Team-BHP - Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

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Originally Posted by rex_varghese (Post 1173223)
Do we need to create a PayPal account for this? My transaction went through without a PayPal account and I got the reciepts too.


No, you don't need to create an account. PayPal is a credit card processor. I also becomes a payment option at various websites abroad once you register.

Great set of stickers. Ordered the set yesterday. Cant wait for it to arrive soon :)

ordered my set . I already had a paypal account so that helped. now looking forward to showing them off on my cars


Originally Posted by rex_varghese (Post 1173223)
Do we need to create a PayPal account for this?

The answer is given in my post on the same page as yours, as well as in the stickers FAQ linked to on the first page.

You do NOT need a paypal account.


To bad i don't live in India, but i guess shipping to the Netherlands would be kind of expensive after all.....

I really like the stickers. But none of them would fit a motorcycle proper, would they? I do not have a car and would really love to have a Team-BHP sticker.

Has anyone used the stickers on a bike?

I share the same sentiment as others regarding buying more numbers of a specific stickers. For e.g, there are at least 3 bumper stickers which may not be necessary for many. The rear glass stickers are to die for, i would like to have more than one of those. I understand you have logistic issues, but these kind of things can be easily surmounted if the burden is shared. Just my .02.

Ordered! Now get them across quickly gentlemen:D

paid now. waiting. good set. i think will use just one or two.

Paid and ordered for. Now I am waiting.

paid.. waiting for arrival..

great set of stickers, looking forward for them to arrive, can't wait to flaunt them on my car.

just ordered my set :)

Ordered one set this morning. How long is the wait?

Ordered my set today morning. Will use them on both my cars and keep the remaining for a rainy day.:)

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