Team-BHP - The English Movies Thread (No Spoilers Please)

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Originally Posted by carboy (Post 1992338)
My ranking of Nolan films I have seen

1 - Memento
2 - Prestige
3 - Dark Knight
4 - Batman Begins
5 - Following
6 - Insomnia
I liked all of the above movies.

You ratings are pretty similar to how i would rank his movies. By the way, these are the only movies that he has made so far( not counting Inception) . Liked all of his movies. Insomnia is probably his weakest movie, but that is his only movie where he and his brother(Jonathan Nolan) didn't work on the script.
Booked tickets for Inception for this saturday. Feels a bit strange coz normally I watch his movies in the first week( even took a day off to watch The Dark Knight on release day :D )


Originally Posted by carboy (Post 1992338)
I haven't seen Inception yet, but I found both Memento & Prestige by Nolan to be far better than Dark Knight.

My ranking of Nolan films I have seen

1 - Memento
2 - Prestige
3 - Dark Knight
4 - Batman Begins
5 - Following
6 - Insomnia
I liked all of the above movies.

As for James Bond movies, I don't think they would compare anywhere to Nolan or the Matrix movies. Golden Eye & Quantum of Solace were utter bores. Die another day was like a good Hindi movie, but nothing great. I have seen a lot of others but don't remember them well enough to comment. Also, I saw Casino Royale in Hindi, so don't want to comment on it.

Casino Royale is one of the best Bond flicks ever. I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed Inception.

Speaking of Nolan's films, I have yet to watch Memento and Following. I liked The Prestige as well but The Dark Knight is just a fantastic movie. Everything including the screenplay (Joker's lines), effects, cinematography, background score, acting and direction was impeccable!

Coming back to Inception I can't help but compare it with another movie with a brilliant script- Shutter Island! Though the only things common between both movies are DiCaprio and a story with twists and turns, I found the latter to be more engaging and a much superior film.

Saw inception on Sunday and the feeling after leaving the movie was that Nolan missed the opportunity of making a truly great film.
It seems Nolan had this idea for a long time in his head, but decided to make it only after he get some experience in making big budget films- thus he waited till doing two batman movies.
The action sequences, while technically brilliant (the rotating hotel scene had minimal, if none CGI involved), is the Achilles heel of the movie. What should have been a mere detail (after all fights=defense mechanism of the person whose dreams are being tapped into), turns out to occupy about half of the movie. After a few minutes of action in the snow fortress level, I was wondering- when will this &*^&( action end. I wish the movie gave more time on the relationship between Cobb and his wife- and the limbo life.
Ultimately what could have been THE cult movie of all time ended up as a made for the masses action movie with hints of brilliance.

Overall 3.5/5

Shattered (2007): Pierce Brosnan, Gerard Butler, Maria Bello

Its a taut thriller set in the backdrop of Chicago. Good performances by principle starcast. The daughter - Sophie is very cute. There are plenty of twists and turns in the story that keeps you on tenter hooks. The climax is awesome.

Also i won't reveal the story or synopsis and i would suggest not to read/see anything and watch the movie directly. Trust me it will catch you unawares.

The only thing that is typical of this kinda genre is - it gets slow sometimes. But still its worth watching.

A typical dvd movie. Worth renting.


Watched 3:10 to Yuma yesterday. A typical western movie with gunfights and all. Starring Christian Bale and Russell Crowe.

Overall I'd give a rating of 4/5

I watched 'Unfaithful' (2002) on HBO and immediately I came to know it is something like 'Murder' in Hindi and the Imran Hashmi counterpart Oliver Martinez is super hot! And I am straight. Richard Gere rocks and so does Diane. They make a cute on screen couple. Or Gere makes everyone look good. Nice movie. Their kid is picked up from the youngest brother of 'Malcom in the Middle' Sitcom.

If you guys like westerns watch " Ride the high Country". Worth its western salt every minute of the movie.

watched! Everybody's Fine. starring Robert De Niro. I have never seen Robert De Niro in such a role. Its a beautiful movie.
i normally don't watch drama, but i will recommend this.


Originally Posted by SirAlec (Post 1994625)
watched! Everybody's Fine. starring Robert De Niro. I have never seen Robert De Niro in such a role. Its a beautiful movie.
i normally don't watch drama, but i will recommend this.

I have seen that movie.
A very nice movie to watch with your family.

Can somebody please explain the ending of Inception?? DiCaprio misses the kick right? How does he awaken?

SPOILER ALERT: I would try to be discreet but still

Originally Posted by sachinj12 (Post 1995644)
Can somebody please explain the ending of Inception?? DiCaprio misses the kick right? How does he awaken?

Think about "Leap of Faith" and his talks with old Saido. I think there lies the clue to your question.


Originally Posted by sachinj12 (Post 1995644)
Can somebody please explain the ending of Inception?? DiCaprio misses the kick right? How does he awaken?

Answers to your question lies here

Inception Ending Explained (and Discussion) - Screen Rant

To fully comprehend the movie Inception you need to understand the following:

1) Concept of group dreaming - like group dance, people can dream in a group! One person's subconscious mind will act as the 'dream server' thereby enabling everyone to be in the same virtual world

2) One can dream within a dream and go multiple levels like that. 5 minutes in real life is 1 hour in a dream, 6 months in a dream within dream and 10 years in a dream within dream within dream!

3) There exists other people in the dream world, and they are just the projections of the subconscious mind of person hosting the dream server.

4) If you die in your dream, you will wake up. Sometimes you will wake up with all you memory erased like a fully formatted hard disk :D

Inception was good: 4/5

The story is very unrealistic and you need to be attentive else you will blink :D

SALT ! 3.5/5

A.Jolie is back. Loved it. She can show few oldie hero guys how to kick ***.

Other day, i saw 'Wall Street' on CNBC and am mighty impressed. Is there any movies around similar lines on the financial world ?

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