Team-BHP - Rishi Sunak becomes UK Prime Minister

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Originally Posted by denzdm (Post 5428705)
I read this article today on moneycontrol pro. Most of us might not have access to it. Its a very meaningful insight.

Hardly insightful. Article just parrots the opinion of some entities that are trying to use the rise of Sunak to take a swipe at a political party -"lesson for parties practicing majoritarianism", we all know what this means. Off topic - I find articles by Moneycontrol(including pro) yawn inducing and dumb.

I guess it's the small little satisfaction inside that rejoices at a person who traces his ancestry to India, ruling over a land that lorded over India for many years.

For certain, nothing preferential will happen in terms of national policies towards India and it would be UK first as far he is concerned.

But does make for flashy news :)

Sarcastic Joke Alert:

To be read in tandem with attached pic.

Lord NRNM First Baron of E City will soon depose King Charles 3 by Royal decree and become King NRNM Version 1.32.
And his Qyoon Consort Maami can re-jig the entire UK educational system to teach the Vedas, Upanishads and the price of tomatoes in the local ‘halli angadi’ and Eton, Harrow, Oxford and Cambridge can change their curriculum to Coding + Karadi Tales.

They can export Dame NS from India’s Central Powers as Chairperson of The Bank of England so as to make a pickle of their Banking System as well.

And his Royal Highness cum Lordship’s Son and Heir the First Duke/ Baron Lord RM (who has, in simply 7 days flat, learned all about Statemanship at his Father’s knee under his kindly eye and tutelage and hence has earned laurels as an accomplished corporate governance hero) can become the Home Secretary so that he can run around squeaking and build multiple lego libraries out of building blocks.

Rishi Sunak becomes UK Prime Minister-6a690167a30a4086be2fdf54e496772d.jpeg

And now on the occasion of Diwali the Wonderful Splendiferous Omniscient First Family of E City are busy bursting crackers in celebration of above. :D

(Mods please delete if this is found inappropriate)


Originally Posted by extreme_torque (Post 5428294)
I am just wondering can you make that amount of wealth working as a hedge fund manager? I know its his combined wealth along with his wife but Rishi himself has a net worth of around $100m. Am I missing something?

Yes, you can. Their bonuses are off the charts - $3-5 million pre-GFC and post 2010 for junior/mid level guys. They also have access to investment instruments that net them 100% tax-free returns annually.


Originally Posted by RaghuVis (Post 5428402)
Why can't western media use the term Indian in this context?

Because his parents are from what is now Pakistan. South Asian is an accepted term in the UK.


Originally Posted by RaghuVis (Post 5428402)
Just go and google how many times North Asian and East Asian or West Asian has been used by politicians and top media houses ? Almost close to Nil.

In fact, in the UK everyone east of Bangladesh is referred to as 'East Asian' or Oriental (slightly offensive), and everyone from the Suez to Afghanistan is called West Asian or Arab. This is my experience from living there, so I didn't google. Government forms, on the other hand, ask for specifics - British Pakistani, British Indian, etc.


Originally Posted by RaghuVis (Post 5428402)
PS: Imagine calling Hitler as European and not just a German. Or Imagine Calling Federer/Nadal/Ronaldo just a European. Or Messi just as a South American.

Each of these people became (in)famous for representing their specific country. No media outlet refers to Virat Kohli as the South Asian skipper.


Originally Posted by DicKy (Post 5428419)
Reminds me of my cousins studying in USA who had 'East Indian' mentioned in their social media of the 2000s and I
indignantly reminding them that we were from South India.

It's to differentiate Asian Indians from West Indians - those guys who play cricket in maroon.


Originally Posted by shankar.balan (Post 5428476)
The UK’s economic situation is a real mess from what I understand. Same with their NHS and many of their erstwhile first class public institutions. So Rishi has a lot of things to clean up.

I wouldn't hold my breath. His party - whose policies he dearly loves and is responsible for - are the reason the NHS and other institutions (barely any others) are suffering. He's likely to further raid and strip them.


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 5428620)
Yes, he is no son of India. But he sure is the son-in-law of India... :D Unlike most emigrants, Akshata Murthy still retains her Indian passport.

I would too, if my daddy was treated like a demi-god. :p India is a great place to be very rich.


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 5428664)
That's probably more to do with the benefit of claiming to be non-domiciled and get the cool benefits of avoiding 20Mn pounds of tax much more than anything else. Even if we account for double-tax treaty based reduction, it's still a cool figure.

Non-dom status is not linked to citizenship, only tax residency. All the British folk living in Dubai don't pay tax either, because they are not resident in the UK. AM spends a certain amount of time outside the UK, and her dividends accrue outside the UK. This is what enables non-dom status. India offers the same, by the way. When you're a billionaire in India who has an outsize voice in industry and finance, the government pays heed. It's very useful to be an Indian citizen then.


Originally Posted by CarNerd (Post 5428268)
I'm surprised nobody is talking about Rishi Sunak!

I guarantee if you heard an audio clip of Sunak and the other male Tory MPs speaking, you'd really find it hard to tell them apart as they all sound like middle aged posh British guys.


Originally Posted by deetee (Post 5428701)
Talk about hypocrisy! Democratic India can't accept Sonia Gandhi as PM because of her Italian origins, but we celebrate an Indian descent becoming PM elsewhere.

I don't think any big self respecting nation will allow a person who wasn't born a citizen to be elected to the highest offices. The fact that a foreign born person is holding such power in Indian politics itself is an example of our tolerance.


Originally Posted by denzdm (Post 5428705)
there is a lesson in this for parties that practise majoritarianism. First Kamala Harris and now Rishi Sunak, the people of the US and UK have embraced the non-majority citizens of their countries and elected them to high office.....youngster in the US strives hard to excel because he knows he can one day become the president, even a youngster of colour in Britain now knows he can one day come to hold the highest office in the land."

Seriously? We had a female Prime Minister years before UK had one. We had leaders from 'non-majority' in our highest offices possible, years before either of them. And we have to take lessons from them to embrace the non-majority citizens of our country?


Originally Posted by v1p3r (Post 5428838)
In fact, in the UK everyone east of Bangladesh is referred to as 'East Asian' or Oriental (slightly offensive), and everyone from the Suez to Afghanistan is called West Asian or Arab.

Sure? I thought they termed anything east of Turkey as 'The Orient'. Reminds me of old USA car reviews where they would mention Japanese cars as 'from the Orient' lol:

West Asia is a more appropriate term that is used by the UN as well as in Indian official circles. The Brits wouldn't be caught dead abandoning their 'Middle East' usage. I don't remember seeing any British media referring the place as West Asia.


Originally Posted by v1p3r (Post 5428838)
It's to differentiate Asian Indians from West Indians - those guys who play cricket in maroon.

:thumbs up News for me. Thought the North Americans used the term 'Caribbeans' more than West Indians. So assumed they just termed the Indian east of America as 'East Indians'


Originally Posted by CarNerd (Post 5428268)
I'm surprised nobody is talking about Rishi Sunak!

Isn't everyone talking about him :D

Being a British PM is a tremendous personal achievement for him. He hit a zenith in his political career at a very young age. His life story proves the glass ceiling can be broken. That is the takeaway.

Being Murthys' son-in-law is purely incidental, both being in the same course at around the same time.

But none of the countries where his parents/grandparents lived - India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Kenya - had a role in his achievement. The fact that the family had to move out of these places is nothing to be proud of. Let the guy bask in the glory. Don't attach any baggage.

London has fallen. Undeniably.


Originally Posted by DicKy (Post 5428863)
I don't think any big self respecting nation will allow a person who wasn't born a citizen to be elected to the highest offices. The fact that a foreign born person is holding such power in Indian politics itself is an example of our tolerance.

Why not? People can contribute to a country without having being born there, and be appreciated for it. Schwarzenegger in the US, Mother Teresa in India, Boris Johnson in the UK. 'Tolerance' has nothing to do with it. Israel, the UK, and Australia have had foreign-born PMs. Also Prince Philip, amongst the highest of the British royals, was born in Greece. The accident of birthplace - which isn't a choice - should have no influence on judging one's contribution to a country. After all, India's highest tax payer is a Canadian citizen, and he's very patriotic.


Originally Posted by DicKy (Post 5428863)
. We had leaders from 'non-majority' in our highest offices possible, years before either of them. And we have to take lessons from them to embrace the non-majority citizens of our country?

India is a country where the 'non-majority' are not immigrants but have been here for millenia just like everyone elsse. They merely subscribe to a different set of religious beliefs, starting from about 2000 years ago. In most other countries, immigrants have not been around for more than a century - with the exception of the US, where white immigrants have been around for 300 years. Unless of course, you are suggesting that the non-majority citizens are not originally from India, and should be grateful to the majority for the opportunity.

Rishi is unlikely to win an election himself. Much like Manmohan Singh, his party has decided he's the best option currently. When they go to the polls, as they soon will, he will have a tough time of it. He's not popular, is too elitist, and is the wrong colour. Not a rosy future, this achievement notwithstanding.


In most other countries, immigrants have not been around for more than a century - with the exception of The US
I don’t think that is historically correct. In medieval times many European cities had more immigrants than today! Percentage wise of course!

That is why I keep challenging the racist ultra right wing when they claim to want to go back to the old days. I keep telling them, Amsterdam had far more immigrants in the 1500-1700 than it has today! True for quite a few other European cities!

If you are not of US Indian descent you are by definition an immigrant, be it 3rd or 4th degree


Originally Posted by deetee (Post 5428701)
Talk about hypocrisy! Democratic India can't accept Sonia Gandhi as PM because of her Italian origins, but

A person Marries a dynasty politician and is elevated to PM's post just by the virtue of that relationship. Is it even logical.

I don't know why people take each and every opportunity to drive this silly and worthless point again and again.

If a person of foreign birth had come to our country and proven their mettle by the way of service like Sister Nivedita, mother Theresa etc our country has wholeheartedly accepted them.

But what's the merit in dynastic politics in a democracy except for the blind following. You come up from grassroots of the nation, know the pulse of the nation and serve the nation and the nation will definitely acknowledge the leadership in you irrespective of your nationality.

And Rishi sunak is a British citizen from his birth. He looks Indian and is open about his religious and cultural identity despite the fact that he's a politician in a Christian country, where racism runs deep, it's not a secular country .

Never forget that even though the hardware of Indian origin people look like Indians, the core of their software - their mindset and thought process are entirely of the country they are born and brought up.

Rishi sunaks priorities are definitely catering to British interest and India might just be another country for him to deal with. Re appointment of Anti India suvella braverman is a clear indication of where he has set his priorities. And India should never be surprised if Britain continues its stance on Kashmir and other issues despite sunak taking over.

There's no comparison between prime ministership of Sunak and Sonia. Because one earned it by being a born citizen and by sheer personal competence and hard work, while other was thrust with a position of leadership just because the dynasty controls the election funding.

And, if Indians can't have a leader from amongst who is born and brought up here, India still hasn't grown over the slavery of many external aggressions and colonialism.

The slavery just got into our psyche so much so that, we a population of 1.3 billion, needs someone from a foreign country to lead and rule us - looks like epitome of absurdity.

That a section of the society in this country still cannot think beyond submission over sheer merit and competence shows that we have to go a long way before our country really can progress.

All I am going to check is when does his 100 million become 10 billion and so on and so forth....

Kenya is the leading exporter of Western leaders.


Originally Posted by Jeroen (Post 5428944)
I don’t think that is historically correct. In medieval times many European cities had more immigrants than today! Percentage wise of course!

You are correct. However, I mean non-white immigrants. Most non-white immigrants - I would wager over 99% - in Europe who can trace their roots back over 100 years were brought in chains and shackles.


Originally Posted by adityadeva (Post 5428946)
A person Marries a dynasty politician and is elevated to PM's post just by the virtue of that relationship. Is it even logical.

It's happened in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, UK, South Korea, just as much. Logical, may be not. But then, politics is about emotions, not logic.

The Nationalist game was played to grab power and the British people were fed lies on how the EU was an evil monster sucking Britain dry. Rishi Sunak was part of that gang. Now that Brexit is done Britain is on the brink, all free trade / movement with EU is done. Small businesses are winding up or moving abroad. Nationalist jingoism, Covid and the war in Ukraine has brought the UK to its knees. This winter is a acid test for who ever is leading UK as Russia can turn off the taps to make Europe pay. Liz realized it, quickly dusted up and quit. If it goes south for UK, they will hang the failure around his neck and make him the fall guy. Lets not forget he was the chancellor previously so he has hand in its failure. If he can rescue UK then it will be a tweety moment for our overlords.

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