Team-BHP - The Best Roads In India

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Here's some info on the NHs in Karnataka.


the mumbai - pune expressway and the palm beach road .
u can try the car to the limit on the expressway . thats the place u can feel the speed .


just went to lonavala yesterday....and the one thing that disturbed me on the expressway was......

QUALITY AND POT HOLES on the xpressway from the toll booth to lonavala ......

i mean the road surface has gone baaad with a vengeance especially on the curves.....and it takes the fun out of driving there...

anyone noticed that ??


amazing pics rehaan & the last one is totally mind blowing

I know this thread is rather old but just beats me to see that none of you bombay boys have mentioned the mother of all roads!
Marine Lines... The drive back home in the wee hours of the morning from a club ..with the queens necklace light up is just sends a chill down my spine. That is one of the things i look forward to most when i am returning from a disc to zoom down marine lines with my sun roof down and the wind in my hair
Worli Sea face would be my next pic... I find city roads much more exciting than highways ... but the mumbai poona expressway is top notch when it comes to speed and safety.


Originally Posted by [b
Quote[/b] ]Marine Lines... The drive back home in the wee hours of the morning from a club ..with the queens necklace light up is just sends a chill down my spine.

You mean marine drive? Lines is parallel to it.


Ya drive i mean...u get the point..sound the same to me

Whoa!! Guess what. I found a website havin lotsa pics of the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. Check it out : Expressway Pics

Anybody remembers this car??


Originally Posted by [b
Quote[/b] ]Ya drive i mean...u get the point..sound the same to me

I do. But people from out of Bombay wouldnt.


Hey Sahil,

Good point about Marine Drive there.... theres definitely something special about it for anyone from bombay!....and ofcourse worli sea face....
However when Marine drive is also incredibly dangerous. Just 3 weeks back i was walking to my car opposite the intercontinental and the roads were wet, and a black NHC took a u-turn without really looking and a white esteem tourist taxi smacked right into the back of it... the NHC spun around twice and ended up near the footpath.
Both cars were totalled...the boot on the NHC got shaped like a spoilter and was at roof level!
The esteem was smashed in the front facing the other way on the road...and about 2mins later an astra comes speeding by and is unable to brake in time and whacks the side of it.....

Gotta be careful on wet roads!! (and not to mention look when taking u turns! )

Cool pics V12, funny that some1 else took the pic of the same car as u did!
Also,,,if you want some more cool expressway footage check out the TBHP Mahableshwar video!!


Marine Drive is among the most beautiful roads I've seen, but, our people have also made it rather dangerous. A couple of years ago I was cruising along in my Amby. I had to overtake a slower car, so, I shifted to the extreme right lane and was horrified by what I saw. 7 guys were walking abreast in that very lane! Shocked, I slammed on the brakes. Luckily, there was no car behind me. I was left wondering whether these idiots were high on dope or what?

Most of the cars in these pics are driven without a lane sense... No matter how big roads u build... these guys will all ways create congestion. They will always make u slam the brakes hard even on such a empty streatch.

Yeah rehaan i agree abt the safety party...belive me thats the first aspect i look at specially on marine lines coz you guys might remember in 2002 there was a bad crash near chowpatty in a red ikon and the girl died, well unfortuntly the guy driving the car is a very close frnd of mine... well the only good luck i had was that i was in goa during that time and i had spoken to him on the phone 5 mins before the accident and if i was in bombay i would have been on the front passenger seat for sure and that still freaks me out. Dont let speed takeover your mind that what my frnd did and he repents it till today everyone thinks he was drunk but he has never touched booze in his life. Speed does kill so be safe.


Originally Posted by [b
Quote[/b] (Sahil @ Sep. 24 2004,22:10)]Speed does kill so be safe.

Couldnt agree with you more...


Originally Posted by [b
Quote[/b] ]marine lines

Dude...once again, marine lines is the inside road that runs near the train lines..therefore =marine lines.
This being marine drive


Hahaha i am sorry man bound by habbit. sorry i mean DRIVE :P

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