Team-BHP - All Roads to Kerala

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Is rt-pcr report mandatory for KA entry now? Or is it from Apr 1 only? Is it at all entry points like Attibele and Mulbagal?


Originally Posted by m8002? (Post 5032152)
Is rt-pcr report mandatory for KA entry now? Or is it from Apr 1 only? Is it at all entry points like Attibele and Mulbagal?

My understanding is YES. But looks like enforcement is more strict on border check posts directly leading to Kerala.


Originally Posted by can (Post 5031731)
Do we need to register on Covid Jagratha portal to enter Kerala now? I am planning to travel from Bangalore to Thrissur tomorrow.


Registering on the portal is a safe bet. For all inbound flights they're checking it on the way to the Airport exit. In case you don't have it/didn't register prior, they make you register at the Airport exit.

If you're traveling by Road, it's a lottery, you may get stopped and may get asked for the e-pass. It's better to register, I did so too, although I entered via Kumily while coming from Chennai, the check posts were unmanned in the afternoon so nobody asked. But again as I stated, it's like a lottery.

Do we need to carry an RTPCR test report when entering Kerala from Bangalore? And do we still need to register on Jagratha portal for epass. I heard some folks say that cops are checking epass at Valayar checkpost?


Originally Posted by Sandy28 (Post 5033054)
Do we need to carry an RTPCR test report when entering Kerala from Bangalore? And do we still need to register on Jagratha portal for epass. I heard some folks say that cops are checking epass at Valayar checkpost?

The checking at the checkpost looks mostly related to elections. Not COVID. The checkpost is manned by armed gunmen. Mostly cars were being stopped for most of last week. Did not find that many yesterday evening. If i find anything different today evening, i will update with a post here.


Originally Posted by rohitoasis (Post 5033241)
The checking at the checkpost looks mostly related to elections. Not COVID. The checkpost is manned by armed gunmen. Mostly cars were being stopped for most of last week. Did not find that many yesterday evening. If i find anything different today evening, i will update with a post here.

Hi, taking the liberty of asking you as you seem to be based in Palakkad - do you know what's needed for a short term travel from Coimbatore to Kerala and back? I have a KA car, live in Bangalore and am currently in Coimbatore. I am contemplating a day-trip, or a one-night stay at Guruvayur for a temple run and am not sure what is needed as multiple online articles contradict each other (some talk of ePass for both ways, some talk of ePass only for TN return, others say anyone returning from Kerala need negative RT-PCR, whereas somewhere I could see exemption for folks spending less than 72h in Kerala)

thanks much !


Originally Posted by aroonanand (Post 5033363)
Hi, taking the liberty of asking you as you seem to be based in Palakkad - do you know what's needed for a short term travel from Coimbatore to Kerala and back?

Coimbatore to Kerala journey: No restrictions related to COVID as of today. There is no need for either RT PCR report nor an E Pass. There are barricades set up at the border though and cars seem to be randomly stopped and checked at those barricades by a bunch of armed personnel looking for cash and other illegal stuff related to election. Depending on the time of the day and the volume of cars. Be prepared for 10-15 minutes at least here. I do not see this check early in the morning.

Kerala to Coimbatore Journey: There is no need for RT PCR report. E pass should suffice. E Pass check does not seem to happen in the early mornings and late evening. But please keep the pass. As of yesterday morning onwards, the cars are stopped at the Shamiana which checks the E pass. Over and above E pass, a bunch of armed personnel check the cars for cash and other illegal stuff. These two days, even as early as 7 AM, i was able to find between 6-15 cars waiting there. Expect a longer wait time in this part of the journey.

Suffice to say, to save your time, keep the number of baggage limited if possible. Keep limited amount of free cash on you.

A brief update from my recent Bangalore - Edappally - Bangalore run (Onward Saturday, return today).Wish you all a good and safe drive.

Crossed over into TN from KL yesterday morning at 9. The traffic is diverted through the service road but two wheelers are sneaking through the gaps in the barriers. No e-pass checking at the time I crossed over.

Some election related checking with armed commandoes who were randomly stopping cars.

I drove Bangalore to Pattambi today. Started at 4 30 am and was home by noon. I carried TN transit pass but there was no checking anywhere - neither at the KA-TN or TN- KL borders. There was checkpost near Dharmapuri with few cops but nobody really was checking.

Drove Bangalore Palakkad on Saturday. Left at 00:45 and was home at 06:45, with a 45 minutes break at McDonald's Shoolagiri.

No checking whatsoever anywhere. Saw a couple of pick up trucks and mini lorries flagged near Dharmapuri, which might be for election related checking.

Quite dense CV traffic but not many private vehicles on the road - one reason I could maintain a steady pace throughout the trip.

The 6-lane stretch between Vijayamangalam and Neelambur has deteriorated a lot. The L&T CBE bypass still remains the worst stretch on this route.

Adding my experience on the TN-Kerala border:

Drove from Coimbatore to Guruvayur on Sat and back to CBE on Sunday. We had taken the TN ePass for the return leg. No checking on either side. For the return, as others pointed out, vehicles heading to TN from Kerala at Walayar were diverted to the service lane where there was a make-shift tent (presumably for checking ePass etc) but no one stopped us.

I am making a quick trip to Coimbatore from Thrissur on 8th to pick up my daughter plus granddaughter, and back immediately. The thing is I have taken an e-pass for TN and Kerala, but should all of us, viz self, wife and daughter/GD etc, do an RT-PCR. Can someone advise me on this, as I am really confused, as all reports indicate nothing is really happening on the border and moreover the elections will also be over by then.
Thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by sparky@home (Post 5037340)
I am making a quick trip to Coimbatore from Thrissur on 8th to pick up my daughter plus granddaughter, and back immediately. The thing is I have taken an e-pass for TN and Kerala, but should all of us, viz self, wife and daughter/GD etc, do an RT-PCR. Can someone advise me on this, as I am really confused, as all reports indicate nothing is really happening on the border and moreover the elections will also be over by then.
Thanks in advance.

I dont think so, TN only has an ePass requirement for travel from Kerala. and Coimbatore surely doesnt have any RT PCR requirements. You may have seen, I just did a CBE - Guruvayur - CBE trip and we werent even asked for ePass

How is the Bangalore - Salem - Dindigul - Kumily - Kottayam road condition now ? Has anyone travelled recently on that stretch ?

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