Team-BHP - The English Movies Thread (No Spoilers Please)

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Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 3579071)
Gone Girl - Is it ok to watch this with extended family ? Profanity is ok, but nudity may not be comfortable.

Please note its a movie that is rated R. The indian version does have some cuts. However both the subject and ideas presented in the movie is definitely not for children.


Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 3579071)
Gone Girl - Is it ok to watch this with extended family ? Profanity is ok, but nudity may not be comfortable.

No, not advisable. Even a partner with whom you fought is a no go here.


Thanks guys, I have read the book so kind of knew what to expect but wanted to be sure. Will watch it with wife and cousins :)

Interstellar - hugely disappointed. Was expecting serious science. Instead i felt disconnected from the cheesy, tear-filled, cliched proceedings on the screen. Hee hee and those references to India and Delhi! I almost expected Shahrukh Khan to sashay in as the Indian 'contribution' to the Endurance crew. Ewwwww....
Typical hollywood, America-saves-mankind bombastic stuff. Only saving grace - nice graphics.

I agree. Read so much about the special effects and depiction of the black hole, actual movie was disappointing. More an emotional tear-jerker than a true sci-fi film.

Whew.. what a relief to see some others having the same opinion as me about Interstellar. The reviews about this movie about being the best sci-fi movie EVER made me wonder if i watched the same movie :p

When i first watched the movie, i took care not to read any reviews to keep my expectations down. But this movie is a mix of emotional drama plus sci-fi with the former dominating most of the movie.

For what it is worth, the graphics are great and the theories are inspiring. Wish the emotional scenes were much much lesser.

Just saw Interstellar, and was blown away. But I am surprised at the poor reviews here.

May because of the unfamiliar science part? The people sitting around us were sounding very confused. And we were like, that's so cool. :)

My wife and I are science geeks. We used to be big fans of Star Trek Voyager in the 90s, which dealt with similar science. We also watched the recent Cosmos series from Neil Degrasse Tyson (NDT) in entirety. In addition we regularly follow talks from NDT, Lawrence Krauss, etc.

So most of the science discussed in Interstellar made sense to us. The only part that was bit disappointing was the scene inside black hole. We expected to see spaghettification of the ship as it passes the Event Horizon, and it didn't happen. Not only that, the ship remained intact even after entering the black hole.

The scene inside the worm hole was nothing new, it was not very different than the worm hole in Stargate. Expected better worm hole after 20 years.

Watched Interstellar in IMAX last Friday after struggling to get tickets all these days. Didn't expect to see houseful boards on weekdays!

My rating- 4.5 / 5

Wife's rating- 2/5

That said- Stay away if you are not a fan of this genre and likes to have the story explained for you. My head was buzzing with thoughts for the whole day and it was only after a lot of thinking that I could come up with my own interpretation of what Nolan could have tried to convey in this movie.

Anyways, it's a typical Nolan movie with a lot of complex thoughts, lot of science fiction and a very complex ending that throws your imaginations wide open. If at all I have anything to complain- it's the sheer length of the movie along with the average visuals. This is not Gravity, forget Avatar. But then- those movies didn't feature background score from Hans Zimmer either. I just loved his magical touch specially towards the climax.

Overall- Would love to watch it again, but may not be in IMAX. And yes- I would need to go alone as wife has decided to skip Nolan movies after seeing this one. :D


Finally .. watched it the day before at IMAX.
Looked like a long wait, what with such diverse opinions pouring in during the past week, but wanted to catch it up only on the big screen!!

I have to say its an Epic in more ways than one.
Its not just a Sci-Fi flick, at the core of it is some intense emotional drama, with enough thrilling moments to keep you glued.

The effects and visualizations are absolutely top notch and awe-inspiring at times.
There are already reports on possibility of filing paper(s) on certain new findings gathered while creating some of visual images to depict the black hole.
That apart, even some of the portrayals of happenings on Earth, general planetary images in space and spacecraft movements around them are just awesome,
especially so on a full IMAX screen where you just feel juxtaposed in the middle of all these events.

Coming to the other aspect, the interactions between McConaughey's character and his daughter provides the strong emotional and philosophical support to the story.
Their chemistry at various stages in the movie are bound bring tears to most for different reasons.
For all practical purposes, this piece itself could be pit with any other background story and with this kind of direction will make an excellent movie.

Its only in the final hour when Nolan starts to connect these two main pieces (among others) of the story together that we realize what he has been up to.
However quite a few things still remain open for interpretation as a few others pointed out here.
The dialogues are hazy at times particularly with McConaughey's character while he's being made to look rusty, so you tend to miss some of finer points.
Perhaps it requires another viewing to thrash them out, read somewhere that in multiplex releases they are showing with subtitles which could be an option.

Overall this is not a perfect movie in the same vein as 'The Dark Knight' or a conceptually complete one like 'Inception'.
Its further large in scale and complexity, hence I felt it would have always been difficult to 'plant' the whole idea thoroughly.

It would be 4.5/5 for me.


Trip to Italy - watched it last week on a plane.
Very funny. Culinary adventures through Italy. Lots of delicious scenery, a great car, great food and wine. Loved it!


Its a mediocre movie, and way too stretched, time wise(snicker).
The first 50 minutes, youre wondering whether it makes sense to get up and go away. Sort of catches up by the end of the first half, but I came out feeling I could have waited to watch it on the telly. That would be anough to satisfy the geek in me. All in all, I dont think its the creme de la creme of this years cinema, to be frank, and certainly not at all a patch on nolan's previous works.

Just for the visuals.

Watched Interstellar two day's back. Well, I could say that high expectation ruined it for me. It's a decent movie, no doubt about it and they got the science right for most of the part. But somehow I couldn't find it that engaging as it didn't made me very eager to go thru inter-galactic travel theories again to solve any kind of puzzle. But to be honest, I was kind of expecting to hear about something extra-ordinary theory which would left me wonder. May be I'll watch it again at home later and see if I have actually missed something.
3.75/5 would be my rating. Watch it for sure, but just keep the expectations a bit low.

Samurai, I don't think that the Endurance went thru the black-hole and didn't cross the Event Horizon. It went past the blackhole and sling-shot itself toward's the third planet(Edmund's) and dropping you know what/whom.

Watched The Raid 2


Second half is little bit stretched..


Originally Posted by kaushik_s (Post 3581729)
Samurai, I don't think that the Endurance went thru the black-hole and didn't cross the Event Horizon.

Not Endurance, I was referring to Cooper and his shuttle, which does enter the black hole.


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 3581992)
Not Endurance, I was referring to Cooper and his shuttle, which does enter the black hole.

Aah ok, I guess they've kind of taken some kind of science fiction liberty to weave the story that way. This is where science fiction came into act than science. We still don't know what can happen when one enters a black hole (does one die and disintegrates or survives) and so sci-fi kicks in here..

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