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Old 19th March 2020, 18:43   #871
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

I just got a call from the MASS saying they are offering corona "special" interior and exterior "disinfecting" cleaning for INR 1,999/-. Absolutely irresponsible and trying to cash in on the fear factor of people.
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Old 19th March 2020, 18:48   #872
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Perishable essentials are impossible to hoard beyond a week or two's supply at a time, except a small minority who may have the equipment to freeze at appropriate temperatures for longer.

Daily essentials and pharmacies would probably be restricted, not entirely shutdown.

Please track official advisories (may vary by area/city/state), and avoid panicking over social media 'updates'.
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Old 19th March 2020, 19:11   #873
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

In Medavakkam (South Chennai), roads seem to be as crowded as usual. Supermarket shelves are turning empty faster. Supermarkets and small grocery shops are crowded. There are Whatsapp forwards stating sec 144 is going to be imposed across the country from tomorrow evening. All of this is causing more panic buying.
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Old 19th March 2020, 19:15   #874
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

I don't see any change in Dwarka, New Delhi. The market roads are crowded, the supermarkets are full of people and the parks are full of kids.
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Old 19th March 2020, 19:18   #875
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Just an FYI....

Seems like we are waiting for community spread. Not that this guy did it intentionally (he didn't know he was carrying the virus) but I suppose he should have stayed home for 14 days before venturing out.

Last edited by sunilch : 19th March 2020 at 19:27.
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Old 19th March 2020, 19:40   #876
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Chennai seems very normal except for schools, malls being shut. and Yeah some spurt of Panic buying here and there. However i am feeling very uneasy about this. When many developed countries are fighting a fight of a lifetime, we seem to be unusually chill , its almost like watching a 3D movie ! I don't know if this is the calm before the storm !
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Old 19th March 2020, 21:18   #877
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by adrian View Post
The following news is airing in Asianet News.

Attachment 1981515

Social spread suspected by Tamil Nadu Health Department. Can anybody provide details ?
This guy came from utterpradesh to TN in train, got sick and tested for corona and was postive, He has no known foriegn travel history or close contact with any patient . First indication of community transfer?
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Old 19th March 2020, 21:32   #878
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Brother just returned from seeing the doctor and says that the roads are empty. Like a ghost town.
Sion to Parel takes me 20 minutes everyday. Today it took just 10 minutes. That's a distance of 9 kms from home.

One interesting thing I observed was all the hoardings along the Eastern Express Highway were displaying Corona, Symptoms and Precautions. Even real estate, stock market IPO hoardings - all brought down. I mean literally 100℅. Goes to show how seriously this is being tackled by the state government.

Last edited by bharatbits : 19th March 2020 at 21:45.
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Old 19th March 2020, 21:46   #879
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

The eerie trajectory that shows how US case numbers matches that of Italy

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Old 19th March 2020, 21:50   #880
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
I thought I will buy an additional month of supplies and went to my usual department store on 17th evening. It was packed full of people so I did not enter, came away. Then went yesterday at 12.30 p.m, there still were a sizeable number of people but much less than the previous day. Normally this time of the month and day there will hardly be five customers inside.

Finished my shopping, paid the bill, ordered home delivery and came off. Till now they have not delivered. When I called up they informed there are a lot of pending deliveries due to heavy billing and I may receive only tomorrow.

Looks like everybody is stocking up.
Interestingly Grofers and Flipkart Grocery hiked their minimum cart value to Rs 700 and Rs 1200 respectively for free deliveries. Earlier it was Rs 500 and Rs 700 respectively.

I haven't bothered much about groceries and veggies being unavailable. Will observe for a couple days more, assess and take a call.
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Old 19th March 2020, 22:08   #881
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

‘We Are Frightened’: U.K. Doctors Brace for a Coronavirus Explosion
Hospitals will soon be overwhelmed with patients they can’t treat properly, doctors say, because of the British government’s mishandling of the pandemic.

The Royal Free Hospital in London. Doctors say that years of budget pressures have left Britain’s health service ill prepared for the huge strain that is coming.
The Royal Free Hospital in London. Doctors say that years of budget pressures have left Britain’s health service ill prepared for the huge strain that is coming.
LONDON — As the coronavirus bears down on Britain’s overstretched National Health Service, doctors say they fear trying days of hard choices and rationed resources.

Hospitals are calling off all but the most urgent procedures to prepare for an incoming wave of coronavirus patients. Operating rooms are being converted to house the infected, and specialists are being redeployed or even retrained to deal with patients’ needs.

Front-line medical workers are complaining of inadequate testing and shortages of protective gear, raising fears that doctors and nurses may be spreading the virus or will be forced into isolation as the demand for care peaks.
As per another news article, Apparently the cases in the United States have jumped by 40 percent since yesterday. This looks ominous for the western world. Anybody has feedback from friends or relatives in those parts?
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Old 19th March 2020, 22:11   #882
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by NiInJa View Post
Some funny but frustrating things happening around in my area

This man-made chaos based on mis-interpretation and rumours when not a single case has been discovered in our colony yet left us in splits yesterday !
All these rumor-mongers need to be isolated first and whipped with bamboo sticks !
With so much negative news around I tried watching some stand up comedy shows to lighten up the mood. But, honestly none of those shows had me laughing so much as your experience did. While the corona thing is serious your janitors, maids and nannys did really put your mother and other residents of your building in a difficult situation. With Work from Home enabled all the residents can do the cooking and cleaning by themselves now. Your janitor must be isolated and whipped first.

Also, this thread will qualify for a number of firsts on Team Bhp.

1. Fastest thread to reach 60 pages from start.
2. Thread with the most number of participants.

are 2 firsts that I can think of. Ironically on a non automotive topic on a automotive forum.

Last edited by bharatbits : 19th March 2020 at 22:34.
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Old 20th March 2020, 00:18   #883
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by JJay View Post
As a son of civil servant, I can firmly say that authorities/govts are well aware of situations and they are doing their best to contain the COVID-19 BUT it is we the people who are restricting them by not co-operating and not following their instructions.

...are working day n night just to provide best possible infrastructure to medical personnels and doctors who are working even harder.

Don't use this thread to blame authorities if you are not aware of ground level situation and just heard something from someone. Just follow instructions and advisories and don't make "suggestions" if you are not doctor.

I also request all the bhpians and readers to co-operate with local authorities and follow their instructions and guidelines diligently even if it doesn't match with your beliefs for the sake of people you love and your surroundings.

Please limit this thread to official information and genuine queries only, there is absolutely no need to panic, just be aware and remain conscious about hygiene.
Originally Posted by JJay View Post
...they are facing different/unique kind of difficulties at every stage... at some places, some “high class people” are not ready to trust and follow instructions of a doctor...Kudos to all the Doctors and medical staff, who remain neutral to such people and doing their duties very diligently and professionally. They are humans as well, with families. I am not defending or covering anything, just trying to divulge other side.

We all should understand that this is not the normal time we are going through, do not expect everything to pass out normally and nicely. This is not some local crisis where only “certain” people could be affected. Routine life of almost entire world is getting affected including first world countries, we all are bound for some or other dis-comfort at any stage and should mentally prepare ourselves for this.
Seems like my "scoop" went unnoticed. I am saying it again, Our governments (respective state governments included) have plans, they are taking note of minutest possible incidents to contain the spread. They are aware of prevailing situations and working round-the-clock to contain it with minimum loss.

Just understand that we are not Italy or Britain or any other part of world, we have so much diversities within (in every sphere- be it weather, topography, health infrastructure, culture, lifestyle etc...) that one model could not fit all. We have to have different plans fabricated in accordance with respective states even though we are fighting the same enemy.

Do not fall for the articles like "why india is not ready to...", "what India can learn from...", "how bad coronavirus could...", they do nothing but just make people panic and overly conscious, also do not fall for the editorials written by any foreign personnel and/or learned non medical personnel. You never know when their "expert opinion" would take 180 degree turn, so be careful.

Follow ONLY MoHFW, WHO and respective state governments' DoHealth websites, keep an eye on updated advisories and follow them diligently even if it is not in-line with procedures followed by other nations. Do not get panic or impatient. Have faith in Authorities, we have to fight it out together.

Stay healthy,
Take care.

P.S- This post is relevant to those who are currently in India.

Last edited by JJay : 20th March 2020 at 00:29. Reason: Didn't notice now we have active "thanks" button for this thread.
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Old 20th March 2020, 00:30   #884
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by karan561 View Post
Not sure if this has been posted before but it seems India now has an website for CoronaVirus;
And this gives the global perspective -
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Old 20th March 2020, 00:35   #885
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re: The Coronavirus Thread

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
If it is not a problem, can you document your daily health conditions (as well as historically last week or so)? Considering a lot of us are going to look at our own health symptoms checking if a running nose or normal cough/fever is actually a symptom of the virus; it might help to get a detailed perspective. Maybe a separate thread?
I was tested for COVID-19 today, results expected in 2-3 days I am under strict home-quarantine till the results come out.

Here is a chronology of what happened:

16 March:

I started getting dry cough at work but it was very mild. Initially, I ignored it as I thought it was probably an allergy but at night it got really worse. So, I immediately called Aster Clinic UMC, Karama, Dubai and booked an appointment for 8:30 PM the following day since I thought I could go see the doctor after work as the cough wasn't that bad.

17 March:

I went to work wearing a mask but the coughing (which was completely dry) got so bad that I immediately took a taxi and came home within one hour of reaching work. Once I got home, I noticed I had a mild fever but the fever got really high once I reached the clinic for the appointment (it was 39 C or about 102.2 f). I was given drips for the fever and my blood samples were taken for CBC and CRP tests. The doctor prescribed some medicines and I was told to come the following day to get the results. I was not tested for COVID-19 despite the symptoms since I didn't have a travel history to affected areas recently, my only recent trip was to Oman where I traveled by bus from Dubai between 14-16 February (way before the incubation time).

18 March:

I had a mild fever in the morning but was feeling much better in the afternoon. I went to the clinic to get my test results in which CRP was normal which meant this was a viral, not bacterial infection. They checked the temperature which was normal and the doctor just said to continue my medication. However, at night, at around 10:30 PM, my coughing got worse, almost violent and I had a high fever. So, I rushed to the emergency ward of Aster Hospital, Mankhool, Dubai where they gave me drips again for my fever and did an X-ray. The GP said that my X-ray shows there was some haziness in my lower lungs and referred me to a pulmonologist (a specialist doctor who deals with respiratory illness). I was given an appointment for 12 noon the following day with the pulmonologist.

19 March:

I went for my appointment with the pulmonologist who checked my X-ray and asked about my symptoms again (heavy dry cough, recurring high fever,
general body weakness). Based on this, he decided to get me tested for both COVID-19 and Influenza. I was taken into a temporary isolation room where the nurses put on their protective gear and took two swab samples from each nostril (not throat) - one each for influenza and COVID-19. My influenza test results came within 3 hours and it was positive for type B which is the common flu that everyone gets. COVID-19 results will take 2-3 days since the testing facilities of the DHA (Dubai Health Authority) have a lot of samples to process. I was ordered to be in self-quarantine till my COVID-19 results come and if it's positive, I'll be taken into the isolation wards of the DHA (which are quite well equipped). I still have a dry cough and recurring fever but the medicines are really helping with the symptoms.

Note: I always wore a respirator mask with a filter whenever I visited the hospital. It's very important to protect the medical staff.

Note to Mods: If you feel this should be a separate thread as ninjatalli suggests, please do so.
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