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Old 21st August 2014, 20:10   #2491
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Kitex and Igarashi are going up nicely. Kitex is at 330 now..was at 120 in May. Igarashi touched 270 from 130 a few months back. PI Industries and Ajanta are also doing good.

Adi Finechem might have a weak FY15. Plant shut down in this quarter to integrate new capacities and decline in Vitamin-E prices globally will affect revenue growth.

But company is working on new products and next year the revenue growth will be handsome due to completion of capacity doubling this year. Awaiting more information on new products.
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Old 21st August 2014, 22:32   #2492
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by VindyWheels View Post
Kitex and Igarashi are going up nicely. Kitex is at 330 now..was at 120 in May. Igarashi touched 270 from 130 a few months back. PI Industries and Ajanta are also doing good.
Hi VindyWheels,

Based on your suggestion, I started going through the Valuepickr website and I am pretty happy with the level of discussions which go on in there. It would be great if you could let me know how can one be a member in it? Is it by invite only?
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Old 21st August 2014, 23:41   #2493
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Originally Posted by VindyWheels View Post
Kitex and Igarashi are going up nicely. Kitex is at 330 now..was at 120 in May. Igarashi touched 270 from 130 a few months back.
Igarashi hit upper circuit of 20% today at around 2:45 pm. There were only buyers in NSE at that point of time.
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Old 22nd August 2014, 08:58   #2494
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Hi, invite not required, go ahead and register.

Originally Posted by Saanil View Post
Hi VindyWheels,

Based on your suggestion, I started going through the Valuepickr website and I am pretty happy with the level of discussions which go on in there. It would be great if you could let me know how can one be a member in it? Is it by invite only?
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Old 22nd August 2014, 11:25   #2495
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by sabsubs View Post
Hi All, Reviving this thread after a gap of almost 2 weeks. There's lots happening in the stock market. Nifty touched 7900 and Sensex is nearing 26500. The market is super bullish. But I am not that very comfortable with the way it is surging ahead. I think there could be a big correction. Any views from the experts?
“We have long felt that the only value of stock forecasters is to make fortune-tellers look good. Even now, Charlie (Munger) and I continue to believe that short-term market forecasts are poison and should be kept locked up in a safe place, away from children and also from grown-ups who behave in the market like children.”
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Old 22nd August 2014, 20:20   #2496
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Re: Do you play the stock market

what do the experts feel about Bhushan Steel - all advice welcomed!
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Old 22nd August 2014, 23:31   #2497
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by nazimk24 View Post
“We have long felt that the only value of stock forecasters is to make fortune-tellers look good. Even now, Charlie (Munger) and I continue to believe that short-term market forecasts are poison and should be kept locked up in a safe place, away from children and also from grown-ups who behave in the market like children.”
Very well said, could NOT agree more.
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Old 23rd August 2014, 15:09   #2498
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Re: Do you play the stock market


I had spoken about PI Industries in this thread last November when the price was Rs 212. Today a friend was asking me about the prospects of Rallis (agrochemical company) and I had a detailed discussion instead on PI...what a beautiful business model.

They do high end process research for global innovators in agrochemical space working together with them on their early stage molecules which are about to be patented. Then they manufacture the same for them on contract basis for the global market once the molecule is comercialised. Some of theses molecules which have potential in India are introduced by the company for sales through its vast domestic distribution channel. Both the businesses, CRAMs and domestic sales, have immense scope for growth and what is more interesting is sometimes there could be positive surprises in the form or excellent new molecules giving a fillip to sales.

Watch this interview of the MD, its worth hearing the man out on the early days of the company, his ethics and so on.

I had invested in PI Industries at 150 levels and forms 16% of my portfolio. Its trading at 29 times trailing earnings, but still looks only fairly valued on a forward basis.


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Old 25th August 2014, 19:32   #2499
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Re: Do you play the stock market

The other day I was going thru value-picks blog and read about one of the stocks advised. And the more interesting bit in the suggestion was the reference to a "Dolly Khanna" who seems to have a "Midas touch". I would like to know how can we track what a person buys (especially her)? Any website where we can get some info?
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Old 25th August 2014, 22:27   #2500
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
The other day I was going thru value-picks blog and read about one of the stocks advised. And the more interesting bit in the suggestion was the reference to a "Dolly Khanna" who seems to have a "Midas touch". I would like to know how can we track what a person buys (especially her)? Any website where we can get some info?
Hahaha! I wish we could all know what she would be buying so that we could all make some money! I do not think there is any sureshot way of knowing what she buys immediately. However on BSE/NSE's website you will find disclosures by the company of significant shareholdings. I am sure the experts here might have other efficient ways of doing this. I could only think of setting up a Google Alert under the assumption that if Dolly Khanna buys something, it should be on all major blogs/news stories. I think Moneycontrol also shows her portfolio.

Happy Investing!

P.S. - Does anyone know who Dolly Khanna is? Where she lives, what she does apart from investing etc?
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Old 1st September 2014, 21:50   #2501
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Hi Guys,

Many a times I have heard this statement that retail investors are always late to the party OR Retail investors are always late to enter a rally. I simply do not understand the meaning of this - as far as I can see, Retail investors are also well informed - though they might not have management access like Institutional investors but still - can someone please explain why the statement against retail investors? Is it related to the fact that retail investors are generally too small to affect the market?
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Old 1st September 2014, 22:20   #2502
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Originally Posted by Saanil View Post
Hi Guys,

Many a times I have heard this statement that retail investors are always late to the party OR Retail investors are always late to enter a rally. I simply do not understand the meaning of this - as far as I can see, Retail investors are also well informed - though they might not have management access like Institutional investors but still - can someone please explain why the statement against retail investors? Is it related to the fact that retail investors are generally too small to affect the market?
In general you have the right idea. Retail investors are generally enticed to enter markets when the going is good and there is momentum in the market.They look to the trending themes/ new fund offers/ IPO etc. And they often don't have the appetite to remain invested after temporary loss or cut their losses. Most act on' tips' for quick gains.

OTOH if you ve been buying a top mutual fund by SIP since last 3-4 years, you're probably sitting pretty.this is a good strategy for someone who does not know /have the time to learn the intricacies of investing.
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Old 2nd September 2014, 12:16   #2503
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Re: Do you play the stock market


"retail investors" is too broad a term. As DR Singh mentioned the term is for the vast majority who do not have the time or interest in understanding investing process and most often investment is based on "emotion" than logic.

One reason for mutual funds under-performing serious individual investors is because they experience fund outflow when the market is actually undervalued and inflow when the market is more than fairly valued.

I met my wife's uncle who has been investing since 1992 and overall has not made money from the stock market. In the recent past he invested in Kitex at Rs 50 and exited at Rs 60. He runs a chain of bakeries. He questioned as to how one will know till what level the stock price will reach. I asked him why he started a new bakery last month and he explained how the business is good in that location etc. Then I asked him what is the business that Kitex is into...he gave a wrong answer! Gave him a simple advice - invest in a company only if you understand their business as well as you understand your bakery business and see potential in the company's business growth. Valuation comes next, you will get opportunities.

Originally Posted by Saanil View Post
Hi Guys,

Many a times I have heard this statement that retail investors are always late to the party OR Retail investors are always late to enter a rally. I simply do not understand the meaning of this - as far as I can see, Retail investors are also well informed - though they might not have management access like Institutional investors but still - can someone please explain why the statement against retail investors? Is it related to the fact that retail investors are generally too small to affect the market?

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Old 2nd September 2014, 13:26   #2504
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Originally Posted by VindyWheels View Post

I met my wife's uncle who has been investing since 1992 and overall has not made money from the stock market. In the recent past he invested in Kitex at Rs 50 and exited at Rs 60. He runs a chain of bakeries. He questioned as to how one will know till what level the stock price will reach. I asked him why he started a new bakery last month and he explained how the business is good in that location etc. Then I asked him what is the business that Kitex is into...he gave a wrong answer! Gave him a simple advice - invest in a company only if you understand their business as well as you understand your bakery business and see potential in the company's business growth. Valuation comes next, you will get opportunities.



Someone who is running a business like a chain of successful bakeries should not be investing at all . He'd get much better returns by expanding his own business or handing over money to a wealth manager /private equity.

I had a similar experience with a guy who was into selling tiles and sanitaryware. He had invited a broker from Mumbai to punjab and spent 2 lakhs entertaining him for 10 days. He then asked for some insider 'tips' . He discussed these with me and offered me 'insider tips'. I had never heard of these scrips. When I mentioned my favourites with expected 20 percent compounding over the years, he shrugged me off. He told me he already sells tiles with 100-150 percent markup, he's not interested in slow compounders.

Such a shrewd businessman who borrows money at 14-18 percent for his own business and has such profit margins is more interested in gambling in return for supernormal gains. A salaried person taking advice from a person will have to undergo a lot of pain.

Another mistake I see often is people investing money they might need in 2-3 years and then investing lumpsum in a stupid instrument like ELSS or other mixed products put out by the insurance industry/banks /mutual funds.

Last edited by drsingh : 2nd September 2014 at 13:28.
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Old 2nd September 2014, 16:55   #2505
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Re: Do you play the stock market

Originally Posted by drsingh View Post
OTOH if you ve been buying a top mutual fund by SIP since last 3-4 years, you're probably sitting pretty.this is a good strategy for someone who does not know /have the time to learn the intricacies of investing.
Concur completely with above. I do not has time out of job to follow equities. Burned some money in equity and finally realised that, So just sticked to mutual funds via SIP & 4 years down the line, I am in 40 % profits on MF;s .

equity wise , I choose to bear losses till last moment, So i am still invested in them. Thank fully my losses are more or less covered and I plan to continue invested in them.

One stock which i beleive in is suzlon. While it has been hammered literally, I am sure it will bounce back one fne day.
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