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Old 24th March 2020, 22:25   #1216
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by hothatchaway View Post
Anything that you have heard or read which is causing you to say this? Would be good to share that!
If not, it may be the current situation which is playing on your mind, which is the case with most of us. If what you are saying comes to pass, there will be pandemonium and bigger things to worry about than just access to the bank!
Nothing in specific. I heard Sitaraman madam was about to make a speech and my mind jumped to the worst possible conclusion.

There are a lot of open questions on this pandemic and history will record this as the worst in living memory of the current generation!
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Old 24th March 2020, 22:38   #1217
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Originally Posted by Nissan1180 View Post
I cannot understand why something as severe as this was announced so suddenly.
It's not announced suddenly; it's being ENFORCED now because the "Aam Junta" is not taking it seriously.

Regarding availability of essentials, nobody is going to starve and all supplies will be normal.

Also, by repeatedly requesting people to stay at home, enough signs were given to stock up ration, at least for 15 days. Only then will people stay inside their houses, not by buying everyday vegetables fresh!

Last edited by Safety is Param : 24th March 2020 at 22:53.
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Old 24th March 2020, 22:49   #1218
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Under the Disaster Management Act, making a false claim to get any relief during lockdown may result in imprisonment for up to 2yrs!
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Old 24th March 2020, 23:22   #1219
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Safety is Param View Post
It's not announced suddenly; it's being ENFORCED now because the "Aam Junta" is not taking it seriously.

Regarding availability of essentials, nobody is going to starve and all supplies will be normal.

Also, by repeatedly requesting people to stay at home, enough signs were given to stock up ration, at least for 15 days. Only then will people stay inside their houses, not by buying everyday vegetables fresh!
Not going to comment on this thread further, but I wish you looked at how other countries enforced the lockdown, and what the bureaucrats and ministers could learn from the same. Nowhere was a 15-day lockdown mentioned in any article, and no, supply chains may not be prepared for it. Not sure where you live but in many cities places like Big Bazar and DMart are closed or restricting visitors. Not everyone has a friendly neighborhood grocer who delivers. Big basket site has crashed (checked a few minutes ago).

Anything that impacts a citizen for 3 weeks should at least be communicated with some consideration. In Singapore the Government implemented a $50 limit on the groceries that people were most likely to hoard, and that solved the issue. They brought in a queue system where people stand 1 m apart. What has happened in India now will result in people queueing outside the few shops that are open and create more chaos. As I said earlier, the hardest hit will be the elderly living alone and the PG residents who usually cannot cook. I've stayed in such an establishment and the absence of places to eat reasonably priced meals outside is a disaster. Not sure if folks making decisions understand those hardships.

If you think that in the absence of public transport the FMCG factories with workers who commute from far-flung places daily will be able to go to work, I wish you well. Will loved to be proved wrong though.

The secrecy of such critical announcements wreaks havoc on those who are not fortunate enough to have high-paid work from home jobs and personalized delivery services. Sad that people still argue against this point, but not surprising, given the kind of support the demonetization disaster enjoyed.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy quarantine.

Last edited by Nissan1180 : 24th March 2020 at 23:34.
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Old 24th March 2020, 23:30   #1220
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

The news of immediate lockdown sent panic among everyone. As a result there was hoarding in all supermarkets for last 2-3 day's plus a lot of people moved out of cities to their natives in crowded buses.

We just made situations worse. We have just quadrupled the infection and spread it across the entire country. Govt should have handled it better. God save us now.
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Old 24th March 2020, 23:46   #1221
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

If you have to venture out in Kerala, (of course on emergency situations only), unless you are under essential services (for which a separate pass will be issued by Police), you will have to keep the following declaration filled out and is to be handed over to the Police, when stopped. The authorities have informed that if the declaration is found false, legal action will follow.

The Coronavirus Thread-lettertopolice.jpg

So keep the declaration filled out for unavoidable visits to medical stores, grocery shops etc. for avoiding unnecessary complications with the authorities.

Source :

Last edited by adrian : 24th March 2020 at 23:48. Reason: adding source
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Old 24th March 2020, 23:51   #1222
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Originally Posted by Nissan1180 View Post
Sad that people still argue against this point, but not surprising, given the kind of support the demonetization disaster enjoyed.
Anyway, coming back to the topic -

1) when authorities tell you "stay put at home as much as possible, step out only if there is no other option"

2) when companies approve WFH wherever possible so that they can comply with orders issued in pt. 1)

3) when enough information is available in the public domain that social distancing is THE ONLY option to survive this.

Then what do you do?

What do you do to ensure you and your family survive this? I never said government asked to stock 15 days of ration.

And pls.dont compare how foreign residents comply with their Government orders vs. what Indians do.

Majority of the Indians derive a sadistic pleasure in non-compliance, and in situations such as this, there is no other option but to ENFORCE rules for the greater good.

Last edited by SDP : 25th March 2020 at 00:23. Reason: Editing out first line.
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:06   #1223
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

OK. How many people even in TBHP aren't working for IT / ITES / Financial companies that can do work from home? How many are property dealers, field or shopfloor engineers, industrialists, have shops in a mall or just a corner shop, run a fleet of commercial vehicles etc?

People have learnt from past assurances across this and many previous governments that all items will be available in ample supply, to be suddenly faced with empty shelves and everything selling at 3-4 times the price. When it comes to a choice between stocking up and starving ..

Right now, in Bangalore, Big Basket delivery executives are being chased off the roads due to curfew despite food delivery being listed as essential.

Strangely enough, even employees of blood testing labs licensed by the government to test for COVID are being chased off the roads when they try to visit quarantined people to collect blood samples. (yes the tweet is genuine and the message was posted in a volunteer community that Udhay is part of, and I know Udhay, this is not a random tweet)

So while Modiji says something, and the orders published by central and state governments say something, the police implementing all this on the ground seem to have different notions altogether. And yet as Harry Truman used to have on his desk, "The Buck Stops Here".

ps - You said "for the greater good", it is curious but I was re-reading Harry Potter and that was the exact slogan Grindelwald used, and even inscribed on the entrance to his dungeon at Nurmengard.

Originally Posted by Safety is Param View Post
1) when authorities tell you "stay put at home as much as possible, step out only if there is no other option"

2) when companies approve WFH wherever possible so that they can comply with orders issued in pt. 1)

3) when enough information is available in the public domain that social distancing is THE ONLY option to survive this.

Then what do you do?

What do you do to ensure you and your family survive this? I never said government asked to stock 15 days of ration.

And pls.dont compare how foreign residents comply with their Government orders vs. what Indians do.

Majority of the Indians derive a sadistic pleasure in non-compliance, and in situations such as this, there is no other option but to ENFORCE rules for the greater good.
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:08   #1224
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

A nice initiative from Apollo -

AI driven self assessment for Covid.
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:20   #1225
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Safety is Param View Post
I never said government asked to stock 15 days of ration.
Originally Posted by Safety is Param View Post
Also, by repeatedly requesting people to stay at home, enough signs were given to stock up ration, at least for 15 days. Only then will people stay inside their houses, not by buying everyday vegetables fresh!
Demonetization was an example of what happens when a severe measure gets enforced without any plan. It destroyed entire sectors, and global economists have said that. Thanks for the personal attack though.

The quoted text contradicts your statements. Best wishes.

Hope things are available during this period, and people do not suffer being beaten up by the police for getting groceries, as I and someone else mentioned.

Last edited by Aditya : 26th March 2020 at 07:09. Reason: Quoted text edited
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:24   #1226
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Starfire View Post
The correct progression would be geometric; i.e. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
Now you know why I didn't want to make it an epidemiology class.
Some studies suggest a power law + small world distribution, so not quite geometric.

A friend who is more of a graph theory quant than a medical type came up with the same conclusion and built a simulator in R
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:26   #1227
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Behemoth View Post
UK is contemplating a 6 month lockdown. Stay safe guys and be prepared. We are all in for a long haul - The world will be very different after this pandemic.
Don't mistake my post for sarcasm, or anything negative towards you.. but I just had to react to your absolute stoicism in the face of the current situation.

Also anyone reading this and hastily trying to retort with stuff like "would you rather be dead" or "what better can be done?", please don't, I know the in's and out's of the present time, I know the math and yes I saw Contagion way, way back.

Again, I ask for pardon because this is such an emotionally charged event that people are willing to lynch others for a varying opinion. Here's mine - it started off with 1 day, became longer by 8 days, and before the 8 days could even get over, its 21. Is there a R Naught number of 3 to the lockdown planning as well?

Before we even open our mouths asking what about work, earning, entrepreneurs, etc.. bang comes the reply - it is necessary, it has to be done, no other way, financial destruction will be there but we'll overcome it etc.

Twenty one days without any work or creative outlet is bad enough.. 6 months? Whats next, it'll be over only in 10 years? Or should they take further precaution and extend it to 20 for life?

Would people STILL clap and see the positive in this? The economy won't just be in the doldrums in this, there won't be an economy to begin with with months of staying inside.

I understand safety completely and I'm leading with the efforts to make this hellish time easier both inside the home and in immediate society, I've always been a germaphobe and have used and encouraged the use of sanitisers and hand washing liberally, at home.

But the stoicism and absolute obedience of people to accept any kind of punishment is kind of shocking to me. The doomsayer could've said 21 centuries and people would've still clapped and cheered. Mind bending.

Without a creative outlet and a few hours of work, I'll absolutely be scarred for life in these 21 days. I'm an introvert and love being at home but yet I say it. Those 5-6 hours of work is what keeps me ticking, even if I have to complain about traffic, pollution, jerks at work etc.

Six months? All small-medium entrepreneurs like us will be destroyed to bits. The economy is DONE
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:27   #1228
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Seeing the utter distruction in Europe where countries dilly dallied on strict restrictions for days, this was a much needed, and perhaps the only way to slow down this pandemic. Countries like the USA which are still complacent are looking for real trouble in the coming days. People are not realizing that it's a life and death situation; once the virus infects thousands, no country, however capable their medical infrastructure is, will be able to cope.
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:32   #1229
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by hserus View Post
the police implementing all this on the ground seem to have different notions altogether.
Agree with what you said but hopefully the police should have more clarity in a day. Many people did not stock up because the PM's last address said to not panic and hoard food and now people who followed will be running to buy groceries first thing tomorrow. The fear isn't the store opening, it's items being replenished on time. If people start stocking up for 3 weeks, most stores will be emptied out in 2 hrs. It's gonna get chaotic if shelf's start running empty.
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Old 25th March 2020, 00:58   #1230
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Originally Posted by hserus View Post
OK. How many people even in TBHP aren't working for IT / ITES / Financial companies that can do work from home?
The reference to occupation was tied to pt. 1 in my post, and I already specified that.

My point was in counter to the point which said the announcement by PM Modi was sudden.

It was not sudden, repeated requests when met with non-compliance will result in certain decisions that don't go down well with everybody.

People have learnt from past assurances across this and many previous governments that all items will be available in ample supply, to be suddenly faced with empty shelves and everything selling at 3-4 times the price. When it comes to a choice between stocking up and starving ..
As of evening of Mar 23, there were no supermarkets that were out of stock of essential supplies, and there no price jacking. I can reference DMart, Jayanagar, Big Bazar, Banashankari and Carry Fresh, Frazer Town - all in Bangalore. Same first hand experience I can vouch for DMart and Reliance Fresh in Vadodara, Gujarat.

Right now, in Bangalore, Big Basket delivery executives are being chased off the roads due to curfew despite food delivery being listed as essential.

Strangely enough, even employees of blood testing labs licensed by the government to test for COVID are being chased off the roads when they try to visit quarantined people to collect blood samples.
This is unfortunate, but I can tell you that there are 50 employees in my organization who are still working from office because of their assignment to certain class of projects. They have been equipped with Authorization letters (I don't know the approving authority / signatory) which provides them the required clearances to commute to office.

ps - You said "for the greater good", it is curious but I was re-reading Harry Potter and that was the exact slogan Grindelwald used, and even inscribed on the entrance to his dungeon at Nurmengard.
Sorry, not a fan of Harry Potter genre of movies, so didn't get your reference here, but what I mean "for the greater good" are Executive decisions taken in interest of the majority, and most importantly, with an aim to prevent ALL from something that's uncontrollable otherwise.

Even a bread has a shelf life of 5 days.

Stocking up food for 15 days should not be a big deal.

Originally Posted by Nissan1180 View Post
Thanks for the personal attack though.
It's unfortunate if you think so, I don't stand to gain anything out of it.

The quoted text contradicts your statements. Best wishes.
That's your perspective, and certainly not what I wrote. There is difference between "signs" and "explicit communication".

You didn't answer my question - what would you do when you are asked to stay home at all costs? What would you do to ensure you & your family have a best chance of surviving this?

Won't you arrange food for 15 days?

Didn't someone forward you text that said you have only 3 options -

1. Stay at home
2. Stay at a hospital
3. Stay in a photo frame

Hope things are available during this period, and people do not suffer being beaten up by the police for getting groceries, as I and someone else mentioned.
I, and hundreds of others got groceries till the evening of Mar 23, and no, no body beat us. And nobody charged more than MRP.

I can understand you have a certain point of view towards the current Government, but by ignoring the signs you are only bringing agony to yourself and your dependents.

You are setting off panic instead of taking precautions.

The only thing that matters is how you plan on surviving your quarantine period for these 21 days and beyond. What others do or think shouldn't bother you right now in this situation. Same applies to me!

Government has conveyed what it feels is the best approach.

Last edited by Safety is Param : 25th March 2020 at 01:27.
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