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View Poll Results: Stocks as a percentage of my net assets are -
0 - 25% -- I'm like the most conservative Indians. I love FDs. 412 31.77%
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Old 22nd January 2008, 16:06   #256
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
II have MF investment in Reliance natural resources. It opens in 1 Feb. Hope the NAV does not fall below 10rs!

It already has come below Rs 10/- taking into account the necessary charges. It will list below Rs 10/-. That happens to all MF's NFO.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 17:03   #257
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a light moment on day like roday:

Latest Blockbuster "SAARE ZAMEEN PAR" ..

Premiered Yesterday at BSE and NSE..

Directed and Produced by Ambani Bros.,
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Old 22nd January 2008, 18:38   #258
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Most of the time its the retail investors and day traders who endup losing. These FIIs and high profile investors have so much money that they can control the flow. Now they know that lot of money is in reliance power IPO. If they bring market down, only they can buy back since everyone else has a cash issue. I wouldnt be surprised if they come back and say sensex target 20000 in 2 weeks and bring it up even before the small timers get a chance to participate. After all, where else will they put this money they just withdrew? back in US?
Some stocks are looking very tempting now. So many stocks below IPO price already !!

PS: Does anyone know an online trading site which works when market tanks? Both icicidirect and reliancemoney were down most of the day.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 19:02   #259
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@Normally_crazy I suggest M&M is a better buy as you can expect the Tata motors to fall a bit after the aquisition of Jag and LR. The same thing happened when the corus deal happened with Tata steel too.
Well M&M has some launches coming up and also they are investing in improving their Technology. They have a very good Farm equipments buisness.

Well about the crash i remember my roomies line " Hamesha chota machli marta hai"
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Old 22nd January 2008, 19:11   #260
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Originally Posted by kvish View Post
PS: Does anyone know an online trading site which works when market tanks? Both icicidirect and reliancemoney were down most of the day.
Yeah icici sucks... I was not even able to place MF orders. Sharekhan was working with out any issues.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 20:48   #261
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Originally Posted by given2fly View Post
I wonder why everyone looks at BSE being THE Stock Exchange when we have a better, cleaner, more robust & efficient infrastructure in NSE where trade volume are at least 3 times higher any day. BSE's best days are back in the past, not any more & sensex doesn't matter to me at all; brutally honestly.

Looking at this see-saw ride, I still believe in India's growth theory, but not without a pinch of salt and pepper. One has to reason the growth of a company before investing in them. For example, Rel Power and RNRL don't have any productive assets. Still people are hyping them just because of the tag called AMBANI. Bull ****. Not worth a single penny. How can someone remain invest in a company which has only gas distribution agreement, that too of not its own resources (RNRL); or for that matter Power which can only go live in 2010. Huh!! I smell Punters

Comparatively Tata Power still has power generation capacity of 3500+ MW and NTPC 27000+ MW. If Reliance Power is 400+, shouldn't NTPC trade like ONGC, L&T, BHEL, etc. And if I believe their statements, they are looking to increase their capacity to around 50000+ by 2012. Compare that with 1500 odd MW Rel Power will produce. And the joke become even bigger. I pity those invested in overvalued Reliance shares (Especially ADAG)

...........Exactly.This is what i have mentioned in my previous post.

(Disclaimer - The only stock I hold of Reliance is RPL {at a high level, stuck with them :(, but no regrets}. I bought that when I had very little experience of Share Market and its functioning. But I guess educating myself about these inside details was the best invest I have made of my time.)

...I'm sorry to say brother but you will be stuck with it for atleast next 3-4yrs as govt is not going to do anything to deregulate oil prices which in a way proved good for us otherwise we could have been paying 60-80rs per lit.Sell it and buy some other good stock if u are not going to suffer much.I made a same mistake of holding a share for 6 yrs which was static st about 40% of price i bought.
BTW if someone is holding India info sell it at any level.Experts were saying on CNBC today and that has shot up from 100rs just 3-4 months to about 1000 few days back and it may touch 100 again as there is no fundamentals behind this.

I don't think reliance industries can make such a mayhem
FIIs are pulling out of market strongly, booking profits wherever they can.
The good news may be the market has seen the bottom, and it will be period of caution for around 2-3 months.
After than everybody will forget it all, and again you will have sensex soaring 22000.

I agree here.Only FII's are selling as they had to book profit someday and that someday was yes'day & today and who knows may be next few days.

Last edited by rsjaurr : 22nd January 2008 at 21:00.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 21:25   #262
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Anyways any idea about suzlon. Is it a good buy after the face value split?
Almost one yr back it was around for 800rs and few weeks back it was quoting at around 1800rs,i lost the track after that.Any idea was it a 5:1 or 10:1 split?

for long term and for both medium term,its a good share.

@Tanveer. All NTPC,Ranbaxy and powergrid all good share and best word to describe them is that they are safer.These wont move too much neither north nor south even though with good fundamentals especially NTPC and power grid as these are under central govt.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 21:34   #263
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Suzlon was split from Rs 10 to Rs.2, i.e for every 1 share you got 5 shares. Have a query, why is it that most investors lament when the market comes down and blame FII's, govt, etc...., but are quite content to take the credit for their foresight and vision when the market goes up. Is there some rule that the market will move only upwards?

Guys, grow up, this is a free market, people need to do their research and decide whether they need to invest in a particular stock or not. And the stock market has gone up from 4000 levels in the last few years to 21000 in '08. It just had to come down. Gravity works for everyone.

Cheers, and apologies if my post has sounded rude in any way. It was totally not intentional
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Old 22nd January 2008, 21:52   #264
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Reliance Petroleum???

Guys, whats your take on Reliance Petroleum? It was hovering around 220+ some days before. Now it has come down to 147. Would it be a good buy now? Or shall I wait till tomorrow afternoon?
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Old 22nd January 2008, 21:57   #265
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Originally Posted by rsjaurr View Post
Experts were saying on CNBC...
Well... what can we say about these experts...

Originally Posted by rsjaurr View Post
NTPC,... all good share...
I agree with that. I hold it from 130 levels. Some time back it touched 300... now its 196. Hhhmmmm.....
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Old 22nd January 2008, 21:58   #266
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Some (probably dumb) questions

I suspect the volatility is going to find quite a few people going broke.

Now what happens if I sell some shares and the buyer does not pay up? Will the stock exchange / broker still pay me?

What if I buy some shares and the buyer does not honour the committments? (I know - I am speaking of trading in demat form)

Err... the above thoughts have never occurred to me before, but now, there will be people who have lost money left and right, and they may simply walk away,without honouring their committments.

What happens to my demat account if my broker (Depository participant) goes broke? Do I continue to hold the same account with NSDL? Will the NSDL allow me to continue that account with some other DP?

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Old 22nd January 2008, 22:03   #267
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
I bought NTPC Ranbaxy and Powergrid today
3 Fundamentally strong scripts.
Plan is to hold out for a few months, or if profits come early, take them

I had RNRL at 221, today it went to 91, and I resisted the urge to sell. but did not buy any too.
I have MF investment in Reliance natural resources. It opens in 1 Feb. Hope the NAV does not fall below 10rs!
i brought powergrid too...started to buy @ 89 but by the time, reliancemoney would let me sign in, it shot upto 97.

anyways, lets see how powergrid behaves over next few days.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 22:04   #268
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Any idea when is RPL going to list? and whats the grey market premium on it now? any predictions on whats going to happen when it lists?
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Old 22nd January 2008, 22:05   #269
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OT: Just saw Udyan's face during opening session of today's trading in CNN-IBN. Unbelivable. While he was giving analysis, the sensex was falling down sharply.

BTW, what all stocks that can be looked into buying t'mrow. Udyan was informing to buy large caps in small quantities and then we can consolidate when the market stabilizes. I was thinking of picking up SBI/RNRL/HDFC/India Bulls/Jai Prakash asso.
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Old 22nd January 2008, 22:12   #270
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Originally Posted by snaronikar View Post
OT: Just saw Udyan's face during opening session of today's trading in CNN-IBN. Unbelivable. While he was giving analysis, the sensex was falling down sharply.

BTW, what all stocks that can be looked into buying t'mrow. Udyan was informing to buy large caps in small quantities and then we can consolidate when the market stabilizes. I was thinking of picking up SBI/RNRL/HDFC/India Bulls/Jai Prakash asso.
Get NTPC. At 200, its quite cheap.
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