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View Poll Results: Will you burn crackers this diwali?
Yes 262 35.26%
No 428 57.60%
Maybe 53 7.13%
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Old 24th October 2010, 13:17   #91
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my $0.02:

Crackers are part of celebration that we do once in a year. It is family event. I think spending 1K a year for something that marks tradition, bonds family, brings smiles on our and our kids is a must do.

Coming to child labour, env hazard, noise pollution, etc, this activity is just like part of any other activity that we do. This whole forum on cars it self contributes to all the BAD things we talk about. Petrol pumps employing kids, cars pollute, honking generates noise. I dont know where the debates ends... India itself is low on list of most polluting countries of the world.

So Just Have Fun!
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Old 24th October 2010, 13:26   #92
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I'm also thinking of not burning crackers this diwali!

I'll rather buy some car polishes, waxes and other detailing stuff for my love!
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Old 24th October 2010, 13:50   #93
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Originally Posted by aargee View Post
I help poor children support their families by buying crackers.
That was the dreaded statement I was hoping not to hear/ read.
It's a macabre reality one has to wake up to by knowing that most of the cracker factories employ child labour in one way or the other.
It's even worse in Match stick factories.

But then in reality, in India, most of the industry indulges in child labour. When a kid brings a toy or a balloon at the traffic signal and I buy it to take it home with me, I encourage this dreaded child labour as well. There's always two sides to the coin here.

Anyway not wanting to go OT here, Let me come back to this main topic.

It's been over 15 years since I stopped bursting crackers. There's also sound pollution which I detest a lot. With crackers getting louder every year, I keep praying that India puts a ban on crackers beyond acceptable loudness levels. Hope they stringently put a cap on the db levels of the noise.

And I agree with AP here when he says it's personal choice.

I prefer to light a few sparklers and thrill my daughter with that and leave it at that. It helps me keep the spirit of festival alive with a eco-conscious state.
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Old 24th October 2010, 14:58   #94
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Originally Posted by pramodkumar View Post
Same here its been more than 15 years for me, BTW which school?

Mount St. Mary's, Delhi Cantt.

Btw, related thread:
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Old 24th October 2010, 16:15   #95
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This year I will be missing out on the usual (rain permitting) smoke and noise, and experiencing Divali in Singapore. We will experience it too, as we will be staying right on the edge of Little India.

The Google Street View photos of Serangoon Road show Divali banners ...
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Old 24th October 2010, 17:04   #96
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CRACKERS/burning money/child labour/noise pollution/drugs/water purifier/balance/food industry/singapore/education standard/blah blah blah........

''Arey mere bhai log, Aam[] khana hai to khao nahi to mat khao, ped kyo geen rahe ho?''

''HAPPY DEEPAWALI'' to everyone who contributed to this thread.

[ @mx6, i am no way related to the word Deepa In Deepawali].

Last edited by ASHISHPALLOD : 24th October 2010 at 17:12.
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Old 24th October 2010, 17:30   #97
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Originally Posted by anujmishra View Post
We burn crackers 1 day a year and we drive our car 365 days. Crackers are fun and I should never stop burning it.
+1; exactly my point. I remember a thread where some NGO or some organization gave a statement against all car owners that they were polluting the environment & as usual, all of us condemned that statement. If we were to stop crackers, then we only have to lock up ourselves at home as all of directly or indirectly contribute to pollution everyday. Let stop driving then.

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
There are many ways in which we can contribute towards a greener tomorrow.
+1, exactly

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
The worst of them being asking them to beg at traffic lights.
+1; stop that one; that's far more dangerous to breed parasites in this country.

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
I don't say that they have easier alternatives or choices.
No; they DO have choices, its just that they choose to beg because it was an easier choice. People cannot learn skills, that's it.

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
But, how to break this vicious cycle?
It depends only upon each individual; unless they decide to stop begging, nothing will improve.

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
Buying crackers to support them will promote employment of underage kids and further deprive them of studies etc.
Exactly my point here

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
Oh no! Not a good statement sir.
Originally Posted by MX6 View Post
That was the dreaded statement I was hoping not to hear/ read.
Oh!!! Guys, I should've posted my thread before over here -
Why do our own children do not work in those factories? Because we're able to take care of them. But families who're debted a lot & need to improvise their lives are forced to send their children to work.

I'm not sure how many people have been raised Fatherless here; its extremely difficult, atleast in India, to raise a child without a Father especially when the Mother does not have even relatives around (forget the money now) to support. Poor class send children to such factories for income, middle class might probably send to school or lathes/tuner/welding etc & the rich class, forget it, they're the spoiled kids. But again, there are always exception & I'm talking only about those BPL children who are forced to work. The other side of child labour is being talked over in the above thread, which is never even considered as child labour because Govt is being payed in form of income tax.

Originally Posted by MX6 View Post
It's even worse in Match stick factories.
What else to do? Do they've a choice? I like the saying, "if you're born poor, then its not your fault, but it is, if you die poor"

Originally Posted by MX6 View Post
When a kid brings a toy or a balloon at the traffic signal and I buy it to take it home with me, I encourage this dreaded child labour as well.
Yes, this got me thinking, probably this is something to support as this is far better than begging & some confidence level to be seen with the children.

Originally Posted by MX6 View Post
And I agree with AP here when he says it's personal choice.
Yes, its purely a personal choice; like I gave up bursting from 95/96 to 2005/06. But I started it over again; its fun to burst crackers along with children & Wifey

Originally Posted by ASHISHPALLOD View Post
''Arey mere bhai log, Aam khana hai to khao nahi to mat khao, ped kyo geen rahe ho?''

''HAPPY DEEPAWALI'' to everyone who contributed to this thread.
Perfecto statement. I love this

Having said all these, last year there was a live telecast (and recorded) on IBN during Diwali time where some people from NCR region where bursting crackers after 10PM & they were happily saying that the cops requested to stop, but then this is festival time. So IMO, these are the ones to be punished & not by banning the entire cracker industry.

Last edited by aargee : 24th October 2010 at 17:31.
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Old 24th October 2010, 17:41   #98
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This Diwali I won't be burning crackers since i won't be in India. So voted no

But would I do it if I would have been there. Yes, i would have. I love crackers since I started making sense of what diwali is about. But i won't splurge on it. Majority of crackers i love are the one that goes up in the sky and spread into several colors showing colorful celebration of diwali and new year with family, friends and near and dear ones hoping for a prosperous and happy new year ahead.

I also light up my home with 'diwa' and lights by using electricity. So in a way i still harm environment even if i decide not to burst crackers. So why not enjoy for a couple of days in a year.

I don't see anything wrong in that. I consciously avoid loud crackers and those that emit more smoke like the long sticks and 'taramandel'.
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Old 24th October 2010, 17:45   #99
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Will burn some, I have not been a lot in to burning crackers. The reason, I do not want to deprive my kids of the fun, this tradition and fun may disappear in a few of years too...
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Old 24th October 2010, 18:20   #100
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Originally Posted by ASHISHPALLOD View Post

[ @mx6, i am no way related to the word Deepa In Deepawali].
no person can be related to words bhau. people are related to people alone.
i'm now beginning to wonder whether you are trying to convey something special to me.
anyway let's celebrate the festival with Diya. And AP when I meant Diya, I meant lamps.

anyway. i'm planning to celebrate deepa-wali in 12 mati and Pandharpur.

@Vrp. are you around? we have a pending 12mati meet. shall I put up a thread in meet section for the same?
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Old 24th October 2010, 18:28   #101
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I might do it this year.

After almost not bursting crackers for the last 10-15 years, i did it with one of my cousin's kid and really enjoyed it last year. I know it causes pollution and its like burning money, but at times one has got to given in to some pleasure.

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Old 24th October 2010, 18:50   #102
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MODS, if possible, Kindly don't delete the last few posts as this discussion also supports why we should or shouldn't burn crackers.

Ok. Lets analyze this for one final time. Your replies to my previous post are given in Bold.

Originally Posted by PaddleShifter View Post
No, they have to do this because of lack of choices/alternatives.

No; they DO have choices, its just that they choose to beg because it was an easier choice. People cannot learn skills, that's it.

But, how to break this vicious cycle?
It depends only upon each individual; unless they decide to stop begging, nothing will improve.

This is a very delicate subject to discuss. And easier to talk on this than to come up with some ways to support our India. That would require a collective effort of Government+community responsibility.

Raising the education standards gradually over 2 generations + employment. And such families, too, will have to take responsibility to come up and accept the education offers.

its extremely difficult, atleast in India, to raise a child without a Father especially when the Mother does not have even relatives around (forget the money now) to support. Poor class send children to such factories for income.

I'm talking only about those BPL children who are forced to work. The other side of child labour is being talked over in the above thread, which is never even considered as child labour because Govt is being payed in form of income tax.

What else to do? Do they've a choice? I like the saying, "if you're born poor, then its not your fault, but it is, if you die poor"

Yes, this got me thinking, probably this is something to support as this is far better than begging & some confidence level to be seen with the children
You said that they do have choices but later you have also said that they don't have choices. I'm also talking of the poor.

Being a doctor, I remember when we used to visit slums etc during my MBBS days. The education level is too low. That is the primary evil.

If we teach such people a thing worth remembering(like having less children, sending them to schools for free primary education), they just laugh as they don't think education will do anything.

BUT, what if the current generation is given at least the primary education?
Even if they don't get the desired paying jobs. Start with alternate jobs like work at construction companies, firecrackers factories for such educated adults who were otherwise spending their childhood on streets. I believe that second generation onwards, things can improve a lot. As the parents will be educated to start with.

Spend the money on such issues instead of organizing Common Wealth Games(CWG).

I do not agree with your idea of supporting firecracker industry so that these kids can support their families that way. Or at least factories should undertake that they will ensure that every kid working in their factory will receive free primary education with the help of govt and NGOs.

I still remember what I answered to my Community Medicine Professor's question regarding the realization of 100% hospital deliveries in India and 0% deliveries at home.

Ans- We should train our dais and nurses in rural India rather than asking people to go to govt hospital for delivery.
First, make sure that 100% deliveries are conducted from a skilled hand rather than an untrained inexperienced lady, then start campaigning for hospital deliveries.
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Old 24th October 2010, 19:30   #103
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I never burn crackers as i feel it only adds to the air & noise pollution.

i agree we pollute everyday by driving cars, but then thats no excuse for polluting even more! infact, if we are already adding to the pollution, lets try to curb it, if not by quitting driving, atleast by quitting fire crackers.
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Old 24th October 2010, 20:10   #104
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lol, like last year before you again asking me why i typed deepawali instead of diwali, i tried to clear any doubt related to the word.
Now, what about Diya?
During deepawali, i will be three hundred km away from 12mati to celebrate the festival of light and cracker.
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Old 24th October 2010, 21:09   #105
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@AP. So you are off to Gujarat that time is it?
Then we need to reschedule the Baramati meet.

By the way there's a Lavasa meet brewing up. Can you make that?
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