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View Poll Results: Stocks as a percentage of my net assets are -
0 - 25% -- I'm like the most conservative Indians. I love FDs. 412 31.77%
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51 - 75% -- I'm an active trader. 213 16.42%
76 - 100% -- Hey, I'm an i-banker!!! 95 7.32%
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Old 23rd December 2015, 14:49   #3121
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Need a suggestion. Currently I have 400 shares of Spicejet brought at Rs. 44. I see from the past few days that it has settled to around 68 +/- 2 Rs. Should I sell it, hold it, or think of investing a little more to catch the next wave, if there is any?
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Old 23rd December 2015, 18:26   #3122
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Hi friends. Just a quick question. What is the prediction of the markets before the f&o expiry which is on 31 dec. Is it going to be positive like what we are having now or flat or low levels.

I am desperate to buy back few stocks which I short sold few days back before the rally and now I'm already on big losses due to the MTM settlement process.

I really don't see the FII activity as the only reason for the spurt in the markets. Here is the FII activity details for information

Also if anyone have any ideas about South Indian Bank and Raymonds. Please share your views.
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Old 24th December 2015, 09:56   #3123
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by rki2007 View Post

Also if anyone have any ideas about South Indian Bank and Raymonds. Please share your views.
I would advise you to wait and watch on South Indian Bank or even banks in general. The latest RBI report sounds a lot of caution, concern and even paranoia on the state of our bank's NPA levels.
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Old 24th December 2015, 10:54   #3124
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by rki2007 View Post
Also if anyone have any ideas about South Indian Bank and Raymonds. Please share your views.
South Indian Bank and Raymonds have Monthly and weekly trends as negative so would say that both are in downtrend and I would not put my money in them right now.

Raymond since last month is circulating between 400 & 435 (so they are the key support and resistance levels to watch) while South bank has broken the 20 support barrier 2 weeks back to go lower to 18.5.

Disclaimer: I am not recommending here but above are just my views and I have no stocks in above 2 scripts.
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Old 24th December 2015, 16:26   #3125
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Re: Do you play the stock market

The Indigo was good IPO story no doubt. I myself put my money in it for long term, at least till crude plays low.
But Dr Lal Path labs and Alkem labs IPOs were even bigger blockbusters.

Alkem didnt buy because everybody is into pharma and I thought it is worrying.

Dr LPath Labs, I never heard about the company before and just shrugged it off thinking it to be a 'also ran', and now losses are all mine.

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Need a suggestion. Currently I have 400 shares of Spicejet brought at Rs. 44. I see from the past few days that it has settled to around 68 +/- 2 Rs. Should I sell it, hold it, or think of investing a little more to catch the next wave, if there is any?
Indian aviation should be a much bigger play next year. I think you should hold on at least till crude stays low.

Last edited by fordday : 24th December 2015 at 16:48. Reason: additional info
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Old 28th December 2015, 12:34   #3126
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Re: Do you play the stock market

I wanted to know what people think about infrastructure in general and cement and steel in particular. Both the commodities are integral and comes together as a package, for any infra development.

Now, as the govt is spending or planning to spend very huge amounts in infra sector like roads, power, ports, railways etc, I failed to understand what makes the cement company stocks so unattractive at the moment. All the companies are having their prices at near low and some conglomerates are hiving off their cement plants to interested buyers. Why is it so? Is this the accumulation period for cement? If so, who are players who are likely to come out unscathed?

Steel company prices are trending very low because of dumping of steel by China and its own demand coming down. But I believe there is no likewise dumping in cement happening.

Any pointers are welcome.
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Old 28th December 2015, 12:46   #3127
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by fordday View Post
Steel company prices are trending very low because of dumping of steel by China and its own demand coming down. But I believe there is no likewise dumping in cement happening.

Any pointers are welcome.
I am not expert on this topic but based on my reading, cement prices have come down drastically! This is may be due to over capacity i.e. supply is much higher than demand. If cement prices fall, revenues of cement companies will obviosuly fall, given that the amount they can sell cannot increase a lot due to subdued demand. It seems like the valuations are attractive but people are unsure of how long this cycle will last.

I may be wrong here so please do take opinion of experts.
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Old 28th December 2015, 15:50   #3128
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Re: Do you play the stock market

If this is implemented properly. CV makers will go in multi year bull run. An awesome compounding opportunity

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Old 3rd January 2016, 01:14   #3129
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by fordday View Post
I wanted to know what people think about infrastructure in general and cement and steel in particular. Both the commodities are integral and comes together as a package, for any infra development.

Now, as the govt is spending or planning to spend very huge amounts in infra sector like roads, power, ports, railways etc, I failed to understand what makes the cement company stocks so unattractive at the moment. All the companies are having their prices at near low and some conglomerates are hiving off their cement plants to interested buyers. Why is it so? Is this the accumulation period for cement? If so, who are players who are likely to come out unscathed?

Steel company prices are trending very low because of dumping of steel by China and its own demand coming down. But I believe there is no likewise dumping in cement happening.

Any pointers are welcome.
Here is a link to 1/1/2016 article in the Economic Times on the cement sector.
I was thinking of buying Ambuja cement but after reading this I deferred.
Incidentally on 1/1/016 I bought GNFC. Noticed a price surge with higher volumes.
I am not an expert and hope that it does well
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Old 6th January 2016, 21:08   #3130
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Hi, isn't it better to invest in companies which use commodities to make products that are in demand?

See how Mold-tek packaging went up from 170 to 320 in a short time as profits soared. Cupid Ltd is another small cap gem which is riding low latex cost like the tire companies. There should be many more.

Now Torrent power is benefiting from low gas prices.

Disclosure - I own Torrent power and Cupid (bought recently at 170 and 270 respectively)

Originally Posted by S_U_N View Post
Yes. That is a bit of a risk in general terms. I have seen that with Nath BIO earlier. Now that stock is down after a quick run up.

According to Mark Mobius, Executive Chairman at Templeton Emerging Markets Group, it seems to me that investing in commodity (or stocks dealing with those) can be rewarding in the future. Maybe the stocks are at good discounts right now?

I had invested in Tata Steel when it was around 400 and wondering if I should add more at the current levels.
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Old 7th January 2016, 01:18   #3131
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Anyone here got CAN and invest in direct MF's through MFUtility online?? Apart from the benefit of direct funds How is the experience? Any/what are charges involved? is it easy to track and report wide spread holdings?
Appreciate any pointers
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Old 7th January 2016, 15:33   #3132
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Bought 50 Axis Bank @ 413 and 50 Tata Motors @ 344.
Old 7th January 2016, 19:59   #3133
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Pretty much a day which would/could be called as blood on the (Dalal) street. Two good links for such times:

How to Handle Sinking Market & from same site We Did Not Tell You So. We Had No Idea This Would Happen

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Old 8th January 2016, 12:04   #3134
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Need a suggestion. Currently I have 400 shares of Spicejet brought at Rs. 44. I see from the past few days that it has settled to around 68 +/- 2 Rs. Should I sell it, hold it, or think of investing a little more to catch the next wave, if there is any?
@audioholic - hope you are still holding on to the shares and enjoying good returns on the same. No idea about how it would fare going forward but at the moment aviation sector seems to be very upbeat. Indigo has been doing very well. Yesterday they launched 24 odd new flights IIRC. Not sure if this is the Indigo effect or jet fuel price or what but Jet Airways has also increased quite a bit in recent times.

Came across these two articles today while I was contemplating buying Coal India. Government asks PSUs like Coal India to pay higher dividends & CPSEs asked to pay 30% dividend, PSUs like Coal India to issue bonus shares.

If this is indeed correct then should it be a good time to acquire PSUs like say Power Grid, CIL, ONGC etc.?

views / opinions?

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Old 8th January 2016, 12:58   #3135
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Re: Do you play the stock market


A must watch video of Udayan Mukherjee.

Read this in Prof Bakshi's blog.

John Templeton's quote on the subject of when to invest: "The best time to invest is when you have money. This is because history suggests it is not timing which matters, but time."
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