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Old 24th May 2022, 11:42   #91
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by ike View Post
Could you also share the costs if you don't mind?
Based on my research, 90% of hair transplants from reputable doctors fall in the 2 - 3 lakhs range. Dr Tejinder Bhatti (who is also strongly recommended by BHPians) falls in this range, as do some packages of Eugenix.

Eugenix: Talk to Imran 9999796663
Dr Bhatti: 88722 38888 has been following up with me.

Here are the packages of Eugenix. My requirement was just 1700 grafts as I needed a touch up on the hairline & sides. If you have a big bald head on top, I think it'll be double or triple the grafts.


Please find the package details below

1. Comprehensive Package

Procedure Lead By – Eugenix Trained Doctors

Cost Per Graft – INR 75 + Tax

Planning & Designing Performed By - Eugenix Trained Doctors

Slits/Incision Creation - Eugenix Trained Doctors (100%)

Extraction – Complete extraction by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Implantation – Complete Implantation to be performed by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Value Added Benefits - Hotel stay and food available at discounted rates on request, based on availability. This facility is available only at Gurgaon.

2. Exclusive Package

Procedure Lead By – Senior Eugenix Trained Doctors

Cost Per Graft – INR 120 + Tax

Planning & Designing Performed By - Senior Eugenix Trained Doctor

Slits/Incision Creation - Senior Eugenix Trained Doctor (100%)

Extraction – Complete extraction by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Implantation – Complete Implantation to be performed by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Value Added Benefits - Complimentary 2 nights’ accommodation with airport pick up and drop. 7 days post-op medication will be provided by us.

3. Premium Package with Dr Arika Bansal/Founding Surgeon

Procedure Lead By – Dr Arika Bansal

Cost Per Graft – INR 210 + Tax

Planning & Designing Performed By - Dr Arika Bansal

Slits/Incision Creation - Dr Arika Bansal (100%)

Extraction – Crucial extraction by Dr Arika Bansal Remaining extraction by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Implantation – Complete Implantation to be performed by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Value Added Benefits - Complimentary 2 nights’ accommodation with airport pick up and drop. 7 days post-op medication will be provided by us.

4. Super Premium Package with Dr Arika Bansal/Founding Surgeon

Procedure Lead By – Dr Arika Bansal

Cost Per Graft – INR 350 + Tax

Planning & Designing Performed By - Dr Arika Bansal

Slits/Incision Creation - Dr Arika Bansal (100%)

Extraction – Dr Arika Bansal (100%)

Implantation – Hairline or Crown Whorl implantation of up to 400 grafts by Dr Arika Bansal Remaining implantation by our Senior Eugenix Trained Technicians.

Value Added Benefits - Complimentary 2 nights’ accommodation with airport pick up and drop. 7 days post-op medication will be provided by us.

Blood Work & Covid - 19 Test not included in the package

The procedure for booking the date/slot is to deposit token amount. There are also certain blood investigations that need to be completed prior to the procedure date.

All prices are exclusive of taxes

Please do feel comfortable to put forward all your questions and doubts with us. If you would like to come over and meet the doctor or speak to the doctor over call, then we can arrange that.

Hope to hear from you soon and wish you a wonderful day ahead.

Thank You
And I have to agree, the bald look is really mean, that is how I used to roll a decade and a half ago.
Thanks. Shot yesterday. I love long hair way too much, so will be going for that only. Bald, maybe when I'm a senior citizen:
The Hair Transplant Thread-20220523-13.33.46.jpg

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
Thank you, and also for all the advice. No pain or discomfort at all. The only pain was the anesthesia injection. Since then, nothing.

Originally Posted by scorpian View Post
I have been in touchg with Dr Ganesh Avhad who comes recommended by my dermat out here in goa for a temple peak reconstruction.
Travel to Mumbai or Delhi. Based on my month-long research, the best guys in India are Eugenix & Tejinder Bhatti. Considering this is a once-in-a-lifetime procedure, stick with the best.

Last edited by GTO : 24th May 2022 at 11:44.
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Old 25th May 2022, 18:45   #92
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Interesting topic. Started losing hair in my late teens with my very heavy workouts. Tried Minoxidil and Ketaconazole. Both work till you keep holding the tiger by the tail, i.e. keep using them. Considered transplant but found them too expensive and the practitioners too dodgy.

Delighted to say despite 3 decades past my late teens I have managed to retain much of my hair. One of the only weirdly good result of a Covid infection has been that my hair is now much thicker than it has been in decades with people actually commenting on it.

My conclusion is that when the time comes, it is cheaper and more practical to rock a bearded, shaved toughie look to go with my love for SUVs. All you need to rock that look is a strong jawline and / or a prominent chin. So I am working on that in preparation.

On the lighter side, my self deprecation of my receding hairline won me a best humorous speech award at a national level, text is here

As for those of you who worry about losing confidence or your magnetism to the fairer sex, trust me - Confidence has nothing to do with your hair, clothes or bank balance. Work on the confidence part regardless of what you plan to do with your hair. As a nation we will need a lot more cojones in the decades to come and the prep starts now!
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Old 31st May 2022, 17:05   #93
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

@GTO Did you just increase the hairline or even added density to the crown or other areas within existing hairline? Thanks!
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Old 1st June 2022, 10:44   #94
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by silverknight View Post
Did you just increase the hairline or even added density to the crown or other areas within existing hairline?
Just the hairline and the side / temple areas. Not added density. Eugenix said that Finax (1 / day) will bring a little density to the existing areas. Wasn't really bald anywhere, so didn't do anything else. I guess mine was more of a proactive fix, than a reactive one.
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Old 5th June 2022, 10:44   #95
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

3 week update. All smooth. Started gym'ing and everything in regular life. Permanently maintaining a stubble for now, as this short hair without a stubble doesn't look good.

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Old 9th June 2022, 15:34   #96
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

While everyone is going on about solutions (temporary or otherwise) for hair loss, has anyone thought about the root cause? Why is it that we have guys losing hair as early as their twenties? Environmental factors? Lifestyle? Stress?
And why did previous generations not have such cases? I know many guys aged 30 years who have the same or less amount of hair than their fathers who are 60!
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Old 9th June 2022, 15:44   #97
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by aan nhu mare? View Post
And why did previous generations not have such cases?
While stress probably does play a part in accelerating hair loss, I think the main cause is simple genetics. Previous generations certainly have several cases, lots of bald older men around. And they passed those genes on to us! (Am one of those cases!)
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Old 9th June 2022, 19:18   #98
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by am1m View Post
Previous generations certainly have several cases, lots of bald older men around. And they passed those genes on to us!
Of course, there are older bald men. What I mean was that they didn't lose their hair at an early age, right? So what has changed in recent times that is causing this?
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Old 9th June 2022, 19:48   #99
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by aan nhu mare? View Post
Of course, there are older bald men. What I mean was that they didn't lose their hair at an early age, right? So what has changed in recent times that is causing this?
Many factors actually:

1. Overworking. Sitting in AC all the time in front of a computer. If you sit for extended periods it cannot be compensated by doing exercise later on.

2. Un-natural lifestyle habits like sleeping very late and then getting up very late.

3. Eating out all the time.

4. Excess caffeine intake.

5. General bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking etc.

6. No abstinence practice causing over indulgence. All major religious systems in the world have some fasting system built in. I have observed that deeply religious people tend to be healthy because they follow some system and they are able to sustain it due to their faith. The "new gen" does not believe in any of this. Even if they adopt some practice they cannot sustain it since they are dependent on "will power" which is far less reliable.
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Old 10th June 2022, 08:52   #100
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by aan nhu mare? View Post
Of course, there are older bald men. What I mean was that they didn't lose their hair at an early age, right?
They did actually. My dad started losing hair at around the same time I did, as did my father-in-law (though he had only daughters, so they were spared the effects of the cursed gene, though not the gene itself I guess!). If I had a son, certainly he would have become bald and at around the same age thanks to genes from both sides. (I've done my bit to try and eliminate this baldness gene from the human race, don't have kids! )

Anecdotally you can certainly find a few exceptions where a son might escape the process even if the father was bald (I know of one friend like that- lucky guy!) and vice-versa, but overall I believe it's predominantly genetics. (Am not a doctor, so would welcome any clarifications from a medical professional.)

While some factors might accelerate the process slightly, I really think it's just the recent focus and constant attention to balding and the efforts to stall it that make us more aware of it as an issue and hence the assumption that this is a recent trend. In my dad's generation it was basically not something they thought they could do anything about, so they didn't bother.

Last edited by am1m : 10th June 2022 at 08:57.
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Old 11th June 2022, 02:27   #101
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Originally Posted by aan nhu mare? View Post
Of course, there are older bald men. What I mean was that they didn't lose their hair at an early age, right? So what has changed in recent times that is causing this?
Current lifestyle is one of the reason. I have seen severe hair fall during COVID years. I had Vitamin D deficiency and it worsened due to lockdowns.
Vitamin D deficiency is normal for majority people working in offices (that's the case for majority colleagues based on annual medical tests).
I took the Vitamin D medicines for 2 months then it was recovered. I would suggest, for hair fall, you should check your Vitamin D especially if someone has sedentary lifestyle.
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Old 11th June 2022, 09:27   #102
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

Mod Note: Please keep this thread to discuss "transplants" only. Thank you.
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Old 12th June 2022, 19:19   #103
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

1 month up and the post-transplant shedding has begun, as expected. Guess it's called shock loss. Compare this pic to the earlier ones.

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Old 15th June 2022, 11:38   #104
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

I jumped out of my seat when I saw this thread. Fantastic to see BHPians sharing their valuable experiences and to find a source of information that can be trusted.

I have been noticing my hair thin in the front and temple areas since the last few years. Tried an all natural supplement from Cureveda for a year and that gave great results - thicker hair and a much denser feel. It remained that way for almost six months after I stopped. I guess the idea is to taper down rather than stop altogether.

Haven't really given HT a thought, primarily because of medication effects and inconsistent results. Key takeaways from this thread are that going to the right person and place are crucial, as is starting early and being patient (adj).

DISCLAIMER: I do not endorse the product I tried. Just sharing the results I got.

Last edited by pannags : 15th June 2022 at 11:45.
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Old 22nd June 2022, 20:06   #105
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Re: The Hair Transplant Thread

I am facing heavy hair thinning on the top of my head. I'm just 26, but I accept, I have the worst possible lifestyle since quite some time - sedentary (changed into active from 6 months ago), lot of oily food, aerated drinks and almost nil exercise, meaning I'm obese too.

While working on all other factors, I'm taking notice of the ultra thin hair too, which has been taking quite a toll on my confidence. Don't want to to explore HT immediately as there are a lot of other factors which might be affecting the health of my hair.

Simultaneously, I have started using Avimee Herbal products, which are all natural, please search them on Instagram. I've been using their Keshpalav Hair Oil and Scalp Spray, which has stopped my hairfall completely so I'm optimistic of their products working towards reversing the bald patch.

So for someone who wants to give ayurveda a try before going into HT, may try their products.
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