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Old 3rd August 2009, 21:45   #31
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yes i have and my entire guju madu and sindhi friends buy from them they also supply to navrathan,sri krishna and zaveri brothers on mg road and brigade road you can go to them and ask for BRPL gold coins all you have to do call them up ,ask for the gold rate go to the showroom pay cash and collect the gold hassel free
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Old 12th August 2009, 14:18   #32
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Originally Posted by nikhil1300 View Post
yes i have and my entire guju madu and sindhi friends buy from them they also supply to navrathan,sri krishna and zaveri brothers on mg road and brigade road you can go to them and ask for BRPL gold coins all you have to do call them up ,ask for the gold rate go to the showroom pay cash and collect the gold hassel free
Thanks Nikhil for the reply.
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Old 14th August 2009, 21:01   #33
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One question - how are these coins packed? Two shops I asked showed the coins laminated - like a driving license, about the size of a visiting card. The coins themselves are round.

What is the proper / better / trustworthy kind lf packing?
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Old 17th August 2009, 10:35   #34
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Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
One question - how are these coins packed? Two shops I asked showed the coins laminated - like a driving license, about the size of a visiting card. The coins themselves are round.

What is the proper / better / trustworthy kind lf packing?
Most of the time the coins are laminated. But it varies from one-to-one.
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Old 11th May 2010, 11:35   #35
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May 16 is Akshaya Tritiya
It is traditionally celebrated as the birthday of the Hindu sage Parashurama, the sixth avatar (incarnation) of God Vishnu. The word "Akshaya" means the 'never diminishing' in Sanskrit and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. The legend states that any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya shall continue to grow and bring prosperity. Hence, it is normal to see many of the new ventures, like starting a business, ground breaking for construction or buying gold and silver jewellery/coins on the Akshaya Tritiya. This year has join hands with alot of jewellers for selling there gold coins pls click on the link for the list of jewellers who are selling gold coins,also watch out for the ads in the leading news papers
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Old 11th May 2010, 12:15   #36
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Originally Posted by nikhil1300 View Post
May 16 is Akshaya Tritiya
It is traditionally celebrated as the birthday of the Hindu sage Parashurama, the sixth avatar (incarnation) of God Vishnu. The word "Akshaya" means the 'never diminishing' in Sanskrit and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. The legend states that any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya shall continue to grow and bring prosperity. Hence, it is normal to see many of the new ventures, like starting a business, ground breaking for construction or buying gold and silver jewellery/coins on the Akshaya Tritiya. This year has join hands with alot of jewellers for selling there gold coins pls click on the link for the list of jewellers who are selling gold coins,also watch out for the ads in the leading news papers
Dude, why buy when the demand is greatest (meaning, investment cost is highest).
You are conciously and willingly timing the market wrong!!!

How stupid can people get....
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Old 11th May 2010, 14:59   #37
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Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
One question - how are these coins packed? Two shops I asked showed the coins laminated - like a driving license, about the size of a visiting card. The coins themselves are round.

What is the proper / better / trustworthy kind lf packing?
Originally Posted by mithun View Post
Most of the time the coins are laminated. But it varies from one-to-one.
this is the kind of packing you have to look for
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Old 12th May 2010, 09:11   #38
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Originally Posted by WindRide View Post
Dude, why buy when the demand is greatest (meaning, investment cost is highest).
You are conciously and willingly timing the market wrong!!!
How stupid can people get....
@windride - I think no one has been ever able to time the market. I was thinking the same a few years back when the gold prices was in 11-12K range. At that time I thought the prices would come down but they never did. Even today from what can be seen is that the prices would keep moving upwards. If you buy today then also it would be profitable deal. Surely the prices wont correct to 15 K levels.
Its more of an emotional sentiment of buying the gold on Akshaya tritiya with a belief that prosperity would continue throughout the coming year. I would be definetly buying gold even if in small weight/value.
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Old 12th May 2010, 11:09   #39
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Why would someone buy something when it has the highest possible demand in the whole year?

Buy when no one is buying - Basics no?
Superstition overrules all economic sense. Ever heard of this super auspicious day before 2004?
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Old 12th May 2010, 11:21   #40
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Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
Superstition overrules all economic sense. Ever heard of this super auspicious day before 2004?
Quite true. I've noticed this super-auspicious day effect has spread to Kerala as well, quite recently.
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Old 12th May 2010, 11:36   #41
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seen the history of gold it has always been rising upwards,i have seen gold going from 350 per gram to todaday 1800 per gram,what ever said and done gold is and always be a good long term investment and a universal commodity(can be brought and sold any where around the world)
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Old 15th May 2010, 23:50   #42
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From an economic point, its time to sell gold. Else, time to convert your gold bars to jewellery for religious/belief purposes. Not the best time for buying gold. As you might recollect the old rule, Stock markets and Gold are inversely related.
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Old 9th May 2011, 20:45   #43
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re: The Gold Thread

I have recently purchased a 22 ct gold coin from Joy Alukkas, trusting them because of their brand image. But this coin does not have any BIS Hallmarking on it. Although all their other ornaments have the BIS Hallmark. On enquiry I was told that they don't go for the hallmarking for the coins as it involves additional expenditure.
But he put that coin in his XRF equipment and showed me that the purity level is 91.8% which is equivalent to 916KDM. Is this okay? Anyone else faced this kind of issue.
Also this coin does not have any packaging. He handed it over to me in a simple box, just like any other piece of jewellery.
Please share your experiences.
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Old 10th May 2011, 19:47   #44
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re: The Gold Thread

Originally Posted by 9tMax View Post
I have recently purchased a 22 ct gold coin from Joy Alukkas, trusting them because of their brand image. But this coin does not have any BIS Hallmarking on it. Although all their other ornaments have the BIS Hallmark. On enquiry I was told that they don't go for the hallmarking for the coins as it involves additional expenditure.
But he put that coin in his XRF equipment and showed me that the purity level is 91.8% which is equivalent to 916KDM. Is this okay? Anyone else faced this kind of issue.
Also this coin does not have any packaging. He handed it over to me in a simple box, just like any other piece of jewellery.
Please share your experiences.
The additional expenditure involved in getting the coins hallmarked is peanuts. Quite strange if they are not selling hallmarked coins. Even small local jewellers are selling "hallmarked" everything these days. Though there is hardly any chances of foul play by someone as reputed as them, just make sure you got the proper Tax Invoice for the same. It would be lot easier and helpful at the time of selling.

Packaging doesnt matter, what matters is either "Hallmarked" or "Invoiced", or both.

Last edited by ScorpMan : 10th May 2011 at 19:50.
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Old 10th May 2011, 20:20   #45
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re: The Gold Thread

Just bought four 10 GM 24 karat coins with 99.99% purity from tanishq at Gold Souk Gurgaon @ 23577 each. The buying experience was a breeze and the staff quite cooperative. He went on to tell me upon questioning him that it was better to buy smaller denominations for ease of selling, and that it would be beneficial to sell of the coins for cash than for jewellery at a later date. Cant post photos as they are now property of my six month old daughter, adn themother wont part with them (so much for hindu beliefs!!)
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