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Old 10th January 2017, 13:27   #646
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Re: Snakes!

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
Was the snake even alive after such ruthless manhandling (if I may call it that way). They way the guy was pulling it, I felt it would snap. Even if the poor reptile was alive, it going to be in lot of pain for sure (internal injuries?) :(
Have you held a python in hand and felt it is too delicate to be handled like this?
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Old 10th January 2017, 13:37   #647
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Re: Snakes!

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
Was the snake even alive after such ruthless manhandling (if I may call it that way). They way the guy was pulling it, I felt it would snap. Even if the poor reptile was alive, it going to be in lot of pain for sure (internal injuries?) :(
Though even I was a little shocked seeing the way it was being pulled, I doubt it would snap and stuff since these snakes are strong enough to strangle bigger animals to death. Hence, their body should be quite strong to achieve such feats.

The engine revving was really scary. Not sure why they would do that. Suppose the snake got stuch in the moving parts like pulleys or belts, it would have been a nasty ending for the snake as well as possible damage to the parts.
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Old 10th January 2017, 14:20   #648
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Re: Snakes!

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
Have you held a python in hand and felt it is too delicate to be handled like this?
If you see the initial part of the video he is pulling it by the neck which is not as strong as the bulk with which a python strangulates its prey and if you see closely, it's stretched like anything. The remaining part of the video where he gets to the actual bulk and starts pulling is fine. Most likely the snake wouldn't have even felt a thing
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Old 10th January 2017, 14:32   #649
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Re: Snakes!

Pythons body is usually highly expandable since it eats goats/Sheep which are of bigger size. So, pulling it like what is seen in Video may not have pained the reptile.

Also, If it had really pained, it would have started resisting and circling its body. But, it did not. So, we can assume that the process has not pained. But, was there any other alternative? I do not think so. So, we should thank the person who has rescued a life of snake
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Old 13th January 2017, 19:44   #650
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Re: Snakes!

That's one 'enthusiast" Python! Chose nothing but a V6. But then, why did they rev the engine? To scare it? They should have killed the engine and taken the snake out. Sad to see nobody lent a helping hand to that fellow, it would have been all the more easy otherwise.

What I know is, you need to tie a rope across the neck of the snake while attempting such things; helps with the control of the snake, even from a distance.
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Old 30th May 2017, 22:13   #651
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Re: Snakes!

Had a tryst with a first snake in my garage. It was a baby Russel viper just about a foot in length. Looks like this chap had taken shelter in the coconut fibre broomstick inside our garage after the heavy deluge on Saturday which left the street flooded.

On Sunday when I took the broomstick and started pushing out the water accumulated in the garange floor, the snake just came out taking me by surprise. It was moving slowly and we did not have much hiding spaces in garage. Hence it was easy to track, pick up up and release it nearer to vrishabhavati stream.
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Old 1st June 2017, 14:54   #652
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Snake taking a joyride on a Bullet. While the rider is stopped at a junction, an auto-driver points out the snake to the rider who promptly drops the bike & runs for his life. 😊Happened few kms from my home in Kerala.

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Old 4th June 2017, 14:58   #653
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Spotted this rat-snake (chera in Malayalam) yesterday night on the road. Had got run over by some vehicle.

With monsoon in full swing in Kerala, the fields / burrows are flooded with water, forcing snakes to come out. It's common to see many tortoises also run over by vehicles. ☹️
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Old 6th June 2017, 15:32   #654
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Re: Snakes!

Originally Posted by gopikb View Post
Had a tryst with a first snake in my garage. It was a baby Russel viper just about a foot in length. Looks like this chap had taken shelter in the coconut fibre broomstick inside our garage after the heavy deluge on Saturday which left the street flooded.

On Sunday when I took the broomstick and started pushing out the water accumulated in the garange floor, the snake just came out taking me by surprise. It was moving slowly and we did not have much hiding spaces in garage. Hence it was easy to track, pick up up and release it nearer to vrishabhavati stream.
Although i appreciate the effort that you took to relocate the snake,I would suggest you do not take the risk of handling venomous snake by yourself. Take the services of a snake catcher . One wrong move by you or a small lapse of concentration is all that is required for things to go bad very fast.
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Old 6th June 2017, 22:53   #655
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Re: Snakes!

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Although i appreciate the effort that you took to relocate the snake,I would suggest you do not take the risk of handling venomous snake by yourself. Take the services of a snake catcher . One wrong move by you or a small lapse of concentration is all that is required for things to go bad very fast.
Sagar, yes, you are right. One lapse of concentration was enough to take a bite. If the snake was showing aggressive trait, i would have never had the guts to get close to it. i also had a long tong which I keep specifically for disposing small pests like cockroaches. Never thought it would come in handy for catching a snake. The process was done with my heart pounding all the while. That is why i did not even think about taking a picture. We had a big plastic bin with lid used for storing clothes for washing. I used that to transport and leave it near the vrishabavati channel.

It was dark when we first spotted the snake and we had to ensure that the snake was tracked with our eye and not allow it to go out of sight. The second thought was how to get rid of it from garage. If we just chase it out, we were afraid, it could possibly come back inside again later. There was no intention to kill the snake for religious reasons. The size of the snake was another reason why we did not think of calling a professional catcher. It was just a little over a foot in length.

Anyway, next time, we will definitely take your advice. In our 15 years of stay in RRnagar, we have seen huge monster snakes on the road multiple times. Even my wife and daughter had a very close call with one such monster snake when they were driving back from school. A huge snake perched on top of a tree fell right between them when my wife was driving the two wheeler with my daughter riding pillion. Luckily the head of the snake was on the road and only the lower half of body and tail fell between them. My daughter said the snake just zipped away from them before she could even react. It was a very close call. Luckily my wife mistook the fallen item as a branch of tree initially. If not, the panic situation could have led her to an accident too. But this is the very first time we have had one inside our home.
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Old 7th June 2017, 15:08   #656
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@gopikb, if there was a juvenile viper in the vicinity, there's a good chance there are more around, as a litter could consist of many snakes.
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Old 11th June 2017, 18:07   #657
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Re: Snakes!

Stumbled across this video on Facebook now! Just the thought of this happening is so scary. Has this happened to anyone in India. EDIT: found the YouTube link and an article (link). The incident happened on the I-85 highway in Buford, Georgia on June 2.


Turns out this has happened many times before.

Last edited by Shanksta : 11th June 2017 at 18:24.
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Old 20th June 2017, 06:55   #658
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Re: Snakes!

Snakes certainly seem to love cars.
10-Feet-Long King Cobra Pulled Out From A Car
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Old 20th June 2017, 10:34   #659
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Re: Snakes!

Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
Snakes certainly seem to love cars.
10-Feet-Long King Cobra Pulled Out From A Car
The police were handling the snake like it was a criminal. They had the equipment, but not the snake handling skills. Experts handler would have done it alone, without getting the snake pissed off and non-cooperative. A friend of mine handles king cobras effortlessly and with total compassion.
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Old 3rd July 2017, 12:27   #660
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Got these on whatsapp. Snake in a Splendour. Snakes!-imageuploadedbyteambhp1499064951.480315.jpg


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