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Old 18th April 2019, 18:39   #286
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

Ive had a few close calls with vehicles merging onto the highway. This one was particularly unnerving.

I had just come into the left lane and was driving when I noticed the car starting to pull out of a gas station. Part of the view was blocked by a parked truck and I started slowing down and was horrified to find the car speeding and joining the highway! Thankfully, I had already checked and seen that the right lane was clear with nothing behind me and swerved onto the lane. The car driver was totally oblivious to everything including my honk.

If there was another vehicle on the right lane I probably would have slowed down a lot more in anticipation, but I don't want to test that hypothesis!!

This was more annoying than a near-miss. The car driver was on his mobile and didn't really look to see who was coming on the highway - it was at quite a slow speed. I was more annoyed about his distracted mobile driving and honked to show my displeasure and make him more alert. It didn't work....

Last edited by suhaas307 : 22nd April 2019 at 14:11. Reason: Spacing and formatting
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Old 21st April 2019, 02:53   #287
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

This happened to me on last Sunday here in Irving, TX. I finished my groceries shopping in nearby Indian store and I was reversing my car from the parking slowly. I was looking at side mirrors, center mirror and reverse camera as well simultaneously to ensure that my path is completely clear. I suddenly saw a guy running and he took his toddler who was very close to my car.

This guy loaded the groceries in his car and went to leave the shopping cart in its place, leaving the baby with his wife. It seems the baby started running towards his dad in minute or so and got caught in my blind spot. I realized that my alertness and patience saved me that day from an accident. Otherwise it would have made me feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Lessons Learnt : When you are in a crowded parking lot, always slow down to crawling speed and be alert of your surroundings especially while reversing.
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Old 22nd April 2019, 13:52   #288
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

This happened a few years ago in Pune. I was waiting at a signal and I was on the left lane. Just as the signal turned green, I released the handbrake and just about tapped on the accelerator when out of the corner of my eye I saw some movement on the left side of the car.

A genius pedestrian (young college going or maybe employed guy) decided at that precise moment to make a dash for the other side. I stepped on the brakes and he took a huge leap. These two actions saved him from being stuck by an accelerating car. I am usually careful regarding pedestrians making on the spot decisions but this one took me by total surprise.
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Old 28th April 2019, 09:57   #289
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

This happened in first week of April while driving from Chennai - Bangalore. Incident happened just before reaching Krishnagiri.

There was group of random cars, all doing around ~ 110 KMPH, so I decided to speed up and get ahead of the group so as to drive peacefully. In doing so, I cross ~ 130 KMPH, a mistake from my end.

I notice this truck in middle lane of a 6 lane highway. As usual, I did a short honk and started overtaking the truck, suddenly he decide to change lane. I push down horn pad and slam on brakes.

Mid way through the maneuver, I had made up my mind that I am going to hit the truck anyway, since the distance is less. Also, I kept telling myself that no matter what, hold the straight line since the damage will be only to bumper and not allow vehicle to hit the divider.

Thankfully, midway though, the truck driver get back into his lane. I could see his face in trucks rear view mirror and he was not on phone. So I guess he was sleepy or dozed off in between.

Most intresting thing, after this when I am overtaking the truck, the trucker shouts at me saying he had put indicators on and I haven't noticed it (I clearly recollect him switching on indicator after he goes back to his lane). So tell him that I have video of the same and he can view it, then he agrees that he didn't switch it on.

Inspite of this, car brushed against the underrun bars of the truck. Had a small scratch, though it could have been worse. While the trucker did a stupid lane change, on my end I should have got back to safer speed soon after overtaking.

Your near-miss experiences on the road-img_20190401_183121.jpg

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Old 30th April 2019, 23:50   #290
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
This happened in first week of April while driving from Chennai - Bangalore. Incident happened just before reaching Krishnagiri.

Most intresting thing, after this when I am overtaking the truck, the trucker shouts at me saying he had put indicators on and I haven't noticed it (I clearly recollect him switching on indicator after he goes back to his lane). So tell him that I have video of the same and he can view it, then he agrees that he didn't switch it on.
He definitely switched on the indicator only after the incident! Truckers tend to 'drift' between lanes without looking at all. They drive like this even when awake; more so when they get drowsy or are distracted on the phone.
I had a similar incident recently which was much less dangerous than yours as I noticed the 'drift' earlier and a honk pushed the driver back to his lane.
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Old 1st May 2019, 00:02   #291
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

Yesterday a college student decided to not cross the road and in fact indicated to me to pass through. But then she got a call and she put the phone on her ear and crossed without looking! Must be a truth or dare game! Opened the window and cursed her, but she was engrossed in the phone. Wife got off and gave her a piece of her mind!
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Old 1st May 2019, 08:57   #292
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
I notice this truck in middle lane of a 6 lane highway. As usual, I did a short honk and started overtaking the truck, suddenly he decide to change lane. I push down horn pad and slam on brakes.
That was really really close! At 0:06s, the truck has already started intruding into your lane, and you still had ~2 seconds to slow down, but did not.

Last edited by GTO : 1st May 2019 at 18:43. Reason: Trimming quote :)
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Old 26th May 2019, 08:01   #293
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

I had a couple of near misses yesterday evening on my way back from Patna. The main NH was blocked by villagers for over 3 hours due to some mishap, so I had to take a detour. There's another experience of that road that I took. Anyway, once I had hit the SH after crossing through village roads, I came across these.

A huge stone was put in middle of the road. This State Highway is very narrow as you can see and the surface is riddled with potholes. So my speed was slow.

This was a 3 wheeler without any functional lights and he was driving very erratically and dangerously. He nearly hit the biker in front of me and could have hit me also.
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Old 26th May 2019, 20:08   #294
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

See how that biker is tailgating. Immediately behind is not the position from which to being an overtake, especially when the vehicle in front is opaque. And more especially when the road is narrow.

Such people would probably wander across a firing range, feeling that they are immune to bullets
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Old 27th May 2019, 11:26   #295
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

I too had a near miss on the approach road of my apartment complex, which is a divided road.

A small girl was sitting on petrol tank of splendor bike and the father who was riding the bike was having his head tilt to his left side speaking over the phone and approaching the road from a small by-lane from left. He did not even care to look or stop to see whats coming. He simply crossed the road to the opposite by-lane and I had to hard brake. He did not even realize that he just missed a hit from a car and carried on like how we take a casual stroll in the park. How can people drive like that when you have a small kid? If something happens, the big vehicle is to be blamed.

We all discuss about how people ride bikes/scooters carelessly and are simply fortunate to live another day without any injury but they give a damn to learn how to drive on roads. Due to the fear of these irresponsible drivers, I have stopped using my bike or car when I have to go out alone and its very peaceful to use buses or go by walk. I only drive the car if I have to take my wife and daughter out.
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Old 2nd June 2019, 15:50   #296
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

At around the 7 second mark in this video, you can see the WagonR swerve left suddenly - the driver probably did not realise the swift was coming into the same lane. There was a car and an auto in the left lane, but thankfully there was enough space to manuever and go through. Blind spot and lack of anticipation is what probably caused this close call. It doesn't seem very close on reviewing the video, but looks like the Wagon-R driver was a little surprised and almost over-reacted/oversteered - any comments?
On a side-note, you can see that there are probably unbelted children in the back seat

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Old 6th June 2019, 23:18   #297
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

A self-drive rental almost sideswiped me today.

I was heading to my hometown with my family from Mumbai today, when I stopped at a red light right before the creek bridge. Mumbai BHPians would know that this signal is at the end of a long straight, where cars tend to do 80-90 kmph. I gradually came to a halt with half a car length behind the car in front. This has become a habit of mine after a past tailgating experience.
As I was waiting for the light to change, I heard tyres screeching and instinctively looked in the ORVM, just in time to spot a TUV300 skidding down towards my car. Again on instinct, I moved car ahead and to the left lane (fortunately I had enough space there).
As fate would have it, the skidding car came to a halt right at the spot I vacated a moment ago.

Now, I do not blame the TUV driver 100%. Because
1. I know self drive rentals are not maintained properly. I have had a similar experience in a Scorpio in 2016, when the car lost purchase on all 4 and went into a skid. Fortunately I could arrest the skid in time.
2. I believe the concrete roads do not help the cause either.

I am not saying that the driver was not at fault. 70% driver and 20% rental company and 10% road I believe.
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Old 7th June 2019, 18:20   #298
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Not an Accident, But, I had a close call last night between Kaveripattinam & Krishnagiri (Bangalore-Salem Road). No ABS caused the lock up...

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Old 10th June 2019, 15:16   #299
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

Recent post shows numerous cases of trucks changing lane while someone overtaking them in highways. I had my own share last weekend.

It was broad day light, around 11 AM. I am driving on Pune - Ahmednagar highway. There was a truck on the left lane doing extra slow speed, so I honked and then tried to overtake it on right lane. At half mark, he decided to come to right lane .

Slammed the brake hard and rather to avoid going under the truck, decided to go to the extreme edge of the divider. Thankfully the blast of horn put the truck back to its lane, but not before getting my tires scratched against divider. Thankfully, there were no damage to alloys or car body.
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Old 10th June 2019, 17:17   #300
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Re: Your near-miss experiences on the road

Adding 2 from my yesterday's drive, please do tell me if I'm at fault.

This 2 wheeler fellow just crossed from left side to right without any indicator. Towards end, the pillion rider starts hand signalling. Somehow there was anticipation that they'll go to some side, which one I wasn't sure.

Jumping in front without any signal.

With so many incidents happening all around, I guess that a DashCam is a MUST in India.

Last edited by BoneCollector : 10th June 2019 at 17:31.
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