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Old 21st July 2022, 15:50   #1771
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Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Another example of double standards:

In March, Ukraine said that Russia's attack on the Zaporizhzhia reactor was "nuclear terrorism" that could turn Europe into a radioactive wasteland. This was all over the mainstream western media

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-screen-shot-20220721-3.39.17-pm.png

Article from 4 months ago:

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-screen-shot-20220721-3.48.07-pm.png


But yesterday when Ukraine bombed the same plant using Kamikaze drones most of the worlds mainstream media is silent.

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-screen-shot-20220721-3.46.15-pm.png

The Russian-installed administration in the partially occupied Ukrainian region of Zaporizhzhia said on Wednesday that Ukraine had conducted a drone strike on a nuclear power station there, but the reactor was undamaged.


Last edited by Foxbat : 21st July 2022 at 15:51.
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Old 21st July 2022, 19:56   #1772
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

The difference is that there was independent verification from many sources of the rash Russian attack on the nuclear plant.

To say that the western media has not reported on this is obviously false. Reuters, the world's largest (and western) news agency amongst others reported it - see links below.

What is unknown is whether this is yet another fake staged claim by the Russian occupiers. Maybe if they let independent media visit and investigate their claims, the world press will take it more seriously. But OOPS, as we know, Russia has shut down most independent news media (foreign and Russian), so it is hard to know. However, this does prove the extreme if not comical levels of double standards being practiced by Russia and its Russian sympathizers here!

Originally Posted by Foxbat View Post
Another example of double standards:

In March, Ukraine said that Russia's attack on the Zaporizhzhia reactor was "nuclear terrorism" that could turn Europe into a radioactive wasteland. This was all over the mainstream western media
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Old 21st July 2022, 21:30   #1773
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Originally Posted by goacom View Post
The difference is that there was independent verification from many sources of the rash Russian attack on the nuclear plant.
It would be great if you could share some links that prove "independent sources" visited the Zaporizhzhia reactor after it was attacked by Russia.

Originally Posted by goacom View Post
What is unknown is whether this is yet another fake staged claim by the Russian occupiers.
Like this?

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-screen-shot-20220721-9.23.55-pm.png

Originally Posted by goacom View Post
Maybe if they let independent media visit and investigate their claims, the world press will take it more seriously.
Do you mean media from these countries?

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-fg6og4wx0ak2_33.jpeg

Originally Posted by goacom View Post
But OOPS, as we know, Russia has shut down most independent news media (foreign and Russian), so it is hard to know. However, this does prove the extreme if not comical levels of double standards being practiced by Russia and its Russian sympathizers here!
May they were inspired by these guys...

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-screen-shot-20220721-9.28.53-pm.png

What I wrote:
Originally Posted by Foxbat View Post
most of the worlds mainstream media is silent.
Originally Posted by goacom View Post
To say that the western media has not reported on this is obviously false.

Last edited by Foxbat : 21st July 2022 at 21:57.
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Old 21st July 2022, 22:25   #1774
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Unlike Europe, even Russian (and Chinese) state media is not restricted in the US, despite corresponding restrictions being imposed on US media in Russia (and China). Besides news, most social media platforms are banned in Russia and China. Even this discussion that we are freely having now, would not be allowed in those respective countries!

Originally Posted by Foxbat View Post
Do you mean media from these countries?

Attachment 2337075

May they were inspired by these guys...

Attachment 2337076

What I wrote:

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Old 22nd July 2022, 00:28   #1775
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Any sane person will not trust any western news outlets especially any american mainstream news outlet. Are we to believe that they are neutral, are we so ill-informed? The western media bias hasn't even left science and technology from their bias and have twisted facts to suit their respective narrative, so spare us the remarks about reuters or wapo and the likes and some ill conceived moral superiority.

A war is ongoing and there will be causalities and since Ukraine has never showed any remorse for our dead and helped pakistan they get the same reaction from Indians. If Russia had continued with its flirting with Pakistan, which they started in last 3-4 years, then majority would have been opposing Russia. Do understand that even Europeans and Americans are looking only after their benefit in this war. This can be seen with the things they have kept out of sanctions and how they have handled it. Those countries are also looking out for their economics, politics and social impact, are we not allowed to do so and should we do things just due to useless moral lectures that those who preach doesn't follow themselves? How hard is to understand that people will support an all season friend(Russia) as opposed to merely an acquaintance(Ukaraine) at best. You can choose your "morally right" western rhetoric but even they don't buy what they sell. There are no permanent friends for nations, only best suitable alignments.

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Old 22nd July 2022, 00:39   #1776
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Those people living in La La Land and the neighborhood, where folks swallow everything the western media tells them.

I like a few clarifications, on the lies like below.
Feb 25, one day after the start of the war.

Senator Marco Rubio

Lies repeated again.

thedrivewarzone defense website also carried the above news.

Except when I asked for proof from the editor of thedrivewarzone, in there almost daily ukraine-russia war reports. They deleted my posts and even banned me from asking legitimate questions.

Till date not a single picture, satellite image or video of a IL76 transport aircraft crash site. Let alone two such crashes.

This the same western media and arm chair generals in La La Land and its neighborhood, who where boasting on social media about being able to find, human bodies via satellite image in Bucha. Yet a huge transport aircraft like the IL-76 no image, Nada.

Months later the only images found where of a downed Ukraine transport, after the Russian forces left the Kyiv area.

This is the same thedrivewarzone which published this, where they dismissed Indian AWACS radar data. When I also mentioned about the youtube videos of dual seat ejection of the F16 and other videos, they dismissed as propaganda or lies. In case you miss the link.

When the western media says unnamed officials the info is true, but when other nations show radar tracks or news from their defense officials, its called propaganda or lies.

The so called snake island ukraine attack, where they show a helicopter landing in snake island being blown up by Ukraine in early june.

Yet, 4 or 5 days after the above incident, a Pantsir S1 and a unknown tracked air defense system along with replacement transport tug (next to a sunk transport tug) was spotted by satellite image.

The crash site of the helicopter was also seen on the satellite image, but if one zoomed a bit more, one could see the bodies of the unfortunate souls from the helicopter around the crash site, the picture was posted on social media and other defense websites. So why would the Russians remove the earlier destroyed Tor M1 air defense system by a Ukraine TB2 drone, but not their own soldiers lying dead from the helicopter, even after 5 days.
Again, my comments where deleted by thedrivewarzone, simply for asking logical questions.

Days later, a video was posted on Russian telegram channels (filmed by Russian forces), showed the unfortunate souls in the helicopter crash site where Ukrainian special forces.

Last edited by DIY410 : 22nd July 2022 at 00:58.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 01:07   #1777
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Originally Posted by Foxbat View Post

Do you mean media from these countries?

Attachment 2337075
This also so called "international community" by the west.

Rest of the world opinion is laughed away like this.
Attached Images
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Old 22nd July 2022, 01:08   #1778
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Originally Posted by goacom View Post
But then again, half truths and outright lies are standard operating procedure from folks who support the Russian and Chinese dictators. Not only do these sympathizers suffer for extreme double standards, they also suffer from double vision!
You're absolutely right. I couldn't agree more with you. I still remember the supporters of the Russian and Chinese dictators who spread outright lies about there being WMD's in Iraq. Also those same Russians said Pak has no nuclear weapons. They even signed the Pressler Amendment, would you believe it? Shame on those commies I say, for trying to suppress the truth.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 01:21   #1779
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-mainqimgfd19ed11bbc0996855abdfd82d4b327d.jpg

^^ This picture puts it perfectly in a nutshell.

Last edited by aah78 : 22nd July 2022 at 17:49. Reason: Picture inserted in-line.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 03:04   #1780
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Originally Posted by Sran View Post
It seems to me that you are too much emotionally involved in this war resulting in repeated slandering and useless jibes in this thread. Any war will have two factions and no true Indian will ever support China in any matter, so calling someone a Chinese sympathizer is redundant and clubbing it with Russia is mislabeling and muddying the water.
Mate, what else do you tell people who are literally defending a senseless war based on the premise the West did the same to other countries. Why should Ukraine bear the fruit for what the West did in other countries?

Your statement on the India-Pakistan conflict doesn't even make sense since Ukraine is a far-off country that has no stake in this. Ukraine is a supplier of military equipment to both India and Pakistan just as much as Russia and the US. I never understand where the whole narrative of Ukraine supporting Pakistan came from. Infact, in the last UNSC vote, it was the West that supported India while Russia basically didn't even show up for the vote.

Originally Posted by Sran View Post
are we not allowed to do so and should we do things just due to useless moral lectures that those who preach doesn't follow themselves?
Fine, then what purpose is this war serving us exactly? We literally have a country that's threatening to hold food reserves hostage and even stole Ukrainian grains. If the west had done even 10% of all this, you all would be up in arms in your criticism, so please spare us the realism.

If moral lectures don't mean anything to you, then might as well stop criticizing western war crimes as well!

Originally Posted by DIY410 View Post
Those people living in La La Land and the neighborhood, where folks swallow everything the western media tells them.
You've opened my eyes mate, from today I shall follow RT - the epitome of truthfulness!

Originally Posted by DIY410 View Post
This also so called "international community" by the west.

Rest of the world opinion is laughed away like this.
Rest of the world is about to starve because of the righteous crusade of Tsar Putin but then again, for most people in this thread, that is a smaller crime than the "international community's" opinion.

Originally Posted by Lalvaz View Post
You're absolutely right. I couldn't agree more with you. I still remember the supporters of the Russian and Chinese dictators who spread outright lies about there being WMD's in Iraq. Also those same Russians said Pak has no nuclear weapons. They even signed the Pressler Amendment, would you believe it? Shame on those commies I say, for trying to suppress the truth.
Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
^^ This picture puts it perfectly in a nutshell.
Yes and because of the WMD claim and other American war crimes, Russia has been given the divine right to invade and pillage Ukraine - the same argument folks have been giving since the beginning of this thread. Has Ukraine accepted the responsibility to atone for America's sins? Just asking for a friend.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 09:15   #1781
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Ouch! The quality of discourse here is going South again. Before I lament my thanks to all those who contribute to this thread from all sides and help me learn more. Often I disagree with the post but thank the author for sharing a new piece of data or perspective.

Some thoughts which a few might not like...

The British ruled, looted and pillaged India for 190 years therefore India is now justified to go colonize and loot Bolivia, Rwanda and Papua New Guinea. That is what several posts on this thread seem to say.

Speaking up against Russian invasion does not tantamount to supporting the West and their hypocrisy. Calling out this invasion for the lunacy it is does not mean we condone the American invasions and laying waste of Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam. One murder does not justify another unrelated murder. Our anger with the hypocrisy of Western media and their double standards can never justify or rationalize any country invading any other - ever. Many on social media including this thread mix these aspects up.

Those who are angry with Western media's double standards could, maybe should, start a new thread on that subject. It is a rich subject and IMHO a very important one. But please don't reduce this most important geo-political thread into a "he said - she said" "tit for tat". It doesn't tell us any more about the consequences of this war for the world other than to give the author of the post the satisfaction of having poked his rivals, on this thread, in the eye. I wish it were a poke to Western media but last I heard they don't care what's written about them on Team BHP.

It is likely this thread will be alive and kicking one year from now. This war isn't ending anytime soon. Egos of the Emperors are locked in position on all sides. Let the serfs die. Let the buildings fall. Only a world event such as a economic crises, death of a big leader, regime change will trigger the process to wind down this war.

Russia needs the war to keep Putin powerful and in the saddle. America needs it to try and grind Russia down. China needs it to keep America on notice and busy elsewhere. Russia does not realize that it is no longer the super power it once was. No matter what the apologists for Putin might say the Russian military performance leaves a lot of questions unanswered. I of course have my views but we'll leave that for another time. But the Russian people and their psyche is a very hardy one, very hardy. And they will not give up anytime soon.

America does not realize it isn't the over arching sole super power and super large economy it was in 2001-2003 when it went racing into its utterly immoral invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Back in year 2000 at a GDP of ~11 trillion* USA was bigger than the next 4 economies combined and China wasn't even in those first 5; India wasn't even in the top 10! At the time USA = {China + India} x 5.5 times. Today USA = {China + India} x 1.1. That is how much the world has changed in 22 years but some one forgot to tell the US that. In 2000 the US economy was larger, read this carefully, than all of Asia including China, Japan & India combined. That is why they had the might and the impudence to wage war. No longer. Today the US economy is barely 25% to 30% larger than the Chinese one.

So let's settle in for a long running thread that might straddle a few years, who knows.

* all figures and comparitives in nominal $ and not in purchasing power parity.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 10:12   #1782
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
Russia needs the war to keep Putin powerful and in the saddle. America needs it to try and grind Russia down. China needs it to keep America on notice and busy elsewhere. Russia does not realize that it is no longer the super power it once was. No matter what the apologists for Putin might say the Russian military performance leaves a lot of questions unanswered. I of course have my views but we'll leave that for another time. But the Russian people and their psyche is a very hardy one, very hardy. And they will not give up anytime soon.

America does not realize it isn't the over arching sole super power and super large economy it was in 2001-2003 when it went racing into its utterly immoral invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Back in year 2000 at a GDP of ~11 trillion* USA was bigger than the next 4 economies combined and China wasn't even in those first 5; India wasn't even in the top 10! At the time USA = {China + India} x 5.5 times. Today USA = {China + India} x 1.1. That is how much the world has changed in 22 years but some one forgot to tell the US that. In 2000 the US economy was larger, read this carefully, than all of Asia including China, Japan & India combined. That is why they had the might and the impudence to wage war. No longer. Today the US economy is barely 25% to 30% larger than the Chinese one.

So let's settle in for a long running thread that might straddle a few years, who knows.

* all figures and comparitives in nominal $ and not in purchasing power parity.
Mr.Narayanan - Kudos to you for showing us a balanced way to make a point. Your post sums it up perfectly.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 11:03   #1783
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Originally Posted by goacom View Post
even Russian (and Chinese) state media is not restricted in the US.
I wonder why Russia today suddenly closed its offices in the US and laid off all employees within weeks of the war in the Ukraine? coincidence?

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war-screen-shot-20220722-10.50.18-am.png

From 2 years ago:

The Trump administration said on Tuesday said it will begin treating five major Chinese state-run media entities with U.S. operations the same as foreign embassies, requiring them to register their employees and U.S. properties with the State Department.


Originally Posted by goacom View Post
Besides news, most social media platforms are banned in Russia and China.

When Social Media platforms have banned Russian content globally why should they be allowed to spread western content in Russia?

This happened within a week of the invasion, March 2, 2022:
  • Microsoft was first among the big tech companies to sever ties with the network, removing the RT app from its app store earlier this week and deranking its search results.
  • The EU issued a ban of RT on Sunday, giving tech companies cover to restrict access to the channel in Europe as well.
  • Meta, YouTube and TikTok did just that Tuesday, banning access to RT across the continent.
  • Twitter and Google also began limiting the visibility of RT content globally this week, and Google dropped RT from its respective revenue-sharing programs.
  • Apple removed RT from its app stores outside of Russia Tuesday.
  • Roku announced late Tuesday that it would remove the RT app globally. The streaming-device-maker had previously restricted access to RT in Europe.
  • DirecTV dumped RT America on Tuesday and indicated that the channel had already been on the chopping block ahead of a potential renewal this year.
  • Spotify removed all RT content, as well as content from the Russian news agency Sputnik, from its service Wednesday.


These Internet companies are using their global monopoly to control access to information to Billions of people and change their opinion by on sided coverage of the war.
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Old 22nd July 2022, 11:39   #1784
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Re: Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war

Mod Note: With 119 pages of posts, the topic has been discussed enough & things are getting too heated in here. Closing thread.
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