

Easing after the second round of Keto, I settled around 78-80s. Last couple of months have meant hectic travel. Weight rose upto 83-82 and that is the reason now for me to start the third stint with Keto.

Intention is to hit the target weight of 74 within 3 months and then maintain. I think sticking to a low carb diet will be easier this time round as I have relocated to Singapore and therefore better availability of meat as well as Fruits like Avocados. I also feel that following a low carb diet may not be as heavy on the pocket vis a vis a normal diet as it would be back in India.

Last edited by Aditya : 12th August 2019 at 07:23. Reason: Rule #11
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Old 12th August 2019, 04:53   #2295
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Re: The Weight Loss Thread

I think a few more before after pics can motivate many. Here are some of the pics before I started working on myself.

The Weight Loss Thread-wp_20180227_17_33_49_pro.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-wp_20180522_16_57_25_pro.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-wp_20180825_11_06_10_pro.jpg

This is how my first few days of cardio looked like

The Weight Loss Thread-wp_20180813_17_38_43_pro.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20180821_185445423.jpg

The moment at the MRI/CT place when I realised 7 bones in my body are messed up

The Weight Loss Thread-img20181205wa00322.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20180316_090656356_burst0022.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20180830_1351074822.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20180415_075321076_hdr.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20180821_185447592.jpg

Now a few recent pictures

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190805_223606_160.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190725_0750112182.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190721_092527958_hdr2.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190710_122056_458.jpg

The Weight Loss Thread-img_20190706_210419_530.jpg

Last edited by suhaas307 : 19th August 2019 at 13:20. Reason: Please avoid using slang. Thank you
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