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Old 21st July 2020, 19:08   #61
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Re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Both from UK's The Guardian. Thad-Approved newspaper
Your approved newspaper quote reminds me of the trite dialogue from Yes Prime Minister. I've always found Guardian readers to be the most knowledgeable :-). The Guardian routinely carries the most detailed articles. The Times is on it's way down :-(

Sir Humphrey: The only way to understand the Press is to remember that they pander to their readers' prejudices.

Jim Hacker: Don't tell me about the Press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by the people who think they run the country. The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country. The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country. The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country. The Financial Times is read by people who own the country. The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country. The Daily Telegraph is read by the people who think it is.

Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?

Bernard Woolley: Sun readers don't care who runs the country - as long as...

Last edited by itwasntme : 21st July 2020 at 19:18.
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Old 21st July 2020, 19:39   #62
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Re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Bernard Woolley: Sun readers don't care who runs the country - as long as...
If "Yes, Prime Minister" era, as long as Samantha Fox makes regular appearances!




Telegraph-Neo Nazis

If you get TIME magazine, The Economist is a good alternative. Not so US centric.

My landlady was Labour, but she had the pebble in the mouth toff accent. Shocked people opening doors when she campaigned.

Last edited by proton : 21st July 2020 at 19:44.
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Old 21st July 2020, 21:24   #63
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Re: The Coronavirus Thread

You generalise too much, but with some accuracy. The problem with Britain's press is that it is hard to find anything that is not right-wing. Guardian to the rescue. They were not exactly nice about Corbyn's inability to collect what should have been a winnable election.

I don't get the thing about your landlady at all. Want a toff accent? I can do you one. Still read the same newspaper though.

Hey, look, British politics is way off-topic so we'd better stop. All I need is sources of information as reliable as possible, on Corona as well as other stuff. I don't mind if it is The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian or... The Hindu! I know I am not likely to look to Fox, The Times, The Telegraph, The Mail , etc. On the other hand, you can always strike lucky and find information in an unusual place.

Hope your landlady is keeping well. Was it London? Did you ever read the Evening Standard?
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Old 22nd July 2020, 09:50   #64
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Re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Hope your landlady is keeping well. Was it London? Did you ever read the Evening Standard?
Generally, progressive media tries to provide articles based on hard science, because it wants its viewers to be well equipped social justice warriors. Not au courant avec the Evening Standard reference, was not even aware about the Telegraph, till I bought an issue because it had something I wanted to cut out and keep, and then saw the shock on the landlady’s face.

She and her husband were part of the Footlights theatre crowd at Oxford, along with Peter Cook, Frost et al. Not that the higher education stream produces only left wing alumni, Philby, Burgess and Co. notwithstanding: Look at Swapan Dasgupta and Shashi Tharoor (there's a clip on Youtube of Audrey Hepburn trying to go posh, using a shortcut: pebbles)! I was in South London, Kent, very near Thatcher country, Farnborough (although she was the MP from Finchley).
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Old 26th July 2020, 10:03   #65
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I dumped Tata Sky nearly one year ago and I dont really miss any New channels on TV at all! I have a NDTV app, so it pretty much covers the most important news of the day, and I believe you anyway get to know what you need to know thru daily news papers as well. Most news channels have now become unbearable, except some of the international news channels like Al Jazeera which get straight to the point.
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