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Old 15th March 2011, 22:52   #2806
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by akshaymahajan View Post
OT: How does one end up with such a disproportionate body?

One thing I want to get cleared out is whether cardio is more effective if done before or after weight training? Have read contradicting reports. Honestly, I prefer it between weight training as a rest break.
For me it's the first thing. I run for 15 min which also helped me in getting warm up. The pump the iron.
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Old 15th March 2011, 22:55   #2807
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Re: Helpme loose some wait:)

Originally Posted by lohithrao View Post
so what should i do to get myself back on track...
Considering it's summer you may try swimming. That's the best exercise.
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Old 15th March 2011, 23:21   #2808
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by navpreet318 View Post
Lets see something new.I know most will puke! I did too.But what has made it worth seeing are the captions under each of the pics.hahahaha!

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That's It..
I am quitting my 3 week stint at the Gym

Jokes apart>

I am 5'8", 65kg, slim/avg built, Small tyre_tubes at waist
I have joined the fitness centre at my work place, and am doing it well for last 3 weeks.
I am enjoying the workout before my work!

Goal: Ripped Body, Proportionate mass, functional physique & strictly that. (Read: Not building with aim of competition/Heavy mass).
Timeline: 10 months ~ A year.

I have started with Cardio (15 mins),
and then I do specific exercises each day (as per trainer's suggestions)
e.g Mon- Back + Abs
Tue- Chest + Side/Obliques
Wed- Biceps + Abs
Thu- Triceps + Side/Obliques
Fri- Shoulder + Abs
Sat / Sun - Rest

My diet I observe has grown well, and its now stable (I think)
Pre workout - A Banana , some water
Post workout - Fruit bowl / Veg Sand wich + Boiled eggs (without yellow) x2 or x3 + Juice (Papaya/Banana/Watermelon)
Lunch - Normal
snack - (As per availability)
dinner - fruit + Milk/ Juice
(Post dinner, I tend to eat some munchies/chips/biscuits .. I know thats not good!)

Gurus here please advice on changes required.
Please also suggest any specifics!

Help / Motivation is highly appreciated ..



P.S. This is one of my resolutions for this year. So far So good!
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Old 16th March 2011, 10:26   #2809
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by driverace View Post
I have started with Cardio (15 mins),
and then I do specific exercises each day (as per trainer's suggestions)
e.g Mon- Back + Abs
Tue- Chest + Side/Obliques
Wed- Biceps + Abs
Thu- Triceps + Side/Obliques
Fri- Shoulder + Abs
Sat / Sun - Rest
Don't you Squat? which is most important.
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Old 16th March 2011, 21:20   #2810
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by brraj View Post
Don't you Squat? which is most important.
No, I don't (yet). :( I will google about it/ and ask my trainer..

Anything else you would like to comment about?
Anything about the diet?

Oh, yes,
About the weights that I can push/pull:
If I can do 15 reps with (say) 15 KG
and I can do 9 reps with 20 KG, which ones to be preferred?

I am looking at steady growth, no Hulk business, (as said before)
and, I will settle when I see defined Abs, and Cut/Ripped body with functionally sized body.

By settle I mean, I will continue the "plateau".

Suggestions are welcome.
Help is appreciated!


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Old 16th March 2011, 21:31   #2811
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by driverace View Post
No, I don't (yet). :( I will google about it/ and ask my trainer..
Very important to train your lower body since you are looking at a functionally proportional frame. You can do squats without weights to begin with and then graduate to the empty bar and then start loading it gradually as you proceed.

Originally Posted by driverace View Post
If I can do 15 reps with (say) 15 KG
and I can do 9 reps with 20 KG, which ones to be preferred?
If you want to build mass, heavy weights and less reps will do it. If you want definitions then less weight and more reps will help. Of course you need to follow a rep scheme like 5X5 or something on similar lines.

There is a lot of info on diet in the previous few pages with valuable inputs from mandheers and ashok. Just scan through them.
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Old 17th March 2011, 15:48   #2812
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Originally Posted by driverace View Post

I am 5'8", 65kg, slim/avg built, Small tyre_tubes at waist
I have joined the fitness centre at my work place, and am doing it well for last 3 weeks.
I am enjoying the workout before my work!

Goal: Ripped Body, Proportionate mass, functional physique & strictly that. (Read: Not building with aim of competition/Heavy mass).
Timeline: 10 months ~ A year.

I have started with Cardio (15 mins),
and then I do specific exercises each day (as per trainer's suggestions)
e.g Mon- Back + Abs
Tue- Chest + Side/Obliques
Wed- Biceps + Abs
Thu- Triceps + Side/Obliques
Fri- Shoulder + Abs
Sat / Sun - Rest
Right, Abs worked 3 days per week. One whole day for Biceps and Triceps each. And no leg day.
Your trainer should be

Originally Posted by driverace View Post
Anything else you would like to comment about?
Anything about the diet?

Oh, yes,
About the weights that I can push/pull:
If I can do 15 reps with (say) 15 KG
and I can do 9 reps with 20 KG, which ones to be preferred?

I am looking at steady growth, no Hulk business, (as said before)
and, I will settle when I see defined Abs, and Cut/Ripped body with functionally sized body.

By settle I mean, I will continue the "plateau".

Suggestions are welcome.
Help is appreciated!


Ace, First thing -- you have just started working out. Its not yet time to say you dont want to be a Hulk. 90% of the people would never ever be a hulk in years. You will not be a Hulk unless you work specifically for that. One pound of muscle mass takes that much of hardwork, I'd say you can call yourself a Hulk only after gaining 30 kgs more or so. Thats almost half of your current weight -- do not worry, you wont reach there unless you really want to.

The rule of thumb is somewhat like this -- anything over 12 reps, you are training for endurance. Anything under say 5, you are training for mostly strength. Anything around 8 you are training for size and strength.
Its a rule of thumb and there are a hell lot of exceptions.

Originally Posted by akshaymahajan View Post
OT: How does one end up with such a disproportionate body?

One thing I want to get cleared out is whether cardio is more effective if done before or after weight training? Have read contradicting reports. Honestly, I prefer it between weight training as a rest break.

Depends on what your aim is.
If you are doing Cardio + weight training for general well being and heart health etc, beginning of the workout is okay. Only it will eat into your strength for the weight training part of your workout.
By between weight training, you mean between sets or between exercises ? I guess between exercises is fine, but it still tires you before the next exercise. Between sets, I do not think its a good idea, but may be its just me.
Mild walking, running, hopping, etc helps shake off lactic acid from the system, so these are ok between workouts. But they dont count as cardio exercises.
I do cardio to hold myself on to the weights and to facilitate my breathing for squats and deadlifts -- obviously because weights are my priority now. I do my cardio after weights. I warm up by running up the stairs of my gym.

Last edited by Samurai : 17th March 2011 at 16:49. Reason: back-to-back post
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Old 17th March 2011, 17:19   #2813
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by ashokrajagopal View Post
Right, Abs worked 3 days per week. One whole day for Biceps and Triceps each. And no leg day.
Your trainer should be
Sure! thats ok
But, Atleast let me know, what should I do right?
what changes to be done there!?

Ace, First thing -- you have just started working out. Its not yet time to say you dont want to be a Hulk. 90% of the people would never ever be a hulk in years. You will not be a Hulk unless you work specifically for that. One pound of muscle mass takes that much of hardwork, I'd say you can call yourself a Hulk only after gaining 30 kgs more or so. Thats almost half of your current weight -- do not worry, you wont reach there unless you really want to.
About my quotes on not wanting to become Hulk:
I was only trying to convey, that my priority and understanding, both are to have a functional, and toned body.
(Heavy mass not at the moment, at all.)
I particularly said that, since I saw many guys are in for a "+sized only".
But, hey, thanks for the insight!
The rule of thumb is somewhat like this -- anything over 12 reps, you are training for endurance. Anything under say 5, you are training for mostly strength. Anything around 8 you are training for size and strength.
Its a rule of thumb and there are a hell lot of exceptions.
Ok, So, for me, I think I should aim at 10 reps (in general).
Please find my comments inline (bold)

Thanks for the inputs!
I saw some good exercises/illustrations at
But, being a noob at this, I thought our team is the best source!

Oh, and is 2 day rest ok?

Update: Just today, I started with squats
(Aww aww Ouch.. Body's sore again, but I'm loving it!)


Last edited by driverace : 17th March 2011 at 17:21.
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Old 17th March 2011, 18:18   #2814
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements


This is one link I suggest to everybody. I do have to put up a disclaimer that it sort of worked for me and for some others I know, but neednt necessarily work for you. Strength and Muscle Building Strategies without The Bull

Try it.

About nutrition, I think I will leave it to more qualified people out there. I'll give some tips from my experience. ( Just my experience, I have no collegiate degree in any of these).

I would say the must do exercises for everybody would be

bench press
overhead presses
turkish getups
reverse crunches

I also have these tips from my experience. I learned all this the hard way, would be happy if it can help somebody else. Please feel free to reject any of these.

1. Formulate a plan for you ( this includes a set rep scheme, set of exercises, splits etc) and record what you do every workout.
2. SHOW UP in the gym according to your plan.
3. No matter what happens outside, focus on your workouts and work really hard.
4. Eat.
5. Never be afraid to try out a new scheme or new exercise, and never accept a new scheme or new exercise without trying.

6. Know that if an exercise is creating joint pains or any other sort of discomfort for you, chances are that you are doing it wrong. There is nothing wrong with the exercise. Dont give up without a fight.

7. Challenge and surprise your body often. Not too often. Dont try a new exercise every day; try one in a few weeks.

8. The easiest way to surprise and challenge the body is to add more weight to the bar. It will be surprised.

9. You are only as strong as your weakest body part. So dont hesitate to work on your weakness.

10. Understand that the body is a collection of muscles. All of them in proportion gives a good physique. Work all of them.

11. Splitting body parts is only for ease of use and time.
12. Never work out more than 2 days in a row(unless you do this for a living), and never take rest more than 2 days in a row.

13. There is only one reason why most people in the world hate squats and deadlifts. They are difficult to do right.

14. Chances are that you will swear you wont squat and deadlift again each time you do it. Reason is the point above.

15. Nothing works the biceps better than a close grip chinup.

16. Nothing works the triceps better than close grip bench press and dips.

17. You cant call yourself strong if you cant pull yourself up the pull up bar
at least once.

18. You cant call yourself strong if you cant do one parallel bar dip, completely.

19. Bench Press is a one man exercise. Spotters should spot, not 'support'.

20. Most gyms in the world have at least one or two days a week as National Bench Day. Try not to be a cliche.

21. You dont need a belt unless you are moving weights twice as heavy as

22. You dont need a gloves for grip. Hands with callus on the base of the
fingers are okay.

23. Working out is serious. As much fun as it is, it is serious.

24. Its ok to not feel like working out. The key is to still go.

25. Warmup is warmup. It is not a light set with an empty bar.

26. Stretching is stretching the muscles. It is not oogling at ladies working out. If you dont focus, you will injure yourself today or tomorrow.

27. Every day try to beat yourself from previous week.
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Old 17th March 2011, 18:22   #2815
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by navpreet318 View Post
Lets see something new.I know most will puke! I did too.But what has made it worth seeing are the captions under each of the pics.hahahaha!

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This guy's either injected some seriously wrong stuff in the wrong places, or just gone about Photoshop.

Looks like an Indian version of Greg Valentino.
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Old 17th March 2011, 18:35   #2816
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Is this ISO Sensation 93? How are you saying that its the best?

Not trying to question you (ofcourse I am!) but just want to know of any facts. These damn products claim everything!
Hey Red Liner, I ideally use ON 100% Whey or Iso sensation93; yes it's the same I referred to. (I also love IsoPure & Myofusion)

It gives me more protein gram for gram, in a serving, with lesser cholesterol, lesser sodium, lesser carbs, lesser sugar, more calcium, more glutamine + BCAAs etc.

So as compared to 2 scoops of ON that I used to take post workout, I take only 1 scoop of IsoSensation and have been happy with it.

The best part is mixability of IsoSensation over any other protein I have ever had.

It also goes through a better process of Double Cold-Temperature Cross-Flow Full-Spectrum etc. jazz which I dont know much details about. Sure does sound reassuring enough.

My brother recommends MuscleMilk, but I have not tried it yet.

You are right, these products all claim to be straight out of hell and to be magic potions. But through my years of training I have only concluded that if at all there's anything that 'works' is and has to be injectible.

Last edited by mandheers : 17th March 2011 at 18:36.
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Old 17th March 2011, 19:12   #2817
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by ashokrajagopal View Post

This is one link I suggest to everybody. I do have to put up a disclaimer that it sort of worked for me and for some others I know, but neednt necessarily work for you. Strength and Muscle Building Strategies without The Bull

Try it.

I also have these tips from my experience. I learned all this the hard way, would be happy if it can help somebody else. Please feel free to reject any of these.

1. Formulate a plan for you ( this includes a set rep scheme, set of exercises, splits etc) and record what you do every workout.
2. SHOW UP in the gym according to your plan.
3. No matter what happens outside, focus on your workouts and work really hard.
4. Eat.
5. Never be afraid to try out a new scheme or new exercise, and never accept a new scheme or new exercise without trying.


26. Stretching is stretching the muscles. It is not oogling at ladies working out. If you dont focus, you will injure yourself today or tomorrow.

(hehe..funny here, but, I am serious at the gym!)
(I will think about it though.. when there is a lady in front of me the next time!, I mean, I will keep focus!)

27. Every day try to beat yourself from previous week.

you have put in a lot of thought in the writing!

couple of questions :

12. Never work out more than 2 days in a row(unless you do this for a living), and never take rest more than 2 days in a row.
Q: Working out more than 2 days in a row.. I think you mean on the same body part? (Please explain here.)

20. Most gyms in the world have at least one or two days a week as National Bench Day. Try not to be a cliche.
Ehh, didnt get that. Please!

21. You dont need a belt unless you are moving weights twice as heavy as
If sometime, I think, I am straining/hurting my back/wrist, (after ensuring my action/method is correct), is there any intermediate solution before I go for a belt?
(As of now I am doing very small weights, just for my knowledge.)

Wow, thanks for the elaborate explanation.

Update: Now I have added Milk (Bournvita) to my diet!
I figured, My office has milk like 24hrs, and hot! So, I can even bring my own Bournvita and enjoy it at the office!

disclaimer: Bournvita mention is not for promo purposes, I simply like it!

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Old 17th March 2011, 19:17   #2818
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by ashokrajagopal View Post

This is one link I suggest to everybody. I do have to put up a disclaimer that it sort of worked for me......
@ driverace: Agree with ashokrajagopal on all 27, and specially points 3, 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27.

For me I eat everyday as if I will be lifting the best I can everyday.

It might not be my heaviest set, but will be heavy enough for that day, give the sleep, food, fatigue etc.

I have always worked out with and around injuries, and have learnt that most are caused whilst a silly stretch; so stretching is not something to be taken lightly at all.

Another recommendation is to pose the muscle part you are working on, between sets, ad just flex the life out if those sore muscles. gets the pump and burn.

Bodyweights should always be excelled at, including floor push-ups. Nothing works your wrist and forearm the way these do.

I feel like breaking faces who say 'a good workout is to refresh you'; hell no- if you are refreshed at the end of a workout, you are just not pushing it.

I am almost dead postworkout and my hands tremble getting that shaker to meet my mouth. (i count that as a set too lol)

I have alot of respect for the guys who train to failure, and it's good fun. Try it!

Last edited by mandheers : 17th March 2011 at 19:19.
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Old 17th March 2011, 19:44   #2819
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Ace, Please see my reply inline
Originally Posted by driverace View Post
you have put in a lot of thought in the writing!

couple of questions :

Q: Working out more than 2 days in a row.. I think you mean on the same body part? (Please explain here.)

Considering you are 65 kg and 5'8", you need to gain some mass. You should not train( meaning workout sessions) more than two days in a row.
Body part -- do not train a body part on consecutive days especially when you are a beginner. Give muscles time to rest and recover.

Ehh, didnt get that. Please!

National Bench Day is when everybody queues up on the Bench to press. Bench press and barbell curls ( for biceps) are the two most popular exercises to the extent that most people only want to do those.

If sometime, I think, I am straining/hurting my back/wrist, (after ensuring my action/method is correct), is there any intermediate solution before I go for a belt?
(As of now I am doing very small weights, just for my knowledge.)

If you hurt your wrist/back, it is because of bad form. Deload your weight, and correct your form.
If you feel a strain in your back/wrist, it might be from overtraining. Skip the exercise for the next week or take a couple of days off workout.

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Old 17th March 2011, 19:59   #2820
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Re: Bodybuilding - Exercises and Supplements

Originally Posted by mandheers;2282390

For me I eat everyday as if I will be lifting the best I can everyday.
The way I eat, its fine for now, right?[/b]

I have always worked out with and around injuries, and have learnt that most are caused whilst a silly stretch; so stretching is not something to be taken lightly at all.
OoK, will keep that in mind.

Another recommendation is to pose the muscle part you are working on, between sets, ad just flex the life out if those sore muscles. gets the pump and burn.

Ya, I do (something like) that!
(I check for Muscle/definition development ! )

I feel like breaking faces who say 'a good workout is to refresh you'; hell no- if you are refreshed at the end of a workout, you are just not pushing it.
Haha, thanks for clarity on that too!

I have alot of respect for the guys who train to failure, and it's good fun. Try it!
Ya, will read more on that.
That's really motivating !
Really Appreciate all the buck-up.

Thanks guys!

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