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Old 13th September 2011, 12:03   #91
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

This technology is super time saver if implemented properly. I have used this technology extensively in Chicago while driving through the toll booths.
Works like a charm there but in India due to lack of discipline very hard to implement effectively.
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Old 13th September 2011, 12:06   #92
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

I think they should start penalising cash-paying vehicles which take the lanes reserved for tag users. Maybe charge double the normal toll for taking the wrong lane. That should discourage atleast some people from taking the wrong lane.
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Old 13th September 2011, 12:07   #93
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Originally Posted by mmxylorider View Post
Possible solution : About 200m from the actual toll gates, install a couple of gates for the smart card users. Once authenticated and toll deducted, let them continue in contolled lanes with hard dividers between these lanes and the regular lanes to avoid cross movement. These dedicated lanes can get direct passthrough at the main toll gates.

Advance signage indicating automated toll lanes will allow users to turnoff much sooner rather than causing the chaos at the toll gates.
If one forgets to take these lanes, one can still pay cash at the regular gates.

Would you believe, in thought and process, this is EXACTLY what is present?
no implementation or enforcement, but its the thought that counts, eh?
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Old 13th September 2011, 12:18   #94
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Originally Posted by dar3dev|l View Post
Mayank, with this new technology they have mentioned to have a separate queue for smart tag users, so isnt there actually a separate queue ? (you mentioned in peak hours theres no distinction) Aint there any local police to monitor this ? Like anyone found without a smart tag device in the smart tag lane should be fined, etc ?

Lane discipline is another animal to tackle. But cant govt enforce this technology ? so that all lanes are with the sensors. Wont that help ?
There are separate lanes for tag users but no enforcement or at best lax. People start fighting with the attendants (they have a thankless job) trying to induce lane discipline so there has been little success with that. No police presence only makes this worse. This is the situation at NH8 toll plaza.

On the other hand, situation at DND toll plaza between Delhi-Noida is quite good. They have a single lane for tags and an exit lane into cash lane for an non-tag users - so no backing up the lane to exit it (haven't seen this on Gurgaon-Delhi toll plaza). They also have 2 dedicated lanes for pre-paid card users (not sure if cash lanes can be used by card users) - something again not seen on Gurgaon-Delhi toll plaza. Of course if a cash user enters the card lane, he's fined for that - something again not allowed on the Gurgaon side.
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Old 13th September 2011, 13:17   #95
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Well there is also another big factor playing out here which creates or adds to the mess. If properly followed the system is quite good. The signs indicating the lanes for the Tag and cash are visible from quite a far distance. But then we Indians have always eyed laws with suspicion haven't we. Many of us consider joining a queue totally unacceptable. The mentality of "Whats the whole point of my existence if I have to stand in a line with these lowly life forms who are following the queue" is not very hard to find. So the result is that some of these car drivers start playing gods and keep criss crossing and cutting lanes, do not follow a queue but rather go in between 2 queues and later cut into either one depending upon there mood. And ofcourse seeing 1 do it and get away with it the others follow and it leads to a very sorry state of affairs.
Ofcourse some drivers have no idea what lane is what and these are the ones who feel that driving is all about a steering wheel and a gas pedal. And don't even get me started on those cab drivers.

We can never learn about how to behave in a society. No matter how good a system is we will sabotage it somehow. Seriously 5 years ago I would have never imagined a toll booth like this one in India. I really feel the guys working in the booth deserve to be applauded. They are extremely quick even though our dear govt came out with that weird number of 21 Rs to be paid as toll.

All in all till we learn basic road manners or there are cops posted on both the sides to challan you with atleast 2-3k, this chaos will continue.

Last edited by drmohitg : 13th September 2011 at 13:18.
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Old 13th September 2011, 13:20   #96
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Originally Posted by mmxylorider View Post
Possible solution : About 200m from the actual toll gates, install a couple of gates for the smart card users. Once authenticated and toll deducted, let them continue in contolled lanes with hard dividers between these lanes and the regular lanes to avoid cross movement. These dedicated lanes can get direct passthrough at the main toll gates.

Advance signage indicating automated toll lanes will allow users to turnoff much sooner rather than causing the chaos at the toll gates.
If one forgets to take these lanes, one can still pay cash at the regular gates.
Not possible due to extremely bad road design for this section, when approaching the Toll Plaza from the direction of Gurgaon. Take a detailed look at the diagram posted by Mayankk in the second post on this thread. Let me try and explain why:
  • They have a Flyover descending about 300 meters before the Toll Plaza.
  • They have a Service Lane usually carrying a Huge Volume of Traffic from inside Gurgaon coming in from the Left.
  • They have a U Turn on the Median for traffic intending to go to Ambience Mall. It's another matter, than the traffic that needs to go to Ambience Mall, has to cut across the entire width of the road, within a distance of about 50 meters, and enter the Service Lane, to get to the Mall. This is a zone, where people who have just crossed the Toll Plaza start accelerating like crazy, and this has led to numerous accidents.
Now, they have the Cash Paying Lanes on the Left and the Automated Lanes on the Right, so there is a BAU Criss-Cross that happens when vehicles from the Service Lane try to take the Automated Lanes, or vehicles descending from the Flyover have to take the Cash Lanes. Perfect scene for more accidents.
Add to this already crazy mix, our Genes, and we will make additional Criss-Crosses and worsen an already pathetic situation.

All of this happens within those 300 odd meters, and hence there isn't any opportunity to implement the nice suggestion you have!

Maybe Mayank can modify his diagram to better depict the problem with this section, but that is Off Topic.

All in all, I don't really see a solution to the original problem, until they properly implement hefty fines for offenders. Heck, I have even seen people tailgating behind other vehicles to avoid paying the Toll, because the sensors aren't quick enough.
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Old 13th September 2011, 13:47   #97
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Lets stick to this side of the booth for now.
The misery after you enter gurgaon is tenfold, and perpetual till the time you leave.

One thing i have wanted to understand.
I used the highway before the e-way came up.
There used to be the border approximately where the booth is now.

Is the booth now on the border?
If so, harayana Tp doesnt have jurisdiction, yes?

Why i ask is once i lit up when i came up to the jam at the booth.
about 100 metres from the booth, this HTP knocked on my window, sat in the car, and said "300 bucks, else car/papers/stepney/buttocks will be seized".
(not the last one, but the nonsense was just that, no sense!).

I just got out of the car and stood there, till he too got out and walked off.
I decided to turn around and head back the way i came, back to delhi, cos there was a huge posse of these TPs near the leela that i could see, and i figured it wouldnt be too good if he stopped me there.

Last edited by mayankk : 13th September 2011 at 13:50.
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Old 13th September 2011, 13:55   #98
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

This should be very useful. Waiting for it to be introduced on the Mumbai Pune expressway. Should definitely be a time saver.

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
@Mayank - The snap that you have posted of the queue at the toll gates. I am shocked to see the number of cars. Is this a everyday occurance during peak hours or a one off?
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Old 13th September 2011, 14:01   #99
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Originally Posted by amitwlele View Post
The snap that you have posted of the queue at the toll gates. I am shocked to see the number of cars. Is this a everyday occurance during peak hours or a one off?
Thats the peak hour traffic mate. A everyday thing.
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Old 13th September 2011, 17:43   #100
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Looking at the bird's eye view posted by @mayankk, I wonder why the toll gates for Delhi bound and Gurgaon bound lanes are side by side.

If they were about 100 m apart, there would have been space to create more toll gates. Tendency to break lanes would be less if one sees smaller lines at the gates.
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Old 13th September 2011, 19:31   #101
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Re: Smart Tag (Online Toll Tax), Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway

Peak hrs will find more cash paying users on Tag lanes. Not sure when they start charging fines etc to stop them. In night around 8-9 its horrible, its really a big fight to come to Tag lane if you are coming from Udyog Vihar lane. Till they start fining people no one will stop using TAG lanes.
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Old 22nd September 2011, 14:01   #102
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Re: Quick Guide to KM24 Toll Plaza (Delhi-Gurgaon border)

See how bikers are taking a dangerous u turn just after toll plaza and risking their and others life.

Quick Guide to KM24 Toll Plaza (Delhi-Gurgaon border)-dsc04953.jpg

Quick Guide to KM24 Toll Plaza (Delhi-Gurgaon border)-dsc04956.jpg
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Old 23rd September 2011, 20:06   #103
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Re: Quick Guide to KM24 Toll Plaza (Delhi-Gurgaon border)

Toll plaza attendant shot dead in Gurgaon

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Old 23rd September 2011, 20:18   #104
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Re: Quick Guide to KM24 Toll Plaza (Delhi-Gurgaon border)

Horrifying video
The words that are coming to my mind and mouth will get me an infarction or maybe more but this is a *******ly act(sorry mods/admins).This was real bad.What was the poor fellow's mistake?all he wanted was the toll charge.This is not fair.The police must do something concrete about this incident.Poor chap.
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Old 23rd September 2011, 20:28   #105
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Re: Quick Guide to KM24 Toll Plaza (Delhi-Gurgaon border)

This is another story depicting NCR's (Read Delhi/Noida/Gurgaon/Faridabad) black side. The rich and powerful can do anything.
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