Team-BHP - Team-BHP Stickers are here! Post sightings & pics of them on your car

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Just ordered my set. 4 each on two cars and 2 spare :D


The stickers that will be stuck outside on the fenders, will they survive the car wash and the pressure wash during servicing ?

Thanks for your support guys. Do post pictures when you do apply the stickers to your cars!


Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 1172322)
The stickers that will be stuck outside on the fenders, will they survive the car wash and the pressure wash during servicing ?


Originally Posted by abhinav.gupta88 (Post 1171156)
....P.S. Are these radium stickers. Can they be removed too?

These are just plain inks. No radium or special inks in this set.

They are made for outdoor use and printed on media that is designed especially for automotive applications. Make sure you clean the surface well before applying the stickers.


Originally Posted by jkdas (Post 1171289)
I guess I created a PayPal account in record time.:)

Though you don't NEED a paypal account. You can just use your Credit Card.

Does this need to be made more clear?


Originally Posted by streetracer_919 (Post 1171473)
i dont have a credit card! any alternative way to get the stickers ? i am residing in coimbatore.

Unfortunately not at the moment. Team-BHP - Team-BHP FAQ: Team-BHP Stickers

Get a friend/family member to buy them for you? (You can ship to a different address than the billing address.)


Originally Posted by scooby05 (Post 1171487)
I placed an order for a set. why do we have to buy the complete set? If I like a particular design and want say 4 of those, how do i go about.

As Rudra mentioned, its unfortunately a logistics issue at the moment.

Out of curiosity though, which sticker design did you want 4 of?


Originally Posted by muneemmk (Post 1171624)
wouldn't it be better if the Stickers were sold separately and we can specify the number of each sticker that we want ? Just my 2 cents.

We'd like to do this in the future, but at the moment - this is how it has to be.


Originally Posted by Rajesh Rawal (Post 1172055)
....can we also expect other exclusive tbhp merchandise products in the store(mugs,posters,t-shirts,caps,watches)

Hopefully soon!



Originally Posted by SirAlec (Post 1171126)
But I would like to have this too!!

PS: please keep the font, color and style same throughout.

Given the feedback here we will definitely try to include this in the next batch of sticker designs!


Originally Posted by khan_sultan (Post 1171260)
PS: Maybe we need custom 4x4 T-BHP stickers for off-roaders. :-)

(Reply for the benefit of all) - We will consider that when our next set of designs rolls out.


Originally Posted by Rajesh Rawal (Post 1172055)
pardon my ignorance the store suggests delivery only in india ,then why the dollar pricing?

We're working towards an indian payment gateway in the near future.


Originally Posted by null (Post 1172189)
Can we have a non-paypal option pl? I am ok to transfer money thru online banking for my sticker set. More options pl.

Did any of the mods try the CC Avenue option for payment in addition to paypal?

You CAN pay with your CC ! (On the paypal site itself, without having to sign up!)
Please see this thread :


Originally Posted by Harshavarthan (Post 1172317)
Can i pay it through my KVB Visa Debit Card?

Visa sounds good. Give it a try.


Originally Posted by Raj1008 (Post 1172321)
Nice stuff, too bad you wont ship it to Canada

Unfortunately not, but this is another obstacle we would like to work around as soon as possible.


Very Nice effort!
My fav is actually the one Sir Alec posted so will wait for it to come in near future.

I want to buy.
But I do not use a credit card.
and not able to pay thorugh my Debit card:Frustrati
Now time to catch hold of someone who can do this for melol:

excellent return gift guys!!

thanx they all are fantastic.

I always wanted to get one, thanks TBhp, Just placed the order, waiting for it to come....

done with the payment, now awaiting delivery.
glad I didn't have to make the stickers myself.

How many days will it take for the delivery of the shipment?


Originally Posted by romyeo4u (Post 1172746)
How many days will it take for the delivery of the shipment?

7-10 days. Read more.

Just placed an order for my cars and bikes too.:)

The site isnt accepting Kotak Visa Debit Card, mods please introduce some other modes of payment.please:

Ordered the set yesterday !! Awaiting delivery :D Which car gets which is the question.

Cheers :D


Originally Posted by jkdas (Post 1171289)

I guess I created a PayPal account in record time.:)

Do we need to create a PayPal account for this? My transaction went through without a PayPal account and I got the reciepts too.



Originally Posted by akshay4587 (Post 1172436)
I want to buy.
But I do not use a credit card.
and not able to pay thorugh my Debit card:Frustrati
Now time to catch hold of someone who can do this for melol:

V r in the same boat pal . Moderators there aint no other way to get them ?

Note from Mod : Please take the time to type out your posts in full words as per Team-BHP rules. Avoid the use of SMS language (v = we, r = are, etc), and please take the time to re-read your post for typos before submitting.

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