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Old 31st December 2008, 21:12   #991
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Originally Posted by m_upreti View Post

Well I have used the 7 star rating taking a cu from the Hotels (so 7/7).

Agreed with your viewpoint that SCORPIO is huge yet handles like a car. However, my son (who just had his 2nd birthday) prefers to to call it a Truck so..i am struck with the name.

I have been driving for over 15 yrs now but somehow I am still not comfortable with ORVMS and prefer the IRVM. If the ORVMS are open I tend to focus more on them rather than the road ahead so I prefer driving with them closed. (Not a very good tactic I know).

I will be adding the seat covers this week end, couldnt do it earlier as I couldnt get the ones of my choice & then got busy with things.

First damage to the car. Broken Wiper..thanks to the cleaning guy who left the wiper on the upright position and the Kids who decided to test their accuracy in kicking the foodball hitting the wiper squarely and breaking it. The wiper is broken from just where it is attached to the car, so I think the netire assembly will have to be changed. I am yet to check the financial damage from the dealer.

Couple of queries for all our experts here:

1. The dive in the Scorpio is pronounced while braking even at very low
speeds, (this is not there in a Safari, I checked it on one of my frnds
vehicle). Any significance / advantage / disadvantage attached to it.

2. The automatic locking facility does not work when you are in the car.
In my Wagon R (with Auto Cop) the doors locked centrally once
you turned on the ignition. Here I have to manually activate central
locking by pushing in the driver side door handle.
Is this a feature on the Scorpio or I am missing something.
Because if this is a feature then it is rather dangerous and I more often
than not forget to central lock the car & with an energetic kid it is real

3. I am planning to install a gear lock, the Dealer suggests a Mahindra OEM
model (appx. 2200 Rs. including fitting) over the others like Nippon &
Auto cop. Pls suggest which one I should go in for.

4. I am getting a FE of about 10 KMPL. I need to check now after the first service if it has increased. On a normal day I drive only about 12 Kms
you are one among the rare breed who says scorpios can handle! yes, i agree it always better to use outside RVMs but what matters most is your comfort. if you can judge the traffic well with inside RVM, no harm in that.
now about your queries:
1) it should not dive heavily, but then how heavily is 'heavily'?!!
2) no, the doors does not lock automatically when you turn on the ignition. but check with the mahindra A.S.S. whether you can program it that way.
3) i am planning for either autocop or xenos.
4) 10 kmpl is okay in city traffic with 100% AC, else no.
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Old 31st December 2008, 21:21   #992
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The last addition to my scorpio before the new year:
Roots Windtone 90 horns
the horns have added to the macho appeal of the car.
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Old 1st January 2009, 11:55   #993
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Thanks Raj & Anup for the information

I am sure that the Scorpio can handle, at times I throw her around like a sedan and the way it can zip in & out of traffic on a one way road, it is amazing & I can definately say handling is better than my Wagon R which I drove for over 5 years. The only vehicle that handle better for me was a Yamaha RX 100 belonging to one of my cousins.

1. Well the dive is pronounced, I experienced the same in the TD vehicle (after which my wife nearly refused to let us buy the car) and I have seen the same in most of the Scorpios I have observed.
I will check at the dealers place when I go to get the Wiper replaced his weekend.

2. The manual says the driver side handle needs to be press ed for central locking. Indeed a big letdown from Mahindra on this.
I am giving a feedback & registering my dissatisfaction on their website.

3. I will check for the options on the Gear Lock, the dealer is probably pushing the Mahindra accessary as he does not have the other models.

4. Will need to check on the FE again after the next refill of the tank

Since today morning I have started experiencing another issue. The front part of the car is squeaking loudly at the slighest jerk, pot hole & speed breaker. Any one else facing the same problem ? or I am getting paranoid.

Originally Posted by raj_5004 View Post
you are one among the rare breed who says scorpios can handle! yes, i agree it always better to use outside RVMs but what matters most is your comfort. if you can judge the traffic well with inside RVM, no harm in that.
now about your queries:
1) it should not dive heavily, but then how heavily is 'heavily'?!!
2) no, the doors does not lock automatically when you turn on the ignition. but check with the mahindra A.S.S. whether you can program it that way.
3) i am planning for either autocop or xenos.
4) 10 kmpl is okay in city traffic with 100% AC, else no.
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Old 1st January 2009, 12:27   #994
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These are the Skoda-style horns, right? I fitted the Bosch equivalent recently. Sounds good!
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Old 1st January 2009, 17:50   #995
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Originally Posted by m_upreti View Post
I am sure that the Scorpio can handle, at times I throw her around like a sedan and the way it can zip in & out of traffic on a one way road, it is amazing & I can definately say handling is better than my Wagon R which I drove for over 5 years. The only vehicle that handle better for me was a Yamaha RX 100 belonging to one of my cousins.

2. The manual says the driver side handle needs to be pressed for central locking. Indeed a big letdown from Mahindra on this.
I am giving a feedback & registering my dissatisfaction on their website.

Since today morning I have started experiencing another issue. The front part of the car is squeaking loudly at the slighest jerk, pot hole & speed breaker. Any one else facing the same problem ? or I am getting paranoid.
yes, i do agree that the scorpio handles quite well, but the driver should remember its an SUV and should drive within its limits, he should not expect a civic out of it. though the older SZ non-crde scorpio's handling was a complete mess.

frankly, i would not want the auto locking feature in the scorpio. i had this in my santro xing (aftermarket xenos auto locking) and it was quite irritating as i used to switch on the ignition before all the passengers sat (so that by the time they sit, i can start the engine and turn on the AC) and this thing would buzz twice to indicate the doors are open!

what is sqeaking? suspension? i have not faced such a problem.

Originally Posted by razor4077 View Post
These are the Skoda-style horns, right? I fitted the Bosch equivalent recently. Sounds good!
you got it right. but it does not sound good, it sounds great!
i searched for bosch but eventually settled for roots. during the installation, i realized, mahindra provides roots horns as their original fitment.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 15:41   #996
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Well, i know it is irritating to start the ignition after all the doors are closed. But I kind of got used to it after 5 yrs so am missing this feature on the Scorp.

I agree 100% that this is a SUV & you cannot push like a sedan with a much lower centre of gravity. Any way I consider myself to be a rather conservative driver except for some devilish streaks. And on most of my drives except to the office I have a continuously nagging "Speed Governer" sitting next to me. For her anything over 70 is rash & dangerous.

I think the front shock absorbers are squealing, have fixed up time with the showroom to have them looked into.

Originally Posted by raj_5004 View Post
yes, i do agree that the scorpio handles quite well, but the driver should remember its an SUV and should drive within its limits, he should not expect a civic out of it. though the older SZ non-crde scorpio's handling was a complete mess.

frankly, i would not want the auto locking feature in the scorpio. i had this in my santro xing (aftermarket xenos auto locking) and it was quite irritating as i used to switch on the ignition before all the passengers sat (so that by the time they sit, i can start the engine and turn on the AC) and this thing would buzz twice to indicate the doors are open!

what is sqeaking? suspension? i have not faced such a problem.

you got it right. but it does not sound good, it sounds great!
i searched for bosch but eventually settled for roots. during the installation, i realized, mahindra provides roots horns as their original fitment.
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Old 3rd January 2009, 00:55   #997
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Hi Guys ,

Sorry i am late ... I have been quite out of touch from T-BHP posts as have been travelling like crazy on work ..

First thing ...The Beast is a awesome buy .. I had mentioned it earlier that i longed for it for past 3 years .. finally after my Wagon R just picked up Scorp . My family though initially not very happy , but now aftyer 1.5 years and 25,000 plus travel feel its a splendid buy and just love it . I just did a extensive travel of most places in far konkan and then goa in quick one week of leave ( will write a thread on that with some lovely pics )..

My scorp just drove steady with no just no hitches ... posting few old pics ... I similar to all of you guys Just adore my scorp ...

Cheers ... Kat cheers:
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Old 5th January 2009, 08:50   #998
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i saw a show called perilous journeys in Nat Geo few days back one episode had the host traveling to the highest motor able road in the world Khardung La pass and he used the Scorpio for that it was truly awesome!!
Scorpio lovers please don't miss that episode if it comes in that show he travels the worst possible roads in the world (last episode he drove over an frozen lake i think towards some town in the north pole)
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Old 5th January 2009, 10:03   #999
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Originally Posted by kARTIK IYER View Post
Hi Guys ,

Sorry i am late ... I have been quite out of touch from T-BHP posts as have been travelling like crazy on work ..

My scorp just drove steady with no just no hitches ... posting few old pics ... I similar to all of you guys Just adore my scorp ...

Cheers ... Kat cheers:
hi kartik, nice pics. but we rarely hear from you. looks like you dont get free time after the long drives you indulge in.

the part highlighted in bold in the above quote is one of the main factors contributing to the desirability of the scorpio.

Originally Posted by vinaydas View Post
i saw a show called perilous journeys in Nat Geo few days back one episode had the host traveling to the highest motor able road in the world Khardung La pass and he used the Scorpio for that it was truly awesome!!
Scorpio lovers please don't miss that episode if it comes in that show he travels the worst possible roads in the world (last episode he drove over an frozen lake i think towards some town in the north pole)
yes vinay, i saw that show about a week back. the terrain was absolutely fantastic and the way the host was driving it, i felt envious.
those guys who feel scorpio is a 'soft-roader' should especially have a look.

Last edited by raj_5004 : 5th January 2009 at 10:05.
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Old 5th January 2009, 10:12   #1000
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Originally Posted by vinaydas View Post
i saw a show called perilous journeys in Nat Geo few days back one episode had the host traveling to the highest motor able road in the world Khardung La pass and he used the Scorpio for that it was truly awesome!!
Is this up on youtube? If so, can someone please provide a link.
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Old 5th January 2009, 11:03   #1001
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talking about youtube, i have a few video links of the scorpio which may interest a few:

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Old 5th January 2009, 11:20   #1002
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Hi All, Season's greetings and wish you all a very Happy New Year.

Mupreti, The scorp central locking needs to be activated to have the auto door lock feature once engine is on and all doors are closed. I have got this activated(no cost involved as it is just activating the existing feature in the Nippon ECU) with the help of Nippon service personnel.

Raj, Good horns for your ride.

Kartik, Good pics and the second one shows how the scorp is 'our family car'.!!
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Old 5th January 2009, 11:31   #1003
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kartik love the pics of ur scorpio esp the bull bar how much you paid for it and how does it fair.. we had the similar one on our old qualis it used to vibrate when we used to start the car .
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Old 5th January 2009, 12:18   #1004
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Also to add on the Nippon Remote/Central locking- In case some of us are not aware, mHawks' Nippon system comes equipped with Shock sensor too! Got this too activated along with timed auto door locking feature
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Old 5th January 2009, 12:32   #1005
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Originally Posted by getsurya View Post
Also to add on the Nippon Remote/Central locking- In case some of us are not aware, mHawks' Nippon system comes equipped with Shock sensor too! Got this too activated along with timed auto door locking feature
did you get these features activated at the dealer?
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