Originally Posted by swift_guy
1. When should I change water - depending on time interval (age of water) or when the water gets dirty? |
This depends on how dirty the water gets, looking at your fish (Gold fish and molly, both of them poop a little more) and also its a new tank (good bacteria can take long time), and not a planted one. I think you might end up changing 30% of the water in every two weeks.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 2. Currently there are no plants in the tank, and fishes have no place to hide or play. Should artificial plants be fine or I shall go with live ones? Or do fish like open places without plants and all? |
I started with gold fish and mollies. And then added some artificial plants. The day i moved to live plants, i decided never ever ever, go back to artificial ones. Live are very good. Look wise too and they add a lot of value to the tank. I have not changed water from past 30 days. The water looks pristine, which was never the case earlier. Water was always murky. The plants, do a great deal. But this also means lots of other stuff like, substrate, gravel, planting. But i would still suggest the live plants, just for the liveliness of it. And offcourse their contribution to the nitrogen cycle and keeping the natural cycle going in the aquarium.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 3. If I go for live plants, do I need to replace the stones also, with gravel or something? Any pointers on this. |
First small layer of substrate (for your tank size, may be around 300Rs), then a layer of gravel (20Rs/kg, you might need 5 to 10 kgs) and then a layer of top soil (~ 200 to 250/kg, may be two kgs). Over them i used some stones and then plants. You can choose easy ones which dont need too much light and CO2. Eg: Ferns (100 to 150/plt), Java moss (100 to 150rs for a pouch), Anubias (100 to 150), Bacopa (10rs/ plant), Ludwigia (10 to rs /plant). You might need to keep the light on for about 4 to 5hrs / day.
If you dont want to replace your current stone structure, just simply choose the Java Fern kind of plant. They are tied to a stone and can be simply kept at the bottom and dont need any of the soil etc.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 4. What temperature should I select for the heater? Currently I have set it to 28°. |
28deg is good. 24 to 29 is good as per my reading. There are many experts in this forum, i am sure they will add more.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 5. Fish are getting terrified on seeing external light currently. Should I let it be or add light in the tank? Does it affect their behaviour or environment? |
Mine also would do the same initially. Then conditioning effect kicked in. At the morning time when i switch on the lights, they all come to the surface and expect food.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 6. Breed names of the fish please. Also if they are compatible to live together or not? |
Two of them are gold fish and one appears to be a molly.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 7. Which food should I use? I have some "Tokyu baby pellet" with spirulina for enhanced colour and growth. I have attached a picture also. Let me know if this is fine for all the above fishes? Other than this, any other thing that I can feed them (available at home preferably)? |
I think this is ok, i am feeding, tetra bites and hi-color.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 8. What should be the feeding time? I give around half tablespoon of food in the morning only. In the food packet, it is mentioned to collect remaining food after 5-6 minutes and re-feed after some time. Is it so? |
Feed as much they eat in five minutes. Half tea spoon is good for five days. You can feed twice if you think its less. But only small bites are good. Gold fish especially makes your tank more dirty. They eat a lot and offcourse what goes in has to come out.
Originally Posted by swift_guy 9. The first fish in the picture has a slightly raised tail, is it normal for this breed or any deformity?
10. My heater has some solid deposits (rust like but not actually rust) on the lower area, which are rock hard and couldn't be removed by me. Any solution on this? |
No idea.
Originally Posted by swift_guy I have named them Leo, Shadow and Oscar (in order, lol). Sorry for so many questions. Also my ignorance in selecting fish without proper research. |
It doesnt matter how you chose, what matters is how you keep. Welcome back to fish keeping, hope you will enjoy, happy fish keeping.