Hi Guys,
This is about my trip from Chennai - Mumbai in Dec '13.
Brief intro about my previous trip from Chennai to Mumbai and back to Chennai:
My previous trip from Chennai to Mumbai and back to Chennai was between 19th Dec 2012 and 2nd Jan 2013, all I could remember now is the total travel time taken which was close to 22 hrs( Chennai - Mumbai ) and 21 hrs ( Mumbai - Chennai).
That was the first long tour for me after buying 2nd car (iGen i20 CRDi) in July 2012. Previously I had a driving experience of 1 yr in my Petrol swift. I had to sell it as I had to transfer to Chennai and badly wanted a diesel car in Chennai as I would be extensively using it.
I had driven to Vellore golden temple once around September 2012. That was the first time I got the glimpse of what driving on a highway feels like and since then I had been planning for a long tour from Chennai to Mumbai. Took some time convincing my mom and after lots of negotiation got a green signal.
Now coming to the '13 trip.
Since I already had a prior experience of Chennai - Mumbai, It was easy for me to convince my mom this time around.
The plan was to start at 4:00 am of 21st Dec 2013. I had given my vehicle for 4th Service a week prior to our trip so the vehicle was in top notch condition for the journey. Filled up fuel to the brim while coming back from office on 20th Dec itself. Once again checked if all the electricals were working. Checked wiper water level. Cleaned the windshield and side glasses with trusted water and news paper method.
As planned Mom woke me up at around 3:30 am. Got up and had a bath and a cup of tea and by 4 am we got down to our parking lot and started loading the bags. water bottles etc. I once again aligned all my mirrors so that I get a comfortable view. It was 3 of us traveling, Me, My mom and sister. Finally we started from our place at Pallikaranai at 4:20 am. The first target was breakfast at Shri Krishna inn at Shoolagiri. It comes roughly around 30 kms after the right turn we take from Krishnagiri. It is located on the right side. It has a HPCL bunk, Mcd, CCD. We reached here around 8:00 am. The odometer showed 289 kms. It was very crowded and had to wait for 10 mins to get a table. Breakfast is very good here. We had idli wada, dosa, pongal and filter coffee. Wada was a bit hard though. rest were excellent. We hit the road back at 8:45 am.
Now comes the 1st worst drive of the entire trip. The road condition 15 kms before Hosur and 15 kms after Hosur is really pathetic with lots of diversion and heavy truck traffic (Not sure, if it has improved now). Filled up diesel at a IOC bunk near Hosur and reached Nice road exit at 9:50 am. Covered only 50 kms in 1 hour. So imagine the road condition.
From Nice road exit its a breeze to drive. That helped in munching miles fast. Next stop was at 1:10 pm at a Toll plaza on Davanegere - Harihar bypass. It was 642 kms on the ODO. Got down stretched my legs a bit. We had coconut water. We did not have any plans of lunch as we had a heavy breakfast. The roads were super smooth and I guessed of reaching kolhapur by 5:30 pm, So asked my mom if we can have lunch at belgaum or maybe MCD at kolhapur, She said ok. and started again at 1:25 pm. The Hubli Dharwad section is still a 2 lane. The stretch is 28 odd kms. and I took 30 odd mins to complete. we weren't hungry but my Car was. It was well below the half mark. I thought not to take any chances and I was sure of a IOC petrol bunk near Sankam residency at Belgaum. So reached belgaum at 3:40 pm. It was 853 kms on the ODO. The roads all the way from Nice road till Belgaum is butter smooth. I could easily maintain 130-140 at some stretches and 110-120 most of the time. Filled up fuel and left at 3:50 pm. Then had a 10 min natures call break at on of the road side restaurant near Nippani. Reached MCD Kolhapur at around 5:15 pm. It was 962 on the ODO. We had spicy paneer and vegie burgers and coke and hit back the road at 5:45 pm.
Now comes the 2nd worst drive of the trip. The roads are just fine from Kolhapur to Satara. What's more annoying is the bikers. They occupy 1 entire lane and overtaking buses and trucks is really difficult. They dont even move even with honking. They do have a marking on the left side of the road which should usually be used by them but no one does. And the roads become good to bad to worse as we move towards Satara. The roads from satara to Pune is also a nightmare with few butter smooth stretches and all of a sudden , stretches with uneven patches and pot holes. Also there was close to 5-6 diversions between Satara and pune. It was a slow progress from Kolhapur. Somehow reached Mumbai Pune expressway at around 9:35 pm. It was like heaven to drive after coming through all the bad stretches from Kolhapur to Pune. We stopped at Food mall on the expressway which comes exactly after 15 kms from the expressway toll. It was 10:00 pm and 1210 on the ODO(210 actually as it got reset after 1000 kms ) . Food was good here. I had to reach goregaon and used google maps to find the shortest and fastest route. It showed the route through Navi mumbai - Airoli - JVLR .So took that route and finally reached my place at 12:25 am.