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Old 26th December 2017, 08:53   #1966
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Just started watching a Netflix original, Mindhunter .

It is a psychological drama thriller about a couple of FBI agents who talk to convicts to figure out how they think and why they do what they do. Pretty interesting. It is on the lines of True Detective and Fargo, only less gory (at least visually) and more from the perspective of law enforcement, than criminals.

Watched two episodes and so far 5/5.
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Old 26th December 2017, 19:06   #1967
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Just started watching a Netflix original, Mindhunter .
This is one of the most underrated shows of 2017 in my opinion. The entire season was awesome.

I just started another Netflix series called "Dark". First episode was mind-blowing. Audio is in German but English subtitles are available.
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Old 27th December 2017, 10:22   #1968
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by Hells_Fury View Post

I just started another Netflix series called "Dark". First episode was mind-blowing. Audio is in German but English subtitles are available.
If you are watching it in Netflix, you can change the audio also to English.
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Old 27th December 2017, 14:27   #1969
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Currently watching a comedy series called "The Good Place" starring Kirsten Bell. Extremely funny and can be watched without caring about language or tone.

Its a short series, 2nd season is running right now. 21 min episodes, 13 episodes in the first. Suggest watching

Rating - 4.5 / 5.
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Old 30th December 2017, 06:08   #1970
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Watched Ozark season 1. It's a gripping and suspenseful crime series and a must watch.
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Old 7th January 2018, 15:31   #1971
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Just binge watched Manhunt Unabomber on Netflix. It's one of the first cases solved using techniques of forensic linguistics. It's based on true events and is a very gripping watch.
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Old 8th January 2018, 07:54   #1972
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Big Bang Theory has become really, really painful to watch.. it has officially joined the list of shows that should've ended 2-3 seasons ago. Keeping a show going simply for demand is not right and Chuck Lorre (Levine?) ALWAYS makes that mistake.. should've ended 2.5 Men immediately after Charlie Sheen left rather than bring in Ashton Kutcher who was stepping into the shoes of the key character. Dharma and Greg was an epic snooze-fest from what I remember. How this creator continues to get lucky I'm really perplexed.. 2.5 Men was all he had that was remotely funny and that was purely because of Sheen.

I think shows that end their run at the right moment are the shows that will be remembered forever and join the American 10 greatest of all time.. Seinfeld for example stopped at the right time and its creators absolutely refused a guaranteed 5$ Million per episode each (120 $ million in total) for one last 10th season.. if they had agreed they'd have broken all payment records for at least another 2 decades but the show would've not been remembered so fondly today as there can be only so many "great" ideas.

Coming to non-comedy shows, watched and completed Mad Men in my spare time.. amongst the best written shows ever, on par with or better than The Sopranos though the ending was a bit..flat? Also watched the series In Treatment helmed by Gabriel Bryne.. a closed-set 20 odd minute drama about a psychotherapist and how he helps his patients or tries to.. and how he deals with the backlash with his own therapist, great acting, very underrated and superb writing.

Also saw The Newsroom on HBO, found it extremely flat and boring, now I did kind of know what I was getting into when I saw that it is basically a political drama and I could take it.. BUT the cast, the dialogues, the storyline all felt very ill-conceived and basically the show lacks a plot to begin with. Overrated.
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Old 8th January 2018, 10:48   #1973
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
Big Bang Theory has become really, really painful to watch.. it has officially joined the list of shows that should've ended 2-3 seasons ago.
I completely agree. And I am probably one of the biggest fans of the show. To me the real super quality humour stopped flowing sine Season 9. Honestly, the producers could never recreate the magic of first 5 seasons. The moment guys started getting girlfriends, the show diverted from its theme a long way. I am not being biased when I say this, but it is just that "4 super smart socially awkward guys facing off a below average academic street smart girl" theme was top notch.

However, Young Sheldon is damn good and refreshing, coming from the same team. MeeMaw and Missy are hilarious characters and really acted well by the two actors.

Finally, I caught up with ELEMENTARY. Currently watching Season-1 (I know its too old). Being a hard core fan of the British SHERLOCK series starring my favorite actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, I was a bit skeptical how the Americans will manage to create a series which was a worldwide hit. But, honestly they have done a pretty good job, if not as good. Jonny Lee Miller has acted quite well. You cannot compare him to Benedict who is near perfect, but still quite good.

The major difference I felt was the character of Watson, besides the obvious one that Watson is a lady in the American version. The Watson character played by Lucy Liu is much more involved (in terms of medical deduction) compared to Martin Freeman's character in Sherlock.
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Old 8th January 2018, 11:12   #1974
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Just started watching a Netflix original, Mindhunter .

It is a psychological drama thriller about a couple of FBI agents who talk to convicts to figure out how they think and why they do what they do. Pretty interesting. It is on the lines of True Detective and Fargo, only less gory (at least visually) and more from the perspective of law enforcement, than criminals.

Watched two episodes and so far 5/5.
Completely agree! We completed watching the entire season, and came really pleased.
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Old 12th January 2018, 18:48   #1975
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by jphukan View Post
Currently watching a comedy series called "The Good Place" starring Kirsten Bell. Extremely funny and can be watched without caring about language or tone.

Its a short series, 2nd season is running right now. 21 min episodes, 13 episodes in the first. Suggest watching

Rating - 4.5 / 5.
Thanks for this recommendation. A nice watch among all the dark thrillers on Netflix.

Assume season 2 is not out on Netflix yet.
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Old 18th January 2018, 18:45   #1976
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Any feedback on 'the designated survivor' on Netflix. Came across while browsing , watched a couple of episodes and liked it.. Does it hold interest all through?
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Old 18th January 2018, 19:17   #1977
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Any feedback on 'the designated survivor' on Netflix. Came across while browsing , watched a couple of episodes and liked it.. Does it hold interest all through?
Season One has you gripping your seat.
Season Two has is good but at time seems long drawn but the mid season break is a cliff hanger.
It is on my watch list.
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Old 18th January 2018, 20:23   #1978
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

I liked Glitch, finished both the seasons .. Its a science fiction and liked it 4/5.

I have also finished Designated survivor, House of cards & Crown.
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Old 18th January 2018, 20:46   #1979
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re: The TV / Streaming shows thread (no spoilers please)

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Just started watching a Netflix original, Mindhunter .
Thanks for the recommendation

I watched it some time back and thoroughly loved it. Can't wait for the Season 2

Binged The End of the -ing World on Netflix last night. The series revolves around the life of two teens : a boy who considers himself the next Ed Kemper in making and an adventure loving girl

The storyline, character development, background score and all is spot on. My only grouse is the way it ended

Highly recommended
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Old 18th January 2018, 20:58   #1980
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Netflix original : Black Mirror. Brilliant show.

Probably already recommended in the thread. Saying anything about it would be giving something away.

Hint:Black mirror refers to the black screen of the digital devices all around us. When switched off or when the battery dies.
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