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View Poll Results: Will you burn crackers this diwali?
Yes 262 35.26%
No 428 57.60%
Maybe 53 7.13%
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Old 10th October 2017, 07:28   #466
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Plastics are banned, don't know since when. But it is manufactured and is used, so who is to be blamed?

I really do not know if there were fire crackers when Ramayan happened. Diyas in ghee, yes for sure.
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Old 10th October 2017, 11:05   #467
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

I do not support the decision of banning the sale of fire crackers. Why ?

1. The decision is a half baked attempt to stir up emotions and debates - giving the TRP starved news channels - more decibel shattering arguments - without achieving anything on the ground

2. You are banning sale of crackers in Delhi - not NCR, people may just go across to Noida, Faridabad etc and get crackers. All your decisions will mean absolutely nothing

Looking at some of the decisions our judiciary has been taking, I completely agree with the opinion of @V.Narayan - these are a bunch of people who are answerable to no one, they dont get elected pretty much have a draconian view on issues and pass their judgements, which actually lead to nothing on the ground.

Look at the decision of banning liquor sales 500 mts from highways, what has happened on the ground - State governments, City administrations, public at whole have gotten past it. Not because they want to break the law, but because the law itself is stupid. And I am yet to see any statistic that says banning liquor sales on highways has reduced accidents by 50%

Take the sunfilm ban, I see many of the recently registered cars on the roads today (going by their registration series) donning black films. Again its practicality that takes precedence over being law abiding.
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Old 10th October 2017, 11:20   #468
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Well, if they are being sold I may as well buy and use them. Will they implement the ban when someone decides to celebrate an election victory? The annoying part is they would like to use bans as tools to regulate the law abiding sections but have no guts to regulate what sections they should. This could be applicable for fire crackers, alcohol, sunfilm or plastic

If they were so serious about the ban, they should have banned production itself. I don't see what benefits they get from allowing production but banning the sale.
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Old 10th October 2017, 11:23   #469
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Originally Posted by selfdrive View Post
Well, if they are being sold I may as well buy and use them. Will they implement the ban when someone decides to celebrate an election victory? The annoying part is they would like to use bans as tools to regulate the law abiding sections but have no guts to regulate what sections they should. This could be applicable for fire crackers, alcohol, sunfilm or plastic

If they were so serious about the ban, they should have banned production itself. I don't see what benefits they get from allowing production but banning the sale.
Maybe, they are indirectly encouraging people to travel to Haryana or UP, and buy from there.
Such an open ended Ban always leaves good scope for smuggling & black!
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Old 10th October 2017, 12:01   #470
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

I don't burst crackers - this has been the case for over 10 years now. I do however, bring a pack of sparklers (phooljadi) and do the bare minimum. However, I love to watch the fireworks.
The ban (in and around NCR) in my opinion is utterly stupid and especially the timing. The crackers have already been produced and traders have already bought them. If the SC in its great forthright needed to ban this, they should have banned them about 6 months back. Will the SC compensate the producers/traders for their loss?

Honestly, speaking I would like a blanket ban over this all over India from the next year. Make sure no political class or anyone can burst the same. Let the law be the same for everyone.The judiciary and the parliament are becoming players who keep putting the balls in each other courts when it's time to actually make a decision. Strange times we live in.
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Old 10th October 2017, 12:32   #471
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Crackers of any sort are a big no - no for me and my family. we have been cracker free since the last 12 years at least.
After we adopted a dog and saw the trouble they go thru during the diwali days - I urge everyone to give up bursting crackers and stick to other fireworks (only if really needed)

The festival is about spreading the light and warmth of human relations - and you definitely do not need fireworks to do that!
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Old 10th October 2017, 13:35   #472
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Originally Posted by Sheel View Post
Plastics are banned, don't know since when. But it is manufactured and is used, so who is to be blamed?

I really do not know if there were fire crackers when Ramayan happened. Diyas in ghee, yes for sure.
I dont think we burst crackers because they were done in Ramayan times. Its a celebration of what happened during those times and what it signifies.

I dont burst too many since I do believe it causes pollution. But looking back at our childhood, I did enjoy a lot. Children still need those. We need to make sure that we use ones that light up more and have less of noise and smoke(should be possible to some extent).

Every day of human life on earth has impacts. We need to be more responsible and make sure we minimize the impact on this planet.
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Old 10th October 2017, 13:53   #473
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Crackers cause pollution and injury. Going for noise over display is nothing but a public nuisance. I'd be happy for the world to be without crackers.

But the world is not without crackers, and I hope that, in this city, it does not rain on that day, which would lead to so much disappointment.
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Old 10th October 2017, 14:15   #474
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

I am totally for the ban of bursting fire crackers not only during Diwali for that matter on any occasion (elections, marriages, parties etc). This is purely from the fact that I have seen my son, aged parents suffer from health problems which peaks during the festivals in addition to the children who go through the same effects in my housing society. Have been advocating for long in my society to avoid bursting crackers but have been rarely successful with being labelled a festival spoiler.

The yay sayers have their own reason for the ban and the naysayers have their own. Even in the office the debate is quite a fierce one with the nay sayers pointing to other sources of air pollution through out the year which is much more damaging that the two days of the festival.

Diwali is the festival of good triumphing over the evil. Lets keep it that way.
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Old 10th October 2017, 14:16   #475
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Originally Posted by BoneCollector View Post
So just blaming crackers for excessive air pollution is a matter of stupidity.
My post was about noise pollution.
Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
If the intention was to really care about the cracker's pollution, they should have banned it in the month of June.
1. Better late than never.
2. SC can act on it only when the matter comes before it.
Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
judiciary arm of the constitution often times exercising the role of the executive arm.
The judiciary can interpret the existing laws to apply to a situation that is not already defined in the law. That is what they are for - to interpret.
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Old 10th October 2017, 16:34   #476
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
2. SC can act on it only when the matter comes before it.
But they could say, "From next year."
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Old 10th October 2017, 17:43   #477
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

A fun tweet that is very relevant with the times -

Will you burn crackers this diwali?-screenshot_2017101017413701.png
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Old 10th October 2017, 18:25   #478
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And the stupidest thing is they are banned only till Nov1st. I mean why??
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Old 10th October 2017, 18:28   #479
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
But they could say, "From next year."
That makes sense, but it depends on the original petition. The court cannot grant something which the petitioner didn't ask for. Here I am treading a dangerous path, as I haven't read the original petition. If the petition asked for a ban this year, then the court can only accept it or deny it.

ps: In the Babri case, the Allahabad high court's verdict of dividing the disputed land between the petitioners was widely criticized because it was a resolution that none of the parties had asked for.

Last edited by civic-sense : 10th October 2017 at 18:30.
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Old 10th October 2017, 18:52   #480
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Re: Will you burn crackers this diwali?

I won't burst crackers. Haven't done it for a while. The noise and the smoke are too much of a nuisance for me. Add to it the congested spaces in which these mini bombs are lighted during Diwali and we have a perfect recipe for disaster. The number of eye related injuries peak during the festive season. The Puttingal temple tragedy was a shocking eye opener for the children in my family. Post that, it has been a breeze persuading them to stay off from crackers. Although peer pressure sometimes get the better of their abstenance, I manage to convince them to make do with the Gun Crackers and earthen lamps. Folks have, behind my back, called me a miser. I respond with a smile.

Having said that, I am completely opposed to banning anything, specially through non legislative and non democratic means.
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