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Old 10th August 2012, 14:36   #91
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by Zenster99 View Post
All over the world expressways are meant to be just that - EXPRESS-ways, and imposing a lower speed limit negates the entire purpose of the road.
Most expressways all over world have hard speed limits except for stretches of Autobahn. Typically they have minimum and maximum speed ranges and certain slow moving vehicles are banned. Believe it or not speed limit actually helps in smoothing the traffic flow. It does not hurt to raise the limit to 120 kmph but I prefer a strictly enforced speed limit on express ways.
OT : I guess it is not really TBHP spirit but I never found thrill in driving fast on a straight road. You press the accelerator and the car goes fast, where is the driver's skill ? On the other hand, let me drive a nice handling car on a curvy road, I am in heaven.

Originally Posted by Zenster99 View Post
(I think the official limit on most US highways is 80 miles/hr)
No, the official speed limit is somewhere between 55-75 mph depending on where you are. Only a small stretch in rural Texas and Utah have 80 mph speed limit. 65 mph is probably the most common speed limit. Though people drive at 80-85 mph quite regularly but if you get caught the speeding ticket will be huge for 20 mph transgression.

Last edited by acurafan : 10th August 2012 at 14:42.
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Old 10th August 2012, 14:59   #92
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by acurafan View Post
Most expressways all over world have hard speed limits except for stretches of Autobahn. Typically they have minimum and maximum speed ranges and certain slow moving vehicles are banned. Believe it or not speed limit actually helps in smoothing the traffic flow. It does not hurt to raise the limit to 120 kmph but I prefer a strictly enforced speed limit on express ways.
Agree, provided the traffic laws are followed to the letter as they are in most advanced nations. What I meant was that there should be a realistic lower limit - not ridiculously low as on some of our roads!

OT : I guess it is not really TBHP spirit but I never found thrill in driving fast on a straight road. You press the accelerator and the car goes fast, where is the driver's skill ? On the other hand, let me drive a nice handling car on a curvy road, I am in heaven.
I agree that driving skills aren't really tested on an open straight road - tougher driving conditions are the true test of a driver's skill and mettle. But I personally still love SPEED - no matter what kind of a road it is - as long as it's SAFE to speed!

No, the official speed limit is somewhere between 55-75 mph depending on where you are. Only a small stretch in rural Texas and Utah have 80 mph speed limit. 65 mph is probably the most common speed limit. Though people drive at 80-85 mph quite regularly but if you get caught the speeding ticket will be huge for 20 mph transgression.
Your right - I just looked up wikipedia after making my last post - and yes, the average official speed limit is what you say it is. MY own average speed was always about 90km/hr or so - luckily I've never been pulled over for speeding! Though I must say US roads are so well maintained (at least the ones I drove on many years ago) that maintaining that sort of speed isn't risky at all. . .
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Old 10th August 2012, 20:54   #93
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by Zenster99 View Post
What you did might be technically illegal, but the road conditions on the Expressway, at least as of now are really what ALL our highways/expressways should aspire to! 160km/hr might sound high by Indian standards, but it's actually just 100 miles/hr - a bit above the 90miles/hr or so average speed one can very easily maintain on most US highways (I think the official limit on most US highways is 80 miles/hr) - and it's high time the highways in India are upgraded to that level as well.
Speed limit in foreign countries is 100 miles/hr and on Taj Speedway it 100 km/hr . Infact while going to Agra my friend tried it for 5 minutes and those 5 minutes were boring as hell, though 100 is quite a good speed but on that road
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Old 10th August 2012, 21:57   #94
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by 0-100 View Post
Speed limit in foreign countries is 100 miles/hr and on Taj Speedway it 100 km/hr . Infact while going to Agra my friend tried it for 5 minutes and those 5 minutes were boring as hell, though 100 is quite a good speed but on that road
Methinks 100km/hr should be a BARE MINIMUM on that road.
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Old 10th August 2012, 22:02   #95
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by rishi_kapoor View Post
Guys, I am officially the first BHPian to go to Agra using this expressway. More pics when I am back.

Attachment 967614

Attachment 967615
We too were heading to Mathura around same time.
Enjoyed the drive and was missing my vRS.

Some pics and observation

Almost all vehicles were travelling 120+. Saw cars zipping 150+ also.
Bikers are allowed.
Lots of stray dogs on the road. Barely missed on 2 occasions.
Restaurants & Restrooms at after crossing every toll. No of them were functional. Even there was no water in Restrooms.

Cemented road. Saw 2 breakdowns due to tyre burst.
The Yamuna Expressway!-img_7566.jpg

How safe this highway will be only time will tell !!
The Yamuna Expressway!-img_7533.jpg

About speed camera
IMO this is more till first toll. After that its just only near the next toll gates.

Look for these mast.
The Yamuna Expressway!-img_7575.jpg

Some snaps of YE way
The Yamuna Expressway!-img_7530.jpg

The Yamuna Expressway!-201208101951.jpg

The Yamuna Expressway!-20120810198.jpg

The Yamuna Expressway!-20120810201.jpg

The Yamuna Expressway!-20120810_092440.jpg

Last edited by v&v : 10th August 2012 at 22:28.
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Old 10th August 2012, 22:16   #96
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by 0-100 View Post
Speed limit in foreign countries is 100 miles/hr and on Taj Speedway it 100 km/hr .
I am not sure which foreign country has 100 miles/hr. AFAIK US and Canada doesnt have this limit on any of their expressways.

Sources: personal experience and below
Speed limits in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Speed limits in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Speed limits by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Old 10th August 2012, 22:22   #97
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Rs.320 for a 165km ride, no matter what road is very very ridiculous. Even then, there will be stray cows/dogs or some morons driving on the wrong side. Is this area totally fenced in with electrical fences ?
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Old 11th August 2012, 00:07   #98
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by esteem_lover View Post
Rs.320 for a 165km ride, no matter what road is very very ridiculous. Even then, there will be stray cows/dogs or some morons driving on the wrong side. Is this area totally fenced in with electrical fences ?
The road is average and I honestly prefer the Bangalore NICE Road.

320 is by all means expensive. This also has increased the private taxi fare by 1000/-, even though the return toll is only 640(Max).

350 is justified for 150 kmph speed limit(for those whose cars can go). IF a maruti meets with an accident at 100kmph it is their fate. It is the responsibility of the driver to know the limits of his vehicle. Secondly and Most important, Strict enforcement and penalization of flouting traffic rules, irrespective of whether it is an outside state vehicle or the local village's vehicle.

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Old 11th August 2012, 00:24   #99
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
Strict enforcement and penalization of flouting traffic rules, ...of...the local village's vehicle.
Couldn't help smiling at this expectation. Here are a bunch of irate villagers who feel shortchanged because Jaypee seemingly acquired their land at lower-than-market prices to build all this, and this is right in the heartland of western UP. Cops here run scared of irate villagers, and wouldn't risk being lynched for trying to penalize a local tractor or jugaad that wanted a joyride on the e-way.

Time will tell how strong the e-way barriers are, versus the villagers' combined strength and resources.
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Old 11th August 2012, 00:34   #100
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Me and fellow BHPian samarth.bhatia are planning to hit the expressway on sunday. We're planning to leave sunday morning and back by evening.

I am 100% confirmed, whereas samarth is 80% sure of making it and will confirm by tomorrow noon.

Anyone interested here, Please join us ?

BTW toll rates are just too much, Thanks god it's free till 15th august. We'll save fraction of our expense just because of that :P


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Old 11th August 2012, 00:34   #101
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
Couldn't help smiling at this expectation. Here are a bunch of irate villagers who feel shortchanged because Jaypee seemingly acquired their land at lower-than-market prices to build all this, and this is right in the heartland of western UP. Cops here run scared of irate villagers, and wouldn't risk being lynched for trying to penalize a local tractor or jugaad that wanted a joyride on the e-way.

Time will tell how strong the e-way barriers are, versus the villagers' combined strength and resources.
I Agree - In that case the 320/- toll amount is not justified for some layers of concrete and couple of sign boards.

In the end, Its we who have to suffer.

- Is there an alternative to the expressway?
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Old 11th August 2012, 00:39   #102
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
I Agree - In that case the 320/- toll amount is not justified for some layers of concrete and couple of sign boards.

In the end, Its we who have to suffer.

- Is there an alternative to the expressway?
There is an alternate route, which goes via faridabad-palwal-mathura-agra, Around 210 kms.

On an average, It will take you around 5 hours to reach Agra from Delhi, Whereas, Through yamuna e-way, It'll take around 2 - 2.5 hours.

So, choice is yours, Either save money or time


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Old 11th August 2012, 01:04   #103
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So this thread is trending hot for the last few days.

I drove on Ahmedabad Vadodra NE1 way back in 2005 and if I remember correctly, it had CowCatcher type ramps on the entrance and had small wiremeshing all along to ensure not even rabbits could get in.

Now in stark contrast to that the YE has plain barbed wire fencing thru which animals can easily get in. I had posted pics of some dogs post my drive on it. I had even seen a Jackal crossing the road. These can be very dangerous.

Another thing which I dread is vehicles jumping the central verge and head on collisions. This is from the fact that on the noida-greater noida stretch, one sees so many cars crashed/hanging within the barbed wires on the central verge.
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Old 11th August 2012, 01:08   #104
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
The road is average and I honestly prefer the Bangalore NICE Road.
This post has me You prefer bangalore Nice road to what? To the Delhi-Agra expressway? How is that possible? Both roads are on different parts of the world.

Nice road is good, but for all the hype last time I checked, it is just an outer ring road of a city.
How can you compare it with an expressway that links two different cities 160 Kms apart? The other alternative to the expressway being a 200 Km long National highway that easily eats up 4-5 Hrs of your driving time, not to talk about the jams enroute.

Frankly speaking I dont see any point in comparing a 40 odd Km intracity road with a Highway that connects two different cites.

Taj expressway is a very good tool to drastically reduce driving times between Delhi and Agra, more so since the route is a very popular part of the tourist circuit. Provided it is manitained as an expressway is supposed to be maintained, it would lead to making a day trip to Agra a very comfortable affair. I for one would not mind paying up 640 Rs for an Agra trip, if it ensures me a stress free 4 hrs to and fro drive.
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Old 11th August 2012, 01:12   #105
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re: The Yamuna Expressway!

Originally Posted by vibbs View Post
How can you compare it
I for one would not mind paying up 640 Rs for an Agra trip, if it ensures me a stress free 4 hrs to and fro drive.
I just compared the partial policing in NICE road to nil policing in this expressway.

I agree - i too would not mind paying 640, but it is definitely high by any standards.
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