This happened on the ring road in bangalore.
My friend and I were returning from Bangalore DRAG!! We were on his bullet. So after all the josh of the drag we were doing nice speeds and i started loving the thump. After a while we had this small conversation which went like this.
Me: Anand can i ride plzzzzzzz!
He: Hmm ok on the ring road.
At hebbal flyover we stopped and I took over.
He: Dude this is a bullet and not lambus pulsar so listen. Go slow and
remember one thing Brake left and Gears on the right. Got it.
Me: Hmmm Brake left gear right Brake left gear right Brake left gear right
So i started the bike and loved that it started on the first kick. Started riding(Well guys dont start thrashing me but those were college days and somehow my friend who was the pillion was wearing the helmet and i was with the wing in my hair kinda feel)
After a km i get the feel of biking in glory and start remembering the days watching American Chopper and Biker buildoff. Attained a speed of 80 kmh and started loving it. Suddenly i spot this huge BMTC bus taking a bloody U turn on the ring road. It was Blocking 2 lanes and on the third there was this Bloody Tata Sumo standing to pick up passengers.
Snapped my self from my dream as my friend shouted slowly
Chiria Brake.
No effect as i have forgotten the Brake Left Gear right rule and have held on to the clutch and my right leg is stamping the gear as it already in the fourth there is no use.
The bus is appearing closer
500 mts
300 mts
My bike is moving at 80 and as i am holding the clutch(God alone knows why) Its so in neutral

200 mts( I start thinking on what the F i got to do)
100 mts
I then spot that there is a gap between the Sumo WHich was on the left and the Footpath. I know the space is less but What the hell its better than a head on. So basically bent the bike over till i just managed to enter the space the sumo has left and the manage tilting the bike back so that The tires just hold on and its actually on the bend from the foot path to the road. Manage to whish past the Sumo and the Godammed bus.
Me(Thinking to myself) God i am safe phoof. My face is fine. Thanks no damage to me or my friend or his bike.
We then slowly make our way ahead and my friend is shocked. I then come to my senses and slow down. Change the gears and stopped on the footpath.
Look at Anand and he goes like
He: What the F you have done da....
ME: Macha sorry but god alone knows what happened.
He: Ok da S(@* happens. Good that you didnt crash.
Me: Sorry da but please you ride am done with bullet.
All this happened in a fraction and i still shiver remembering the stuff which happened that day. I have not ridden any bullet after that though i Love this bike. Maybe one day and that time with the bloody Helmet and if possible body armors like a knight.