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Old 11th December 2008, 20:18   #1
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Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos

I witnessed 3 puppies newly born, must be about 10 days old,
in the middle of an empty plot near my house. It was that cold night during the flooding, my wife said[@ 12:00AM], the puppies are suffering as she heard the noise from outside the compound.

I then prepared a few items to help the puppies, tied some plastic sheet on my feet[as the clay was soggy] and jumped the compound with some effort[I weigh about 100 Kilos] and went near and installed the small house I built for them, and sent them inside the house.

It was a card-board house, wrapped with plastic paper and duck taped. All in a hurry, and put them on a little deck to stop water from entering the house.

Soon, slowly the mommy dog came by and occupied the house and the three puppies also stayed with the mommy, it was a treat to see them feeding.

Next morning, they were all again in trouble with water around them, and their mommy wasn't able to come near them, so I shifted the house to another location near by, where I made a small hill with sand, and put them on top.

Then I made another smaller house for them, and put them in, this one is used by the puppies for playing, and hiding etc.

I picked two of them who fell in water and mud, and washed them with some Dettol hand wash, pat them dry, fed them and put them back. They are a happy family now, the kids have grown up a little, and can open their eyes, and jump around and play, they have found ways to get out of the fence and are running behind their mommy!

They are playing tug-of-war with each other, don't find the elder puppy now, my wife named them as Motta (the elder one who is a boy), the younger one with white and brown skin [Whitey - she is the rowdy pup who initiates the fighting game always] and last one who is the angry pup [Donna] both these last 2 are girlies.

Attached are some photos of those cute puppies!

PS: I easily could have lifted them up onto our compund and fed them and ket them near me, but I wanted them to be with their mommy, and the mommy will search for them when she comes to the place. Doggy mommy keeps the pups with her till they are well grown about 45 to 60 days. Till then she takes care off them, teaching survival techniques and all.
Attached Thumbnails
Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos-img_5723.jpg  

Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos-img_5724.jpg  

Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos-img_5700.jpg  

Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos-img_5693.jpg  

Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos-img_5694.jpg  

Saving 3 cute puppies when Chennai was flooded! - with photos-img_5458.jpg  

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Old 11th December 2008, 20:23   #2
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Well done Ram! Glad to see they're nice and healthy.
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Old 11th December 2008, 20:28   #3
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I really appreciate your actions. May your tribe increase!
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Old 11th December 2008, 20:31   #4
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MS that was indeed very very touching to say the least. Good going brother!
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Old 11th December 2008, 20:41   #5
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They look so adorable. Great work.
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Old 11th December 2008, 20:48   #6
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Indeed a very kind gesture.May more and more people start thinking like you.
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:13   #7
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Great work my friend. A very kind thing to do! Kudos!

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Old 11th December 2008, 21:17   #8
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Great work, and a wise decision
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:23   #9
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Fantastic. You have a big heart. The pups will survive. And looking at them they might not even be ten days old. By the way, you say you fed them !!! What did you feed them? It's extremely difficult feeding such young pups. Great work once again.
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:23   #10
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Hey seriously it's very nice
As my Mom,you too have done a great job.
My Mom used to do every raining season to stray dogs in our town.
she gave shelter in our house itself and gave them good food as we are Pure Veg,they do get veg foods only
They returned their love by guarding/escorting while she is going for walking in nights.
any day three to four dogs and some cats are in my home.
continue this wonderful thing.
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:24   #11
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If not for your PM, Id probably have missed this thread!

Nice work Without interfering too much with the natural order do try and have them taken to SPCA/CUPA for the usual procedures!
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:25   #12
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hey thanks for the showers fellas, i just enjoy the feel.
I like them to be happy, I was the first human touch they should have felt, and heard.
Today just now i was callin them by names and she Whitey was running towards me falling and rolling, - seeing, and feeling this kind of attachment is un comparable.

I love'em dogs! they don't expect anything other than love and food!
Saving puppies - it's a duty as a human.

I watched some families from near by apartments watch with a twisted face when I went down into the ground which was used as a dustbin by them who watched!!

Day before Yesterday night, it was another rescue from big pigs, which threw little "Donna" in the air once. I had to pelt stones and burn a few t-shirts as a torch to scare the pigs away!

Then yesterday, me and a kid from my apartment lifted Donna and Whitey and fed them, when I noticed Donna was still in a shock, shivering and scared. I pacified her, and brought her back in mood, took all the scare away, fed her with egg yellow and milk. She is again back in action now, fighting with Whitey and running around. They are back in the ground, and under a always parked Ambassador car! outside the fence!

Treat to watch them grow!
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:26   #13
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well done buddy, god bless you.
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:28   #14
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wow!!! great work !!! god bless u
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Old 11th December 2008, 21:32   #15
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I may not be a true animal lover but i really loved what you did.
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