One more story. Success story or not, I'll let you decide.
My summary in the portal should give a fair idea of what prompted my complaint.
The complaint was raised on 26-Apr and the twist happens on 2-May.
I'm away on a long vacation and my landlord is visited by this BSNL lineman. I'm listing what I could gather from the conversation I had with my landlord last evening, as soon as I returned to unlock my door.
On 30-Apr, this BSNL lineman was given a chargesheet for indulging in corrupt practices and asked to explain his side of the story. Since the complaint was forward from Ministry of Telecommunications, South GM BSNL is monitoring the complaint and is updated on a daily basis. The lineman has 32 years of experience and is due to retire in the next 4 years. The digging cost is something that has to be incurred by the applicant, as the junction box is a little further away from the home, on the other side of the road. Also he's not getting any share of this 1000, that's given to the laborers.
Apparently he's in a soup, because there's a commercial establishment nearby that doesn't fall under this TE jurisdiction, but managed to grease some palms and got connection from this junction box, which is intended for home users on this street. So effectively he/BSNL can't deny me the connection, which would prove their malpractice, done earlier. They apparently can't ask for Rs.1000 from BSNL as well, for the above mentioned reason and so he had asked me to pay the Rs.1000.
He had apparently profusely requested my landlord to speak to me when I return and asked me if I could speak to the GM/AGM and tone down my complaint so that a memo is not served and this doesn't go in to his service record. If it does, his pension, retirement benefits would be withheld pending an internal inquiry. He can't afford this at this age.
My landlord being a sensible man, asked this lineman as to what good my conversation with the GM/AGM would have, as he has already been served a charge sheet and an inquiry is on and he's anyway not getting a smooth retirement.
For this the lineman mentioned something that, these sort of complaints are tracked not just by GM south, but my the ministry with some amount discretionary powers to GM/AGM and if I would please be considerate, the GM/AGM might intervene and give 'subsidy' on the punitive action.
I'm yet to speak to this lineman/supervisor, but the two instances I did speak to him, during the course of the feasibility check, he was indeed haughty. He didn't sound as if it's his work to give connection, but my luck if, even if I pay. 'Give the money or leave it'. This is the exact the line he told me, the other day.
I couldn't take that from a government employee whose primary job is to service customer requests. The tipping point was his second visit to my home, when my in-laws were there and complained to them, that I was being insensible, by asking questions on the money to be spent, to get a new connection. ‘That’s how it works here’ – is what he told.
There are only two ways to this and either way, it may not a happy ending for him. Would like to hear from our BHPians on the course of action.
Option 1 - Speak to the lineman, comfort him that it's ok. Speak to the GM/AGM to explore possibilities of withdrawing the complaint or toning down the accusation. In the process pay Rs.1000 and get the connection.
Option 2 - Stick to my ground that it was not his birth right to demand bribe and it is not my duty to cover up his earlier goof ups. I'll not relent until I get a new connection. You pay from your own pocket or not. I don't care. I'm not paying a single paisa and I want that BB connection.
We Indians can be scared easily and pacified more easily. We are born brave, brought up brashly and end up being empathetic to tear drops. (Married Men - Oh yeah. Tell me more). Nothing wrong in it, you see. That defines US. Our identity.
Anyway, let's hear from you learned, wise men and women out there. (btw do we have women in our forum)