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Old 10th October 2008, 14:57   #1
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Help. People parking in front of our house. How to deal with them ?

@mods: I tried searching for this type of topic, but could not find one. If there is an existing thread, please lock this thread/merge this thread.

I am facing this wierd issue of people parknig in front of our house. Our house plot is quite long and in after noon i.e. after around 1:00 pm, people tend to park in front of our house as the sun starts going toward west and our house casts a shadow on the road.

I am attaching an image where it will be more clear to you.
1) Red colored thick lines indicate Gate or the house/block.
2) The arrows show the entrance road into our society.
3) C1 and C2 locations where people park their cars.
4) Blue lines indicate the route we have to follow to take out our cars.
5) In the north direction there is one society and then its dead end. So the entry road in our society is the exit also.

Now from the image it is very clear that people enter into society, park their cars at location C and we are the one to suffer. It becoems very difficult for us to take out our cars/two wheelers. We first have to take cars our towards North, do all turning business and then head out for our jobs. They tend to park here because, as mentioned above, after around 1:00 pm, there is shadow so to protect their cars they do this. Note that We park our vehicles inside our compound and as there is farm behind house ( read no other building ), our cars and two wheelers face the intense heat of sun. We park inside because we dont want to occupy already narrow road. Moreover, if we park in front our our house at location C1 and C2, then people object " you have space inside compound, so why do you park outside ". Some times they have also damaged our two wheelers, so we avoid parking outside.

About the road: The road is proposed T.P. ( Town Planning ) road. I dont know wheather to call it society's road or not. There is one more small society in the North of our society. So I really dont know if its T.P. road or not.
My questions are :
1) How to make people understand that if they are parking near our gate at location C1, then our approach becomes restircted and if they park away from our gate at location C2, then postman is not able to drop letter in our postbox ( it is fixed in our compound wall ).

2) I dont know if its a T.P. road or not. Can anyone shed some light on this ( as other society is also using this road ) ?

3) Are there any legal actions we can take ?

4) Are there any laws that prove this type of parking illegal ?

I seriously want some help here. I am not tired of these people. The other blocks I have shown are the plinth of the houses and not compound walls. We are the only one in society to have compound wall. I dont know if this irritates people.
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Help.  People parking in front of our house. How to deal with them ?-tbhp-parking-problem.jpg  

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Old 10th October 2008, 15:04   #2
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Try some innovative approaches. Put some flower pots where you want to prevent parking or have some non-valuable objects placed there. Mark the boundary of these flower pots with loose bricks, etc. so it appears that this is a marked area belong to the house.
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Old 10th October 2008, 15:09   #3
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Originally Posted by kalpeshc View Post
Try some innovative approaches. Put some flower pots where you want to prevent parking or have some non-valuable objects placed there. Mark the boundary of these flower pots with loose bricks, etc. so it appears that this is a marked area belong to the house.
We tried this earlier after our two wheelers were damaged. What happens is that the flowers etc are eaten by cows, etc. More over, if we plant trees and put grille to protect the plants, people will again park beisde the grille. Our house is 10mtr. tall, so it gives a lot of shadow on the road.

Thanks for replying and giving this idea .
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Old 10th October 2008, 15:13   #4
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Originally Posted by aaggoswami View Post
2) I dont know if its a T.P. road or not. Can anyone shed some light on this ( as other society is also using this road ) ?

3) Are there any legal actions we can take ?

4) Are there any laws that prove this type of parking illegal ?

I seriously want some help here. I am not tired of these people. The other blocks I have shown are the plinth of the houses and not compound walls. We are the only one in society to have compound wall. I dont know if this irritates people.
There was an article in ToI - Delhi Times some time ago, in this the same question was addressed. Legally the road belongs to town/society and you have no locus standi to restrict anybody from parking there.

In fact the article went on to state that if you put notice to stop people from parking there it might be interpreted as an infringement over state's rights, since the land belongs to state.

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Old 10th October 2008, 15:15   #5
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move your mailbox near c1 and put flower pots etc around that.
let people park at c2 then.

if it is a townroad, approach the local municipality / police and get them to put up a no-parking road

if you can get your hands on a couple of police type red traffic cones, put them outside

a friend of mine made holes in the road and put metal pipes and chains. municipal corporation removed them after 2years and he's getting them re-put now after claiming he had no idea who did it earlier.

ask municipal corporation to construct a small footpath touching the wall

paint no-parking signs on the wall
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Old 10th October 2008, 15:18   #6
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I am sure you would have already thought about this. Try widening the gate so that you can take the cars out easily and don't think anyone would park infront of your gate. I know it is a slightly difficult task to remove one of the pillars to widen your gate but still its worth it as this will permanently free you from this problem.
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Old 10th October 2008, 15:32   #7
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Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl View Post
move your mailbox near c1 and put flower pots etc around that.
let people park at c2 then.
This seems to be sensible. It will allow people to use at least one of the spots.
For C1 , if you can stage a drama - get some workers to dig up the road (as though for pipe laying) and leave some old pipes sticking out of the road, do in such a way that the least amount of road is used, but it becomes impossible to park there. Make sure the workers are not traced back to you.
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Old 10th October 2008, 15:53   #8
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filcord's idea looks good.
Or make your gate as wide as possible. or put another small gate.
the 'state' cannot infringe upon your rights to build gates. you can put a board stating no parking infornt of gate. i think that is possible. if anyone still parks, put an airhorn and blow the hell out. now let them complain.
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Old 10th October 2008, 15:56   #9
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I have seen some people put signs like these

"Tyres will be deflated if vehicle parked here -- By order Delhi Police"
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Old 10th October 2008, 16:06   #10
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A board like "Beware of Dog that eats car tyres" may not cause any harm to anyone but people will think twice before parking. You should also display a half eaten car tyre near the board ! If you dont have a dog, get one immediately, let him walk around the compound as a ferocious tyre eater ! Use your imagination to create a dramatic effect around.

Another method is to rename the house as "Mafia Home" or something similar to that. Who wants to get into trouble for nothing ?

Above 2 are the cheapest/economical methods. If you want to spent more, widen the gate or do similar things that will still silently allow people to park. Personally I would not dare to park my car infront of the above boards. Trust me.
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Old 10th October 2008, 16:12   #11
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everyday at noon scatter nails at c1 and c2. soon people will stop parking after getting their tyres punctured regularly.
or scatter metre long strips of barbed wire in those places.
just don't get caught doing it!

the best way in india to stop people parking (although i personally hate this method) is to build a small roadside temple touching your wall.. you'll get side income from donations as well!!!
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Old 10th October 2008, 16:13   #12
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Good Option

Why not shift your post box closer to your gate.

Then have two parking spots painted on the road.
So anyone who wants to park may do so and will be sensible enough to park in the correct manner.

Not so good option.
Raise a hue and cry that some stuff got stolen from your house.
Blame it on some unknowns who are using the car park as a way to understand when the society buildings are unoccupied and so on.
Use fear within the society to get them to remove the parking on their own.
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Old 10th October 2008, 16:17   #13
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Or better still use something like this :
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Old 10th October 2008, 16:31   #14
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why dont you use C1 and C2 area for parking your own cars in such a way that no body else can park their car over their.
use big stones(the ones which are used for divider construction)and keep it in the middle of parking space.or get two poles near c1 and c2 and tie a chain around them with a normal lock.
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Old 10th October 2008, 16:37   #15
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Originally Posted by filcord View Post
- get some workers to dig up the road (as though for pipe laying) and leave some old pipes sticking out of the road, do in such a way that the least amount of road is used, but it becomes impossible to park there. Make sure the workers are not traced back to you.
You can move the mail box to your front gate easily and let them have C2. The pipe laying solution, above, is clever and non-destructive. You could also find an old junk car and park it there blocking C1 but leaving room for you to get out. You are "restoring" it. That is your excuse.

If people get irrate and damge it, well, it's a junker, who cares?
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