Re: Elon Musk could ban Apple devices in all his companies; amidst AI integration announcement Actually Musk is in between the rock and the hard place. Everyone is, but either they don't know they are or just don't care He has been vocal that he is. The only way for him to be able to achieve what he wants is to create a Tesla phone, which by the way was doing rounds for a while.
Some time ago, Musk has talked about why he choose Apple over Android (all brands) and that was the tight data google integration in android, where you could not control what goes where, or at least did not know well enough what goes where. Apple on the other hand had made is amply clear that 'You' are not the product and the iPhone was, which in contrast to the google model where 'You' are the product since everything else from google was free. This is a touchy subject with fans from either side ready to go to arms on it, but we will rest that topic here.
Now Apple intelligence as they call it, is supposed to be a GPT-4o sandbox from OpenAI that Apple will have exclusive access to. There is the entire ecosystem on top of the LLM that Siri will connect to, but OpenAI being what it is the lines are really as blur as the lines between Android and google, maybe even more. Also, OpenAI by itself is an oxymoron, there is nothing open about it, and the drama over what is should be has been playing out in the open in the last months.
Peak Apple is behind us, and they were too late to catch up, unlike the older times where Apple would wait and watch and then just ruthlessly execute well on the winning idea. This time around they will find it very expensive and time taking to catch up. So, they realise they need to leverage rather than build. At least for the first few years while they will build on their own, but this time their iPhone base is too large to catch up and lose.
Now, with AI you really don't control what goes into the AI model. It's always listening, its needs to, build, update and maintain context. Unlike Siri which wakes up only when called, this new AI platform will need to always be on.
For instance, if the iPhone maps were to show you which parking spot is empty when you reach parking lot at a Target, it need to know you are 'there', you are 'in the car', slowed down to 'park', and that your weekend pattern is to be 'there' on all 'those days' etc. This is what scares Musk (and should also scare most of us). It's not about taking photos, videos or listening to voice in a call, or reading the SMS. The omnipresent nature of the multi-modal AI and the difficulty to figure out what is knows, how it knows and what all it is ingesting to know is what build the mis-trust.
Musk does not trust OpenAI, especially after he quit it.
Also, there is an economic interest with his own xAI that someday he hopes will catch up and maybe get head of OpenAI. |