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Old 25th April 2011, 15:26   #9421
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
I have been noticing people don't bother to mask the reg numbers of spotted TBHPian cars. Folks, please respect an individual's privacy and do this small yet vital change to your pics. It tkes about 3 minutes in MS Paint- don't need to be a Photoshop pro to do this
I do not understand the logic of masking the numbers. We do display them any which ways. Will not masking on TBHP cause problems to the owner? OR does TBHP rules talk about masking numbers, i do not recall having read that point any where in the rules section. Mods please correct me if i am wrong.
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Old 25th April 2011, 15:39   #9422
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Why one normally masks the numbers of the vehicles in the pictures is that it is always possible for some one to find a way to misuse the vehicle image - which I am sure none of us car owners want to have happen to us.

While it may not be a strict rule at the moment, it is an "accepted practice" on TBHP - perhaps the time has come now, to make it a non-negotiable rule before posting.
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Old 25th April 2011, 15:44   #9423
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by shankar.balan View Post
Why one normally masks the numbers of the vehicles in the pictures is that it is always possible for some one to find a way to misuse the vehicle image - which I am sure none of us car owners want to have happen to us.

While it may not be a strict rule at the moment, it is an "accepted practice" on TBHP - perhaps the time has come now, to make it a non-negotiable rule before posting.
I generally do mask the numbers of cars in the pictures that I post.

But can you please give me an example of how the number can be misused?
With the number we can only find out the owner's name at the maximum?

I really have no idea how a number can be misused when we are always displaying it on our cars anyways.
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Old 25th April 2011, 15:54   #9424
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
I generally do mask the numbers of cars in the pictures that I post.

But can you please give me an example of how the number can be misused?
With the number we can only find out the owner's name at the maximum?

I really have no idea how a number can be misused when we are always displaying it on our cars anyways.
you get the user name, you can do a search even without being a member.
and quite a lot of profiling can be done based just on your posts/names mentioned in posts.
where did you get your ice?
location where you stay?
where can you be found on a particular day at a particular time(mini-meets?)?
mail-ids/contact info, depnds on what all you have posted.

i wouldnt want that to be dig-uppable so easily.
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Old 25th April 2011, 15:56   #9425
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Spotted a Black Baleno with reg # AP 9 XXX with Super Bright Xenon Headlamps with GOT BHP stickers on NH5 somewhere near Bhootpur . He overtook me and waved his hand and i flashed couple of time to acknowledge . pls indentify
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Old 25th April 2011, 15:57   #9426
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

I guess it could be used without permission on some / any old blog site in case they manage to hack into this server and steal the pics, but I wonder whether it is worth their while to do that - except in the case of a Scoop or a Travelogue or something.
In fact Ive myself been merrily posting pics of my vehicle without masking the number. But if I do post a pic of someone elses car then I do mask the number.

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
I generally do mask the numbers of cars in the pictures that I post.

But can you please give me an example of how the number can be misused?
With the number we can only find out the owner's name at the maximum?

I really have no idea how a number can be misused when we are always displaying it on our cars anyways.
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Old 25th April 2011, 16:03   #9427
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Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
I generally do mask the numbers of cars in the pictures that I post.

But can you please give me an example of how the number can be misused?
With the number we can only find out the owner's name at the maximum?

I really have no idea how a number can be misused when we are always displaying it on our cars anyways.
Not sure if you have seen the threads but there are at least 2 cases of copy paste that have happened in the recent past from TBHP. In one instance GTO's Merc's pics were picked up by the print media in an article on high security registration plates. The other instance is the current copy of a travelogue by Overdrive magazine.
When posted on a forum like ours it is easy for fraudsters to simply copy and reuse the material. People with bad intentions usually are less bold in the open and would not click your car's pic on the road. But would not have second thoughts before picking it up from a forum. Though I can't immediately think of a misuse other than copyright violations, a criminal mind can definitely come up with more harmful misuse of images posted here.
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Old 25th April 2011, 16:06   #9428
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
I generally do mask the numbers of cars in the pictures that I post.

But can you please give me an example of how the number can be misused?
With the number we can only find out the owner's name at the maximum?

I really have no idea how a number can be misused when we are always displaying it on our cars anyways.
Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
you get the user name, you can do a search even without being a member.
and quite a lot of profiling can be done based just on your posts/names mentioned in posts.
where did you get your ice?
location where you stay?
where can you be found on a particular day at a particular time(mini-meets?)?
mail-ids/contact info, depnds on what all you have posted.

i wouldnt want that to be dig-uppable so easily.
In other words... PRIVACY!!! I don't want my car with its number all over the internet, just as I would not want my picture used on random blogs.

I for one would vote for this to be a rule on this forum.

Coming to t-bhp sticker sightings, just saw a couple of cars with LTD stickers in Koramangala. One was a beige/golden corolla in 5th block near the Mom & me store, and another Silver Santro (old-gen) on the inner ring road in Koramangala, in front of a car shop.
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Old 25th April 2011, 16:15   #9429
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Mods: Could we have a rule here, rather than it being an "accepted practice" on TBHP for masking the Reg. number OR mention of the number in full, of the vehicles being posted.

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Old 25th April 2011, 16:34   #9430
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by sumathindra View Post
I do not understand the logic of masking the numbers. We do display them any which ways. Will not masking on TBHP cause problems to the owner? OR does TBHP rules talk about masking numbers, i do not recall having read that point any where in the rules section. Mods please correct me if i am wrong.
Well I wasn't expecting a to my post, for sure. Here's how it works: say you spot MY car and post a pic with plates in full view of this thread? I for one will NOT own up to it being mine. Maybe I'd PM a mod and ask him to delete the image.

While on the rules, there is a rule that you cannot post an image of a car that you shoot without the owner's express permission (this applies to supercars/imports so why not to regular cars?) Agreed that y number plates are in full view of whoever sees my car in real life but by and large people there do not have access to more information about me so I don't worry too much about it.

Originally Posted by shankar.balan View Post
Why one normally masks the numbers of the vehicles in the pictures is that it is always possible for some one to find a way to misuse the vehicle image - which I am sure none of us car owners want to have happen to us.

While it may not be a strict rule at the moment, it is an "accepted practice" on TBHP - perhaps the time has come now, to make it a non-negotiable rule before posting.
Agree. And rather than speculate needlessly the various ways in which a number can be misused, etc. it would help if fellow members respect the wishes of the affected party.

Originally Posted by volkman10 View Post
Mods: Could we have a rule here, rather than it being an "accepted practice" on TBHP for masking the Reg. number OR mention of the number in full, of the vehicles being posted.

I've added a "thanks" to volkman's post but since am taking up a whole post to do it, thanking him here as well.

On a related note, there are a number of members on the forum who know my full name, where I work & what I do, my family details, where I live, my numbers and email IDs etc. I hope they don't start posting these on the forums saying "Hey...but your telephone number is in the directory. Why can't I post it?"
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Old 25th April 2011, 17:13   #9431
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by 2500cc View Post
Spotted Maroon Xylo with LTD on the rear bearing number KA-51-X-1583 on Banaswadi outer ring road. Couldn't click pics as i was on the bike. However, I flashed the lights but you dont seem to have noticed. Identify yourself mate..
Present Saar. It was me and my XYLO. Sorry for not seeing your flashing lights as you know the traffic condition over there.
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Old 25th April 2011, 17:40   #9432
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

My 2 cents while on this topic of masking registrations numbers, i guess the whole idea of this thread is to post TBHP sightings! If shooting pictures need permissions from owners then it will be a matter of time this thread will be closed. Whats the point in just penning the postings and there also not reveling the numbers? How will i for instance acknowledge to the person that hey it was my car you saw?

I mean if we are to micro manage the postings to an extent that no pictures, no registrations (picture & penning it) then the whole point of meeting new BHPians getting to know them, having meets etc will be of no relevance.

The fact that we have these stickers on our rides are to proudly say that I am a TBHPian and would want other TBHPians to spot and meet me. If this is the issue then better not have the sticker in the first place and avoid being pictured!
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Old 25th April 2011, 18:10   #9433
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

@sumathindra- while this digression has gone on long enough- "masking" the number with the rest of the car visible and time & date of spotting mentioned is usually enough to prompt a response from a fellow BHPian, if that member is active.
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Old 25th April 2011, 18:41   #9434
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Saw an Alto I guess with number KA04 MA 4911 on the kasturinagar bridge

Saw an i20 on the way to Krishnagiri on Friday with No KA51 MA 3029(IIRC)
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Old 25th April 2011, 19:06   #9435
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re: Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

Originally Posted by rm_arjuna View Post
Spotted a Black Baleno with reg # AP 9 XXX with Super Bright Xenon Headlamps with GOT BHP stickers on NH5 somewhere near Bhootpur . He overtook me and waved his hand and i flashed couple of time to acknowledge . pls indentify
Hey rm; that was me!
Was on my way back from a road trip to Coorg. Sorry could not stop to chat up, as I was already late and in a hurry.

Anyhoo, nice to have spotted a TBHPian and being spotted to.

BTW: It was NH7


Last edited by Sabby-069 : 25th April 2011 at 19:18.
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