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View Poll Results: Who is the best tour operator to Europe in India
SOTC is best among tour operators from India 2 22.22%
Cox and Kings are better than SOTC 0 0%
Thomas Cook are better than SOTC 1 11.11%
Other tour operators are better - please mention which in the thread. 6 66.67%
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Old 24th April 2009, 15:39   #1
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SOTC group tours - review


I am planning to take SOTC group tour to Europe and would like to have reviews and experiences you may have with this tour operator.
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Old 24th April 2009, 16:09   #2
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I have had a good experience with a tour organised by married2speed on the forum. Although mine was a domestic tour, I think Sukhpal is a Europe expert. You can take his help if you want to.

Enjoy the journey !!!!
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Old 24th April 2009, 16:25   #3
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Im in the travel technology, my understanding on who is best can be limited, however here goes the list according to my friend who has about 25 yrs of exp in Airline industry

1) Raj
2) TC / Kuoni
4) Cox&Kings
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Old 24th April 2009, 16:55   #4
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Try kesari tour. They are from bombay.
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Old 24th April 2009, 17:29   #5
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Why no DIY? Europe is QUITE friendly for DIY. Rent cars or use public transport/trains. And you save a tremendous amount.

Unless you're going with aged parents that is.
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Old 24th April 2009, 17:50   #6
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I have been with SOTC group twice .
Once to Singapore/Malaysia.
Once to Dubai/Mauritius.

My experiences have been good both time.
Even Cox and Kings is pretty good too.
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Old 24th April 2009, 18:20   #7
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Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Why no DIY? Europe is QUITE friendly for DIY. Rent cars or use public transport/trains. And you save a tremendous amount.
+1 to that.
I have done two holidays outside India - Singapore/Malaysia and Switzerland. Both were DIY, and the best part of it is the tour starts way ahead, when you start to plan.
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Old 24th April 2009, 18:20   #8
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What I would like to know is why do you want to go with a big Operator?

A few years back when I was planning for my Honeymoon(Malaysia) I did this

1) Talked to Big players & see what hotels are offered at what rate & itinery

2) All of them will have some common hotels(if most of the big players select a hotel then chances are that its a good one), so select what fits you best & draw a rough travel plan

3) Approach any local(but reputed) travel operators show them this itinery & bargain for best price.

4) I did this & got the package which was atleast 25k cheaper than the big brands

I hope this helps

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Old 24th April 2009, 18:31   #9
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My parents and I went with SOTC to Europe a few years ago. It was an excellent experience. You get Indian food wherever you go. The tour guide was very helpful and friendly and quite knowledgeable about places. The hotels they put us in were very nice. But as the tour progressed the rooms got smaller and smaller. The only thing I didn't like was that the tour of cities like London/Paris were through inside the bus only. But of course you can pay an extra $200(or something like that) and get an extra 2 days accommodation in these cities and can travel around in your own time.

Overall it was a very satisfying experience. Gives you a big picture on how things work over there so you can go there on your own the next time.
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Old 24th April 2009, 19:47   #10
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Almost all the people that I know and me too have used only two of the best travel tour operators in the country.

Raj Tours

Makemytrip gives a lot of options and is as good as a DIY tour and hence the costs are very less. They are very well organized and you would not have any disconnect with their people no matter which country you are in.

Only one suggestion, if you want to try Makemytrip, talk to the Delhi office directly. No other branches have much knowledge and take time to respond to you for every query.

Raj on the other hand has everything organized and very well guided tour with all inclusive. They are the only ones who even include entry tickets if applicable anywhere or else you would have to carry a lot of cash in the foreign currency.

Let us know what you decide and have a nice trip!
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Old 25th April 2009, 03:16   #11
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Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
I have had a good experience with a tour organised by married2speed on the forum. Although mine was a domestic tour, I think Sukhpal is a Europe expert. You can take his help if you want to.

Enjoy the journey !!!!
Thanks E.

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Why no DIY? Europe is QUITE friendly for DIY. Rent cars or use public transport/trains. And you save a tremendous amount.

Unless you're going with aged parents that is.
Nahin dost.... FIT travel is expensive than Group travel but then it has it's own benefits as well but it depends on as to what are you looking for and what all is "included"

Originally Posted by DieselFan View Post

I am planning to take SOTC group tour to Europe and would like to have reviews and experiences you may have with this tour operator.
Hey DF
SOTC, C & K and TC all 3 are equally good in terms of group travel and equally competitive. What I would suggest is, contact all 3 of them and get them to send you the itineraries you have in mind. Compare the hotels each one of them is offereing along with the list of the resteraunt's where they'll be arranging your meals etc etc. At the end of the day, whichever one is giving you a good deal and a nice "handling" experience, go with it.
That being said, Group travel would mean that the entire group travels together, which at times may be not upto your liking. You may wish to spend more time at an X place while the group may want to move on. Hence, people prefer to travel at their own pace.
That being said, if it's a guide that you need which'll give you the sense of "security", that can also be arranged in a FIT travel ,
If you need any help , don't hesitate to drop me a PM.
Hope the small insight helped
Have a nice journey

Last edited by married2speed : 25th April 2009 at 03:22.
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Old 25th April 2009, 07:55   #12
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Thanks all for valuable suggestions. keep it flowing. I would prefer a group tour now as a first europe tour then the next time onwards I will do on my own the places I like. This is a sampler tour which I taking.
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Old 11th October 2018, 15:48   #13
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Re: SOTC group tours - review

Guys, is sotc a reliable tour operator for the European region?
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