Team-BHP - The Property / Real Estate Thread

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Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR (Post 1694161)
Here is a flow chart for you. Your dad need not be a co-applicant; only a guarantor for your loan.

1. YOu take loan, start repaying it regularly.
2. Wait till the time you want to fore-close.
3. Deliberately commit a default. Ask the bank to send you and the guarantor (dad) some notice inw riting.
4. Your dad pays the loan on your behalf.

Bank happy. You happy. Dad happy. Taxman happy. The legislator will of course, find some means to change the law. :-D


Originally Posted by gkrishn (Post 1694203)
All that and the credit rating too goes for a toss....

DCEite, never do the 3rd point. All the financial system has been linked to the credit history.It will be a big problem when you are taking a new loan or in future. My friend defaulted on one month payment of his credit card and now all banks are saying stories to give him a loan keeping this default in the front. So be careful.

Is it possible to get joint loan for brothers. (assuming buying a plot and constructing 2 unit house)


Originally Posted by mohang_j (Post 1694753)
Is it possible to get joint loan for brothers. (assuming buying a plot and constructing 2 unit house)

Yes it is possible to get joint loans with brothers.


Originally Posted by shishir_bn (Post 1694904)
Yes it is possible to get joint loans with brothers.

Thanks Shishir,
Do you have more details?


Originally Posted by mohang_j (Post 1694915)
Thanks Shishir,
Do you have more details?

If you tell what details you are looking for then me or anyone from the forum will answer it and it will help others also. If you are asking about the previous post then you can take your brother,dad,wife and mom as co-applicant(remember they should have an earning capacity for this to hold good).

Does anyone have experience with Ashiana Housing

Would love to hear. Thanks

I am looking for a property in this area (due to proximity to the new work). Can someone list the +ves/-ves of this area. I have been living (and working) in western suburbs for all these years hence, not much idea about this part of the city. Also, what is the current property rates in this area.

thanks in advance for any info.


My father in law needs to rent his (new) apartment to a syndicate bank manager at mapusa goa, in the outskirts of city, around 2 KM away (from city).
Can anyone help on what precautions, he needs to take for, and what papers required to be made for safeguard as also what might be the rent he can quote (with/without deposit ? how much?).
I have heard the banks have a fixed amount allotted for rent to their managers.

thanks in advance and cheers:)

With reference to the new job i might take up in pune, i was looking out for a rented apartment in pune, pashan area. Do PM me incase any one has a place i can rent it or has a reference i contact for details. Since i am preety new in pune i would be trusting the reference sent by TBHP members :thumbs up



Originally Posted by 11mahesh11 (Post 1728925)
My father in law needs to rent his (new) apartment to a syndicate bank manager at mapusa goa, in the outskirts of city, around 2 KM away (from city).

The agreement would be in name of the Bank; just take what the bank offers you; and ask the bank to transfer the monthly rentals to your (land lord's) bank account.

The plus point of bank leases is that the occupant will be transferred once 3 years, and getting the building vacated is certain. Additionally, rent will be paid promptly. In fact, you can consider giving a discount on market rate of rent - due to the "security" / comfort factor.

THe bank will have norms on amount of security payable (usually 3 times monthly rent); if that is not sufficient for you, the individual may consider coughing up the difference from his pocket.

As an aspiring home owner, i had a concern about a provision in the new budget which was announced.

As per the budget, the proposal is to tax construction as a service if the entire payment for the property is paid before the completion of construction, which is the norm here.

Tax is to be levied at a rate of 10% on 33% of the price of the apartment. The rest 67% will not come under taxation as service tax can't be levied on value of materials used for construction such as cement and steel.

Premium apartments from the builder will also be charged on the differential part of pricing.

How soon will this new proposal be applicable? Will this take effect for properties registered post April 1st, or with immediate effect?

I also have similar question as Benbsb
Had booked an construction apartment a few weeks ago and the bank is about to make the first construction linked disbursement to the builder. 15% registration money has already been paid by me and til now construction has completed upto 2nd floor level.


Originally Posted by benbsb29 (Post 1755946)
As an aspiring home owner, i had a concern about a provision in the new budget which was announced.

As per the budget, the proposal is to tax construction as a service if the entire payment for the property is paid before the completion of construction, which is the norm here.

Tax is to be levied at a rate of 10% on 33% of the price of the apartment. The rest 67% will not come under taxation as service tax can't be levied on value of materials used for construction such as cement and steel.

Premium apartments from the builder will also be charged on the differential part of pricing.

How soon will this new proposal be applicable? Will this take effect for properties registered post April 1st, or with immediate effect?

Most likely post April- however you can expect some shrewd builders to use this to demand more, it all depends. All these are grey areas where people try to find loop holes and extract more. Going forward service tax is a weapon like "brahmastra" in the hands of the FM to loop in more tax and none will escape it. Unfortunately we will end up paying as customers more and more
Just for now we pay when
-Book tickets online: service tax
-Cell phone bills: service tax
-Insurance premium: service tax
-Lawyer,CA fee: service tax
The list goes on and on and soon every damn service will mean service tax

Hi All,

Anyone come across plots around Bangalore(+70 kms) for as less as Rs 100/- to 200/- please let me know as i am looking for investment purpose.
Also wanted to know if i could find some approved plans for a house on a plain plot/site for reference somewhere on the web,preferably one with best Vastu compliant.Planning to construct a house on plain land.


I am looking for a 1BHK accomodation within 5 min drive from Silkboard (from April-2010). Preferred locations are (BTM Ist stage/2nd Stage, Koramangala, Madiwala) with a space to park my Sparky :-) rent 6K per month max.

Please PM me if you know any house/flat.

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